Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 1, 1935. CARTHAGE Mrs. W. H. Currie is visiting her •ister in Atlanta this week. Mrs. S. H. Miller, Mrs. H. L. Mil ler, Mrs. Frank McDonald, Mrs. B. C. Wallace and Mrs. O. D. Wallace Tisited In Raleigh W’edneaday. Miss Louise Williams and Miss Frances Purdy of Dunn spent the week-end in Carthage with Mrs. K. H. Morton. Mrs. E. H. Morton and Mrs. K. W. Underwood spent Wednesday in Char lotte. George D. Carter and E. H. Mor ton attended the Farmer's meeting m Raleigh Monday. Miss Annie McKeithen spent a tew daj’s in Sanford last week visiting Mrs. L. R. Sugg. Mr. and Mr.s. George D. Carter vis ited relatives in Sanford Saturday. Mrs. \V. R. Clegg, Mrs. Charles Nicoll, Annie McKeithen and Billy Clegg accompanied W. R. Clegg to Raleigh Monday afternoon. They stayed over for the Monday night session in the Legislature. Mis. Jessie Woltz of Raleigh spent the week-end in Carthage with her mother, Mrs. W. H. McNeill. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roberts of Sanford were guests of Mr. and Mra, R. L. Yovv Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson of Ham let spent Sunday in Carthage with Mr. and Mrs. M. Wainer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Maness vis ited Miss Esther Seawell at her home in Brick Haven Sunday. Miss Betty Doyle Wallace is very ill with pneumonia at the Moore County Hospital. Frank Wood of Marion is visiting his daughter. Mrs. O. B. Welch. The following announcement has been received by friends in Carthage: Mr. and Mrs. W'. D. Hyman of Hob- good announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Rebecca to Robert Thomas Cagle of Carthage on Friday, February 23, in the Duke University Chapel, Durham. The Week in Vass Mrs. Seawell Hostess Mrs. H. F. Seawell Jr., entertained a number of her friends at bridge at the Pinehurst Country Club Fri day afternoon honoring Mrs. Sabis- ton. Contract bridge was played at nine tables. At the conclusion of the game Mrs. Barlow of Southern Pines received high score prize. To the guest of honor Mrs. Sebiston, a lovely gift wsis presented. The Carthage Mu.-iic Club held its last meeting on Wednesday afternoon ■with Mrs. John Beasley. Mrs. Morton Ho.stess Mrs. E. H. Morton was hostess to , her bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. T. Grier won high score prize for club members and Mrs. W. H. Grii'fin won guest prize. A. E. Underwood Host A. E. Underwood was host at a dinner and theatre party on Monday evening celebrating his Jourteenth bi^Lhday. Auxiliary Meets The Woman’s Auxiliardy of the Carthage Presbyterian Church will have a meeting Thursday afternoon in the church parlor for the purpose of studying Dr. Sweet's mission book, “Living the Good Life.” A picnic supper will be serv«d at six o’clock. Good .speakers have been secured for the afternoon and a large audience is desired. WORLD’S BILLIARDS CHAMPION EXHIBITS HERE ON MONDAY Andrew Ponzi of Philadelphia, present holder of the world’s pocket billiard championship, will give one hour of free instruction on the fun damentals of billiards during his ap pearance at Straka’s billiard parlor on East Broad street. Southern Pines at 8:00 p. m. next Monday, March 4, in connection with the National “Bet ter Billiards” program being conduct ed by the National Billiard Associa tion of America. Ponzi extends a spec ial invitation to the women to be present at that time. These exhibitions are free to the public and will include 45 minutes of play, meeting all comers, as well as fancy shots and one hour devoted to free instruction. Ponzi, real name is Andrew D‘Alessandro, began playing billiards when he was a child. He was bom in Philadelphia in 1904 and during his career has held the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State, New York State, Eastern States, and the world’s cham pionship. He won the latter title last March when he defeated the former defending champion, Erwin Rudolph, in a challenge match. It was in this challenge match that Ponzi set a new high-run record of 153-U. This was made in two blocks. The first 111-U, and 32 in the second. He has partici pated in seven world’s championship events. Miss Platte, a graduate of the As sembly’s Training school, who is spending some time in Southern Pines, will be at the Vass Presbyter ian church at 7:30 o’clock next Sun day evening, March 3, to review the study book, “Planning the Good Life,” by Dr. Henry H. Sweets. The Presby terians feel