\ Pace 4 THE PILOT. Soathern Pines umI Aberdeen. Nortli CarolfM Friday, April 8, 1934. i 1 ( F c t t t n ft! U hi P» c< cc ca pi er Club Hears of Plans For Rehabilitation Mrs. R. P. Davidson and State Director of PuWic Relations Address Kiwanians Rehabilitation in North Carolina was the subject of two talks before j th* Kiwanis Club at its weekly meet- , ing held Wednesday in the Commun ity Church in Pinehurst. Mrs. Rich ard P. Davidson discussed the sub ject as it applied to the rising gener- ’ ation in Moore county, telling of the extensive soup kitchen program in the schools of the county, and John H. Sikes of Edenton. Director of Pub lic Relations of the Emergency Re lief Organization in the state, told of plana for rural rehabilitation, the taking care of tenant farmers who, as the result of cotton and tobacco re duction programs, find themselves without work or land to cultivate. Mrs. Davidson told of the start of the noon lunches in the schools by the various Parent-Teacher associa tions in the county and of the carry ing on of the work by herself and First Place for S. P. Dramatic Club’s PresentatiMi Is Given Unanimous Award In State Contest "The Game of Chess,” contest play of the Southern Pines School Dramatic Club, took first place in the final contest in play produc tion by city high schools at the annual dramatic contest in Chap el Hill last week., The locals were given the unan imous decision of the five judges, the only unanimous decision o? the entire contest. President Frank T. Graham of U. N. C. presented the plaque to the school. This honor to Southern Pines came in the locals’ second year of competition in this contest. Last year the Pine Maskers were de feated by Lenoir in the finals. Thf play was under the direc tion of Miss Sara Falkener and those in the cast were Tom Car lisle, Lawrence Williams, Morrell Bentley and E. J. Austin. The Week in Vass A very successful aeries of revival services in the Vass Methodist church came to a close with the Sunday evening service. The attendance throughout the week was good and a fine spirit of cooperation was in evi dence. The visiting minister, the Rev. E. C. Crawford of the Roberdel cir cuit, brought strong Scriptural mes sages and by his earnestness and sin cerity made a deep impression on bis hearers. Quite a number of boys and girls from the junior and Intermed iate departments of the Sunday School gave their names for church member ship and there were many re-conse- crations. j Special music by the young people I at several of the services was en- i joyed. I Fire which is thought to have start- day in a Durham hospital following a brief illness of meningitis. Mr. and Mrs.tl. F. Edge and chil dren of Aberdeen visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Nash in the Cranes Creek section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaddy and fam ily spent Sunday with relatives in Durham. Mrs. T. F. Matthews and Miss Elolse Brooks of Lemon Springs vis ited Mrs. G. W. Brooks and Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thompson Ned Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson of Aberdeen Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keith and son of Red Springs, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Atkinson and son of Southern Pines and Mrs. R. E. Pat terson of Manley were among the vls- S. p. High School Ball Players Lose Twice start Season With Defeats at Hands of Farm Life School and Cameron seven frames, so four extra were nec* essary to reach a decision. Russell Powell pitched well for the losers, but received little support iu the field. He tired in the tenth and Cameron reached him for five solid blows that netted six runs when ad ded to a pass and a couple of errors. Johnny Hewitt and Edd Newton fea tured the hitting for the locals. On Tuesday afternoon the Lauria- burg team will be tackled on the local field. ed from a spark on the roof did con- j jtors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. siderable damage to the two-story , h. Keith Sunday. Mr. Keith, who has frame buUding on Sunrise