MOORE COUNTY S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY TPTJrTT L niZr A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15A, NO. 33. ^ ^^^AfiTHAQE ^PRIN< ALAKEVIEW HAHuftY JACK90H QPAIHOS 90UTHeRN PlliCS ^SHUCY HaiGHTS a^kroum - ^PIMEBLUFP V N A : if,!; FIRST IS m:ws, CIRCin.ATIOX & AI)\ ERTLSLNG of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, July 12, 1935. FIVE CENn ESCAPED CONVICT SHOT TO DEATH AFTER KIDNAPING Trio From State Sanatorium Hold Fp Aberdeen Negro, Steal His Truck New United States Postoffice in Pinehurst 1 KILLED IN McCOLL, S. C. One convict of a trio which escap ed from the State Sanatorium prison camp is dead as a result of the kid naping in Aberdeen on Tuesday of Nathan Watson, colored, with his motor truck. He was shot down by Policeman Norman Bullock in Mc- Coll, S. C„ Tuesday afternoon when Watson eluded his captors and tip ped off the authorities as to their whereabouts. The two other convicts escapc J. Watson drives a .truck around Aberdeen, picking up odd jobs here and there. On Tuesday morning he was stopped near his home on High, way No. 1 between Aberdef^n and ■ Pinebluff by three men on a State I Sanatorium truck. They asked him to i take them into Aberdeen for some oil ; for their truck, which he did. After getting the oil one of the men said | he had an uncle living a short dis- ! tance out on the Laurinburg road | and asked Watson if he'd drive him I out there for a minute. When Wat.! son had reached the outskirts of i town he felt a gun thrust against his back and was ordered to stop. One of the convicts took the wheel and proceeded south, Watf^on was threatened with his life several times on the journey. Watson Gives Alarm They drove to McColl where the men left the truck for a few min utes, warning Watson against giving any alarm. The colored man saw some State Highway employes near by and rushed to them with his story. They drove him to police headquar ters in McColl and Officer Bullock i joined them. Two of the convicts were found waiting near the railroad tracks for a passing freight, and when ordered to stick up their hands, they reached for guns, Bullock fired, one of the men dropping dead. The other made a getaway. A check-up at the Sanatorium re veals that Eugene Ross, Luther Nor ris and Gorman Williams were the absentees at roll call Tuesday night. WTiich one was killed in McColl and which two escaped had not been as- certained when this was written. All were patients in the prison ward of the institution. Watson was brought back to Aber deen Tuesday night by a McColl po liceman and went back to McColl Wednesday for his truck. I X:- •• . . ■> 'i . iMiiit Tentative Budget Shows Three-Cent Increase in Moore County Tax Rate ‘The Rebel” Here South’s First Streamlined Air Conditioned Train Visits Southern Pines The South's first streamlined air- conditioned train passed through Southern Pines yesterday after noon, making a short stop for in spection by a number of leading citizens. The train, called “The Rebel,” will soon be in operation over the Gulf. Mobile & Northern Railroad'.s tracks between New Orleans and Jackson. Tenn. It is the last word in passenger com fort and won high piaise from those who went aboard here as guests of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, sponsors of the train on this trip. I (’ommi.ssioners Release Esti mates Revealints .lump from 70 to 73 (’ents NAME COI NTV OFFICERS Modern in Every Detail, the New Pinehurst Postoffice i:- now open for business. (Photo by Hemmer) LACHINE HOUSE IN WEYMOUTH HGTS. GUTTED BY FIRE To Inaugurate Peach Auction Sales in Sandhills Next Monday Mrs. Clara V. Lewis Passes Away at 77 Highly Esteemed Resident of Southern Pines 111 But Short Time Following an illness of short dura tion Mrs. Clara V, Lewis, aged 77 years, much beloved and highly es teemed resident of Southern Pines died in her home on Bennett street early Wednesday morning, Mrs. Lewis- daughter of the Rev. Donald McKay, was born in Nova Scotia, April 28th, 1858. and came to Southern Pines with her husband, the late Rev, John Lewis, in 1906 following his acceptance of the pastorate of the Baptist church which he served until 1910. Since his death on January 2nd, 1926 Mrs, Lewis has lived a retired life though keeping the old home open happy in welcoming her friends among the church organizations. Fun. eral services will be held in her late home