that they are fortunate in securing the services of this train- . ed worker in presenting Dr. Sweet’s ; book, which is one of general inter- i ett to all, regardless of church affil- I iation, and they have extended a most cordiaal invitation to everyone J in the community at large to attend. I The Vass Methodist Auxiliary met , on Wednesday evening at the home I of Mrs. S. R. Smith with the presi dent, Mrs. C. L. Tyson, presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. L.. C. Crabtree. The program for the evening consisted of a dialog entitled "The Wells Our Fathers Digged,” iuul this was presented by Mrs. Ty- .son. Miss Nettie Gschwind, Mrs. W. I C. Leslie. Mrs. G. W. Griffin. Mrs. W. J. Cameron and Mrs. Hollifield Fry. I Mrs. T. F. Cameron conducted the I Bible study, and also gave a most in- toresting report of the missionary in stitute held in Sanford a day last week. A letter from Mr. Barnes of the Methodist orphanage in Raleigh, thanking the auxiliary for a quilt re cently sent, was read, and quilt black patterns for two additional quilts which the women plan to make right away were given out. Contests were enloyed during the j Forial howr and the hostess was as sisted by Nettie Gchwind in serving refreshments. A nine-pound on was Oorn on Feb ruary 17th to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boggs of Vass. As we have not learn ed his name, it is not possible to prop erly introduce him to The Pilot read ers this week, Henry A. Borst, Jr., of Campbell College and one of his college friends. Mack Mclver of Wilmington, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Borst. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sanford of Asheboro and Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan i Dunn of Salisbury stopped over in Vass for a short while Sunday after noon to speak to friends. Mrs. Dunn will be pleasantly remembered as Miss Lois Sanford, who spent her girlhood days in Vass. Her husband I is a lawyer and a member of the leg- ! islature. Charles Gschwind and sons and Mrs. Mary E. Edwards visited Mrs. Gcnettie Thomas and Elsie Mae Gsch- vvind in Cameron Sunday afternoon. Joseph Matthews and Bernie Gra ham, students at State College, Ral eigh, were at home for the week end. A. G. Edwards, Jr., an Elon College I student, was at home from Friday until Sunday. His mother and his twin brothers. Max and Baxter Ed wards, accompanied him as far as I Raleigh on the return trip Sunday and spent the day with relatives, i Miss Lois Buchanan visited home folks at Broadway last week-end. Mi. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron, Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs. S. R. Smith and Clifton Blue attended the final rites , for Bion H. Butler at Bethesda cem- I etery Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin and I childi'cu and Mr. and Mrs. Aiken Reece of Hamlet, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce ' Griffin and Edward Griffin of San ford and Mrs. Irene Byrd of Albe- ' marie were among the number visit ing at the G. W. Griffin home during the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Redga Thomas and little son. Mack, of Cameron route, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I R. L. Oldham Sunday evening. : The Rev. and Mrs. Frank Hare of Jonesboro were Sunday dinner guests of Mis.s Florence Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor at their home. Ma ple Lawn Sunday. Miss Lucy Cherry Crisp and little Miss Bettie Jean Smith of Greens- I boro spent Wednesday night and I Thursday wnth the Lawrence family I a,t the manse. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Keith and fam ily of Pinehurst were dinner guests of Mrs. Jane Keith Sunday. Mrs. Walter C. Byrd and children, Mary Lou and Keith, of Albemarle visited Mrs. J. A. Keith from Friday I until Sunday. Vick Keith, Franklin Matthews, Odell Oldham and Ray Griffin were Raleigh visitors Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hicks and chil dren of Carthage visited Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hicks Sunday. ' Miss Myrtle Cameron has joined her sister, Agnes Cameron, in , Wahington, D. C., where the latter has a government position. Wilbur Beasley, principal of the school at Hobgood, spent the week end with his relatives here. Ray Griffin of the U. S. N. arrived from Long Beach, Cal., last Friday for a month’s visit with his parents, I Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griffin. I Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney, Mr. I