SOUTHERN PINES ANNUAL RESORT NUMBER THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 16. NO. 3. '5r ^sj:arthaoe O I^PRINCS Wi "“S 1^^^’ ^MAHUEV SPRIMOS ■ vsouTHCRN Pines /KSNUSy MC.ICHTS AeCROCJI>« ^PINEBLUFP PILOT .MOORE COUNTY’S LEA DING NEWS-WEEKLY vV O of the Sandhill Tei North Carolina ^ = —= Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, December 13, 1935 FIVE CENTS “ROLL RIVER” WINS' MAYFLOWER CUP | FOR JAMES BOYD State Literary and Historical! Society Honors Southern Pines Author BEST BOOK OF 200 JUDGED | James Boyd of Southern Pines, j who adopted North Carolina as his ] home and was in turn adopted by | the state, last Friday night was award- | ed the Mayflower Cup for the best j piece of creative writing published by a resident North Carolinian dur ing the past year. His new book^ “Roll River," was adjudged the most valuable of the 20 books submitted in competition. j The award was made at the final i session of the 35th annual meeting j of the State Literary and Historical | Association, held in Raleigh. During j the morning session the members of i the association elected William T.; Polk of Warrenton -whose avocation | of writing fiction is fast overtaking .Novel Concert STUTZ CHAIRMAN OF BOARD NAMED TO RUN AIRPORT 1 County Commission Appoints! I Committee To Manage ' Field and Funds : TALK OF LEASE HEARD ' May Seek British Title MISS PEARL YOL’NG Miss Young To Demonstrate New Instrument, Theramim, at Hifjh Schcol Tonight I At a joint meeting of the Moore | ! j County Board of Commissioners and ^ i the County Planning Board held j ^ Wednesday afternoon in Carthage the j I management of the Knollwood Air- | I port, now under County jurisdiction, j j was turned over for one year to a i j committee appointed by County. , Chairman W. H. Currie. Mayor D. G. i I Stutz of Southern Pines was named I chairman of the committee, Richard ’ Tufts of Pinehurst, secretary, and ; Howard Burns, Southern Pines, treas- j urer, with S. H. Miller of Carthage I and L. R. Reynolds of High Falls as the other members. ' This committee, it is understood. Miss Pearl Young, noted soloist of | will oversee the work now in pro- his vocation of practicing law—as its; Arthur Pryor’s band, Theremin arTist, | cess under the Wcrks Progress Ad- preaident. : novelty musician and character im- \ ministration of enlarging the field Mr. Polk is a fellow townsman of! personator, who is touring the coun- \ to meet the requirements of the U. Mrs. Kate Pendleton Arrington who' try giving entertainments in schools, i s. Department of Commerce for the lodges, clubs and churches, will give , large transport planes, will act as concerts in the Southern Pines High agents for the special account set School Auditorium this afternoon, at aside by the county for construction 4 ;00 o’clock and again in the evening and maintenance, as well as such oth- at 8:00 o’clock. | er funds as may be raised, and will The Theremin is a marvelous in- i either operate or lease the field for strument which is affording much de-1 operation. It is reported that nor- light and wonder to the audiences | them interests have been negotiating throughout the country. The There- for a lease of the field during the was re-elected president of the as sociation’s child, the State Art So ciety. Dr. Albert Jay Nock of New York, who views the world with many mis givings but never with loud alarm, was the principal speaker at the fin al meeting. Given Koplica of Cup Dr. M. C. S. Noble, first winner j of the Mayflower Cup five years ago, j made the presentation to Mr. Boyd. i He presented him with a silver replica of the cup for his permanent possession. The cup itself is his for a year but with his permission will remain in the Hall of History, after hirf name has been engraved thereon. The cup was presented to the as sociation by the Society of the May-j Highway Association Announces Many Schools Dropped flower. Previous winners have been | Year’s Contract with Key- /■ A T icsf Dr. Noble, Archibald Henderson, K. j Stone Group irOm Accredited LlSt B. Vance and Erich W. Zimmerman. 