Tobacco Growers: Welcome to Aberdeen MOORE COUNTY S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15A, NO. 42. aAci.e SPRINGS ^lakeview WB.ST tHO , f! JACKSOH SPRINGS ■ VSOUTHCRN PmKS = . XplNBBLUFr FIRST IN N»EWS, CIRCLLATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, September 13, 1935. FIVE CENTS STATE PROTESTS HOLD-UP OF PWA PROGRAM BY U.S. Only $€00,000 Construction Work Approved of $20,000,- 000 in Projects N. C. ASKS SQUARE DEAL Following a conference in Washington Tuesday with Works Progress Administrator Harry Hopkins, Senator Bailey, Gov. ernor Ehiiiignous and Represen. tative Doughton issut*d a joint statement In which they said they had i)een “positively” as. sured that North Carolina would receive its full share of the $4,. 000,000,000 work relief fund and that ‘•there would be no dls. crimination as between states for pollticul purposes or othenvlse.” This means, according to the slatemcnt, that around $70,000,- 000 will go to North Carolina but just how It will be divided between WPA and PWA Is yet to be determined. Governor Ehringhaus, Treasurer Johnson, Highway Commissioner Waynick, Secretary of State Wade, other state officers, and several hundred representatives of county and municipal governments assem_ bled last week in Chapel Hill in re sponse to an emergency call from Herman G. Baity, State Director of the Public Works Administration, to hear from him that the P. W. A. •program was in North Carolina in danger of being wrecked by Wash ington’s disapproval of applications sent in from this state. Projects calling for a total expen diture of about §20,000,000—mostly school buildings, water works, and sewage systems—have (^een |iub- mitted to the P. W. A., and only about $600,000 worth of construction has been approved. Rules Changed The trouble is that the Govern, ment changed the rules of the game while the game was in progress. The North Carolina applicants complied with the Government’s requirements, and then, after the applications were checked by the State administrator, found satisfactory, and sent on to W'ashington, the requirements were stiffened. And this happened when the deadline for the filing of applica tions was near at hand and there was not enough time left for applications to be returned to applicants and re vised. In his address at the meeting Gov. ernor Ehringhaus made a spirited protest at the scurvy treatment North Carolina had received in the distribution of the public works mon ey appropriated by Congress. Loyal Democrats that they were, (Please turn to page 5) Just a Couple of Unconfirmed Stories That Drifted in to Ye Ed. Extra Copies The Pilot Goes This Week to Tobacco Growers in the Aberdeen District More than 500 extra copies of The Pilot are being distributed this week to tobacco growers throughout the Aberdeen tobac. CO belt. If you are not a regular subscriber and receive a copy of the paper this week, you will know it is sent to tell you some thing about the opening of the Aberdeen tobacco market next Tuesday, and something about Aberdeen and the Sandhills. Come see us. ENROLLMENT IN SCHOOLS INDICATE NEW RECORD HERE Total in Southern Pines is 434 After Third D-iy, With Many More to Come opening terms: Elementary H. S. 1931-32 274 107 1932-33 335 117 1933.34 319 117 1934-35 .329 119 1935-36 311 123 Bell Wins Honors With Auto Patent The registration figures of South ern Pines School showed a total of 434 pupils at the end of the third day of the new Fall term. School j opened on Tuesday. Superintendent j Frank T. Webster believes this to tal means that within the next week or two the registration figures will top all previous records here, as many children have not yet arrived in town for the winter and will be enrolling late. The total compares very favorably with past years. Here are the fig ures showing the enrollment at the end of the first month of previous Total 381; 456 I 436 448; 434 I The break-down in enrollment by ] grades shows the following figures for this new term: First grade, 47; Second, 43; Third, 45; Fourth, 42; Fifth, 41; Sixth, 46; Seventh, 47; Total—311. High School, Eighth grade. 43; Ninth, 33; Tenth, 31; Eleventh, 16; Total, 123. School opened Tuesday without any formal exercises, the faculty putting the children right to work. All members of the faculty were on hand for the opening day. RELOC.^TE RO.XD BETWEEN C.\RTH.