and Mrs. A. K. Thompson, Miss Juan- I ita Thompson and Duncan McGill, I Jr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ' H. L. Thompson of Hamlet. I Miss Jessie Brooks of Wilson vis ited her mother, Mrs. G. W. Brooks, during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Bynum of Darlington, S. C., called on their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Cameron Monday morning. Mrs. L. L. Wooley of Manloy and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Southern Pines visited Mrs. R. G. Rosser Monday af ternoon. R. L. Oldham suffered a severe heart attack at his home here Sun day, but is now getting along nicely. Mrs. Homer Pendergraf, the for- r.’.er Miss Pauline Alexander, and lit tle Norma Jean Pendergraf return ed to their home in Durham on Fri day after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. F’. Ale.xander. Mrs. L. C. Crabtree is in Carthage visiting her mother, who is ill. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTK'K OF FOKEt'LOSI’KE ‘ SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage of J. K. Hasty and wife, Lula Hasty, to the Sandhills Financing Corp., which mortgage is recorded in ;ho Register of Deeds office of Moore County in Book of Mortgages No. 48. at Pago 28.'), default having been made in the payment of said mort gage and the power of sale therein having become operative, the under signed assignee of mortgage will on MONDAY. MARCH 25th, 1935, at 12 O’CLOCK NOON at the courthouse door in Carthage, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate mentioned in said mortgage and more particularly described as follows: Fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue in the Town of Southern Pines, West of Stephen Street; lying and being, in Block L. and II, as shown upon the map of the aforesaid Town of South ern Pines which is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, at Carthage, N. C., in the back of Book Number 10 of Deeds: and being lots number one (1) and two (2) as shown upon the aforesaid map, in the aforesaid Block L and 11, (which is numbered differ ently from other blocks, being a par- tial block only; a portion thereof be ing cut off by the old corporation line on its Easterly edge.) Being all of the land lying East of the Easterly border 'of Lots 3, 4, and 5 and 6 in the said Block L and 11, and North of the center square thereof, and West of the old corpora' ticn line: Beginning at a point in the Southerly side of Penna. Avenue, 146 feet from the corner of the said Ave nue and Stephen Street, and runnnig thence with Penna. Avenue Easterly to the corporation line. Thence, as said line for 160 feet; thence as the first line reversed, parallel with Penn.sylvania Avenue, Westerly, with the Northerly edge of the center -■vquare of Block L and II to the cor ner of Lots 1 and 6 with the same; thence with the dividing line of the said lots 1 and 2 and 5 and 6 to the common corner of lots 2, 4 and 5; thence as the East line of lots 3 and 4 to the beginning, * CHAS. TURNER, Assignee of Mortgagee H. F. Seawell, Jr., Attorney. PLACE OF SALE: Courthouse Door. TIME OF SALE: March 25th, 1935, 12 o’clock noon. TERMS OF SALE: Highest Bidder I for Cash. Marl-22. I I ADMINISTR.\TIIIX NOTICE Having qualified as Ancillary Ad ministratrix of the estate of Ella A. Calderwood, deceased, of York Coun ty, Maine, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 22nd day of February. 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to the said estate will please m»ke immediate payment. EVELYN THOMAS, Ancillary Administratrix of the es tate of Ella A. Calderwood, deceased. This 21st day of February, 1935. F22-M29. eral Springs Branch nean the head ot it, Lewis Ritter’s beginning corner, running as his line S. 20 W. 11 chs. to a pine, red and two hickory poin ters; thence S. 69 E. 25 chs. to a stake in a field, about 30 or 40 yards, N. of the Raleigh Rd.; thence S 16 E. 14.35 chs. to a stake. Mulberry and Sweet Gum pointers. Riddle’s corner; thence as his line N. 84 E. 7 chs. to a stake, old field pine pointers, thence aa another of his line N. 14 1-2 W’. 15 chs. to a stake in the Ral eigh Rd„ persimmon, sweet gum pointers: thence as said road N. 65.5* | I E. 7.50 chs. to a branch; thence up I said branch to a small white oak; white oak, maple, and sweet gum pointers; thence N. 46 E. 30 chs.; thence N. 71 W'. 