at 4:30 o’clock this afternoon, Friday, her pastor the Rev, Mr. Har ris of the Baptist Church of Aberdeen, officiating. Interment will follow in Mount Hope Cemetery. Attractive Residence Believed To Have Been Struck by Lightning I - i Southern Pines suffered its most j serious residential fire in some time on Tuesday night when the Lachine j house on Arbutus Road, Weymouth j Heights, was gutted by flames. The ' origin of the fire is not known, and I there is the possibility that it was [ struck by hghtning during the storm late that day. The house was unoccupied, but contained the person al belongings of the Louis Lachine family. The Lachines are living in the Highland Pines Inn during the sum- mer months. The alarm was given around 11:30 o’clock after the discovery of the fire by Miss Catherine Pierson, who lives nearby. The firemen were com pelled to lay out 2,000 feet of hose to reach the flames from the naiarest hydrant. It was a stubborn and dan gerous fire to fight, the building largely of wood construction, brick veneered, with a heavy tile roof. Dur ing the fire 16 tons of tile crashed from roof to basement. The same house has been the scene of two pre vious fires. j The house was one of the most at- tractive of those built over a period of years by Mr. Lachine. It nestled in a grove of trees, barely visible from the road. It has been rented during winter seasons at various times, one year by Mrs. David Sloane of Mill- brook, N. Y., two winters by the Schumacher family, another by Mrs. J. D. Harden. It was built about sev en years ago. Mr. aud Mrs. Lachine and their son lost practically all of their cloth ing in the fire. The building was in sured through the Barnum agency. G.VRRETT <Sr CO. ABANDON ABERDEEN WINE PLANT Drivers’ Licenses State Will Be Ready To Issue New Pasteboards Next Month The new Division of Highway Safety to be set up for administer ing the new drivers’ license law will be ready to issue drivers’ li cense probably in August, Arthur D. Fulk, newly appointed director, announces. Machinery for address ing and numbering the permanent licenses has been ordered. Licenses are not required until November 1 and cost nothing before that date for those who have been driving cars as long as a year. After that $1 will be charged. Chauffeurs, who will use badges, will pay $2 for the licenses. The State High way Patrol will enforce the law. Captain Charles D. Farmer and his officers are now training about 150 men and from these enough will be added to make the patrol 121 strong, men and officers. Daily Sales To Be Held at Pack- houses Throughout Section; 2,500 Car Crop Estimated A three-cent inriease in Moore county's ta.\ rate is for the coming year in the tentative budget passed upon by the Board of County Commissionei s on M >nday. The rate is expected to be 73 cents as against last year's 70 cents. A copy of the tentative budget will be published in The Pilot n'^xt week. The hoard had numerous matters before it at its Monday session. It voted to ask Governor Ehringhaus to call a special term of Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases, to Vjegin August 5th and continue for one week, commissioning a Superior Court judge to preside. This term would be followed by the regular tei'm which is scheduled to begin on .August 12th. At the request of Aber deen's Boaid of Commissioners it ap proved the application of Garrett & Company to manufacture and sell wines at its Aberdeen plant. Reappoint Officers Various appointments to county officers were made. John C. Muse was reappointed county auditor at a sal ary of $83.33 a month. Miss Maida Jenkins was given another term as county accountant at a salary of LIFE TIME JOB AT $6,000.00 , $135 j>er month. Commissioner D. D. McCrimmon voted “No” on this ap- ROOSEVELT NAMES THADS.PAGETO IMPORT ANT POST Secretary to Sen. Bailey Nomi nated Administrative Secre tary of National Archi\es Murdoch M. Johnson Weds in Camden ,S. C. Miss Annie Etelle Thompson of Aberdeen Bride of Former N. C. State Senator CITIZENS B.4NK TO CIX)SE AT NOON ON WEDNESDAYS The Citizens’ Bank and Trust Com pany of Soqthero Pines will close at twelve noon, beginning next Wednes day, July 17th until September 1st. The bank will remain open until 2 o’clock Saturdays. After rebuilding their plant in Aberdeen for the manufacture of light wines, Garrett & Company of Brooklyn, N. Y., this week decided to abandon