Page tour . THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Friday, February 23, 1934. The Noore County Hospital Pertinent Facts From The Hospital Records For The Year 1933 Two thousand six hundred and six teen (2,616) persons received medical or surgical care at the Moore County Hos pital. Nine hundred and twenty eight (928) persons were admitted as In-patients and I'emained in the Hospital an average of eleven and nine-tenths (11.9) days. The total of eleven thousand and nine ty four (11,094) patient days gave the Hospital an average daily house count of thirty and four tenths (30.4) patients, or about ninety per cent (90%) of its total capacity. Normal hospital capacity in this coun try is considered as not over seventy per cent ^10%) of the bed capacity. On this basis the Moore County Hospital has av eraged over one hundred and twenty five per cent {125% ) of normal hospital capac ity, and on many occasions ran over one hundred and fifty per cent (150'^t ). The tradition of the institution of never refusing admission to any person in real need of Hospital care has been car ried on through the year. All of this service has consequently meant a very heavy charity burden totall ing seven thousand two hundred and sev- ety nine (7,279) days of free care. This is an average of twenty (20) charity patients for each day of the year. Sixty per cent {&)%) of such charity patients were white, and forty per cent (40^f) were ne groes. Fifty five per cent (55%) of all white patients admitted were classified as char ity cases; ninety four and one-balf per cent (94Vo%) of the colored patients re ceived free care. Earnest effoi-t is at all times made to eliminate from the charity list any pa tients able to pay their own bills. The Need for 1934 Based upon past experience and a careful estimate of the 1934 budget of in come and expenses, it will be necessary to secure sixteen thousad and five hundred dollars ($16,500.00) from general contri butions in order to continue the s^me standard of sei*vice and end theyeai’ with out a deficit. E>o Your F^art F'or THe I-I6spital (This Page Donated by The Pilot)