MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15, NO. 50. aACi-e SPAtN69 VASS J^'^^^UkKEView MANLEY 0ACK9OH SPRtflOS SOUTHCRN PIH£8 A^Husy MEK.HTS AeERoe,E>< ^ PIM EBLUFP u PILOT FIRST IN NEWa» CIRCULATION A ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Nc.rth Carolina, Friday, November 9, 1934. FIVE CENTS T. S. BURGESS, 67, SOUTHERN PINES DEVELOPER, DIES Prominent Citizen Built Many of Town’s Fine Buildinfjs and Residences Mid-Pines Country Clubhouse Here Sold on Monday BORN IN CHATHAM CO. Once again The Pilot is called upon to chronicle the untimely passing ot an old and honored citizen, a good friend, and a good neighbor. Thomas S. Burgess returned from Highsmith Hospital two weeks ago apparently improved after a severe illness, but suffering a relapse was carried back on Saturday night and passed away early Monday morning. His loss will be keenly felt by the community. The Baptist Church was filled for funeral services held at 11 o’clock Wednesday morning, the Kev. J. Fred Stimson officiating. A quartet comprising J. B. Gifford, S. B. Richardson, Albert Adams and Shields Cameron rendered a song service. In terment at Mount Hope Cemetery followed the church service. The pall bearers were Otto and Arthur Ellis, George, Dwight and Eugene Poe, and W. Henderson. Honorary bearer,s were \V. N. Crain, Hugh Bet- terley, E. V. Perkinson, R. L. Chan dler, C. T. Patch, Harry Lewis, I. F. Chandler ,Scott Newton, H. E. Throw er, A. S. Ruggles, Dr. W. C. Mud- gett, Chan S. Page, Alton McLean, Clarence Eds^pn, Lawrence Grover, P. F. Buchan, D. W. Stevick and Yates Poe. Mr. Burgess was born near Pitts- boro, Chatham county, May 24, 1867, and came to Southern Pines in 1892 where, on October 29th, 1903 he mar ried Miss Mollie Poe. Bi^ Property Owner In addition to being an extensive property owner Mr. Burgess was one one the leading building contractors of the sestion. His own buildings in Soutiiern Pines include the Burgess BIock at the corner of East Broad street and New Hampshire avenue, oc cupied by the Page Motor Company, the Elite Dress Shop, the McLean Furniture Company and the Coffee Shop: also the Burgess-Perkinson Building in w'hich are located the Central Carolina Company’s offices and plant and The Valet, dry clean ers; also his home on East Broad street and the Edson residence next door. Buildings erected by him include the Mudgett Building on West Broad street, constructed from plans by Ay- mar Embury in 1923. He has prob. ably built in all some 40 residences in Southern Pines. One of his first contracts here was the old Ordway Store building on West Broad .street which later housed the once famous Perkins restaurant. The building now occupied by Baker’s Food Shop and others was afterwards erected on the Ordway site. Mr. Burgess was a member of Al pha Lodge 182, I. O. U. F., Wood men of the World, Knights of Py thias, and was treasurer of the Bap tist Church. He was indifferent to public office, though he did serve two terms as a Town Commissioner. Surviving the deceased are his widow, and a sister, Mrs. Russie El lis of Durham and fourteen nieces and fourteen nephews. i I m t\ 'Ti Demo^^c Party Sweeps Natiori^S^^^e and County in EndoTss^^ent of F.D.R. MRS. BOYD HEADS HOSPITAL GROUP IN SOUTHERN PINES J. Sprunt Hill, Financier, State Senator, Buys Mid-Pines Club Reorjjanized Chapter Elects Of ficers and Makes Plans for Active Year TO MEET ON TUESDAY The Southern Pines Chapter of the Moore County Hospital Auxiliary, in active for some time, is to be re vived this winter and alreorly plans are under way for making one of the most valuable adjuncts to the ho.‘!pital. At a recent meeting the fol lowing officers were elected to in augurate and carry on the work: Mrs. Jackson H. Boyd, president; Mrs. William C. Mudgett, vice pres ident; Mrs. Emmet French, secre tary and treasurer. Committee chair men have been appointed as follows: Finance, Mrs. Jamie Dickie; Ways & Means, Mrs. Clara Pushee; Mem- 'oership, Mrs. Mudgett, E^ablicity, Mrs. Eugene C. Stevens; Garden, Mrs. H. H. Beckwith; Visiting, Mrs. E. T. Chapman; Birthday Club, Mrs. M. G. Nichols. The chapter will meet at the Southern Pines Country Club on Tues day afternoon next, November 13th, at 3 o’clock. Each chapter of the Auxiliary is responsible for the up keep of some part of the hospital equipment, such a,s linen, china, etc.. and this meeting is being held to dis cuss plans for this wirtter and to give those who are interested an oppor tunity to take an active part in Southern Pines’ share of this most necessary work. Tea will be served after the meeting and all women are cordially invited to