38 chs. to Mineral Springs Branch; thence up the va rious courses of said branch to the beginning corner; Being the land al lotted to H Kate Kelly in the copsent division of the lands of Evandef Kel- I 1.V, dec’d., amongst his heirs at law in I 1890 and referred to in the said di- j vision as the Home Place of Evander ; Kelly, Being the same land conveyed i to J. Clyde Kelly, by E. Kate Kelly I (single ( by deed dated September 3rd, I 1921, £Uid recorded in Book of Deeds 93, page 293, public registry of Moore County. This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. I This sale is made by reason of the | failure of J. Clyde Kelly and wite,' Louise Kelly, to pay off and discharge ■ tha indebtedness secured by said 1 Deed of Trust. i A deposit of 10 percent will be re-1 quirod from the purchaser at the sale,' This the 4th day of February, 1935.! INTERST.4.TE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur- | ham, N. C. F15-M8. , NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. J. W^ Cameron. Surviving Partner of J. A. Thomas, deceased, operating under the trade name of Cameron Hardware Company is now closing up the business of the part nership, and all persons having claims against the said partnership shall ex hibit ame to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded as a bar to a recovery. All persons owing the partnership will please make im mediate payment. J. W. CAMERON, Surviving Partner of J. A. Thomas, deceased. This 12th day of February, 1935. M8 S.\LE OF VALUABLE F.ARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us la a'Deed ot Trust executed by June Sullivan and wife, Rozelle Sullivan, on the 26th day of October, 1932, and recorded in Book 57, Page 216, we will on Sat urday, the 9th Day of March, 1935, 12 o’clock Noon at the courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Lot 15 containing 2.10 acres, more or less, of the N. C. Joint Stock Land Bank land, known as the Benner larm, made by H. H. Fry, C. E., Oc tober, 1932, and recorded in Deed Book 115, Page 598, Register of Deeds Office, Moore County. This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. 1 This sale is made by reason of the ' failure of June Sullivan and wife, Ro- I cclle Sullivan, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by jaid Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 30th day of January, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, TRUSTEE, Durham, N. C. F15-M8. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Dr. Ernest M. Poate, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same duly authenticated to the under signed on or before the 5th day of February 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 5th day of February, 1935. JULIA C. POATE, Executrix of the Estate of Ernest M. Poate, d«- 'ased. F8-M15. SALE OF VALUABLE F.AR.M PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon ua in a Deed of Trust executed by J. Clyde Kelly and v/ife, Louise Kelly, on the 30th day ot June. 1928, and recorded in book 47, T’age 321, we will on Saturday the 9th Day of March, 1935, 12 o’clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N, C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the f-llowing land, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel ot land lying and being in Carthage Township. County of Moore, State of N'. C., adjoining the lands of R. a. McLauchlin, D. D. Kelly and others md being on the waters of Mineral Springs Branch, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a large sweet gum, nine and maple pointers in the Min- I SALE OF VALU.VBLE F.AKM I PROPERTY j ■ Under and by virtue of the au- : thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by Walter E, Por ter and wife, Mollie W. Porter, on the 26th day of October, 1932, and re corded in Book 57, Page 225, we will on Saturdaj', the 9th Day of March, 1935, 12 o’clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Lot No. 27 containing 1 acre. Lot No. 28 containing one acre, and Lot No. 29 containing one and five-tenths as shown on the map of the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank land, known as the Benner farm, made by H. H. Fry, C. E., October, 1932, and recorded in Plat Book 45, Page 598, in the Register of Deeds Office, Moore County.