Pag« Blgtit THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Caroiini t'riday, November 16, 1934, THE Carolina Theatres Pinehurst-Soutliern Fines I'UESKNT 365 NIGHfS HOLLYUIOOD MMIS DUNN AUCt FA MITCHELL and DURANT At Finehurst Monday, Nov. 19th, 3:00 and 8:15 »V\*^ At Pinehurst Wednesday, Nov. 21st, 3:00 and 8:15 Presenting Joe Penner, Jack Oakie. Lanny Ross and Lycla Roberti in “Colleg-e Rhythm’’ At Pinehurst Friday, Nov. 23rd, 3:00 and 8:15 % At Southern Pines Mon., Tue.; Wed., Nov. 19, 20, 21—8:15 Matinee Tuesdav at “i:()0 KING VIOOS’S‘^ ' \ The epic of a million hearitl Southern I^ines Thi'.-F' h-Sal'.. Nov. 22. 23, 24—S:15 Matinee Saturday at 3:00 Chamber Body Asks Support For Library of Institiitiun Not But Frt'SNinK uiid UonatiunH Art' Solicited Stimulus was lent to the Southern ' Pines Library’s campaign for funds by the Chamber of Commerce at its , Tuesday meeting at Highland Lodge, the directors passing a resolution to tide the library over its current fi nancial difficulties, Struthers Burt explained that the needs of the li brary are only around SI.200 a year and stated this should not be dilfi- cult to raise if the Chamber would lend a hand. A committee was ap- pi'iuted to join with a committee from the Library board to solicit subscriptions. The value of the library to the community was stressed by several .speakers, and it was agreed that its j kiss for lack of support would be a severe blow to the town, especially winter residents and school children i who use the library a great deal. It I is believed that the response to the I request for contributions toward the I support of the institution will be gen erous, now that its trustees have : made known the financial condition. LI NCH DfcMOXSTU.VTION A meeting of school lunch room i managers and cooks was held in the i office of the county home demonstra- I tiv,n agent on last Saturday, at which time a demonstration in lunch prepa- j ration was given. There was a fine I attendance, every school in the coun- I ty planning to serve lunches being represented except one. SOUTHERN FINES Baptint Church Bjiptist ('hurch Corner Conn. Ave. and Page St. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—Preaching service by the pastoi-. Sermon subj3ct, “Aly Peace Give I Unto Thee.' 6:45 Sunday night Senior U. Y. P. U. Intermediate, 7 o'clock. , 7:30 Thursday night — Prayer meeting. The Church of Wide Fellowship Rev. C. Rexford Raymond, D. D., Pastor. Church' School, 10:10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00. Ur. Ray mond preaches on “Thy Kingdom Come.” All children attending Alornmg Worship are invited to a story recital in the Primary Room at .sermon time. Intermediate C. E., 6.30 p. m, ITnion Service, 7:30, at the Episco pal Church, Dr, Raymond preaches on “Christ's Cure for Care.” Fellowship Night, Wedne.sday, Sup per at 6 o’clock, auspices of the young people. Motorist Pay Over 50 Percent of State Entire Tax Revenue WANTS FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH Supports, made from an impression of each foot. No metal. Hand-made, R. Leatham, maker, 39 No. May St., Southern Pines. .FOR RENT: Centrally located sun ny, second floor apartment. Kitch en-dining room, pantry, living room, bed room, bath, three clos ets, laundry in basement. Pleasant porch. Also smgle rooms. Lillian A. Roberts, 15 East Penn. Ave. TO LET: Large sunshmej' bedroom- sleeping-p^Tch combined, conven iently located in Southern Pines. Reasonably priced. Telephone 7904. Etnnutnuel Epi»>copiiI Church Rev. F. Craighill Brown, B. A., B .D., Rector, Sunday Services—The first Sun day in the month. Church School 9:30 a. m.; Holy Communion and sermon, 11:00 a. m. Other Sundays, Holy Communion 8:00 a, m.; Church School, 9:30 a. m.: Morning: Prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Saint’s Days Services, Holy Com munion, 10:00 a. m. CliriNtiaii Science New Hampshire Ave., near Ashe St. Services are held every Sunday at j 11 o’clock. The public is cordially in- | vited to attend. The subject of the | lesson sermon for Sunday, November i 18 is “Mortals and Immortals.” j So Says Secretary of Petroleum j Industries Committee in At> tack on Diversion of Funds LADY DESIRES POSITION as housekeeper and companion, or either, in Southern Pines. Referen ces. Write E. R. S., Box 1293, Southern Pines. , FOR SALE- Large size, 2nd hand, circulating water heater. Excellent condition, reasonable price. Tog ; Shop. ; EXPERIENCED LAUY of Culture] I seeks situation as hostess, house-1 I keeper or companion in hotel, tea