attend. Hiffh Bidder Prominent Durham Banker Bids in Property and I’lans Modern Hotel JOHN SFKUNT HILL ARMISTICE DAY TO BE OBSERVED BY WAR VETERANS Charles P. Heyward, 74, Dies at His Home Here W'inter Resident of Southern Pines For 30 Years Was Native of Troy, N. Y. Charles P. Heyward, for 30 years a winter resident of Southern Pines, died in his home on Kensington Road shortly after mid-night Thursday. Re turning from a summer spent in Hen dersonville, and in failing health, Mr. Heyward went to Rex Hospital, Ral eigh for treatment, but failing to rally returned home only to suc cumb within a few days. Born near Troy, N. Y., on April 3rd, 1860, he was for many years in the real estate business on Long Is land. With Mrs. Heyward he later came to Pinehurst as a visitor and then about 1904 to the old Piney (Please turn to page 5) Amateur Broadcasting Station Licensed Here Gilbert Vale and E. H. Lorenson Are Authorized to Operate by Federal Body Two Southern Pines radio enthu siasts have been granted the first li cense to operate an amateur broad casting station in Moore covinty by the Federal Communications Commis sion. Gilbert S. Vale and E. H. Lor enson, operating under the station number of W4BSU, are authorized to operate a short wave radio telephone for communication with other ama teur stations. The young men have been experi menting for some time at the resi dence of Mr. Vale’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Vale, on Weymouth Heights, and listening in on police, shipping, expedition and other short wave news and information as well as the informal conversations that pass between the numerous amateur sta tions throughout the country. They recently decided to apply for a li cense to join the amateur ranks for talking as well as listening, and the license was granted. With new equip ment recently received and now be ing installed they will, they believe, be able to receive broadcasts direct from the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, and, of course, from all other parts ot the world, as well as to join the friendly chatter which passes to and fro in the amateur ether world. Dr, Cheatham to Preach at Spec ial Service in Village Chapel Sunday The American Legion'.s Armistice Day service will be held on Sunday m the Village Chapel in Pinehurst, with the congregations of the Chapel and the Pinehurst Community Church uniting with the veterans for the oc casion. The Rev. Dr. T. A. Cheatham will preach the sermon. Not only are members of Sandhills Post No. 134 planning to attend, but all World War veterans in the com munity are invited and expected on Sunday morning. They will meet at 10:30 o’clock in front of the Car olina Theatre Building in Pinehurst and march to the church behind the National colors. Veterans of all wars, members of auxiliaries, the U. D. C. are invited to join with the veterans at this service. All members who have Legion or overseas caps or uniforms are requested to wear them. The Sandhill Post will hold its pre- Ai mistice day meeting in the high school auditorium at West End to night, Friday at 8 o’clock. The ladies auxiliary of the legion will meet with the legionnaires at the same place and time. 'Commander Sinclair of the post announces that he has an in teresting program planned for the occasion, reminiscent of the Armis tice day.s of 1918. An attempt will be made to show the kind of celebration staged in an American camp located in France. War time songs in which all will be asked to join will help to bring back memories of tne old days to the veterans. I*RICE PAID IS $90,000 State .Senator John Sprunt Hill I of Durham wa,s the successful bid- , der for the property of the Mid- Pines Country Club at the receiver's j rale held at the clubhouse on Monday morning by L. L. Biddle, II. receiv- o.'. Only after spirited bidding by a i large number who gathered for the [ tfale did the auctioneer knock down the propei ty to Mr. Hill's Home Land Develor"nent Company tor i^90,000. The bidding started at !J15,000. The Mid-Pines Club has long been a Sandhills institution. Started sev eral years ago by men of means as ; an exclusive winter home, it enjoyed : a successful career until Depression j forced member after member to drop I from its rolls until receivership was j inevital>le. The clubiibecame another ! victim of hard times and a few’ weeks I ago R notice of the impending receiv- I ership sale appeared in The Pilot. ! There has been much conjecture as to the future of the institution, for it has long been looked upon as a ; valuable a.sset to the community. Its I handsome building, which has a ca- ! pacity of 2.'50 guests, and its Donald Ross golf course, considered as fine I as any in the section, were hanging 1 in the balance. •Modern, Model Hotel But cause for worry that the old club might pass into oblivion ended with the sale Monday to Mr. Hill. The prominent Durham banker plans not only to operate Mid-Pines, but to im- j prove and renovate the building, mak ing of it a modern and model hotel. 