-• This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Walter E, Porter and wife, Mollie W. Porter, to off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 29th day of January, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, TRUSTEE, Durham, N. C. F15-M8. SALE OF VALU.VBLE PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by D. W. McNeill and wife, Cornie McNeill, and H. J. McNeill and wife, Minnie McNeill, on the 22nd day of June, 1926, and re corded in Book 45, Page 250, we will on Saturday, the 9th Day of March, 1935, , 12 o’clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: 1st Tract: Lying on the W. side ot Hurd's Creek, and on the N. side of the Old Cameron-Carthage Stage Rd., beginning at a stake in said Old Cameron-Carthage Rd., at W. C. White’s corner; runs thence w'lth his line N. 4 E. 28 chs. to the last cor ner of Tract No. 2 herein; thence N 6.8 H 16.80 chs. to a stake corner of the Henry McNeill Estate; thence as his line S. 62 E. 1.90 chs. to his rcrner; thence as his other line S. 70 E. 9 chs. to his other corner; thence as Thomas McDonald's line S. 18 E. 22 chs. to his corner; thence as his other line S. 44 W. 15 chs. to a rock; thence S. 60 E. 3.,55 chs. to a stake near the - church; thence as the church lot line S. 48 W. 2.40 chs. to 'Ji3 0!d Cameron-Carthage Rd.; Ihcnco as it N. 58 VV. 14.05 chs. to a noint in “aid road; thence continu ing with said road 14 chs. to the be- guiiiing, containing 100 acres, more or ks>^. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stake, .o.iicr of the John McNeill Land 12 hs. S. 85 W. from the second coiner of the above tract; thence with the Iilonroe Line N. 1 1-2 E. J7 >chs. to r. stake, Monroe’s corner; thence as his line N. 28 E. 16.25 chs. to a .stake, Miller McDonald’s corner; thence as his line S. 66 E. 7.20 chs. to McDonald's other corner; thence S. 4 W. 27 chs. to the second corner of Tract No. 1 above described; thence as the McNeill Line S. 85 W. 12 chs. to the beginning, containing 32.85 acres, more or less. 3rd Tract: Beginning at a stake, corner of McQueen Heirs land, and a corner of the Carolina Bennett Land; runs thence with McQueen’s line N. 28 W'. 17.20 chs.; thence as his other line N. 45 E. 7.30 chs. to his first corner; thence as his other line N. 42 E. 4.75 chs. to a corner of the S. T. Johnson land; thence a= line S. 52 E. 16.25 chs. to D. J. Monroe’s corner; thence as his line S. 20 1-2 E. i/‘. 90 chs. to the line of the Caroline Bennett land; thence with her line S. 68 1-2 W. li chs. to the beginning, containing 36 acres, more or less. 4th Tract: Lying on the waters of the Cattail Branch of Crane’s Creek, adjoining the lands of J. W. Hartsell, J. Yow, Mrs. J. R. Loving and others: Beginning at a stake in the swamp, N. side of the Cattail Branch. Kath- ar:ne Hunter’s and J. R. Loving’s corner; running thence with Loving’s line N. 66 2-3 W. 11 chs. to a stake at an old Rail Bridge on the S. side of a ditch, 2 cherry-tree pointers; thonce N. 37 W. 15 chs. to a stake, hiokory pointers, McPherson’s, Yow’s and Loving’s corner; thence S. 55 W. 2.8 chs. to a stake, Yow’s corner; thence S. 4 1-2 E. 10 chs. to a stake 2 pine pointers, Yow’s other corner; thence S. 40 E. 23 chs. to a stake in a bottom, one pine stump pointer; thence N. 25 E. 15 chs. to the begin ning, containing 26 acres, more or less. This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of D. W. McNeill and wife, Cornie McNeill, and H. J. McNeill and wife. Minnie McNeill, to pay oft and discharge the indebtedness secur ed by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 30th day of January, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur ham, N. C. F15-M8. LEGAL NOTICES described as follows: Being lots No. 19 to 38 inclusive, as shown on a map of the Tarbell Lumber^ Company Land, made to T. W. Secrest, for a sale for division of the Leach Estate and A. H. AtcLeod Land, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore Coun- > ty in Book 73, at page 601. (Two brick warehouses are now located on this parcel of land). This sale will be held and conducted in compliance with the decree of the c»,urt above referred to and the sale will be subject to the confirmation by the court. This the 22nd day of February, 1935. S. J. HINSDALE, Ml, 22 Commissioner. I I NOTIC E OF SALE OF L.VND Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by Deed of Trust, ex- , ccuted by D. O. Pierce and Florence ’ Pierce, both of the County of New York, State of New York to Robert K. Denny, Trustee, dated the 1st day j of June, 1934 and recorded in the Moore County Registry, Book 58, ' Page 115, the said Robert E. Denny, Trustee will at 12 o’clock noon on Monday the 25th day of March, 1935 at the Court House door of ^loore