j room, home or institution. Address j BT, care of The Pilot. | BRAND NEW WESTINGHOUSE Electric Cook Range. Guaranteed by “Good Housekeeping magazine.” This stove was never used. Can be inspected at office of R. F. Potts in Carolina Theatrde Building-. Manly l*rcsl»yteriaii Sunday School at ten a. m. Young Peoples meeting at seven p. m. Preaching second Sunday night at seven-thirty. Fourth Sunday morn ing at eleven o'clock. PINEHURST The C’ommuiiity Church A. J. McKelway, Pastor Sunday—Ch\irch School 9:45. Morning Worship -11:00. Sermon by the pastor, “The Price of A Cheap Bible. Young Peoples’ Society 7:30 p. m. Mid-Week Worship, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Young People's Service, 7:30 p. m. Thursday: Mid-week Worship. 7:30 p, m. The VlllaKO Chapel j Rev. T. A. Cheatham, D. D., Minister Sunday Services: | Holy Communion, 9 a. m. i Children’s Service, 10:00 a. m. Church service, 11 a, m. ABERDEEN Bethesda Presliyterian Church Rev, E. L. Barber, Pastor. Services each Sunday morning at 11:15; Services each Sunday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting services Wed nesday evening at 8. A cordial wel come awaits everyone. Motorists of North Carolina are bearing a.s their direct share of the State’s tax burden, 52 1-2 percent of the entire revenue of the St^ite from tax sources, an analysis of the fig ures of the State’s revenue for the fiscal year 1933-34 reveals. This is levied directly against them as mo torists, and does not contain any of the taxes they pay in common with the rest of the citizens of the state. Gasoline taxes are the largest sin gle source of revenue to the State, this analysis shows, contributing 33.9 percent of the entire tax reve nue. Next in order come motor vehi cle registrations at 14.9 percent, fran chise taxes at 14.4 percent, income taxes at 13.1 percent, and the gen eral .sales tax at 12.3 jercent. Motor ists paid altogether $23,300,568.00 tor the privilege of using their cars, out of a total tax revenue of $44,733,- ■ 772.99, or 52.5 percent of the total. I These figures do not include the income taxes paid by,motor vehicle, accessory, and gasoline dealers, and truck and bus operators during the year. In figures, together with the income taxes paid by men who use their cars in, were in cluded .the total would to 55 percent. And then no considera tion is taken of the other taxes which car owners as citizens and business men of this state pay through other channels just the same as any other citizen pays them. “The motorists of the st^te have accepted this tax burden in the past, because they have been assured that the money levied directly against them was to be used for the bene fit on the highways of the state,” J. L. Eelote, secretary of ;he North Carolina Petroleum Industries Com- Inittee, said in commenting on these figures. “But we had a raid on these funds at the last General A.s.sembly and one million dollars wa.« taken from the highway fund and put into the general fund at the end of the 1934 fiscal year, with another million to follow in 1935. A.s the gasoline tax was levied for the specific purpose of building and maintaining our roads in North Carolina, and in view of the fact that the State is morally obli gated for the road bonds oiitSianding. it seems eminently unfair and dis criminatory against the motorist that these funds should be diverted [ to any other purpose. If the State ^ is going to allow the Highway Com- mi.ssion les.s money for its needs than the taxes for those needs produce, then the motorist should receive the saving through a reduced gasoline tax.” 80 .\TTENI> FIKST OF FELLOWSHIP NUiHTS happiness of theloyal little wife but the well-being of all her fellow-set- tlers on the farm. Karen Merely and Tom Keene are cast as the young pair, while Barbara Pepper plays the blonde serpent. One Cent a word ia<*h insertion. Minimum #hArge» 25 All Want Ads mujit h« paid for before in^rtion. WANTED SOMEONK TO TAKE over practically new upright piano 1 and finish payments on small bal-1 ance owing. Write Credit Mgr.,! Box 1124. High Point, N, C, N2, 23 LAFiGE HOT BLAST HEATER ' Burns wood or coal, gives fine: heat; 1 1-2 ton Chevrolet truck: | power orchard sprayer all in good | condition. Write M. H., care Pilot, j FOR SALE: Delightful nearby bunga-. low home with farm attached. High I elevation, wonderful outlook, 801 acres, 10 acres peaches, 4 acres | dewberries, strawberries, 60 acres' general crops. Good tobacco barns, 1 tenant house. See by appointment' and make offer. Terms