plans to operate here and cancelled all arrangements. The rea son given is that wines of more than 13 percent alcoholic content are al legedly shipped into the state for sale contrary to the law, and that the Garrett company feels it cannot compete with its line of legal wines without protection. The abandoning of the local plant came as a great blow to Aberdeen which has seen the old winery stand vacant and idle for many years. It is also a blow to grape growers in the section who anticipated a ready lo cal demand for their fruit. Announcements w-jre received here this week of the marriage of former State Senator Murdoch M. Johnson, formerly of Aberdeen, now a resident of Camden, South Carolina and a member of the South Carolina Legis lature. and Miss Annie Belle Thomp son of Camden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Thompson of Aberdeen, on last Saturday in Camden. The cere mony was performed in the presence of a few intimate friends in the bride’s home, after which Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left by motor for Wash ington, D. C., and other northern points. Mr. Johnson is now practicing law in Camden. .He was for several years a member of the law firm of John son & Johnson in Aberdeen, prominent in Moore county Democratic party af fairs, serving one term as Senator from this district, was president at various times of the Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen and the Aberdeen Cham ber of Commerce. Miss Thompson has been associated with Mr. John son in his law work both in Aber deen and Camden for a num-ber of years. P. H. McDonald has received his commission as postmaster of Carth age, and has taken over the office. He succeeds R. G. Wallace, who held the office for the last 12 years. The inauguration of the auction method of sales for the disposition of the large crop of peaches in the Sand- hills area is scheduled to take place in Ellerbe next Monday, July 15, with daily sales being held from that date until the total crop, said to total ap. proximately 2,500 cars, is entirely cleared. Sales are to be held under the sup. ervision of A. C Wilkins of the firm of A. C. Wilkins, Inc., which has of fices in Ellerbe, and will start at 1 p. m. daily at the John Lentz pack ing house. From there the auction will proceed towords Norman, then on to Candor and around to West End and Pinehurst orchards, winding up in the Hoffman district. Selling will be held at all the pack- ing houses in the above mentioned areas at time intervals of from five to ten minutes, following the start of selling at 1 p. m. As the season pro- gresses additional sales at towns around Hoffman, Marston, Hamlet and Rockingham, will be held from 5 to 6 p. m„ points to be designated by the auction managers. Unusual interest is being displayed by growars and buyers in the new method of selling peaches in this ter ritory, according to Mr. Wilkins, who states; “It is seldom that such unusual in terest is displayed in connection with the auction system of selling peaches to be used over the Sandhills of North Carolina this season. The growers have become so desirous of selling their peaches cash track that they are greeting the buyers coming into the territory cordially. In turn the buyers say they will be pleased to buy direct from the growers. Recent rains over the territory now assure size and quality, not particularly on Hileys, which, however, will run easily two inches, but on Georgia Belles, El- bertas, Hales, etc., which all are like ly to be of sizes heretofore unequall ed. It is expected that the average of many orchards will be above two and one-half inches." Mr. Wilkins stressed the point in favor of auction sales that growers will be paid immediately upon deliv ery and buyers and growers share profits previously made by associa tions. He stated that he is also ar ranging for central auction markets for growers off the regular route. Hereabouts, Hiley Belles are mov. ing now, with Georgie Belles schedul ed to move from the 15th to the 18th followed by Elbertas around the 22d. Local glowers are encouraged, by re cent reports of small peaches and a decreased crop in Georgia. The crop here looks good. pointment. Miss Flora McDonald was re-appointed home demonstration agent, her salary to be $800 for the year. E. H. Garrison is again farm demonstration agent at $1,200, and President Roosevelt sent to the Senate this week the nomination of Thad S. Page of Aberdeen( secretary to United States Senator Josiah W. Bailey, as Administrative Secretary of the National Archives. The posi- Kennedy warden of the Coun- tion is expected to pay from $5,600 ^ f to $6,500 a year as against Mr.!'''