Heights,! jjgen quite ill, is steadily improving, just to the rear of the manse, on Fri- j Mr. and Mrs. A. Eeschelmann and day afternoon of last week. The build- . Mrs. Rosa Lee Tyndal of Southern ing is owned by a Winston-Salem, pines spent Wednesday in town vis- man. Jim McNeill and family who | jting friends. They were dinner guests have occupied the house for a,month j of Mr. and Mrs. Will Klingenschmidt. or two, saved most of their belong-' Mrs. G. W. Griffin spent a part On Wednesday afternoon the base ball team of Southern Pines High School journeyed to Farm Life Acad., emy and absorbed a 5-2 licking, being held to two hits by E. Fry of the' academy outfit. Last Friday Southern Pines was Dressed fowl every Saturday morn- defeated by Cameron in its opening j Ing at the Southern Pines Curb Mat - game played on the local diamond. ! ket. The final score was 14-10 in ten in- ! — nings. The contest was scheduled at pilot Advertising Pays. others in cooperation with them. As ReVUC’’ Biff the result of funds raised last year •ic* ^ diet kitchens have been installed in Financial SUCCCSS ! ings. They are now located in a house , of last week in Hamlet visiting in 22 schools of the county, stoves, fuel' ! o'' the farm of D. A. Cameron near ^ the home of her son. Richard Griffin., and equipment being provided. Since Affair at Country Club Yesterday town. . Richard Griffin, Jr.. returned home . then the health of children in these Netted $450 for the Work ^ The sophomore class of the Vass- with her to spend some time. | schools has so markedly improved that i Hospital Auxiliary | Lakeview high school recently hon- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Matthews and pupils have gained from eight to 21' entertaining them , Duncan, Jr., visited in Sanford and | in attpndance ^*ct now that ^ wiener roast and party near the Jonesboro Sunday afternoon. hL -reatlv fncreased the children I Pinehurst Chapter of the ^ ^ delightful evening was spent. Miss Elizabeth Cobb spent has p^reatly mcreasea, me cniiaren Auxiliary puts on an enter. are taking an interest in what they t^inment of any kind it is a big sue-, eat, are bringing the right kind of last I The Vass Woman’s Club will meet; week-end in Chapel Hill visiting Miss' I on this Friday evening at 7:45 at the I Laura Thomas, a member of the Un-1 FERTILIZER I All kinds for field crops | Also all Fertilizer materials, H 5 Nitrate of Soda and | Cotton Seed Meal h se:e:ds Wood’s Garden and Field Seed in bulk BDRNEY HARDWARE CO. food to school, are learning some- cess financially. “The Cahlina with Mrs. iversity faculty. thino' ohnnt thp nn.nirfttion of nroD Tuesday evenmg netted $450, ^ ^ Tyson Mrs. A. M. Miss Evelyn Stewart and Glenn an^areSSr in mind as ’ ! Cameron and Mrs. R. G. Rosser as Buchanan of Broadway visited Miss! er food, and are healthier in mind as amended the revue that was' well as body as evidenced by improv- . .. the Pinehurst ^ . •> given on me terrace or me tnnenursi, Triam McFarland of ed scholarship. Country Club, and witnessed one of , Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ros- Rural Rehabilitation (jig most novel and enjoyable events ' : ser and children and John Carl Ros ser of Broadway visited Dr. and Mrs j R. G. Rosser Sunday afternoon. Mr. Sikes told of the program now of the spring season, being prepared at Raleigh looking to- Caddies from the Club and other ward the caring for the tenant far- colored entertainers from the Sand-! ’ ^ j ^ McKay of Buie’s Creek mers, or rather the recently unten*, Jiills gave th? winter residents more j Thursday with her daughter, anted farmers. There are 10,000 of ‘ than an hour of song and dance, as . ^ ^ Cameron, these in eastern North Carolina alone, ' only southern “shines" can do proper- j he said; many in all counties of the ly. Colored servants from the corn- state. The job is to make self-sup- munity were allowed to attend with-1 porting and self-respecting citizens, out charge, of them. The tentative plan calls for Mrs. R. D. Braddy of Fayetteville Lois Buchanan Sunday afternoon. Mrs. D. B. Nash is visiting rela tives in Hamlet for a few days. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Lawrence and children and Mrs. N. N. McLean went to Raleigh Monday to meet Mrs. Law rence's mother, Mrs. Annie Crisp of Falkland who is the guest of the Lawrences for a few days. Miss Helen Jernigan of Dunn was the exchange of land by owners for labor by these farmers, the selling of blocks of farm land to them that they may work the land for their THIMAN FOULER WINS FESXn AL ARCHEKV .MEET In the Spring Tournament of the route came Saturday to spend a few a visitor in town Sunday, days with her sisters, Misses Sallie Mrs. Emma Laubscher Mi.sses An- and Bessie Cameron and Mrs. W. H. na and Emily Laubscher and Helen Keith. Mr. Braddy and Thompson Klingenschmidt and Will Klingen- Braddy came, also, and returned the schmidt were Carthage visitors Sat- same day, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Graham, Mrs. Southern Pines Archery Club held : w. D. Matthews, Mrs, C. J. Temple, own sustenance and apply whatever yesterday. Sports Day, in connection Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. C. L. Ty- margin they may reap from the soil with the Festival Truman S, Fowler i toward paying for the land over a of Bcx.'thbay Harbor, Maine won first , long period of years. prize in the American Round with a “To properly feed the people of score of 419, T, N, Barnsdall of Brad- the United States 67 per cent more ford, Penn., was a rinse runner-up I land is needed in agriculture, so the with a score of 417. Other scores were ! job is one not only of rehabilitating a 320 by Dr. L, M, Daniels of South-: these unfortunate farmers but one of ern Pines, a 281 by S. C. Haber of i distribution of their products, for the Bradford, Pa., and 264 by Hiram Mc- benefit of all,” Mr. Sikes said. Innis. A Great Light IN A LETTER to Talbot Johnson Lauchlin A. Bethune, of Clinton, one of the famed family that was large ly instrumental in founding this community, writes: “I have read and re-read Butler’s Old Bethesda, and it is a wonderful book, the best and most enduring commentary the Sandhills ever had or may have. It has turned a great light on a regrion and people that until recent years were almost cut off from the rest of the world by their isolation. “My copy has been loaned out and passed from one to another ever since I read it, and is the subect of much favorable comment from all. It will be a last ing monument to your section of the country.” On sale at Hayes’ Book Store and the Highland Pines Inn in Southern Pines. At the Carolina and the Holly Inn in Pinehurst, and by Mrs. Bethune in Aberdeen. son went to Durham on Thursday of last -week to attend the funeral of urday afternoon. R. P. Beasley .spent Monday in Ral eigh. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis and children of Badin, Mrs. L. L, Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hodgins. Miss Vir- Edna Earl Cameron, ten-year-old ginia and W. P, Davis, all of Greens- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D, B. Cam- boro, were guests of Mro, Mattiu eron, who passed away on Wednes-, Davis last week-end. Cameron and Community | The forty-fifth annual meeting of j the absence of the president. Miss i the Woman's Auxiliary of the Fay-1 Mary Emma Thomas, Miss Rachael etteville Presbytery met at Carthage I Gilchrist presided. France is the study and Hemp, April 3. 4, with the pres- for the month, and Mesdames L. B. I ident, Mrs. D, H, Shaw of Laurel; McKeithen, M, D. Mclver, Georgie Hill presiding. The outstanding fea- i McFadyen and Loula Muse will be on I tures were "Bible study in Mark,” | the program. The next meeting will by Mrs, S, H, Askew of Georgia, "The : be Friday evening, April 13, at the ] Challange of Brazil," by Miss Lucy I Steel, Bible teacher at Peace Junior I College; “Practical EJvangelism," by ; C. M, Norfleet of Winston-Salem, ' and the message of Mrs, C, M. Nor- I fleet, Synodical President, It was ! gratifying to know that this Presby- j terial, though the untiring efforts of j Mrs, G. F. Avinger of Laurinburg, 1 had completed quota of $3,000 to j Mission Court. The amount contribut ed to all causes this year was $18,- 836.00, an increase of $970 over last year; amount per capita, $5.00. The Gibson Auxiliary reached 100 per home of Mrs. Loula Muse. Miss Alice Tally of Bonsai spent i Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.