right, M. ! H., Pilot Office. Page >I»‘morial M. E. Rev. \V. C. Ball, Pastor Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11 a. ;n, and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 o’clock. First Sunday—-Preaching 7:30 p. m. Second Sunday Preaching 11 a. m. Third Sunday Preaching 7:30 p. m. MANLY Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blare and fam ily of Culberson spent the v.’eek-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. I-. Paul of Brlc- ^ol, N, H.. arrived the past week anti are occupying their winter home on Vermont avenue. I.EGALNOTICES The first of a series of "Fellow ship Nights’J was inaugurated last Wednesday night at the Church of W'ide Fellowship. About 80 were at the supper at 6 o’clock and others came later for the address and devo- j tional service led by the pastor, Ur.' Raymond, who announced plans for the year. The overture from the Baptist, Church for united Sunday night ser vice during November and December was favorably received and a com mittee was appointed to arrange de tails in conference with a similar committee from the Baptist Church. The special feature at the Fellow ship night next Wedne.sday will be plans for the organization of a Men’s Club. Supper will be served at a nom- j inal fee and all men are specially: invited, though the suppei' will be j served by the Women's Society to | all who come. FOR RENT--3 rooms, bath enclosed, sun porch, running w’ater from an 80-fo' well, garage -to have com- pp.r.> in house, adults—Frank Schiiiner, Manly, N. C. I HAVr NEW AND USED COOK Stoves, ¥.'ood, coal and oil heaters at real bargains. Will sell or Irade any article in the store. Something different very day. Give us your order for wood and save hunting up the wood man. H. A. LEWIS, Trader WANTED: Will buy u;ed radio if price is right. have automatic volume control. Telephone 5964 or write box .363, Southern Pines. WANTED—Sewing of all kinds. Al terations and remodeling a spec ialty. Prices reasonable. 23 Ver- nione Avenue, upper apartment. FOR SALE—Large size. 2nd hand, circulating heater. Excellent con- j dition, reasonable price. Tog Shop. FOR RENT Very reasonable, heated I apartments, 2 or 3 rooms.—The , Ellington. 31 West Vermont avenue, or call at the Quality Store. B. J. Simonds. POSITION WANTED — By young lady, high school and one year col lege, as governess for one or two children. Good personality, very fond of children. Notify Governess, care Pilot. PIANO FOR RENT: Apply to Ethel S. Jones, Box 492, Southern Pines, N. C. tf. HEATED APARTMENT FOR RENT - Every convenience. Also 3-apart ment house for sale. Apply Inez Bredbeck, Ashe street. FOR SALE—Household Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Springs, Tables, Dressers, Chairs, Piano, Oil Stove Oven. B. H. Lewis. NOW OPEN until 10 o’clock nights. Speed up your business or social communication with a postal tel egram. Use Postal Telegraph tor Quicker service and cheaper rates phone 6381. N23. LOST—Fountain Pen, red and grey Shaeffer. Lost at or near S. schoolhouse. Reward for return to Miss Skinner, High School. FOR RENT—Two or three room apartment close in. One or two bedrooms, sleeping porch. Price rea.sonable. Enquire 32 East Penn. Avenue. FOR SALE: Nice beef on foot, dress ed about 300 lbs. ALso, 25 bushels sv.-eet potatoes. Ed Patterson, Vass, Route 2. Make that long distance trip by bus. The rates are much cheaper. Wash ington, D. C„ $4.95; New York, $9.85; Boston, $12..50; Miami aud St. Petersburg, $9.95. Tickets and information at Postal Telegraph Co., Southern Pines, N. C. D7 NOTICE OF UES.VLE BY L.\M) BY (OMMISSIONEK . Pursuant to an order of resale made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County in the Special Proceeding entitled “.lohn H. Stutts, Petitioner vs. Nannie Hud son, defendant,” pending in the Su perior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 24 day of November, 1934, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the Court house door, Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, resell at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash, the land described in the petition and described herein, as follows, to-wit: Lying and being in Sandhill Town ship, Moore County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Malcolm Blue, W. J. Rogers, et al. Lying on the West side of the Big Branch, adjoining the lands of Malcolm Blue on the West ] and South and W. J. Rogers on the I North and East, including all the I lands on the West side of Big Branch, i up to the edg’e of the swamp of the Big Branch on the W'est side and I alung the various meanderings of said swamp, containing fnrty (40) ! acres, more or less. And .for a more I particular description of said prop- ; erty, see deed of date December 5th, j 1905 by C. V. Williams and wife, I Sallie J. Williams to K. F. Stutts, I .same being recorded in the office of i Register of Deeds of Moore County ' in Book 42, page 154. I The bid for the above property will start at $550.00, this being the I amount of the raised bid. I This 9th day of November. 