1 The exclusive club privileges, in et- ( feet for so many years but partial ly removed last season, will give way permanently, it is understood, and the Mid-Pines Inn supplant the Mid- Pines Club. Mr. Hill, it is said, hopes to induce John J. Fitzgerald, for sev eral years manager of the club, to return and operate the inn. Mr. Fitz gerald, who has been highly success-- ful in the management of the exclu- I sive and popular Oyster Harbors Club at Csterville, on Cape Cod, was in charge at the Mid-Pines last year and (Please turn to page 5) 1,000 Memsbers Set As Goa! for Red Cross Enthusiastic Meeting at Mrs. Davidson’s Residence Plans Roll Call Hotel News Carolina Opens Today; Pine- bluff Inn Lea.sed for Sea son and Opens Soon Hotels predominate in the news of the Sandhills this week. The sale of the Mid-Pines Club to John Sprunt Hill of Durham is reported in another column. The Pinebluff Inn at Pinebluft open.s its season formally today with bright prospects for a “big” sea.son. The Pinebluff Inn at Pinebluff is again open. It has been leased for the winter to Stanley Gress- Lake Lure, and will open soon, ley, manager of a large hotel at The Highland Pines Inn in Southern Pines is this week being entirely repainted in preparation for its opening next month. THE RFYNOIDSES, MR. AND MRS., PAY VISIT TO TOWN Nice Looking; Couple Takes House, Cashes Check, Enter tains—and Disappears ATTORNEY GEXEBAI. AND r. S. TREASrUEK HERE The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany of Southern Pines and the Bank of Pinehurst, with its branches in Aberdeen and Carthage, will be closed next Monday, November 12 in ob servance of Armistice Day, I Following close upon the footsteps of his fellow Cabinet member. Sec retary of State Cbrdell Hull, Homer S. Gumming, Attorney General In I President Roosevelt’s official family j arrived today in Pinehurst for a week-end visit. With him was Wil liam Stanley, assistant to the At torney General, and W. A. Julian. Treasurer of the United Staie.-?. Other arrivals at the ('arclina to day included Congressman and Mrs. Allen T. Treadway of Stockbridge, Mass. Sixteen of the 20 branches of the Moore County Chapter, American Red Cross, were represented at the meeting held at the home of Mrs. Richard P. Davidson in Knollwood last Friday to plan for the annual Roll Call, and only illness rrevented the other four branch chairman from being present. It was an enthusias tic gathering and the wheels were set in motion to make the 1934 Roll Call the biggest and best in the his tory of the county chapter. Mrs. Davidson announced that she I had arranged to speak before each j group in the county during the drive. 1 and feels confident that before the : campaign ends the county will be j well over its quota of 800 member ships. She has set 1,000 as the goal. I Two new branches have been or- I ganized in the county, one at Glen- I don and one at Roseland. THE CHAUFFEUR IS HACK A Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, claim ing to be State employees and bearing with them a check drawn presumably by the State Highwa/ Department on a Durham bank, drove into town last Friday. They were a nice look ing couple, apparently people of means. They had a chauffeur. Mr. and Mr.s. Reynold.s took a house ‘‘for the winter." They stock ed up with provisions at a downtown grocery, tendering their nice looking Highway Department check in pay ment and getting .some $40 in change. They entertained at a breakfast din ner after their purchase. Now Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds are not like most people who come to Southern Pines for a stay. Most peo ple stay longer than they say they are going to; they like it here. Some thing about the place must have dis pleased the Reynolds. In any event, they decided to pull out about mid night their very first night. This didn’t look just right to the owner of the house they’d taken, for of course they hadn’nt paid any rent yet and the owner had turned out some boarders to make room for them. He interfered, and he called upon the police to help him, and w'hen all this happened Mr. and Mrs. Rey nolds and the chauffeur deserted their car in something of a hurry and dis- appeared afoot. The Check is RuhlM'r Well, to