3 HAVE NARROW ESCAPE IN FIRE IN COUNCIL HOME Mrs. Glenna Collett Vare Glenna Collett Tries Out New Grass Greens Here (Please turn to page 4) 20 AUTO CLUBS TO “SELL” U. S. 1 TO THE TOURIST past week. With the improvements and en largement of the Knollwood Airport an effort is to be made to place tlie Sandhills on the regular schedule of one or more of the air transport lines, putting this section within a few hours air run from the large north eastern and mid-western enters. Mail Early Postmaster Buchan Asks Pub lic’s Cooperation in Hand- ' ling Christmas Rush National Golf Champion Proves Herself All ’Round Athlete on Visit Here j By A\ Linde Fowler i Dorsn’t it beat the dickens to have lo admit that a girl can go out and beat y.u four ways from Sunday playing golf, and then give yon point ers on pointers! Such is the humble admission on the part of yours tru ly, who disgraced the male sex by .aking seven bisques from a lady jolfer and got trimmed in golf, then was informed by the same lady that Mrs. Council Saves Children as Flames Wrcck East Broad Street Dwelling KITTENS LOSE LIVES Mrs. Clyde Council and two small children barely escaped with their lives from the flames which wreckeo their home on East Broad street, near Maine avenue, Southern Pines at 2 o’clock Wednesday mcrning. Awakened by the roar of the fire already enveloping the kitchen and rear of the Mrs. Council man aged to shove and drag the children through the smoke to safety outside where, clad only in their night cloth ing, they sought refuge from the biting cold in the home of J. W. At kinson. The alarm telephoned by Mrs. J. W. Atkinson to the night operators of the telephone company, was promptly transmitted to the fire company which responded with its usual celerity. The firemen found a haid battle on their hands, the fire having spread rapidly, gutting most of the house and destroying the furnishings. The house, a small one-story struc ture, insured in the Barnum agency, was the property of Clyde Council, recently assigned to the Cheraw of fice of the Carolina Power and Light Co. Mr. Council, notified by tele phone, arrived from Cheraw shortly before 5:00 o’clock. No cause can be assigned for the origin of the fire which spread so rapidly that several kittens, pets of the children, lost their lives. Postmaster Frank Buchan of Sou thern Pines is requesting patrons of the postoffice here to bear in mind that during the eight days preceding Christmas the amount of mail han dled is several times greater than at any other time during the year and asks the public’s cooperation. “Please assist us by wrapping ! he had made an awful faux pas in i Basil O’Connor of New York is Former Law Partner of President Honored Mr. Boyd is the first author to win | A bulletin describing the publicity Southern Pines One of Few Re packages securely, plainly address ing them, and mailing early. Not only well before Christmas, but in the day, an article printed in these columns when he spoke about dogs having "flushed the birds” in the field trials. it who did not live in Chapel Hill. | Program and ultimate aims of the taining Membership in South- James Boyd was born—47 years I organization has been released by the | ern Association ago-in Pennsylvania but moved to | U. S. Highway No. 1 association and : ^77“ , , , this state when he wLs 13. He is theirs directed to “every business man Forty-seven High schcols of North author of three other „ o v e 1 s, | and woman living on U. S. Highway ,parolma were dropped last wee.. _ ^ , ..T !iVo 1 from the accredited membership list “Drums/* “Marching On,” and “Long ^^°- o * • i.- / ^ Hunt.” His new book, “Roll River,” i The promotion program which was of the Southern Association of Col ls the story of four generations of | adopted by the executive committee leges and Secondary Schools. Of the ^ VM o 1 m rt* TriA liar lt-» the Rand family. Its scene is a Penn-|cf the organization at its last meet-134 remaining on the list^l6 are pri- sylvania town. | '^g and is now being put into action I by President R. L. Burns, Secretary Ic. R. Lano and Finance Promoter H. Mrs. H. M. Pingley, Jr. ;m. Tschudy includes one year’s con- Art Society Officer tract with the Keystone Automobile jClub of Philadelphia, Pa., to provide Former Lucille Mudgett District entire service from their 20 of. fices, selling U. S. No. 1 directly and indirectly to the travelers. Fifteen large highway signs to di rect traffic onto U. S. No. 1 will be Vice President of State Organization Mrs. Henry M. Diiigley, Jr., of Southern Pines was elected vice-pres- ident for the eighth district of the North Carolina State Art Society at its annual meeting held in Raleigh last week. Mrs. Dingley, the former that is between 9:00 a. m. and 4:00 The writer had to admit that the p. m.,” Mr. Buchan said. "So many people wait until late in tjie after noon to mail their packages that it makes it difficult for the clerks to grive the service we want to give.” On the Saturday before Christmas, December 21st, the postoffice will remain open all day. vate schools. Southern Pines is one of the 18 public schools retaining | (il\ EN membership in the association. | ST.