1934. I M. G. BOYETTE, 1 Commissioner. McCHI.M.MOXS HAVE SON A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. .fohn McCrinimon week at their j home, the old Duncan Shaw’ house, j The McCrimmons were famous Bag- j pipers years ago, and John says his | son has already started piping, “The Campbells are Coming.” “Cash a check at the Bank of Knowledge—the Library.” .At PinchurNt A rollicking farce-comedy of Hol lywood life and loves is promised to l>atrons of the Pinehurst Theatre j Monday, November 19th, matinee and night when the production, “365 . Nights in Hollywood,” will be shown, ' Advance reports state that the new ! film hits a fast and furious pace at its opening and continues to roll up laughs by the hundreds as it speeds to a surprise conclu.sion, Alice Faye and James Dunn are featured as a ; young visitor from Peoria with mov ie aspirations and a picture director who has had fame and fortune but ' also a lot of bad luck. Mitchell and Durant, star comedy team, appear as two adagio ice-ment who pick Alice for a star—and then see to it that she arrives. Grant Mitchell is ; the wily head of a phoney movie ; school, who conspires to "take” a ' rich young sucker (James Melton) for a large-sized bank .roll. The attraction at Pinehurst W’ed- ncsday, Nov. 21st, matinee and night, will be “Gambling,” starring George M. Cohan and based on his own fa mous mystery nielodraama of the same title, in which he appeared on the stage for two years. Featured in Cohan's support are Wynne Gibson and Dorothy Burgess. Cohan appar ently in his own inimitable self in the picture, the personality that made historic successes of his many plays and musical pieces and that brought such magnetism to the leading role in the Theatre Guild’s production of Eugene G'Neill’s “Ah, Wilderness.'' In keeping with the season, the attraction at Pinehurst on Friday, November 23rd, matinee and night is the rollicking, snappy tuneful, barjg- up collegiate comedy, “College Rhy- thm,” featuring the very notable screen and radio stars, Lanny Ros.s, Joe Penner and his Duck. Jack Oakie, and the peppy Lyda Roberti. The plot of “College Rhythm” is built around the rivalry between the wise-cracking Jack Oakie, and the bespectacled, scholarly Lanny Ross on the foot ball giidiron and in business life. The story has to do with the colortul hysteria of commercialized football enthusiasm as applied to modern de partment store management, with gags, girl glamour, music, dancing and cheering sections stunts. •At .Southern i'iiies Described as a thrilling romance of death and danger in the skies, “Hell in the Heavens,” starring War ner Baxter, will be the attraction at Southern ,Pines Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, November 19, 20, 21, with a matinee on Tuesday. Star of a long and notable series of screen hits, including “The Cisco Kid,” "Grand Canary,” “In Old Arizona,” "Stand Up and Cheer” and “Paddy The Next Best Thing,” Warner Bax ter is said to contribute his greatest performance in seasons to the new Fox Film. This time he is cast as an American flier in the Lafayette Es- cadrille, who is promoted by death to fi'l his captain's place. Haunted by “the fear that he will be afraid," the lieutenant struggles to cambat it. Love helps, in the form of dash ing Conchita Montenegro. At length, Baxter meets the “E»-'’.ron.” most dar ing and dangerous of German aces, in close conflict uigh above the clouds and solves his destiiiy through courage. That warm, human quality which made "Street Scene,” “The Crowd" and other King Vidor productions such outstanding successes is again the distinguishing feature of "Our Daily Bread,” the inimitable direc tor's latest production which come.a to Southern I'ines Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 22, 23, 24, with a Saturday matinee. This tells the story of a young city couple who find themselves on an abandoned farm, amid a colorful group of men and women from al! walks of life, all determined to start life