Friday, April 13, 1934. THE PILOT. Southern Pinp« and Aberdefin. North Carolina Page Seven ' University Y. M. C. A. ' Boys Here for Progrram To Make Talks and' Sinj; ,in Aberdeen, Pinehurst' and Southern Pines Schools Milam Forbears Played Big I munity we left some big oil wells are I coming in now. Our farm might have Part in Texas Development^^'''''' ^ I Texas is a romantic region. I Old Ben Milam a Leader in Rev- I olution Resulting in U. S. Expansion By Bkon H. Butler An old-timer around town occasion ally that I like to fall in with ia W. M. Milam, for he has a contact I with the days gone by, not particu- I larly here, but in the development of j A deputation team from the Uni. veraity of North Carolina which Is sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. of Chapel Hill will be in Aberdeen today under the auspices of the Aberdeen Hi-Y club. The team is composed of six mem bers selected from the Y. M. C. A. at i a big share of this country that is ’ Chapel Hill, and a business manager, interesting. I Fred Weaver, former member of the j The original Milam stock went j Aberdeen High School, Jack Poole is from Virginia to Kentucky about the , the leader of the team and is also a close of the Revolutionary war, and j speaker. Three speakers and a trio from there in 1816 Ben Rush Milam j of singers are on the team. jwith his brother Jefferson migrated The team arrived last night and to Texas when things were lively j attended the Hi-Y meeting in Aber- dow n that way. At that time Texas , tleen. Today they will spend their was a part of Mexico, which was ; time on a program in each. Tonight j struggling against the Spanish crown | they will have a public meeting in for a separate government, and Ben ■ Aberdeen. Tomorrow, Saturday they will give the State Sanatorium a pro- g»'flm, and that night there will be a social in honor of the team. Sunday the team will assist in a special church progi'am for the young peo ple. Milam joined the Meixican forces and was captured and for a year impris oned in Mexico city. He escaped and returned to Texas which was by that time at a farther .<»tage in its revo lution against the Spanish authori ties and he was made a colonel in Santa Anna’s Revolutionary army. But Milam was a restless and coura geous soldier, and in November, 1835, lie was active in organizing the j Will Blue, colored of Aberdeen, arose against the won’t have to worry about who is j authority of Santa Anna, of the Mex- | going to cook his meals and whether ' « conspicu- they will be ready just when he wants ! organizing the aspiring ^ them not for twelve long months j for Judge Humber fixed Will’s board- ing her on the head with a piece of Ucxican forces, and in De. ' ranging for meals for eight month.s | he led his troops , and then for four more. And it all : Farmers Must Hurry Application For Seed Loans Must Be in Washington by April 30th All farmers wishing to make ap plications for seed loans this year may do so by applying to the Emergency Crop Loan Office in the courthouse at Carthage, pro vided they are not eligible for a loan in the Production Credit As sociation, M. G. Dalrymple. man ager, announces. All applications must be in Washington by the 30th of April; therefore all farmers who are interested in placing applica tions should do »o at once in or der to avoid a rush at the end of the month, and to be sure of get ting their applications in. LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROUNA, MOORE COUNTY. IX THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS CIwVIM- ING ANY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AC TION. COUNTY TO COOK HIS ME.ALS FOR NEXT YEAR came about in this way. Will asked a colored woman, who had already re tired, to get up and cook him some supper. She wasn’t moving speedily enough to suit him so he showed her that he didn't mean mayb^ by strik ing her ont he head with a piece of stovewcwd. Then, when an officer interferred, he resisted arrest. ‘T tapped him lightly over the head with an axe, ’ testified W. F. Frye in court Monday, referring to his son. Rudolph. W. H. Frye and Nel- 1 lie Frye, white of