‘^^ a month allowed for cook Page’s present $3,900 salary. “rs- Estelle Wicker was ap. Thad Page, son of the late Robert assistant to the county ac- N. Page, former member of Congress countant and the tax collector at a from this district, has been secretary. of $ 5 a month, to Senator Bailey since March, 1931. | ®0 cents per He is well known throughout North i ^nd Sher- ^ I. .u 1. w . I iff C. J. McDonald given a $50 a Carolma, both through his secretary-, ® . . -.ul month allowance for travelmg ex- ship to his father when he was in the . . , , .... - pense. The court house janitors sal- House of Representatives from 1913 ^ . .. 1.1- 1. ary was fixed at $36 a month, to 1916, through his connection with _ the campaign of his father for Gov-1 ernor in 1920, and through his one time managership of the peach grow- i . _ , , . ers’ cooperative association here. At ^ satis actory n in e amoun A. R. Laubscher was reappointed constable for McNeill township, to become effective when he has posted the time he was appointed secretary to Senator Bailey he was operating an automobile agency in Hamlet. Thad, who is 43 years old, married Miss Patsy Hinton of Raleigh and they have two sons. Popular in Senate Mr. Page is easily one of the most popular secretaries at the Capitol and is probably known personally to as many or more Senators than anyone serving in a similar capacity. His nomination will undoubtedly be con firmed promptly by the Senate, says a Washington despatch. The position is expected to be per- of $250. “Captain” Yates Dies at Home in Aberdeen Former Railroad Man Moved to Sandhills From Cary 43 Years Ago A. F. Yates died at his home in Aberdeen on the night of July 3rd at 9:20 o’clock, following a long ill ness. He was 75 years old, Mr. Yates came from Cary to Aber deen to make his home 43 years ago, and bad made a host of friends to manent, along with that of the Na- ^ whom he was known as “Captain” tional Archivist, Dr. R. D. W. Con- Yates, gaining his title from his long nor, who, like the librarian of Con- years as a railroad conductor. First gress, holds on regardless of admin- j he was associated as conductor for istrations, and was not appointed on the old Moore County Railroad, and political considerations. j later he served in like capacity for Senator Bailey indicated this week ^ the Aberdeen & Rockfish. He was a that he will not be in a hurry to se- i member of the Order of Railway lect Mr. Page’s successor, but will, Conductors. After he left the service survey the available men Cdiefully before making a choice. It is under stood that Thad Eure and LeRoy Martin have both been sounded out in connection with the position and have indicated they were not interest ed. 16 OF 17 COUNTIES VOTE WET; ROCKINGHAM DRY Of 17 counties which have voted thus far on liquor control, only one, Rockingham, turned down the plan for the opening of legal stores. Greene county voted wet on Tuesday, Pas quotank, Martin, Halifax. Onslow, Pitt, Lenoir, Nash and Warren last Saturday. Previously Edgecomb, Wilson, Beaufort, Vance, Franklin New Hanover and Craven had gone wet. A majority of the qualified vot ers of McNeills towTishlp, In which Southern Pines is located have sign ed for a legal store here. of the railroad he operated a cabinet shop in Aberdeen until his health fail ed some six years ago. In early life he married Miss Ag nes Holleman of Cary, who survives him, with four sisters, Mrs. W. B. Upchurch of Apex, Mrs. A. W. Sor rell, Mrs. J. K. McCain and Mrs. A. W. McCain, all of Durham. Funeral services were held at the Aberdeen Baptist Church Fourth of July afternoon. It was most fitting that his funeral should be held in the church of which he was a faithful member so long, and where for many years he had served as treasurer and trustee. His pastor, the Rev. E. M. Harris, was assistsby two former pators. Rev: D. H. Ives of Spray and Rev J. B. Willis of Hamlet. Mr. Harris read several selections of scripture and Mr. Ives led in pray er, after which Mr. Willis spoke in a beautiful way of the useful life of {Please turn to page 6)

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