County in Carthage, North Carolina, L'cll at public auction to the highest ' bidder for cash, the following real es tate : Beginning at a concrete monument the northeastern corner of Lot “B’ cn the southern edge of Midland Road 1 .mning thence with the line between Lots "B” and “C” S. 22 tlegr'^es 42 minutes E. 156.3 feet to the south eastern corner of said Lot “B” on the edge of the golf reservation; thence with the line of said golf reservation N. 67 degrees 53 minutes E 135.0 feet to the southwestern corner of Lot “D”, thence with the line of said Lot "D” N. 22 degrees 42 min- utf^s W. 159.33 feet to a concrete : monument on the southern edge ot j Midland Road, the northwest corner , of Lot “D"; thence with the road lines S. 67 degrees 18 minutes W. 72.2 feet to the point of a six degree curve, thence with said curve, 62.8 feet to the beginning. Being designated as Lot “C” on a plan of P. B. O’Brien Property, made by Frances Deaton, dated January 26, 1924. This sale is made on accoimt of the default in the payment of the inc'ebt- edness for the purchase price of said real estate, secured by said Deed of Trust and is subject to all taxes and assessments against aid property. Thi the 25th day of February, 1935. ROBERT E. DENNY, Ml-22 Trustee. ORBaA ern3p S.VLE OF V.4LUABLE F.VRM PROPERTY EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of tha estate of Melvin Sanborn, decea.s- ed, late of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceas ed to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of January, 1936, 'or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30th day of January, 1935. NELLIE F. SANBORN, F8-M15. Executrix. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER^ S.4LE Under and by virtue of the au thority and direction contained in that certain order and decree, made and entered at the February Term of the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, in an action now pending and entitled, Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, et al. vs. Moore County Securities Corporation, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday the 25th day of March, 1935, at twelve o’clock noon, at the Court House Door of Moore County, in the Town of Carthage, the follow ing real estate: Tho.«e certain pieces, parcels or lots of land, situate, lying and being in Sandhill Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and more particularly Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by Jennie Belle Cam eron, (unmarried), on the 29th day of May, 1923, and recorded in Book 39, Page 30, we will on Saturday, the 16th day of March, 1935, ' 12 o’clock noon 1 at the Courthouse door in Moore I County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub- i lie auction for cash to the highest ! bidder the following land, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Greenwood Township, Moore County, N. C., adjoining the lands of N. A. Cameron, W. J. Cameron and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the middle of the Wa gon Road, one pine and two black jack pointers; running S. 24 chs. to the center of Stoney Branch, pine and gum pointers; thence as the chan nel of said branch about N. 45 W. 9 chs. to a turn; thence as the branch about N. 85 W. 32 chs. and 50 links to corner: stake and pointers; thence N. 3 n 25 chs. and 50 links to a stake and pointers; thence S. 87 E. 21 chs. to a stake and pointers; thence N. 62 E. 11 chs. and 25 links to the middle of the above named wagon road; I thence as the road to the beginning, j containing 135 acres, more or less. ' This land is sold subject to all un- j paid taxes. I This sale is made by reason of the : failure of Jennie Belle Cameron, (un married) to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A "deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 5th day of February, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur ham, N. C. F22-M15. .ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Having qualified this day as Ad ministrators of the estate of J. F. Allred, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to not ify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of January 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to us. Dated this 14th day of January, 1935. D. I. ALLRED and CHRISTINE ALLRED, J18.F22 Administrators. The V TVfisnnaBKnBBRHii AL.ET Cleaners and Pressers For the Sandhills Tel. 5651 Southern Pine.s I

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