Pinehurst. vvere ! charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. The case was heard, but the ^ judge withheld his verdict until next | Monday. | Herbert Dowd, colored, caught by Mr. Hinson, manager of Jones’ De partment Store in Carthage with a pair of trousers concealed under his coat, pleaded guilty to the larceny charge and was given* six month.s on the roads. Omega Barrett, arrested along with Dowd, was found not guilty. It Pays to Advertise in The Pilot. against the Mexicans at San Antonio. Clinton Scollard has made Ben Mi lam the hero of a brisk bit of poetry in connection with the capture of San Antonio; "Oh, who will follow old Ben Milam into San Antonio?” Such was the thrilling word we heard in the chili Decembei glow. With rifle crack and sabre hack we drove them back in the street; From house to house in the red ca rouse we hastened their fly ing feet; And ever that shout kept pealing out with the swift and sure death blow; has arisen as a part of the nation in the southwest. “It was four for one, and not gun for gun, but never a curse cared we. Three hundred fearless and faithful men who had sworn to make Texas tree, it was mighty odds, by all the gods, this brood of Mexique dam. But it was not much for heroes such as followed old Ben Milam.” For his services in the destruction of the Mexican army Jefferson Mi lam. who survived, was given a tract of land twenty miles square which was later made into Milam county, now a prosperous section of Texas, and settled with many members of the Milam family. His wife was a Miss McKinney, whose brother was a signer of the Texas declaration of independence. McKinney county was formed from land given to him. W, M. Milam has an old letter in which is narrated some of the events I The Town of Soutbern Pines, Plaintiff, ! Vs. , Robt-rt N. Hayes and wife, Sara K. i Hayes, Deifendants. j The above named defendants, and I all other persons claiming any inter- 1 est in the subject matter thereof, will I take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su- I perior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a certain tax ] sales certificate and lien for taxes I held by The Town of Southern Pines . for th" y?ar 1931 mentioned in the i Complaint against that certain lot ot j ; land, lying and being in McNeills | i Township. Moore County, Southern I Pines, North Carolina and more par-1 ticularly described as follows: | Being Lot No. 22 Healy Place in I , the Town of Southern Pines, Moore 1 County, N. C. j And all of whom will further take | I notice that they are required to ap- ■ j pear before the Clerk of the Super- i i ior Court at his office in the Court; : House in Carthage, Moore County, i ' and present and defend their respec- ' ; tive claims within six months from \ date hereof, or be forever barred from any and all interest therein or ! claims in or to the proceeds from ' a sale thereof. | Dated this 11th day of July 1933. > JOHN WILLCOX, ‘ i I Clerk of the Superior Court, j M30, A 20. : I Summer Wash Dresses I A LARGE assortment of Summer Wash Dresses. All the latest patterns and the newest materials. Cool and thin, yet they wear well. 69c or 2 for $1.2S Another range at $1.19 PINEHURST DEPARTMENT STORE Pint'hursl, . C'. xxuxxxttx NOTU K OF FOKECUXSI RE SALK Under and by virtue of the power I of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. D. Frink and wife, Helen W. Frink, to G. C. Sey- ! mour. Trustee for Aberdeen Building and I.,oan Association, under date of Nov. H. 1930. which deed of trust I is recorded in the office of the Reg- of the capture of San Antonio by the ister of Deeds of Moore County. Texans from Santa Anna. There had North Caroiini., in Book 50 at page been some doubt as to the polity of ' to which record jrelerence Is ...... .1 hereby made default having: ueen the patriots and an aniiouni-enient ' made in the payment of the indebt- “Oh, who will follow old Ben Milam into San Antonio?” Killed in .Attack Ben Milam was killed in the as sault on San Antonio, but not until he had won the city from the Texans and made possible that empire which Bimrn: xtmmittxtmxxtxrxxxxxttmixxxmnxwxxxtxmxxxxxxxxiiixnxxsxxxxtxxv.xxxx:tr.