Page Eight THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, October 18, 1933. Ladies Fall Coats, New Styles, All Wool Materials With fur collars and plain. Be sure to pick your coat Satur. day, and have us put it away for you until you are ready to take it. Price .,..$9.75 and $15.75 Silk Dresses $3.95 Ladies' New Fall Shoes, black and brown $1 49 Brown Sport Shoes, with side lace $1.9^ Chesco Welt Childrens Oxfords. No better shoes made at any price $1.98 and $2.25 Growing Girls Oxfords $1.98 .Mens Work Shoes, all stand, ard brands, guaranteed, $1.98 to $4.00 Men’s Genuine Calfskin Oxfords, black and brown $2.98 Leather Sole Dress Oxfords $1.98 Jarman Friendly Shoes $5.00 See These Styles in Our Windows NO S.XLES T.VX NELVIN BROTHERS] .\BERDEEX, N. C. THE Carolina Theatre Southern Pines PRESENTS i live lUVXIVE with BRIAN A H E R N E Mon., Tue., Wed., Oct. 21, 22, 23 8:15 Matinee Tuesdav at 3:00 THE GREAT AMERICAN MELODRAMA! < f yx Mrs. Coburn’s Beauty Shop In Theatre Building Open for Business OCTOBER 2ISt Pinehurst Paragraphs ROCHEUE HUDSON HENRY FONDA Added: The Sixth Edition of ‘‘The March of Time” Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 24, 25, 26 8:15 Matitiee Saturday at 3:00 Dr. Howard Smith The Eye.Sight Specialist, of Mon. roe, N. C., will be in his office at HOTEI^ABERDEEN, N^. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th Take advantage of this opportun. ity to have your Eyes correctly and/ satisfactorily fitted with Glasses at a reasonable price. Misses Margaret Morton and Dor. othy and Frances Ehrhardt, who are attending Queens.Chicora College, Charlotte, spent the past week.end at ' home. Eric Nelson returned Wednesday from Little Compton, R. I., where he spent the summer. Mrs. Nelson and children, Donald and Carolyn, re turned a month ago. Mrs. E. B. Keith went to Nash ville, Tenn., Saturday where she will be a guest in the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Murdoch McLeod. Miss Cora G. Hopkins, who spent the summer in Lenoir, has returned. True P. Cheney returned from Sky- top, Pa., the middle of the week. Miss Sara Cobb spent the past week.end at her home in Parkton. Mrs. H. J. Blue and Mrs. E. L. I Scofield ;spent Monday in Greens, j boro shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buckminster and children have returned 'after spending the summer in Bo.ston. Percy W. Thompson has returned to Pinehurst after spending the sum. mer months at his home in St. John, N. B. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ruggles have returned from Fergus Falls, Minn., where they visited Mrs. Ruggles’ family. During the early summer Dr. Ruggles enjoyed a several weeks’ cruise which included Bermuda, and later he anr Mrs. Ruggles visited ! California. I Dr. and Mrs. M. W .Marr return, jed last week from their summer I camp in Maine. 1 Miss Laivora Sally spent last week i in Tarboro, the guest of Mr. and ' Mrs. John Birgers. ! Mrs. Catherine McNeill of Lake, view is a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. C. Sledge. I Alex Stewart, Jr., of Fayetteville spent the past week.end at home. Mr. and Mrs. James Blitch of Wil_ more, Ky., spent the week.end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall. They were on their way to Florida. Misses Evelyn Gilliam, Sara Cobb, Mildred Cross, and Lillian Moore spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mrs. Jennie Robinson and Alfred Glasspool have returned from Lit. I tie Compton, R, L j Mrs. A. M. Hagood and Miss Mar. ^tha Westcott are spending several I weeks in Baltimore visiting relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cole spent Wednesday in Smithfield. A quartette composed of the Rev. and Mrs. A. J. McKelway and the Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Gibson, will 'broadcast Sunday afternoon at 5:45 {o’clock the Vesper service over sta. ; tion W. P. T. F. in Raleigh, j Mrs. True P. Cheney and Mrs. H. A. Campbell were hostesses at a camp fire supper on Saturday even, ing honor guests were members of the school faculty. I Monday evening at eight o’clock . Mrs. Charles Fields and Mrs. Dan I Horner were joint hostesses to the j American Legion Auxiliary in the Ladies’ parlor of the community church. I The Rev. and Mrs. A. J. McKel. 