TtLge Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Friday, July 30, 1937. Evelyn Edson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Telephone 5912 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storag-e Southern Pines, N. C. Tel 5033 ^^tSSSSBSEBSBSL p) Will be In his office over the old Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, from 10:00 a, m to 3,00 p. m Don’t fail to see him if your eyes are weak. YOURS FOR GOOD SHOES H. E. CONANT PINEHURST THE SHOE MAX Qanmd (Direcbm 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES To serve those who call upon us to the best of our ability and nith thoughtful fairness Is the basis upon which our organization is formed. H. G. McELROY Manager PAm6US "BUTS" in history'^ Whatever happened to the Hunts? I I haven't seen them here for months, And you w/ere thick as syrup once." Cfied Edna May Malone. "My dear, we're much too occupied To look them up where they reside. They've moved, you know," Miss Day replied, "And haven't any ’phone." yOTE The Hunts probahfy dtdn't rraluf how mportunl a Mephonf ts in n'i/A friends If \ou t/clibrraMy cut ytnifsel/ off fnnn l>roftlf \ou rnn't ftpfct them to i»nf porUe^. CPPORTUNITY DOESN’T KNOCK, IT RINGS-ON THE TELEPHONE CENTRAL CAROLINA TELEPHONE C!0. Only iSeaLoarJ (\at them I DE LUXE RECLINING SEAT, COOL AIR-CON. DITIONED COACHES CAMERON The Rev. M. D. McNeil, assisted by the Rev. A. V. Gibson of Sanford and the Rev. C. N. Morrison of Buf falo, conducted the funeral services of Mrs. D. T. Harrington from the White Hill church on Thursday morn ing of last week. Mrs. Boatman Thomasson of Route 1, was operated on for ap pendicitis at the Lee County hospi tal l£ist week. She is coi'valescing nicely. Misses Lula and Lily May Rogers. Mary Emma Thomas, Mrs. Jimmy Rogers and Will Crook attended the Roanoke Island celebration last week. Mrs. Tom Snodgrass of Charlotte and Miss Meta Stewart of Laurin- burg were guests of Mrs. M. McL. McKeithen on Thursday of last week. After attending summer school at W. C. of U. N. C. at Greensboro, Miss Margaret McLean returned home on Wednesday of last week. Miss Martha Britton, who holds a stenographic position in W'inston- Salem, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. O. C. Britton, Sr., of Route 1. The Rev. M. D. McNeill has been given his usual summer vacation— the month of August—and expects to spend part of the month in Swans- boro with his daughter, Mi.». Gabo Holmes and family, who occupy a cottage there during the summer. Mr. McNeill will be accompanied by Mrs. McNeill and his son, F>ank Mc Neill of Richmond, Va. Prof. J. Clyde Kelly had as his guests last week his three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Cook of Oglethorpe, Ga., Miss Bert Kelly of W’ashington, D. C., and Mrs. Annis Newton of Birmingham. Ala. Mrs. M. McL. McKeithen is visit ing her sister. Mr.s. Dougald Stewart and family of Laurinburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McKeithen, Miss Isabel. Masters Murdoch and L. B. McKeithen, Jr., and Mrs. R. F. Ritchie of Clarkton left Sunday to visit Mrs. McKeithen’s relatives on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. , The Woman’s Auxiliary met in the ^ Presbyterian Church on Wednesday afternoon of last week with the president, Mrs. John McLauchliii , presiding. Plans were practically completed for conducting a two: weeks Daily Vacation Bible School' in the Presbyterian Church begin-1 ning on Monday, August 2nd. Mrs, John Coffee and little son, ! John, Jr., of Thomasville, are visit-! ing her mother, Mrs. W. G. Vick of Route 1. Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and' Mrs. J. W. Loving of Route 1. Miss Marie Parker is spending some time with Miss Ina Mae Piland of Suffolk, Va. Misses Lillian and Thurla Cole vis ited friends in Charlotte last week. Dwight Duriiam of Carthage filled his father’s regular appointment at I the Methodist Church last Sunday { morning and Mr. McMannus filled i the regular appointment of the Rev. i Dr. Guy Funderburk at the Baptist ■ Church on Sunday evening. These | young men made excellent Christian i talks, equal to regular sermons, i Misses Mamie and Jacksie Mus?, | Mrs. Jewell Hemphill of Cameron, | Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gibson and Miss i Ella LaPier of Rockingham, John C | Muse and Miss Cornelia Atkins ol j Sanford enjoyed the week-end at Mr. j Muse’s camp on Little River. ) CARTHAGE • SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT # z Go in ssftly «nd comfort—by lr*in— Ihe lr<nsportdtion in th« wotld. One-Way Fares from Southern Pines Boston $14.89 Jark.'^onville 7.15 New Orleans 12.140 New York 10.29 Norfolk 3.65 Philadelphia . X.49 Rirhmond 3.40 lavannah 4.35 fallahaRHee 8.45 WashinKton 5.75 .iimil'.r fares to all other points JEE YOUR LOCAL SEABOARD AGENT Or Write «. G. Ward, DPA, 505 I. O. 0. F. Temple, RALEIGH, N. C. Dr S. Neal, Beard and Wright VETERINARL^S Southern Pines Sanford Miss Lucy Catherine McDonald of Star is visiting her grandmothei, Mrs. J. H. McDonald. Mr. and Mr.'s. L. C. Wallace and Mrs. B. C. Wallace have returned from a two w'eeks vi.