^nx:xsi, HigHland F»ines Inn and Cottages (WEY.MOUTH HEIGHTS) SOUTHERN PINf S SEASON DECEMBER TO MAY Highland Pines Inn with its Splendid Dining Room Service and its Cheerful Homelike Atmosphere Caters to the Requirements of those Occupying Winter Homes In the Pine Tree Section. The Hotel Is Sit uated on Weymouth Heights (Massachusetts Avenue) Amid Delight ful Surroundings. Good Parking Space is Available for Motorists. All Features of First Class Hotels are Included at Highland Pines Inn. (THE INN, CHARLEVOIX. THE BEAUTIFUL) M. H. TURNER, \V. E. FLFNN, Managing Director Resident Manager HIGHLAND PINES INN WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS Southern Pines Family Laundry, Inc., Southern Pines. N. C. (Gentlemen: A few days ago we sent to your laundry some of our blankets to be laundered. They have been returned, and we wish to advise that we are very much pleased with your work. Yours very truly, Highland Pines Inn. April 3, 1934. We appreciate the kindness that so thoughtfully com mas our work, and wish to assure all our patrons that w’e use the same careful methods with every blanket. SEND YOUR BLANKETS TO US Cotton Blankets Wool Blankets single- single- -25c -30c double—50c double—€0c <% Laundry does it o^f THE FAMILY LAUNDRY, INC. Telephone 6101 ■tMuiutiHiMinniiinHKimammmtm.* Southern Pines was made that tlie soldiers would be dismissed. The letter says that on hoaiing this "the soidiers grew very iudigant, but Ben Milam stepped to the front and waved his hat and shouted, “Who will go with old Ben Mjlam into San Antonio'.'” Cheers arose and more than 300 volunteeied. While still dark on the morning of December 5 the men stole silently to an old building from which Milam was to issue orders for the attack. At 5 o’clock Mills led his division to storm the Alamo, but this was only a ruse to permit Col. Frank Johnson to enter the city unobserv ed. The Texans opened a lively fire on the Alamo, completely surprising the Mexicans, who were diverted to the Alamo, allowing Milam to enter the city unobserved at another quar ter. Mills then hearing Milam's guns, withdrew to his support. For several days the struggle raged until tinal- ednesL-i secured by said deed of trust, and the power of sah therein contain ed having become operat \'o, and the holder of the note thereby secured hav ing request ?(i and demanded the un dersigned Trustee to foreclose said ^ deed of trust and to offer the real estate trerein described for sale, in ordei- to satisfy the indebtedness ilue, as in said deed of trust prescribed. Now, therefore, pursuant to said demand and request, and because of ! said default in the payment as afore said, the undersigned "Trustee w'ill sell, for sale at auction, at the m.un en trance of the Court House in the Town of Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, at the hour of Noon, on the 5th day of May, 193-1, the fol- low'ing described real estate, to wit: Lying and being situated on Rush Street, in the Town of Aberdeen. Moore County, North Carolina. Beginning at a point on Rush Street where the Alleyway running at the back of the lot which fronts on Poplar Street and parallel with the lots running on- Rush Street in tersects with Rush Street and 20 feet xuxxxx ^xxtxxutxuxxxtmmmxxxx: AA Chem. Co. Zells Brands, Henderson, N. C. FERTILIZERS FOR ( ASH .AND ON TIME Quality count's now more than in years—Under the NRA Code all prices arer the same—But the experience and reputation of 100 years in making the ferti lizers ttnd producing the best cash results are not the result of one favorable season. BUY THE HIGHEST QUALITY FERTILIZERS FOR THE SAME MONEY. Npco Peruvian Brands. Ober & Sons Co. Nitrate Agencies »allim4re. Md. Company, Wilmington, N. C- Mixed good an a materials of all kinds—Chilean Nitrate of Soda. Naco Peruvian Open Formulas for Tobacco. Ohers Del Rio Tobacco Goods and Famous Oberphos Acid. AA’s Famous Zells Hrands for Tobacco. Car 5ui(! small lots by truck to yoiu' farm or shed. Stocked at “Judge” Avery I’hone ().) Old IMcdniont Building Aberdeen. V. C. JUST ONE FEATURE OF THE NEW ALL PORCELAIN FRIGIDAIHE ly