'i way delightfully entertained the [faculty of the Pinehurst school at i their home Monday evening. Games I and music were enjoyed and re. freshments served. A. M. Calhoun of Vass was an out of town guest. On Wednesday afternoon the Par. ent.Teacher Assdciation held its Oc. tober meeting in the school auditor, ium, with the president, Mrs. True P. Cheney in the chair. During the business session a most gratifying report was made of the recent bene. fit supper for the free lunch fund. Mr. Morton presented the budget, the chief items being lunches for undernourished children and school music. Miss Eunice Gibson, chairman of the program committee presented Dr. T. A. Cheatham who spoke with au thority on the deep and interesting subject of mal.adjustments, explain ing how the parents and teachers fortified by the church might help the child to adjust himself so as to enjoy happy normal life. Before his address Dr. Cheatham introduced Miss Matilda Harding, one of the Harding sisters who for several years have broadcast a mus ical program entitled “Twenty Fin gers of Harmony.” She delighted her hearers with two selections: “Etude in C. Sharp Minor,” by Scriabin and “The Girl with the Flaxon Hair” by Debussy. Before adjournment the organiza tion extended Dr. Cheatham a rising vote of thanks for this splendid pro gram. WAHTED One C«nt ft word each insertion. Mininoni charge, 25 cents. All Want Adt ma»t be paid for before ink^rtion. TRAVEL AGENCY GROUP GUESTS HERE THURvSD.VY (Continued from page 1) Burns, and representatives of the Board of Commissioners. The travel agency and automobile club representatives, from various parts of the country, are being shown the attractions of the two Carolinas that they may interest tourists in coming here for winter vacations in stead of just passing through on their way to and from Florida ppints. The plans for the trip were worked out by Coleman T. Roberts, president of the Carolina Motor Club and execu. tive secretary of The Carolinas, Inc. FOR RENT—Newly furnished three room apartment. Oil burner heat, electric stove and lefrigerator. Mrs. G. H. Buttry, Maine Avenue, SouLhern Pines. 025 LOST in Post office Tuesday morn ing a pair of glasses in case. Fin. der please return to Mack’s ten cent store or call 6043 to receive reward. TO LET: One pleasant room, three w'indows, fully furnished for house, keeping, large closet, pantry. Also one bed room, Corner Pennsylvan ia avenue and Ashe street. FOR RENT: apartment on second floor. Comfortably fur nished, pleasant quiet location. Heat furnished. Inez Bredbeck I*OR SALE: One American Ideal Round Type Steam Boiler, heat ing capacity 400 feet. One medium sized room heater. Apply to Elmer Renegar. Box 464, Southern Pines, N. C. tf. Starring Joan Crawford and direct, ed by W. S. Van Dyke, this combi nation is enough to make any pic. ' ture a success. In the case of "I Live ; My Life,” the new M.G.M produc. I tion, the attraction at the Southern ! Pines Theatre Monday, Tuesday and j Wednesday, October 21, 22, 23, with i a Tuesday matinee, the combination I coupled with a powerful story is made an outstanding production. Different from any of the glamorous I star's previous pictures, it casts her as a spoiled debutante whose love for a penniless archeologist redeems her. As the archeologist, Brian Aherne brings his finest performance to the screen, making the character a warm, charming and humorous dig. ger of statutes. Van Dyke’s inspir- ' ed direction is apparent in every scene of the new production. The j swiftness, easy comedy and dramatic punch which he instills into his se. quences are becoming a personal trademark. Joan Crawford has never appeared more glamorous nor been more beau tifully photographed. Her delinina- tion of the gay, careless, character is the work of a fine ac. tress. Equally stimulating is the supporting cast. Frank Morgan is up to his old humorous tricks as the bumbling, soft.hearted father; Fred Keating is excellent as the handsome I “,” and Eric Blore and Arthur Treacher are two butlers I you’ll not forget, nor will you forget Jessie Ralph as the irascible old grandmother. The special plea that “Way Down East,” the attraction for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 24, 25, 26, with a Saturday matinee, makes for tolerance in judgment of others, the dramatic impact of its story and the enduring tenderness of its love passages have gained through the years, as Fox Film’s superb picturi. zation of the story has become America’s greatest melodrama proved to a delighted preview audience on the coast a few days ago. Starring Rochelle Hudson and Henry Fonda, who made his debut in "The Far. mer Takes A Wife,” the picture tells again the moving, elemental drama