-VTE SLPKEME ( The schools were dropped because of the eight months term being in sufficient to meet the association’s requirements, because of excessive pupil load on teachers, because sal ary schedules are below the $900 minimum set by the association, or only thing he knew about “pointers” was something Bert Nicoll told him about what was wrong Vith his golf swing, and as for setters, he thought they were hens raising a family. But, wait a minute. The lady in question who trimmed the writer as’ neatly in golf as the Fifth Avenue tailor does his suits (if not his cus- oriiT because of lack of library facilities placed in strategic points through for pupils. the north and south. The highway j Graduates of the 47 schools drop- shield will be stencilled on all high- ^ ped from membership will be faced way signs on the route. The U. S. No. 1 “Travel Guide,” with the prospect of taking entrance examinations to enter colleges out side the state. However, they will not have to take examinations to enter North ! Carolina colleges if the high school I from which they are graduated is on radio the State approved list. ABERDEEN PUP1L.S TO GIVE CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT Lucille Mudgett, daughter of Dr. and ^ historical, pictorial publication of Mr.s William C. Mudgett, has been , what is to be seen along the route is making a name in the world of art under preparation, along with sever- during the past few years with her | s-l thousand Travel Guide maps, paintings and miniatures. Her work ' Paper and Kudio Publicity was highly praised locally when a: Newspaper publicity and private exhibition of a number of broadcasts are provided for as well her paintings was held in the Caro-1 direct publicity from the office of lina Ho^dl in Pinehurst last winter., the secretary and frequent contact Mrs. Katherine Pendele Arrington, trips by a field publicity agent. i mv, u i u-u n Warrenton, known as “the fairy god- “At one time,” the bulletin says. ' The grammar school children wil mother of art in North Carolina,” “U. S. No. 1 carried 90 percent of the Present a Christmas entertamment was again elected president of the tourist traffic north and south from ® ^ c oo au Art Society, which she has headed iMPine to Florida. The building of tonum next Thursday evening De fer several years. Mrs. J. Walter Wil-i roads and, too, the lack of proper , cember 19th at 8 o clock. Admission liamson, Wilmington; Mrs. Harold C. 1 cooperation to relay traffic has cut ^ 15c and 25c. The entertain- Dwelle, Charlotte, and Mrs. John |dwn the percentage. '»«««* will consist of t'- o plays, B. McRay, Asheville, are vice-presi-1 “First you must analyze your own dances and Chiistmas farola. The dents: Mrs. Corinne McNeir, Chap-; personal location,” the bulletin dl- school will benefit, the proceeds go- €l Hill, is secretary, and Mrs. James ' rected at individuals continues, “and supplies of the grammar A portrait of the late W. W. Ful ler, former general counsel of the American Tobacco Company, was presented to the State Supreme Court in Raleigh by members of the Fuller family on Tu'sday. It vill be hung in the court’s library with oth er paintings of outstanding members of the bar. The presentation speech was delivered by Junius Parker, who succeeded Mr. Fulhr as the tobac co company’s counsel, and accepted by Chief Justice W. P. Stacy. Mr. Fuller was the father of Mrs. Nat S. Hurd and Staples Fuller of Pinehurst, both of whom were pres ent at the presentation ceremony. VASS (OTTON MILLS LOSES GINNING PLANT BY FIRE Given Dinner at Pine Needles Inn President Franklin D. Roosevelt was honored by proxy last Friday night at the Pine Needles Inn when many leaders of affairs in the Sand hills gath'Tt.u around the banquet table at which sat as the guest of the evening Basil O’Connor of New York, Mr. Roosevelt’s law partner before he became Governor of New York. The party for Mr. O’Connor tomers) and who knows her dogs was arranged by J. Talbot Johnson like she does her golf, was Mrs. Ed-1 of Aberdeen and Harrison Stutts of win H. Vare, jr., still perhaps more: Piiiehurst. "amiliarly known as Glenna Collett. I Mr. O’Connor spent a week at the A lot of male golfers would find j Pine Needles, having with him Jesse Ihemselves down to her in a round Reigel, well known New York brok- of golf and any number of them vvould find that she could tell them er. They spent the