the Mexicans were silenced but B’ast from the Southeastern edge of on December 7 Milam was kille4_iiu^ 2'^ of a subdivision known as The spot where he fell is marked by i Whence in a north- , . ^ ^ •’'erly direction along said Alleyway a monument to his bravery and his igS feet to another 20 ft. street: rims success in gaining the city from the thence along the Southern edge of exicans." Alleyway in an easterly dlrec- Important t’omiuest tion ,50 feet; thence in a southerly di- ' rection 16o tt, to Rush St.; thence Old Ben Milam was one of the he- | westerly along Rush Street to the roes of the Texas development along beginning, and beiag the lot describ- with Austin, Travis and others, and iTiaP entitled antedating Davy Crockett, Sam Hous- " I by Francis Deaton N. C. Registered ton and the others who immediately Engineer, Nov. 1924. followed on carrying out the work | This 3rd day of April, 1934. Milam and his associates had begun. i G C. SEYMOUR, Trustee. His is a great name in Texas. His in-; Johnson & Johnson, Attys. M3 fluence is largely the power that ad ded Texas to the American republic and with it the whole area that a few years later extending to the Pa cific ocean and to the northern boun- EXKC’l'TOK’S NOTIC’K Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrs. C. J. Camiron. deceas- , late of Moore County, North Car- daryofCalifornia, cametothe Amer- ,„,j„^ notify all persons lean republic as the result of the Mexi-1 having claims against the estate ot can war. The truth is that Ben Milam ' the said deceased to exhibit them to was one of the handful of men whose undersigned Executor at his office courage and decision gave the United 1” ' Carolina, on or be- , . jfore the 13th day of April, 1935, or States a bigger accretion of tern- ! notice will be pleaded in bar of tory than came from any other sin- their recovery. All persons indebted gle source, the only other compara- to said estate will please make im- ble addition being the Lauisiana mediate payment. purchase adjoining, which came from 1934. „ , , ^ I A, M. Cameron, Napoleon some years before Milam i Executor of the Estate of Mrs. C. J. and his associates started the move that added the 1,500 mile tract to the westward as far as the Pacific ocean, an area greater than the orig inal thirteen states. Old Ben Milam was a picturesque and Influential old character. I like to fall In with W, M, Milam and talk about Texas, for fifty years ago I was in Texas with another young chap, filled with the notion of thriving on a cotton farm we had there. But Texas so sooii after the Civil War was not very enthusiastic over people from the North, so as my companion was Interested in Kansas we turned our backs on our farm and went there. I aee that in the com- Cameron. Deceased. M18 ADMINISTK.\TRIX NOTICK Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. H. Tilghman, Sr., i deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons ' having claims against the estate ot • said deceased to exhibit them to the i undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C,,i on or before 28th day of March, 1935 j or this notice will be pleaded in bar - of their recovery. All persons indebt-1 ed to said estate will please make; Immediate payment. i This 28th day of March, 1934. MARGARET A. H. TlIiQHMAN, Admlnlftratrlx eatate of J. H. Tllgrh- man, Sr. M30, M4 1 I No sucking ice trays if your rt- frigerator is a Frigidaire. These trays release automatically at the touch of a finger. And the Super Series Frigid- aires are lifetime porcelain— inside and out. Interiors are elec trically lighted. 'iTicre’s ','4 more food space in the same sized cabinet. Defrosting is automatic. Shelves are adjustable to any heif(ht. There are double Hy- drators and a cold storage com- partmMK. I'h0 new All-Porcelain Frigid- aires are the finest e^er built. Yoo'U agree when you see them. Wby not come in—today? fflBMBI A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE L. V. O'CALLAGHAN FriiHdsire Sales and Service C. P. EVEREST, Salesman 6 East Coon. Are. Southern Pines, N. C. Advertise in The Pilot

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