anewr Emotional conflicts greater than any than confronted them in the whirl ing vortex of the city enter their lives, and not the least of these ap pears in the person of a hard-boiled blonde who invades this potential Eden and uses the old weapon of flattery on the impressionable young husband, threatening not only the SANDHILLS LITTLE THEATKE W’ouldn’t you like to see virtue re warded and transgression punished ? Wouldn’t you like to see the early days of the west almost faithfully brought to the light? Wouldn’t you like to see the men and women who almost helped to make the grand and glorious west what it is? You can, if you will go to the Sand hills Little Theatre in Aberdeen, either Tuesday evening, November 20 at 8:30, or Thursday evening, November 22 at 8:30. For there will be revived, by, mind you, that startling revelation, that great melodrama, “Poverty Flats.” It is the story of a rough mining camp of the eighteen-eighties. The story of a sweet girl in the midst of brawling conniving villains. The story of an upright young man with gold in his pockets surreptitiously done away with and the crime fastened on the shoulders of a virtuous and honest man. But can villainy long survive? Can virtue go unrewarded? Come and .see this almost blood curdling, this almost startling reve lation of the wild west of the eigh ties. Your attendance will have as a recompense the chance to applaud the sweet and lovely heroine; the opportunity to give the much malign ed hero your encouragement and the gratifying satisfaction of hissing, booing, and hating the dastardly, cowardly, sneaking villain. And remember this also. Your at tendance means that the Moore County Ho.spitaI will be benefited. The receipts of this performance are for that worthy and necessary in stitution. All those connected with the Sand hills Little Theatre, the actors, scene shifters, property men, office staff, and executive officers are W’orking with might and main to make this request revival of “Poverty Flats” a huge success. PI.AVMAKEKS TO APPEAK .\T FLOU.A M.\CI)ONALI) COLLEGE The North Carolina Playmakers, under the direction of Professor Koch, famous dramatic group at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, will appear at Flora Mac donald College in Red Springs on November 26 at 8:15 P. M. The Carolina Playmakers. of such great interest to "Tar Heels,” are enjcying their 32i tour of presenta tion of original plays, written, staged, and acted by the Piaymakers them selves. THIKTEEN CIHLHKEN sntVIVE ■MHS. \\. F. BKUUiiS, AGE 43 Mrs. W. F. Briggs, 43, pa.ssed away at her home on the Daniel McNeill plantation two miles from Vass at 1:45 o’clock Monday afternoon, her death coming as a distinct shock to the community. Mrs. Briggs arose as usual Monday morning and w’as pre paring breakfast when she suffered a sudden heart attack and did not re gain consciousness. The funeral service was held at Martha’s Chapel in Chatham county at 2:30 o’clock Tue.sday afternoon. Mrs. Briggs’ death is peculiarly sad in that she leaves so many children, the baby only ten months of age. The chiliiren are Oscar, Allen, Jesse, Rob ert, Lewis. Thomas, Paul, Herbert, Loon, Edna, Elsie, Viola and Kath arine. Other survivors are the hus band: the father, Allen Bowling of Chatham county; four brothers. Rob ert Bowling of Apex. Roy Bowling of Ben.son. John Bo.vling of Chapel Hill, and Tom Bowling of Linden; and three .sisters, Mrs. Vada Council of Mai'shville, Mrs. Bessie Churchill and Mrs. Cleone Jones of Merry Oaks. One child died several years ago. C.VKLOAI) OF POTATOES Forty thousand pounds of Irish po tatoes, a full car load, has been ship ped from Maine to Mciore county to be used in relief work. The car is expected to arrive soon. MAUIU.ACiE LICENSE A marriage liccnse has been issued f"om the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore count.y to Harold C. Weiner and Belle Silverman, both of Pinehurst. F»AXCH’S LEADERS Kapok cushions, cretonne covered, all new stock, just in, each 29c Ladies’ and Childrens’ two-piece balbriggan pajamas $1.25 Collar and Cuff Sets, reduced 39c, 69c, 98c All Wool Brown Homespun, 58-in. wide - $2.25 Novelty Checked all wool material, 58 in. wide $L25 SHOP EARLY CHRISTMAS WILL BE HERE SOON GIFT SETS, NOVELTIES, GIFT BOXES, GIFT LINENS, LEATHER JACKETS, DANIEL GREEN SLIPPERS, GLOVES, ETC. DOLLS, ANIMALS, GAMES, TOYS, DISHES C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE I Southern Pines, t; t; North Carolina

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