greater part of their time on the golf course with things they pel haps didn’t know about I their friend Emmett E. Boone, the d;gs, for her Tip’s Manitoba Jake new Pine Needles Inn proprietor. captured the all-age open stake of the Pointer Club of America field At the dinner, most of whom made informal talks during the evening, trials this week, whereat she beamed ; were Congressman Walter Lambeth, on all and sundry, for the victory | Julius Smith, president cf the North H. Cordon, Raleigh, treasurer. Dr. Clarence Poe, Raleigh, was reelect ed chairman of the executive com- you will find that tourist traffic can be taken off your highway on either side of you. At the same time your school. The ginning plant of the Vass Cot ton Mills Company was totally de stroy by fire on Thursday night of last week. The blaze was discovered about nine-thirty o’clock, half an hour after the night watchman had visited the gin on his regular round. Lqcal firemen were able to keep the fire from spreading to nearby build ings. The plant was insured. gave her a thrill which not even her greatest victory on the links exceed ed. ; Perhaps you know, and perhaps I you don't that this lady of Philadel- 1 phia, originally from Providence, R. i 1., is a gifted sportswoman. She for- j sook her horse and became my in- j formant on one of the field trials, explaining what the dogs are sup posed to do, how they are judged, and after we had watched a couple of braces (hope that’s correct) we (Please tio~n to page 5) Carolina Bar Association, former Mayor Robert King of Greensboro, Judge R. H. Sykes of Durham, Sher wood Brockwell, Robert Strange and Todd Smith of Raleigh, Fred Bynum of Rockingham, and the following Sandhills residents; Senator U. L. Sp«»ncc, M. G. Boyette, Judge J. Vance Rowe, Frank Buchan, Dr. Robert Shepard, Shields Cameron, S. B. Richardson, Dr. J. V'. Dickie, W. D. Matthews, Howard Burns, Nelson C. Hyde, Frank McCluer, I. C. Sledge, S. R. Jellison, Jack McNam ara, Mr. Boone, Sr., Mr. Boone, Jr., Mr. Johnson and Mr. Stutts. mittee. One vice-president was elect- i neighbor north and south of you 100 cd from each congressional district. I miles or less Is confronted with the The society held its annual art exhi- j same picture and if neither of you SOUTHERN PINES SCHOOL AIDS ROGERS MEMORIAL Pupils of the 'Southern Pines REPUBLIC STEEL CORP. HEAD LEASES RESIDENCE Tom M. Girdler of Cleveland, Ohio, president of the Republic atecl Cor poration, and Mrs. Girdler this week of Dr. Arthur MANY PL.\N TO ATTEND KIVVANIS CHAR;TY DANCE AMERICAN LEGION TO Charles W. Picquet, chairman of SPONSOR TURKEY SHOOT the Kiwanis Club Dance committee, reported a good demand for tickets The Sandhill Post of the American for the dance which the club is giv- Legi-n, number 134, will sponsor a ing at the South'rn Pines Country j turkey shoot at the Pinehurst Gun Club on the night of Friday, Decem- i Club tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, ber 20th. Th" nffai” is to benefit the'Starting at 2:00 o’clock, it was an- bltion at the Sir Walter Hotel, this | are cooperating in the effort to send School last week contr.buted $18.43 j leased the residence time by New England and North Car-! the traffic direct on your highway, to the Will Rogers i»iemonal pfnes Inn for the win- laat ” • Morc than 50 percent of the pupils | the Highland Pines Inn, for the win olina artists. Sandhills shops have attractive Christmas offering. Patronize home industry. you have last ” ' mort; man au percent General information and maps con- niade contributions, 258 in all. A let- j ter season. Mr. and Mrs Girdler plan cerning the work of the association ter of thanks and appreciaUcn was | to arrive next week^ Mr. GirdKr is are obtainable from the secretary In received this week from the State j.<»endmg a number of hunters to be Sanford Committee of the Rogers fund. stabled at The Paddock. club’s Hos->ital Bed Fund, and tick ets ai’e being srld by the members at two dollars per man, whether or nounced yesterday by John G. Hem* mer, commander of the post. The shoot wiH be cpen to all Le- not accompanied by a lady. Fred j gionnaires and ex-service men of this Kibler’s Casa Nova Orchestra is to | section and the public Is cordially furnish the music, and Mr. Picquet invited. Profits derived from the is arranging a fine program which j shoot will be used toward helping include a grand march at mid-j to increase the Post’s rapidly dwind- T>ight and several special numbers, ing welfare fund.

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