of one woman’s fight for love against a world of bigotry and scorn. The details of the drama are per. haps familiar to many, but the fre.shness of the treatment, the po. etlc charm of the photography and the addition of some excellent new writing and comedy make it an en tirely new story, vital, fresh and alive. In reviewing the picture, one hard, ly knows whether to praise the act ing, the camera work or the direc. tion, and is finally inclined to admit that it is the superb blending of all three that makes "Way Down East” such a remarkable motion picture treat. An added attraction is the Sixth of the famous ‘‘March Of Time” se ries. Buy at the Curb Marxet in South, ern Pines on Saturday mornings. The new 1930 R. C. A. Victor Ra dio at Hayes.’ Stop Guessing What They Are The Best Possible Print From Every Negative SANDHILLS rHOTO SHOP U.S. No. 1 At City Limits ABERDEEN. N. C. tmannm«ttwiim»iHm»i»Mn»«nH»»H»«»»HHH»mmuHHHnniitiiiitMmio COOL NIGHTS Outing Flannel Gowns, Regular and extra size 85c to $2.00 Outing Flannel Pajamas $1.50 and $2.00 Balbriggan Pajamas, $.175 to $2.50 Children’s Sleepers, with or without feet Children’s Outing Gowns and Pajamas. Wool Filled Quilts, $5.00 up 100^; WOOL BLANKETS, $5.95 YARD GOODS Outing Flannel in dark colors, yd 10c Light Colors, Checks and Stripes, yd 16c Plaid Chambray, yd 10c striped and Solid Color Chambray, yd 12*/jc Misses and Children’s Half and Three Quarter Sox, Pair 15c and 25c Ladies Full Fashioned Hose, Chiffon or Service 69c, 79c HALLOWE’EN COSTUMES—HORNS—FACES—HATS STREAMERS C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. LOST—Between Siler City and Ham. let, newspaper press feedboard about 30x40 inches. Rew’ard for return. Hamlet News, Hamlet. GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT to rent at The Beverly, corner Penn sylvania Avenue and Bennett Street near Postoffice, Stores and Churches. Rent includes heat, lights and hot water. Also use of telephone. ■ 025. The Pinehurst Warehouses Recommend . . . SEVERAL DESIRABLE Properties for sale in Pinebluff at attractive prices. Levi Packard, Pinebluff, N. C. N8. Gaines Tested Food YOU CAN NOW SEND A BIRTH. DAY greeting telegram to any place in the United States by Pos. tal Telegraph for only 25 cents. i Use Postal Telegraph for cheap er rates and quicker service. Phone 6381. 025 for your dogs. {Gaines Meat and Milk Meal and Krunchon . . . both excellently suited for growth and health of dog's. Economical and Appetizing! The farther you travel the cheaper the mileage rate on the bus. Wash, ington, D. C., $4.95; Philadelphia, $7.95; New York, $9.25; Chicago, $15.35; Tickets and information at Postal Telegraph Co., Southern Pines and Pinehurst. N8. Spartan Grains Laying Mash FOR SALE: One young milch cow; one Willys-Knight Sedan; one ra. dio; one cedar chest; one guitar; two violins. All Bargains. C. L. Dutton, Niagara, N. C. 025. is iodized and insures continuous, heavy laying. Layers are healthier, and in better condition for profitable performance. Make the next three months “Big Profit Months.” Biologically Test ed—Measured Vitamins. LADY wishes large heated room, breakfast, garage for winter orj longer with private family in re. stricted location. Very best refer, ence exchanged. Address Lady, 94 University Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. Spartan Grains Dairy Feed Has been tried and tested by leading dairymen who know the value of a balanced feed. >nss THOM.\S IS BRIDE OF EDG.\R B. BOWM.\N Pee Dee Monument Co. C. O. Funderburke, Mgr. Marble and Granite Memorials Rockingham, N. C. C. A. Gillis, Rep., _ Irene Downer, Rockingham. N. C. Raeford, N. C. (Continued from page 1) Shenandoah Valley. Upon their re turn they will make their home in Aberdeen, where Mr. Bowman is af filiated with the Mid.South Motors Company. Mrs. Bowman is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Thomas. She formerly made her home in Aberdeen and has many friends throughout the Sandhills. Subscriptions taken for any paper or magazine at Hayes.’ FOR SALE OR LiiJASE on attrac. tive terms, residence of fourteen rooms with four baths. Servants’ quarters and garage. Partly furn_ ished. Building completely reno. vated inside and out at cost of $2,. 000. Suitable for high class board ing house or small family hotel. Good location. Further particulars furnished on request. Property may ! be inspected at any time. Address i inquiries to Dr. J. W. Dickie,! Southern Pines, N. C. 025 And, A Final Thought... What about ’