«>it to Myrtle Beach. Mrs. Chas. Cox and children have returned from a visit to Washington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Modrey of Tal lahassee, Fla., spent the week-end with Mrs. C. G. Spencer. Albert Humphrey of Fayetteville spent Monday in Carthage with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Muse, Mrs. Amos Davis and daughter, Anne Hayes of Quincey. P’la., arriv ed today to visit Mr. and Mrs. George D. Carter. The Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Durham had as dinner guests Thursday the Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Thompson of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Womble of Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Poole motored to Columbia, S. C., Sunday. Miss Bet ty Jones and Miss Barbara Poole of Augusta, Ga., returned with them for several weeks stay. W’illiam and Hoover Carter left Saturday for Adel, Ga., where they will be on the tobacco market. Dan Carter also left for the tobacco mai'- ket at Vidalia, Ga. Miss Carol Graves, who is a sum mer visitor in Carthage, attended the A. A. U. swimming meet at High Point last Friday and Saturday. Miss Graves placed second in the fifty metre race for midget girls. Mr, and Mrs. C. O. Mainor of Ox ford and Mrs. Charlie Saunders and daughter Jean of Kinston were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Downing, on their way home from a three weeks stay in Asheville. Mrs. J. K. Roberts and daughter, Anne McCree, are spending a fev\ w^eks in Greensboro. Mrs. May Gardner has leturned from Detroit, Mich., where she vis ited her daughter, Mrs. Malcolm Withers. Mrs. John Lewis and son Bobby of Wilson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lewis. Mrs. Lewis is the former Miss Lucille McIntosh of Carthage. Miss Mary Jackson Yow left Mon day to spend a week with relatives in Oxford. Miss Margaret Muse has returned from a visit to Durham 'vhere she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kennedy. Misses Gertrude and Katharine Pace of Greensboro spent the week end with Mrs. T. L. Cagle and fam ily- J. D. Barringer, Jr. and Miss Mar garet Frances Barringer of Nash ville, Tenn., visited this week at the home of their uncle, C. F. Barringer The Rev. and Mrs. Frank Blue of Raleigh were in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Whitlock and family spent Sunday in Charlotte with relatives. Miss Ressie Wicker of Spartan burg, S. C., and Mrs. Tully Blair of Winston-Salem were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair Thursday. The Rev. J. H. Buffalo, former Carthage pastor, now living at Laurel Hill and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. James Buffalo and infant daughter, spent Friday in town with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. McDonald have returned to their home in Star after spending the week with Mrs. J. H. McDonald. Miss Mary Worthy Spence has re turned from a summer school ses sion at Lake Junaluska. Mrs. Charles Cox and children and Mrs. M. G. Dalrymple have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larkin of Washington, N. C. • • Every dollar Kpent with The Pilot for printing helps in the- production of a hetter new.spaper NIAGARA Robert Smith, who has spent some time in Raleigh is now at his home here. John Register and wife and child ren of Smithfield, spent Sunday wltr. his grandmother, Mrs. A. E. Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Moore and famil.v of Carthage visited Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Garner on Sunday. Marvin Garner of Hemp spent the week-end here with relatives. Roy and Clyde Brown of Eagle Springs visited friends in Niagara on Sunday. Abram Calbert of Newport News, Va., was a visitor in town during the past week. CAMERON STORE ROBBED A thief or thieves entered Phil lips’ hardware store in Cameron Sunday night and stole a shot gun and a quantity of ammunition. No arrests have been made in the case. LEGAL NOTICES Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Cleveland Blue and wife Blue, defendants. The defendants, Cleveland Blue and wife, — _.Blue, will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Caro lina, to foreclose a certain tax sales certificate and lien for taxes issued to the plaintiff on June 10th, 1935; and the said defendants, Cleveland Blue and wife, Blue will further take notice that they are re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County within thirty days from the service of the Summons, and answer or de mur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 12th day of July, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, A6 Clerk of the Superior Court. LEGAL NOTICES North Carolina, Moore C'oimty, In The Su|>erlor Court Notice of Ser\'ice By Publication Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, v's, John T. West and wife, Mrs. John T. West, T. B. West, single. N. W. West and wife. Agnes West, Louis N. West and wife, Betsy John West. Ellen West Dockery, widow, Mrs. Walter L. Parsons, widow, Julia West Montgomery and husband, W. B. Montgomery, Heirs-at-law of Bessie West, deceased, defendants. The defendants, N. W. West