Friday, July 31, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, Nbrth Carolina Page Thre« Pinehurst Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. Edg'ar A. Ewing were guests last week of Mrs. Richard S. Tuft.s at her cottage in Rearing Gap. Halbert J. Blue, who is spending the summer at Virginia Beach, spent several days at home this week. John Tuckerman of Boston is in Pinehurst for the week, the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Lovering. Mr. and Mr.s. N. S. Hurd returned ■Monday fiom Roaring Gap where they spent the^past month. Miss Ruby Nell Djvins of Kings- Mrs. E. B. Keith has as guests this week her nieces the Misses Frances, Dorothy and Louise Jackson of Sal isbury. Mrs. H. H. Thomas and daughter, Elsie Thomas have gone to> Bris tow, Okla., where they will vi.sit Mrs. Thoma.s' daughter, Mrs. Vrooman for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Traub of New York City are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cobvirn. Miss Kathei'lne Bodin^er of Rod Lumberton Looks For Big- Tobacco Season New Warehouse and Another Re-I)ryin>f I*lant .4dded lo IMariiet Equipment The Week in Carthage Moore County lioy Wins p]ssay Contest ^ Mildred F’eL«h" of Knfiela i vi.sit at home. spent the week-end with Miss Fran- I Mis, \V. H. Currie and children len . Alexander Wilder of Carthage ces McKeithen. | Fiiday for Montreat where they will Route 2 (itts Check for Miss Margaret McLeod of Rock ingham spent a few day.s last week visiting Mrs. O. B. Welch. Mrs. L. P. Tyson has letuined hoiiu- after a visit with her sister, Mr.'i. (’ampbell in Pinehurst . I Miss Marj' F' wler S;)encer has le- ' ■ pend the month of August. Mis.^ Ola Cowing spent Thursday in Ai'cx. Mifs Cowing will teach in t!ie Apex school Ihi.s fall. •S.jO a.s Award Right at this lime, when the minds of all tobacco growers are turning to tobacco markets, news comes fiom Lumberton that this city’s market is undergoing its greatest period of ex pansion. Another large, modern, warehouse is’nearing completion, ad- turned home iiaviug attended sum- j was played at ti\ree tables and ding over an acre more floor space j niei- school at Chapel Hill. | score piize went to Mr.s. h. •Mexandei' Wildj'i-. .son of Mrs. Jen nie Wilder, on Carthage Itoute 2, haa i just been notified that he was the F, H, Underwood entertainer n Tuesday evening hon ring Mr.s. E. , ^ „.so, vation, put on l,y the Sapona L, Larkin of Washington. N. C. Con- Sanford. In this group w'ere around 2."i to 30 e.ssays fi'om schools port, T?nn., is here for an extended I Springs was the last week guest of | 'H'i>ket, and work is being , Mrs. Bradley Denning of Lakeland, . 'Tnrton. An attractive gift was pre visit v.'ith her sister, Mrs. Gordon Cameron. Mrs. Frederic N w left Thursday to visit friends in Pittsburgh. J. M. Hagood left Sunday night for Chicago on a week’s business trip. Mrs. E. C. Bliss left this week for Spring Lake, N. J., for a lengthy visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Parkinson. ,\i;.ss Hazel McDonald. j rushed on another big re-dying plant Fla., is visiting her parents. Mr. and snU-ii t3 Mrs. Larkin. Miss Merivel McDonald has gone I Judith Wainer i!i Lee, Harnett, Chatham and Moore tw.inlies. At a meeting of the Farm- e!'.s' Club Tuesday night, July 21st, was hostess at tlu' tionie of .lohn Henson. Alex- to VV'ashington, D. C., for a stay of niarket opens Thursday, August Mr. and Mr.s. L. C. Wallace and on lliuisday evening at her attrac- ander was jjresented his piize by E. seveial days. ! 13tli. The construction of the new | Mrs. B. C, Wallace have returned tive home on Pinehurst Drive, enter- C. McMahn, County Agent from San- Mr. and Mrs. R iDert E. Gouger de- • warelu)us(* makes it po.ssible to care ; trom Alyrtle Beach. j taining her cf»ntract club and several ford. ’I’his pi'ize was a check for fifty parted Monday of this week for Rye ! inevitable breaks that will | Major and Mrs. Alex Kelly and i additiemal gue.sLs. High scores were dollars. Alexander won first prize. Beach, N. H., w'here they w*ill visit { strike Lumberton this seRSon. j children of Cristobal, Canal Zone are j ina?e who chose Lumberton as their Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Conant enter- market. This year’s new warehouse tained at dinner Wednesday night, brings the total number up lo seven complimenting Miss Edia Best and , —The Big Banner, The Carolina, The Miss Evelyn Gilliam, who are guests ^ r;?rlyle, The Farmers, Hobgood & of Mr. and Mrs. Martin W'icker. Oth- Knott. The Liberty, and the Yancey- er guests of the Conants were Mr. I Smith Warehouses. These seven and Mrs. Bob Shaw, Bob Barrett and warehouses have a total amount of Travis^ Wicker. | fio r space equal