\GE AND SANFORD Pinehurst’s Liquor Supply Re ported Wrecked in Fayette ville, and Gargas’ Eagle Eye We haven’t been informed just when the Alcohol Beverage Control store, more familiarly known as “the liquor store," will open in Pinehurst, but there’s a story going the rounds that a liquor laden truck was wreck, ed in Fayetteville the other day, and that aboard her was most of the stock for the new Pinehurst shoppe. The rumor is unconfirmed but be lieved to be true. The truck was headed in this direction, and there just ain’t no other store in this di. rection except Southern Pines’, and the shipment was not for Southern Pines. Anri here’s another tale: The story goes that when the last truckload of beverages for the Southern Pines store arrived here Chief of Police Gargas fouiid some corn likker under the driver’s seat and arrested the driver for possession of illegal liquor. The fact that he had a truckload of legal liquor is no excuse for having that old moon, shine unstamped and now’adays frowned upon as socially unethical since we have a perfectly good le. gal liquor dispensary, under the front seat or anywhere c se in your car, and the poor driver alleged to have paid the penalty of the law. This rumor is also unccnfirmed for the reason that it was such a good story we didn’t dart try to confirm it. It might have spoiled everything. But it is believed to be true. Mrs. Lillian Miller Weds in New York Well Known Resident of South ern Pines IMarries Dr. Simp son, 75 Years of Age Southern Pines Man Invents Device To Measure Distance Per Unit Gallon of Gas The Industrial Promotions Co., of New York City has recently made a survey of the United States Patent Office to appraise the Fuel Consump tion Meter patent obtained by John B. Bell of Southern Pines and report that the device has won first honors in its particular division and due to its simplicity, economy and uniquity, it will probably be one of the most important inventions of the decade in the automobile industry. Bell reports that his device will op erate on the dash beside the speed, onieter and will relate the actual dis. tance per unit gallon of gas. The mechanism of the fuel consumption is of such a nature that no danger in service or costly repairs will ever present itself. The life of one should be equal at least to that of the au tomobile. In spite of the numerous congrat ulations Bell is receiving each day, his usual modesty is not lessened. Blue prints are to be found on the wall of the Court House calling for changes in the location of sections of the highway between Sanford and Carthage. Engineers have made the survey for the changes in this road. Coming out of ^arthage the road will be relocated for quite a distance and the new stretches of road will all be on the north side of the Moore Cen tral Railroad. There will not be a grade cross, ing between Carthage and Sanford. Changes will be made in the location of the road much of the way from Carthage to the filling station on Federal Highway No. 1, where Ed. wards and the Birdsongs were killed a few years ago. It is reported that this road will be hard surfaced. It is not known when construction work will begin. FOUR LOCAL. PROJECTS APPROVED BY STATE Moore county projects approved by State PWA officials and awaiting ac tion in Washington include $56,. 954 for the Moore County Hospital, $192,500 for Hemp’s proposed water and sewer system, $27,273 for water and sewer system in Cameron and $58,181 for water and sewer im provements in Carthage. Mrs. Lillian Haver Miller, widow of the late Prof. William A. Miller who died in Southern Pines August 7th, 1933. and Maxwell Simpson, 75 years of age, a retired physician in New York City, were married yesterday in the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York. Dr. Eoen Cobb of Elizabeth, N. J., officiated. Mrs. Miller has lived in Southern Pines since 1923 and has been promi nently identified with the Southern Pines Baptist Church where she has long taught the kindergarten class in Sunday School. She has made her home on East Vermont avenue and owns another house adjacent to the one she occupied. She is the daught er of Wilson and Sarah Cadmus Ha ver. The news of the wedding will come as a great surprise to Mrs. Simpson’s many friends in Southern Pines. She left here last week without announc ing her intentions. A marriage li cense was issued at the Municipal Building in New York on Tuesday, Mrs. Miller giving her age as 53. Dr. Simpson makes his home at the Ho tel Pennsylvania. His first wife died in 1931. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED OF MISS PATRICIA C. HYDE U. S. FUNDS FOR NATIONAL PARK PROJECT ARRIVE Sub-Marginal Land Develop ment in Sandhills Assured by Exercise of Options PURCHASE 60,000 ACRES Aberdeen All Prepared For Opening of Tobacco Season; First Sale Tuesday Morning The engagement was announced in Syracuse, New York last Saturday of Miss Patricia C. Hyde, daughter of Nelson C. Hyde of Southern Pines, to Edward Benedict Fonda of Syra. cuse. Miss Hyde is a graduate of Southern Pines High School and also attended Oldfield’s School at Glen coe, Maryland and Miss Hourigan’s School in New York City. Mr. Fonda is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Arthur Fonda of Syra cuse. He was graduated from Deer_ field Academy at Deerfield, Mass., in 1933 and attended Syracuse Univer sity. He is now associated with the Fonda Motor Car Company in Syra cuse, distributors of the Packard car. No date has been set for the wedding. Dr. Willian! C. Mudgett returned yesterday from a hunting trip in Canada. The government is starting to ex ercise its options on land selected in this section in the sub-marginal land development project, B. G. Downey, State administrative offficer in charge of the work here announced this week. One U. S. Treasury check said to be drawn far an amount in excess of $25,000 was received here during the past week to take up one large tract of the 60,000 or more acres to be acquired for a national park and fisheries. The government, under n prog ram said to have been conceived in the mind of President Roosevelt himself, set aside isome time ago $25,000,000 to retire land below nor. mal for farm purposes, to remove families from such lands and set them up on land from which they might make a living. /Under the program the Sandhills was fortunate in being selected for the experimen. tal work, and Mi'. Downey and a crew of young men under him have been making their headquarters in the Patch Building, Southern Pines, carrying out the experiment. Their work has met with the full favor of Washington authorities who have vis_ ited the land selected in this vicinitj’, and plans have been drawn for a park on a large scale, of it on the property of Glenu Ford McKin. ney in the Hoffman section. .Series of Lakes The development calls for a se ries of lakes, a fisheries project, with a hatchery for warm water fish, and a tree nursery project, as well as the beautification of the park for recreation pui’poses. The nursery has been well under way for some time, on the old Broadacres es tate. There shipmast locust has been planted and some loblolly and long| leaf pine. i Something like $2,000,000 is said to be involved in the Sandhills pro-' ject, under a three.year program, j sites for lakes have been I selected, with necessary dams and! the clearing of tributary streams, j Most of the land to be acquired lies in Richmond and Scotland counties, adjoining Moore, but some will be purchased in this county near the Eldridge Johnson estate. The exercising of the options on some of the land which Mr. Downey and his cohorts had chosen was good news to the efficient staff which has been hard at it in the Patch Build ing headquarters and around the country here £or many months. Practically all the preparatory work on the development has been com pleted and Mr. Downey and his fel low workers have been fearful that in the maze of governmental finance the fund set aside for the sub-margin al land project might become over looked. It was therefore a welcome sight to the boys when last w'eek a United States District Attorney put in an appearance with the first of the money necessary to acquire optioned land and assure the car. rying out of the fine work which they have been doing here. The project should mean much to the Sandhills, ultimately giving this section a fishing ground to add to the many and varied sporting ac. tivities. The planting program will also mean a sightseeing objective for old and young. Aberdeen Market Opening—Tuesday morning, Sep. tember 17, 9 a. m. (Toss of coin will determine warehouse holding open, ing sale). Warehouses— Aberdeen Ware. house, operated by Claude Covington and the Smothers Brothers, all of Reidsville. Saund. ers’ Warehouse, operated by B. B. Saunders of Aberdeen. Buyers—American Tobacco Com pany, Joe DeBerry. Liggett & Myers, L. T. Avery. Export, John G. W’ebb. Imperial, Ivy Winston. Reynolds, Clarence Boles. Independent Companies— Several Buyers. Warehouses Await Rush of Weed from Crop Estimated at 20'; Above 1934 LEADING BUYERS ON HAND New Operators in Charge of Aberdeen Warehouse and B. B. Saunders Back “at the Old Stand.” — Merchants Look For Busy Season in Aberdeen Stores. COMPROMISE ENDS LONG FIGHT OVER U. S. HIGHWAY 15 State Agrees to Route Through Sandhills. With Alternate by Fayetteville MAGAZINE PICTURES MORK OF LOCAL YOUTH The magazine, “Popular Meehan, ics,” in its October issue carries a picture of William E. Cox, Jr., 18- year old Southern Pines youth, standing beside a grandfather clock and lawn chair which he built from blueprints and plans published in a previous issue of the magazine After a long and bitter sectional i fight, the Sandhills is finally getting, back at least a portion of the tourist' traffic that moves north and south on U. S. highway No. 15, as a result ^ of a hearing before the State High- i way ar.d Public Works Commission in Raleigh last week. The commission ordered erection