and wife. Agnes West, Julia West Mont gomery and husband, W. B. Mont gomery, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a certain certificate and lien for street assessments i.ssued to the plain tiff on June 10th, 1935; and the said defendants, N. W. West and wife, Ag nes West, Julia West Montgomery’ and husband, W. B. Montgomery, will further take notice that they are re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Countv within thirty days from the service of the Summons, and answer or de mur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in sai-i Complaint. Dated this 12th day of July, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, A6 Clerk of the Superior Court. AD.’VIINISTB.VTKIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of H. C. Kennerly, De ceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said decease^! to exhibit them to the undersigned at Pinehurst, N. C., on or before the 9th day of July, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All,persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Mrs. H. C. Kennerly, Administratrix of H. C. Kennerly, Deceased. Seawell & Seawell, Attys., By H. F. Seawell, Jr. J16 A20 North Carolina, Moore County, In The Superior Court ' Notice of Ser\ioe By l*iihlieation Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Oliver McPhatter and wife, Louise McPhatter and Katherine Riggan, Admrx. of the Estate of Wm. F. Junge, deceased, defendants. LEGAL NOTICES The defendants, Oliver McPhatter and wife, Louise McPhatter, will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a certain tax sales certificate and lien for taxes is sued to the plaintiff on June lOth, 1935; and the said defendants, Oliver McPhatter and wife, Louise McPhat ter, will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County within thirty days from the service of the Summons, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 12th day of July, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, A6 Clerk of the Superior Court. IN THE I'NITED ST.VTE DISTRICT COURT, MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. NOTICE OF HE.ARING OF DISCHARGE PETITION: In the Matter of Mrs. Kate Flachslaender, Bankrupt. TO THE CREDITORS OF SAID BANKRUPT: TAKE NOTICE, That a petition has been filed in said Court by Mrs Kate Flachslaender, of the County of Moore, in said District, who has been duly adjudged bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, for a discharge from all debts provable against their estate under said Act, and that the 12th day of August, 1937, at ten o’clock A. M. is assign ed for a hearing of the same before I H. F. Seawell, Jr., as Special Mas- I ter of said District, when and where ! you may attend and show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of I said petitioner should not be granted. ' This the 12th day of July, 1937. H. F. SEAWELL, JR., I J16-A6th U. S. Referee. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN TAX FORECLOSURE ACTIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES North Carolina,) Moore County. ) In Tlie Superior Court The defendants named below and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter thereof, will take notice that actions entitled as be’jw I set out have been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, !,orth j Carolina, to foreclose certain liens for taxes held by the Town of Southern Piens lor the year 1934 mentioned in the Complaints in each separate ac- I tion set out below those certain lots of land, lying and being in ] McNeills. Township, Moore County, Southern Pines, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: ATLANTIC ALL ' EXPENSE CITY WEEK-END TOURS Go Friday or Saturday morning—arrive Atlantic City same afternoon. Leave Atlantic City Monday or Tuesday—morning or evening. Tours—for two full days at Atlantic City—$34.45 for travel in air-conditioned, de luxe reclining seat coaches; $50.70 in air-conditioned Pullmans. Cost of tours includes ail neces sary expenses from ttie time you leave home until your return. Yon travel In safety—free from high way hazards and dangers. Get de scriptive leaflet and details from your local Seaboard agent. North C'arolina, Mo«>re County, In The Suj>erior Court Notice of Ser\lce B.y l^]hllcation Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Mack Davis Eind wife, Sallie Davis, | defendants. | The defendants above named, will | take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a cer tain tax sales certificate and lien for taxes issued to the plainf'f on June 10th, 1935; and the said defendants, Mack Davis and wife, Sallie Davis, will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of said County within thirty days from the service of the Summons, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Com plaint. Dated this 12th day of July, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, A6 Clerk of the Superior Court. North Carolina, Moore County, In The Superior C«urt Notice of Ser\'ice By PuhllcAtion Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Pearl McLean, single, and M. G. Boy ette, trustee for Mrs. Molly