to .seven acres; an The Rev. and Mrs. Murdoch Me-, amount of floor space that can ac- Leod left Thursday for Montreat' commodate from one to two million where they will spend the remainder pounds of tobacco at one time. of a month’s vacation. j Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and little < Curb Market day in Southern Pines The construction of another re-dry- j sjiending theii’ vacation with Mrs. Sa- | and Mrs. E. S. Aiiams. ing plant brings the Interstate To-|Wall at the old Kelly home near | bacco Company, formeil of the 'Major Kelly is being mov-' I'd from F’ainma to Edgewootl, Md. The Fiev. VV. S. Golden was called lo Talladega. Ala., because ■ f the death of his uncle. Claia Whitlock has retuined from Columbia. S, C. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Frye and chil- I tiren of Asheboro spent Sunday with ' Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Frye. j Mrs. W, P. Davis has retvn'ned lo I IMNEHLl FK Mr. and Mrs. lialiih Journey are s;)onding the week in Gastonia visit ing Mr. Joui'ney’s father. Mr. and Mrs. M. (5. Clapp and daughter. Mrs, Ed Turner and sons f)f Atlanta. (Ja., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutlonfield. iler lo win this pa_^ilicular prize the community in which th*!- school is located from which the best essay came, must liave used as niuch as fifty tons of Sapona fertilizer. The test kit went to the school at Lemon Sjiiings. A great many of the essays were veiy good, showing that these boy.s and (girls had been studying this piece of work and had put some real thought and work into the contest. “We were very (>roud that the best essay' was written by one of our Moore county boys”, said E. H. Garrison Jr. CfHinty Agent, this week. “When they were being judged, we of course dici not know whose thev were. All Jesse Cole. Gordon Cameron and children, Bev ins and Flora Ellen, and Miss Ruby . Nell Bevins returned Tuesday from Myrtle Beach where they spent sev eral days. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boring and children, Ruth, Dorothy and Betty, and Miss Frances Ehrhardt left last week to visit Mrs. Boring’s brother, Jack Taylor at his Asheville home. Fr^m there the Borings will return to their home in Plant City, Fla. Mrs. A. B. Sally, who has been very ill for tw'o weeks, is improving. Mrs. Annie Clegg, R. N., of Carth age has been with her. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch McLeod re turned to Pinehurst Monday after spending the week-end with Mrs. McLeod’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Shaw in Sumter, S. C. They are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rassie E. Wicker. Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Cheatham have gone to Roaring Gap where they will be with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Innes for a slay of several weeks. Paul Dana attended the State con- venti n of the American Legion held in Asheville tnis week going as a delegate from Sandhill Post No. 134. Major .\lex Kelly, Mrs. Kelly and theii children. Mary Elizabeth, Pam and Betty of the Panama Canal Zone were guests the first of the w'eek of Major Kelly’s sistei'. Miss Margaret Kelly. The Misses Margaiet and Barbara Bruton of Biscoe are spending the week here with their cousins. Nancy and Clai’ise Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Aldene Bearden and sons, Horace and Lawrence Bearden, and Mr. and Mrs. Owen of Greens boro were guests Sunday of -Mr. and Mrs. John F. Taylor. Miss Alleetta Hilton has gone to Roaring Gap to spend the lemainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kennerly left this week to spend their vacation at Hender.sonville. Mrs. George Veno and son Richard have gone to Boston for an extended visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hulcn Cole and sons. Bill and Richard, have returned from W’aynesville where they visited Mrs. Cole’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis. Bill Cole, who is locat ed in Washington, D. C., is spending a vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cheatham and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carter and their children celebrated Mrs. Cheatham’s birthday on Wednesday with a pic nic supper at Watson's Lake. Friends- of the Rev. and Mrs. Mur doch McLeod gave a community pic nic in their honor Tuesday night at Swaringen’s Lake. A bountiful sup per was served and the entire com munity was happy to have an op- pcrtunity of fellowship with a for mer beloved pastor and pastorette. The Rev. Grover C. Currie of Mul lins, W. Va., is here for a few days’ visit with b'ls brother, Donald Currie. Mrs. Alvin Leavitt and Mrs. Don ald Currie spent Friday with Mrs. Leavitt’s daughter, Mrs. Henry But- ner in Favetteville. • Mr. anil Mr.s, Jessie Ben Jarrell Greenwood. S. C,, aftci’ a visit with ^ laniily and Mr. and Mis. Coy' Ml. and Mrs. J. A. D avis. j Hardi.son of Danville. Va., were Miss Lilliam Hammon of Clover. S. | K'^'sts of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutton- C., and Miss P'liza Nealie of Rock ' Sunday. Hill are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. H. | Mrs, Bill Carpenter is spending the Miller. I week in Raleigh attending Farm and names and addresses had been clip- Miss Sue Renfrow of Matthews is I Home W'eek at State Ccllege. ; pe(j off.” visiting her uncle. Dr. Chas. S. Grier. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nealie and ' children of Corry, Pa., are spending |{E.\L KST.ATK TKANSFERS son of R ck Hill spent Sunday with I the week with Mr. Wallace’s parents. . _ Mr. and Mrfe. S. H. Miller. | Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wallace. ward B. Eastman and wife to Al- Miss Harriett McGraw is visiting ' Virginia Butner has returned bert L. Adams and w'ife, property in in Rock Hill and Laurens, S. C. j nome after spending some time in McNeill township. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Barnes, Clif- | Moore County Hospital undergoing i VV'alter L. Teague and wife to Es- ford and John Barnes and Miss Kath-! treatment. j Maness Kennedy: property in ryne Shields have leturned from j Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Van Dyke of i Sheffields tow'nship. Ocean Drive. | Cherryville and Miss Po Fealherston j Mary C. Butler and A. J. Butler to Miss Jean Hester has returned to ' of Belmont were guests of Mr. and ^ p. f. Thomas, property in Mineral daughter of Baltimore have returned Saturday. home after an extended visit with ' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Roberts'n at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swoope left Wednesday for Madera, Pa., where they will visit relatives until August | 21. when they are .sailing for a three j months trip to W'est Africa. • her home in Charlotte. Missey Ruth Mclver and Betty Barringer spent a few days in Char lotte last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins and children left Monday for their home in Rock Hill after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McGraw. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomp.son of Durham and Vivian Thompson of Cant' n spent the week-end at W. H. Dupree’s home. Mrs. R. L. Burns left Tuesday for New York w'here she will visit her daughter. Mrs. Ralph Mohr. Miss Eula May Morgan has return- Mrs. W, B. Shannon over the week end. Mrs. May Brolherton of Freemonl and Mrs. Eva Delinger of Cherryville have returned to Mrs. Delinger'.s home after two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. W'. B. Shannon. Springs township. >ms. HAFEK L.E.VVES Mrs Claude Hafer left the first of the week for Columbus. Ohio to vis- , it her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. I. C. Chick and Mrs. Everett Howe 1 and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead. While and children of Winston-Salem w’ere | (.here she will take special music guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutton- i at the University, field Sunday. I ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reece and son June of Biscoe were callers of Mrs. J. M. Edwards Sunday. Fresh fruits and vegetables Satur- ed to Raleigh after a two weeks’ day’s Curb Market. Spinning Wheel All Kinds Breads and I*astries Cakes and Candies Aberdeen GUmJUBE- COLOKEI) BOV SHOT TO DEATH NEAR HEMP The ten-year-old .son of Rob Mcr- j rlson, colored, was found shot to death in his home somFtJiree or four miles from Hemp on Friday, and the iden tity ( f his slayer is a syet unknown. When found,, the lad was lying across the bed with his feet on the flror. anIAKIU.\GE IJCENSES Marriage licenses have been issued from the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore county to the follow ing: Coy Blue and Lennie Foster, both of Vass; Wilbert Britt of Spies and Maude Cameron of Cameron; Ernest Garner and Eva Hussey, both of Spies; William Howard Gardner of Greensboro and Ruth McLeod Lang of Carthage: Whiteford Cole of Eagle Springs and Mamie Kate Smith of Carfhage. inter can’t win races bv this outfit! Cheap, motor oils arc Tkewise hampercd-by was^tc be femSv^d by further refining. Now he’s /c« hampered-but not process, a thoroughly refined oil was not available. motor oil. Stripped of rf// ex- JIS waste by Multi-sol refijg. Amcr'ica! Aclually premium qual- i,yoil,‘‘aUofugoestow^rk^o ofUgoestowas-Jry^^j^.^^^ — at the sign < eULFUBt motor o*'- THE PREMIUM'QUALITY MOTOR OIL FOR 25^ IN REFINERY-SEALED CANS ... OR IN BULK