of Highway 15 signs along the Creedmoor, Durham, Chap el Hill, Pittstaoro, Sanford, Pinehurst, Aberdeen and Laurinburg route, which is essentially the same as the original route, but “alternate” mar, kers will be erected along the Creed, moor, Raleigh, Fayetteville course, j The new routing will leave out Rockingham, which w'ill permit the * highway to enter South Carolina at: the point highway officials of that ^ state have demanded it enter. At j present, the route will be marked through Southern Pines, but will be . changed to Pinehurst when the new Sanford.Pinehurst road now under ; construction is completed. | Senators W. P. Horton of Pitts, boro and U. L. Spence, Carthage, aid. ed the Durham delegation, which formed the spearhead of the attack in , seeking to persuade the commission ; to re-establish the original rout. I ing. Attorney W'. Duncan Matthews I and Charles W. Sadler represented Southern Pines. j It is assumed that the markers through here will be erected at once. | Pinehurst Gets Rate Reduction For Power Caroina Power & Light Cuts Wholesale Price For 15 Municipalities The Carolina Power & Light Com pany has reduced wholesale power rates effecting an annual saving of about $35,000 to 15 municipalities, the State Utilities Commission an nounced on Wednesday. Among those affected are Pinehurst and Fort Bragg. Both these municipalities buy at w’holesale from the company for at retail. “These reductions should and like ly will mean a reduction in the bills of the retail consumers,” Stanley Winborne, utilities commissioner, said in making the announcement. “However,” he added, “the commis sion has no authority over rates charged consumers buying from municipality power companies." With 20 percent more tobacco to be sold than last year, »\'ith two warehouses ready and waiting, with buyers on hand from all the leading tobacco manufacturing companies in the United States, the Aberdeen to« bacco market opens next Tuesday morning prepared as never before to handle the several million pounds of leaf expected to find their way here during the next few months. Aberdeen expects a fine season. The warehousemen have had the whole-hearted support of the mer_ chants and citizens of Aberdeen in all activities leading up to the big day of the season, and the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce has been busy broadcasting the merits of the local market for the large crop to be auc_ ticned off this fall. Operators new to Aberdeen have taken over the Aberdeen Warehouse for the season, men who come here from the important Reidsville mar_ ket with the highest of reputations, Claude W. Covington and the Smoth ers brothers, Tom and Reuben. These men have been active in put ting this warehouse in the best pos. sible condition for the marketing sea_ son, installing new skylights to brighten the floors and making other alterations to care for a maximum of leaf. B. B. Saunders, who has become an Aberdeen institution over the years of his warehousing here, is back on the job in the big Saunders Ware house. This house is all set for the season and Mr. Saunders anticipat ing one of his best in Aberdeen, .^bundiint Crop There is an abundant crop though- out the section which feeds the Aber_ deen market. Some good tobacco, some only fair due to the early sea son drought followed by too much lain, is ready for the auctioneers’ hammers, prices, judging from mar kets in the Border and new Bright Belt markets, may be sumewhat lower than last year, t)ut the mini mum average expected here is 20 to 21 cents. Most tobaconists believe, however, that the season average will be well above these figures. Ther« seems to be a general opinion that Middle Belt prices will be higher than others, as was the case last year. Many grower? have hesitated to sell on the relatively unstable border anc eastern Carolina markets unless thej just had to have cash, and that prob ably means offerings here will be both large and of good quality. Full Set of Buyers A full set of buyers, representingr all the leading manufacturing com. panies, will be on the floors here. Representatives of the big cigarette concerns are already on hand, in fact, and only awaiting the first callings of “Gene” Majoiard, and other auc tioneers who will lead the pro_ cession through the aisles of piles. Aberdeen merchants are prepared for the incoming rush of tobacco growers. Stocks in the various stores have been replenished, new lines put in, extra clerks put on. With better prices for farm products and for la_ bor, there is a feeling that buylng^ will be heavy in Aberdeen during the marketing season. Aberdeen merchants say they are going the limit this year to give customers the very best values possible. Quality at a reasonable price is being stressed in all stores.