^ H. D. Tal ly- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tally and attrac tive little daughters, Betsey Jean and Maryland Tally of Buffalo, N. Y., are | spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. j H. D. Tally. They visited Mrs. Tally's parents in Indiana last week. Those from Cameron attending the , Presbyterial, were Mesdames J. D. McLean, W. M. Wooten, H. D. Tally, J. M. Guthrie, M. McL. McKeithen Georgie McFadyen, W. G. Parker, cent on the Standard of Excellence. J Misses Virginia Cameron, Amanda After the installation and consecra-1 McPherson, Rachael Gilchrist, and tion service by Mrs. S. H. Askew, and | Mrs. James McDonald, the benediction by the Rev. J. W. j Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry, Misses Crinkley of Hemp, the meeting ad-1 Margaret McLean, Effle, Margaret joumed, to meet next year with the | and Ada Gilchrist, Mary Hentz, Ella Lumberton Auxiliary. About 200 vis-1 Mary Yelverton and Bruce Tharring- itors and 100 delegates were pres- ton were shopping in Sanford Satur- ent. , day afternoon. Mrs. R. F. Lowry was charming ‘ Mrs. D. B. Teague and daughters, NERVES” NO PROBLEM WITH’ME! hostess to the members of the Merry-. Elizabeth and Emily of Sanford were | Makers Club and other guests, last! guests of Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Mc- jThursday evening at the home of Mrs. j Neill Thursday. Loula Muse. { Mrs. J. A. Blue, Mrs. Bonnie Blue I C. C. Jones organized a Workers’ I of Raeford and Mrs. John Blue ot! : Council in the Baptist Church last ■ Alabama were guests Thursday of j Sunday morning. Officers elected Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill. I were President, Miss Mary Hendricks; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Harrington oft I Vive-president, Prof. R. F. Lowry; j Aberdeen were guests Sunday after- | Secretary, Miss Margaret Thomas. ! noon of Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill, j I Communion Service will be held in presenting their little .•Jon, Lewis, Jr., \ the Presbyterian Church at the j for baptism, which rite was impres- | morning service the first 6th Sunday | sively performed by Mr. McNeill. j in next month, May 13. This will be j ! the beginning of a protracted serv- j J. C. FULJLER PASSES | ice each evening throughout the week. I J. Clifton Fuller, father of Leo C. I’VE HEARD THAT CAMELS USE FINER TOBACCOS, AND IT IS CERTAINLY TRUE THAT SINCE I STARTED SMOKING CAMELS I DON’T FEEL NERVOUS AND IRRITABU ANY MORE. The Rev. A. V. Gibson of Sanford Fuller of^inehurst, died in the home will be the preacher. Mr. Gibson is a of hia aon Monday night, April 9th, CAMEL'S costlier iqBACCOS YOU CAN SU0RI tUtM StiAflaY,,, t«€Y NfVSf? GET Q'W/rdft Ttrc C'iorda 8,000 16,000 93% 81% 82% 36% Supertwist Cord- a Good year patent — stretches, absorbs shocks, and comes back strong! Thoroughly rubberized to resist heat, it gives lasting blowout protection in every ply. Ask us to demonstrate! The super-soft tires the new 19M cars are wearing can be easily applied on most 1933 or 1932 cars. Ask for our special oner on the GOODYEAR AIRWHEEL. • Any Hood 'new tire is pretty safe from blowouts—but hew safe is it after thousands of miles ? ^ Think over^hose^ per centages above! Remember»the publicj^ findsJ[tha^Goodyears fctand up longest-i^hat’s'^why moreTpeople^ buyTGoodyears than^any^|0^w}|[wes^Si'nce GoodyiMn^cost^ootbto jextra» put*them''on~your car If Tb« Umoiu Cjt 0««4yMir PatMMer V —blowout • proiectM by 4 PULL RiES o( Supcrtwiat Cord Insu lated with bcfit-rMhl- in( rubber. M*o. the la blowout • protcctMl yet eoata aa Uttle aa GOOD/YEAR Price* auDjcct lochanite without noticc and to. any State aalea tas. WASHING POLISHING GREASING GAS, OILS and ACCESSORIES Expert Tire Service Nax Service Station ABERDEEN, N. C.