Friday, July 30. 1937. THE PILOT, Southicrn l*ines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Fiv« WHY NOT MEET PEACHES and CREAM at Our Fountain? The Week in Southern Pines ppflllfljllimm SonthernDaiii^ ke Cream Golden Ripe Peaches Pure 3weet Cream Mixed to make the smoothest Peach Ice Cream you ever tasted. Other Flavors and Coaling Beverages for the Hot Day SANDHILL DRUG CO. Ser\’ioe and Dependability TEL. 6663 SOUTHERN PINES DR. L. R. SHELTON, C’HIKOPODIST, FOOT SPEC IALIST will be at AGNES DOROTHY BEAUTY SHOP Sunday, August 1st, 9:30 A. M. to 8;00 P. M. Dr. Shelton offers this; service one Sunday a month. Telephone 5181 Over Broad St. Pharmacy SOUTHERN PINES with the NEW 1938 AUTOMATIC TUNING ^ PHILCO ^ Come in and tune a new Double-X Philoo! Inclined Control Panel for lun- inf; ratir and grare . . . slandinK or sillini^! Aulnmalir Tuning fur instant, perfect reccplion! Finer foreign re ception, ((lorious lone, gor* geous cabincts! Only . , . ^ DOWN C. J. SIMONS Telephone 7151 Southern Pines For Comfort and Economy . . . TRY OUR Finished Family Service SOUTHERN PINES LAUNDRY CO., INC. Telephone 6101 W. New York Ave. NEWMiPMIGfDAIRf V WITH THE METER'MISER GIVES YOU PROOF OF ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES for Complete Home Refrigeration 1.6REATER j^-ABILITY 2. SREATER ST0RA6E.ABILITY 3. GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY 4. GREATER DEPEND-ABILin 5. GREATER SAVE-ABILITY Only FRIGIDAIRE has th« CUTS CURRENT COST TO THE BONEl Simplest refrfger- ating mechanism tver built I Gives SUPER-DUTY at amazing saving. SEE THE PROOF with an aaual electric meter test. • COME IN AND SEE HOW YOU CAN MAKE AMAZING SAVINGS by buying this WAY —ON PROOFI noncnoM nw NEW INSTANI'CUBE-RELEASE in every ice tray Only Frigidaire Has It! Instantly'releases ice-cubes from tray, two or a dozen at a time. Yields 20% more ice by ending faucet meltage waste. Come in and see its quick, easy action. Frlgfdalr* Is made only by General Motor* L. V. O’CALLAGHAN Phone 5341 Southern Pines SLOT KL\CHINES BARRED (Continued from page one) The judgment, however, will serve as a restraining order against Inter ference with coin operated machines intended solely for sale outside of the ntate or for trpjisportation from tlio state, until the North Carolina Su preme Court acts on the plaintiff’s appeal. The company does an inter state business in these machines, with which, it is claimed, the law would interfere, in restraint of inter state commerce. The "Type 12" machines excepted from Judge Sinclair’s ruling are those which indicate to the customer the exact amount he may expect to receive in return for his coin. Paul T. Barnum and daughter, Sar ah Jane, are visiting relatives i^ Cal ifornia, Pa., for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lorenson spent Thursday of last week in Charlotte. Miss Edna Hutchinson is seriously ill in Moore County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Stevens are spending several weeks vacation in Connecticut and New Hampshire. Mrs. Alfred Grover who has been undergoing treatment at the Char lotte Hospital in Charlotte, has re turned to her home here. Carl Thompson motored to Chape) Hill Saturday to visit his daughter, Mrs. William Fuller, II, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fields and son, Alexander, Mrs. Mollie Burgess and Evelyn Thomas spent the week-end at Carolina Beach. Dr. E. L, Prizer has returned from | a few days stay at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Potts are spend ing some time in New York and Ver mont. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Poe of Co lumbia, S. C., were recent guests of Mrs. Mollie Burgess. Miss Rose Aniita Clark of New York is the guest of Mr. and Mrs John Wenger for several weeks. Miss Lettie Ivey left Tuesday for j Laconia, N. H., after a two weeks i vacation with Mrs. Winnie Dodge. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newton and chiU j uren left Friday for a weeks stay in I Miami, Fla. j Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Weeks of , Tarboro were the week-end guests of Mrs. Week's mother, Mrs. Winnie Dodge. Mrs. Ethel Haight has returne'l from two weeks vacation in Mary land. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Barton left Monday for two months stay with relatives in Troy, N. Y., and in Mas sachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis of Lake W'ales, Fla., were recent guests of Mrs. Oesti'acher at the Gertrude Apai’tment house. Mr. and Mrs. William Cummings left Tuesday night for Knoxville, Tenn., following several weeks stay in Souther'i Pines. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Worsham and children are spending this week at Kure Beach. Miss Clarice White arrived Sunday from Daytona Beach, Fla., to be the guests for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Titus. Miss Marian Gardner has arrived from Orlando, Fla., to spend a months vacation with her mother, Mrs. Rosa E. Gardner. Miss Gardner is a mem ber of the faculty at the Pine Castle School near Orlando. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Johnson of Georgia are the guests of Mr. John son’s parents, Lieut, and Mrs. John son at their home on Ashe street. John Q. Adams of Washington, D C., is spending his vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. i Adams. j Miss Ruth Raymond of Durham ■ was the week-end guest of her par- | ents, the Rev. and Mrs. C. Rexford j Raymond. i Miss Willie TugNvell is visiting friends in Greensboro for a week. Paul Blue has returned from a I few days stay at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Poe of Co lumbia, Mrs. Mollie Burgeap, Mrs. Alex Fields, Miss Evelyn Thomas and Miss Virginia Stevick attended the funeral of H. P. Bilyeu in Greens boro Monday. Misses Millie and Theresa Monte- santi are spending a few weeks in New' Hampshire. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson and family spent Wednesdaj' at Whit.; Lake. Mrs. Frank E. Parson of Leaks- ville, has leased the Lachine house on Massachusetts avenue. Mrs. Paul Barnum and daughters, Bonnie and Betsy spent Tuesday in Charlotte. Misses Annie and Katherinj Bretsch of Raleigh were recent guests of their brother, Albert Bretsch. Mrs. Buster Doyle has returned from a recent visit with her sister, Mrs. D. T. Read in Raleigh. Mrs. J. S. Milliken returned this week from a vacation spent in Maine. Mrs. Yates Poe and Miss Pauline Poe spent Monday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Durham are visiting their son, Lloyd Clark. Miss Harriet Palmer left Wednes day for Utica, N. Y., after havinar been the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Caroll Hall of Chicago is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hall. Miss Nellie Green and Jean Morri son have returned from a months vacation in Blowing Rock. Mrs. Elmer Davis spent Monday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Blue and chil dren, Margaret and Alton of Wilson, spent the week-end with Lula 1 Blue. j Mrs. Lester Tucker and Miss Anne Kany of Greensboro were the week-1 end guests of the Misses Hunting- ! ton, Mrs. Inez Bredbeck of Port Clin- j ton, Ohio is the guest of Mrs. Nettie i Ayres and Mrs. Jessie Rogers for a ; few days. j Miss Nellie Ward has returned' from Reidsville where she visited rel- i ativea, | Dr. Eva Dodge of W'inston-Salem i spent the week-end with her mother, ' Mrs. W'innie Dodge. i D. A1 Blue, Jr., has returned from [ a trip to Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Nelson have returned to Bluefield, W. Va., after having been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J, H, Nelson. Wade Stevick motored to Greens boro Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Ellis of Fayetteville is spending the week with her daught er, Mrs. J. H. Nelson, who is ill at her home on Bennett street. Mr.s. M. G. Backer and daughter, Betsy Jean are visiting relatives in New Jersey. Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis is confined to her home on Maine avenue as a re sult of injuries received in a recent fall. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Barnett of York, Pa., were recent guests of Mr and Mrs. W. R. Bryant. Ml'S. Georgia Powell is visiting her son in Rochester, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bryant and childien have moved to Ridgeland, S. C., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Cheatam an nounce the arrival of a son, James Albert, on July 24th. Miss Lillian Roberts has returned from a vacation spent in the western part of the state. Miss Katie Lee Ward has returned from a weeks vacation spent at Myr tle .'each. MiSS Sybil Epps is attending a meeting of the 4-H Club in Raleigh this week. ! Miss Mary Wright Myers of Char- | lotte is visiting Mrs. G. R. Chatfield i for a few days. I The Willing Workers of the Bap- , tist Church will hold their meeting with Mrs. Harris Lewis at the Essex i on Tuesday night at 8:00 o’clock, j Mrs. James Primm of Charlotte is | the guest of her parents, Mr. anJ | Mrs. G. R. Chatfield. | Robert Abel of Tarboro was a j week-end visitor in town. M»". and Mrs. Preston Morrison i I and Mr. and Mrs. J- T. Ward have \ returned from a few days stay at Myrtle Beach. I Miss Susan Chatfield is tisiting her sister. Mrs. F, B. Thomasson at Myr-! tie Beach. Miss Lillian Roberts, Fred Roberts Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Eastman, Mrs. ^ George Draughn, Misses Ann and J Ella Huntington spent Friday in San ford. • I Hugh Gatty is spending a week’s vacation at Myrtle Beach. ! Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morrison, Mrs. John Absher and Curtis Morrison ' spent the week-end at Blowing Rock. Carolyn Jean Morrison has return ed to her home here after spending three weeks with her grandparents, ! Mr, and Mrs, John Greene of Blow- | ing Rock. I H, Wallace Shepard and Miss HeU i en Shepard, of Savannah, Ga,, were recent guests of Dr, and Mrs, R. P. Shepard while enroute to Washing ton, D. C., where they will attend the wedding of Mr. Shepard's son. Misi Majorie Shepard of Southern Pines accompanied them to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker and Mr, and Mrs, William Parker of Lin- colnton were recent guests of .Mr. and , Mrs. C. A. Parker. ! Mrs. L. C. Hall and son, Leighton, j and Mrs. Lottie Yarboro will leave Sftnday to visit friends in Raleigh', j for a week. | Mrs. J. S. Ledbetter of Fort Val ley, Ga., is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. P, Shepard, Miss Jeanette Parker was a recent guest of Mrs. B, D. Shoe in Salis bury.. Misses Carolyn and Barbara Back er spent Tuesday in Raleigh as guests of Miss Gladys Harrington. Milton McNeill of Columbia spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W, F, Harrington spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Those from Southern Pines attend ing the Soap Box Derby in Raleigh on Vl^ednesday were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blue and family, Mrs. Clarence Ed- son, Miss Leone Currie, the Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Barber and children, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Johnson and daught ers, Marion and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Epps and children. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS on ALL SUMMER APPAREL HATS • SUITS « BATHINti SUITS BELTS • PANTS « SHOES T€G SHCD Broad St. and N. H. Avenue Southern Pines Sandhills Ball Players Make Merry on Myrtle Beach Trip 154 Percent Gain Seaboard’s Operating Income For First Half of Y’ear $2,956,000 The net railway operating in come of the Seaboard Air Line railway gained 154 per cent in the first six months of this year as compared to the same period last year, a company report complied for the Interstate Commerce com mission showed this week. For the first half of this year the net railway operating income was $2,956,000. It amounted to $1,162,000 for the same period last year, which was a gain so far this year of $1,794,000. PINEHURST Miss Geitude Kelly of W'ashing- ton, D. C., arrived Saturday night to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Kelly, for two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. William C. Agnew of Charlotte were week-end guests of Mrs. A. E. Leavitt. Mrs, Herman Campbell and daugh ters, Nancy and Mary Frances, have returned from Washington, D. C. anJ Skytop, Pa. Miss Elsie Sperber and Miss Grace Lindsay of the Moore County Hospit al nursing staff are at Columbia Uni versity in New York city taking post-graduate courses. Halbert J, Blue has gone to Chatham. Mass,, to join his family, where they have taken a cottage foi the remainder of the summer, Mcs. A. E, Leavitt spent last week in Raleigh. Dr, Clement Monroe, who has been spending part of his vacation at his home in West End. has gone to Bos ton, where he will spend several weeks. Mrs. A. J, McKelway, who is a pa tient in Duke Hospital, Durham, is improving and will return home in a few days. Miss Olive Hennessee returned home Friday from Savanah, Ga,. where she spent several weeks visit ing friends. Miss Martha Ellen Wescott is spending several weeks at home. She will return next w'eek to Duke Hos pital where she is a student nurse. Mr, and Mrs, Aubrey Keith of Vass were the week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, E. B, Keith, Mrs. E. J, Parker and Mrs, R. L Daniels and daughter, Virginia, of New Bern are guests of Mr. and Mrs Thomas K. Cole, Dr. Daniels, who has been in Hot Springs, Ark,, will arrive today to join his family. Dr, and Mrs. Moore of Hillsboro were guests several days last week of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson. Mrs, E, S. Webb of Raleigh and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Collier Cobb of Parkton, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Viall Miss Margarett Kelly has her three nieces. Mary Ellen. Helen and Cath erine Boyette of Carthage visiting her. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Black and children spent the week-end in Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. Byron U. Richard son and daughters, Nancy and Clair- ise, are spending several weeks in Atlanta and the mountains of North Carolina, Mrs. Dalton of Bridgeport, Conn., is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Hennessee. Little Miss Dorothy Wescott cele brated her ten',h birthday Tuesday with a small party for her neighbor hood playmates. Miss Marion Sanford and Winfred and Quinton Hawley of Duke Hos pital, Durham, were guests Sunday of Miss Martha Wescott. Mrs. Wesley R. Vtell entertained her bridge club Friday afternoon at her home. Guests Included Mrs. A. P. Thompson, Mrs. W. Raymond John- Peaches Return, Fat and Tan- ' ned. After Week of Swimming, Fishing and Eating The American Legion Junior Base~ ball squad that went to Myrtle Beach on July 19th arrived back in town Monday evening, bronzed b> their week at the shore and enthusiastic over their experiences. The trip to and from the beach was made com fortably enough by truck, accompan ied by Ted Kennedy, who exercised general supervision over the boys, and by Ed Starnes, the genial pro prietor of Ed's Cafe, to whom was entrusted the purchase, preparatioa and service of the meals. Ow ing to his experience the food was good, the diet balanced, the sei-vics prompt and the cooking excellent. The boys showed their appreciation in a practical manner by the enthus iasm with which they attacked their meals and by a gain in weight all a- round. The cottage selected with the aid of Paul Barnum and W, S, Bushby wa3 an elevated structure situated near the center of the town on Fourth Avenue, half a block from the beaca and known by the forbidding name of “Bulldog Cottage,” As a matter of fact images of two small bull dogs guarded the entrance and, by proxy at least, warned away intruders. The builcSng was large and airy and the six beds that constituted a part of the equipment were sup plemented with cots so that it was not necessary for anyone to sleep on the floor. Among the advantages of this particular location was the rel atively unobstructed view afforded of practically the whole neighbor hood, a view rendered still more ef fective by the frequent use of Ted Kennedy's field glasses. By far the most popular recrea tion was bathing, but fishing, loaf ing, promenading on the boardwalk and calling on chance acquaintances proved popular also. Especially tire less fishermen were Ed Starnes anl Ted Kennedy, whose seemingly un failing catches provided a major por tion of the daily menu, A victrola with numerous records, card tables and a baseball helped occupy the idle moments. In the evenings the boyj scattered, straying to various places of amusement but true to direction? returned in good time to the cottage. It was difficult to settle after so much excitement but eventually all would be quiet and the fresh sea air assured sound sleep. Deep Sea Fishing A visit from the treasurer of the Sandhills Junior Baseball Committee. E, Levis Prizer, and Paul Blue about the miadle of the week introduced some variations into the daily rou tine. Several of the boys very gra ciously gave up their room to the vis itors and Dr, Prizer reciprocated by taking six of them deep sea fishing. Unfortunately it was necessaiy to to drive twenty miles to Little tliver in order to find boat space and the car would carry only so many. The boys proved themselves good fisher- (Please turn to page eight) son, Mrs, E, B. Keith, Mrs, Thomas R, Cole, Mrs, John F, Tayl«r, Mrs. W, L, Dunlop, Mrs. David Coffey and Mrs. I. C. Sledge. The Community House Association entertained Tuesday evening at the club house with a dance. There were about 35 present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swaringen, Miss Vera Harrington and Miss Ely spent Wednesday in Charlotte visltng Mr. Swaringen’s brother, who has been 111. Mrs. Ethel Journey has returned from Columbia, Tenn., where sh® spent several weeks with relatives. Mrs. A. P. Thompson entertained last Friday with a bridge tea. There were two tables in play, Harry Hogg returned Tuesday from Englewood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunlop have returned after spending several weeks In Lenox, Mass., and other northern points.