make a long story short, the check Mamma and Papa Reynolds had given for their groceries, and that nice beefsteak dinner, proved to be N. G. The neat Chevrolet they were driving proved to have been stolen on October 20th from Ralph D. Hood of Flat Rock, Michigan. Checks foumd in their rooms, already filled out. one of them for $75 drawn on the Citizens Bank & Trust Company here, were found to be phoney. Result: Police departments south of hee asked to watch out for Ma, Pa and the chauf feur. The chauffeur was nabbed in Cam den, S. C., on Monday and'Chief Gar- gas went after him. He was ar raigned before the Mayor and held for trial in Carthage. He said his name is Malcolm Beach. The Rey nolds have so far escaped detention, but are reported to have passed sev eral bad checks in Columbia, S. C. There is a local manager of a com pany who’s very, very anxious to see the Reynolds again. Unfortunately for him, the company holds tts managers responsible for any checks cashed and he doesn’t like it at all. But everyone agrees the Reynolds w-^re a nice looking couple. H. F. Seawell, Jr., Runs Into Stone Wall in G. O, I*. Fight For Assembly BIG VOTE FOR LAMBETH President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New' Deal were given a blan ket endorsement from one end of the country to the other in Tuesday’s election. The Democratic party ad ded to its majority strength in the national Senate and House of Repre sentatives, made a clean sweep in North Carolina, up.set tradition in New York and Pennsylvania and had its sole set-Vmr-k in Maryland where Governor Albert C. Ritchie was de feated for re-election. The defeat of Upton Sinclair, Democratic candidate for Governor of California, was not looked upon as a party defeat. Moore county gave its Democratic candidates the strongest support. Though the vote was light in compar ison with Presidential and guberna torial years, the pluralities were handsome, and in the only real fights W. R. Clegg of Carthage defeated his Republican opponent, Herbert F. Seawell, Jr., by some 800 votes for the State Assembly, and Sheriff Charles J. McDonald won from A. G. McDuffie, Republican, by over l.UOO votes. Seawell carried on a strenu ous campaign in opposition to Clegg and ran well ahead of his ticket, but tie old stone wall was impregnable. Fear that Seawell would oppose re peal of the Turlington Liquor Act in the next Assembly also oost him many votes. C'ounfy C'undldates As usual. Will J. Harrington led the vote-getting in his re-election as Register of Deeds, totaling close to 3,500 against 1602 for his opponent, Paul H, Waddill. Union L. Spence of Carthage, for mer Assemblyman, was elected to the State Senate, John Willcox return ed as Clerk of Court, J. Vance Rowe of Aberdeen elected judge of the Recorder’s Court, M. G. Boyette, Car. thage, returned as prosecuting attor ney, D. Carl Fry of Carthage re-elect ed coroner, M. McQ. Bailey defeated Ollie Seawell for surveyor, and the fol lowing were named to the Board of County Commissioners, the first four named being re-elected: W. H. Currie, L. R. Reynolds, Frank Cameron, Gor don Cameron and D. D. lyfcCrUnmon, elected to succeed E. C. Matheson on the board. Big >'ote for Liinibeth Representative Walter Lambeth was given a big vote throughout his 8th Congressional district, with Moore county giving him a majority of about I,700 votes. His estimated majority in the 12 counties of his district is 10,541. His opponent, A. E. Hall ot Thomasville, carried three counties, Wilkes. Yadkin and Davie. In the State election.s. Walter P. Stacy was elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Michael Schtnck and Heriot Clarkson asso ciate justices. Charles M. Johnson is State Treasurer, Stanley Winborne Utilities Commissioner, and Demo cratic candidates carried all Superior Court judgeships, with F. Donald (Please turn to page 5) Golf Pros to Open Season Here Tuesday Will Compete in New Style Tour nament for Big Prizes at Pinehurst I Leading professional golfers of the I country will be in Pinehurst next j week for the first tournament of its I kind ever competed in by them. The I Pinehurst Country Club is inaugur- i ating for its 15th annual Mid*-South Professional event a foursome match play, each pair playing alternate strokes with one ball. All matches up to the semi-finals will be 18 holes, the semi-finals and finals 36 holes. First prize for the winning pair is $4oO each, the runner-up pair receive i $300 each, and the semi-finals losers $200 each. The tournament will start on Tues day and run through Friday, starting off the busy tournament season at Pinehurst with a bang.