Burgess, defendants. The defendant. Pearl McLean, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a cer tain tax sales certificate and lien for taxes issued to the plaintiff on June 10th, 1935; and the said defendant, Pearl McLean, will further lake no tice that she is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County within thirty days from the service of the Summons, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 12th day of July, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, A6 Clerk of the Superior Court. North Carolina, Moore County, In The Superior Court Notice of Service By Publication Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. William J. Terry and wife, Terry, L. T. Clark, trustee for j. N. Powell, Inc., and W. Duncan Mat thews, defendants. The defendants, William J. Terry and wife, Terry, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Caro lina, to foreclose a certain tax sales certificate and lien for taxes issued to the plaintiff on June 10th, 1935; and the said defendants, William J. Terry land wife, . Terry, will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County within thirty days from the service of the Summons, and answer or de mur to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this I2th day of July, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, A6 Clerk of the Superior Court. North Carolina, Moore County, In The Soperior Court Notice of Service By Publication TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES Plaintiff vs. Defendants: Henry Clay Cash, lots 2 & 3 of a Sub-division entitled "Sub-division of James Bethea’s property in '.\ est Southern Pines, Moore County, Nortti Carolina,” the said sub-division was made out of lots 28, 29, 30, 37, 3S and 39 in West Southern Pines. ’ Lessie Williams and husband, Raymond Williams and E. T. McKeithen, lot 21 in Block N&12, as shown on a map entitled ‘‘A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.," and recorded in the Moore County Regis try. Mitchell McLain and wife, Nora McLain, lots 13 & 14 in Block Q&ll, as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry. Maggie Johnson, Widow, being that ceitain parcel of land adjoining the lands of Colin Minter, James Bethea and others and beginning at a stake in James Torrence’s line; running thence N. 37 1-2 W. 133 feet to a stake in the old Eaglefield line; thence with the Eaglefield line S. 38 E. 50 feet to a stake; thence S.. 60 E 133 feet to a stake in Torrence’s line; thence with Torrence’s line S. 33 W. 50 feet to the. point of be- ginnnig. The said lot of land is situated in West Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina. W. A. Marsh and wife, Marsh, lot 5 in Block J&7, as shown on a map entitled “ AMap of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C,” anfl recorded in the Moore County Registry. Gertrude Brown, Widow, Molly Burgess, Administratrix of the Estate of T. S. Burgess, Deceased and E V. Perkinson, Receiver, lots 7, 8, 9 in Block M&13 and that portion of lot 10 in Block M&13 and immediately adjacent to lot 9 and have a frontage of 34 feet on New York Avenue, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of Southern Pines, Moore County, N. C.,” on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County. Mack Davis and wife, Sallie Davis, lot 20 in Block Q&12, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C,,” and re corded in the Moore County Registry. Pearl McLean, Single, and M. G. Boyette, Trustee for Mrs. Mollie Burgess, lot 3 in Block J&8, as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry. William J. Terry and wife, Terry, L. T. Clark, Trustee for J. N. Powell, Inc., and W. Duncan Matthews, a certain tract, parcel or lot of land, situate in the Town of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina, designated on a map entitled “A Map of Southern’ Pines, Moore County, North Carolina," and filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County and described as follows: Being located in Block J&9 and beginning at a state at the intersection of Hale Street and Connecticut Avenue and running thence N. 36 3-4 W. 85 feet to a stake; thence S. 53 1-4 W. 64 feet to a stake; thence S. 36 3-4 E. 85 feet to a stake in the bounds of Hale Street; thence N. 52 1-2 E. 64 feet to the beginning. Cleveland Blue and wife, ., .Blue, a certain tract or parcel of land in Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina, in Block K&15 on a map entitled “A Map of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a stake in the north edge of Carlisle Street 50 feet in a westerly direction from the old line of Dr. Von Herff; thence along the northerly edge of Carlisle Street S. 55 1-4 W. 163.68 feet to a comer in the edge of said Street; thence N. 24 W. 79.8 feet to the grantor’s own corner; thence N. 46 E. 154.44 feet to a stake, a corner in the aforesaid Dr. Von Herff line; thence with the aforesaid line S. 59 E. 31 feet to a corner in the aforesaid line; thence S. 45 1-2 W. with Alton Munn’s line 50 feet to a stake in his corner; thence along Alton Munn’s line S. 59 E. 82.5 feet to the beginning. John T. West and wife, Mrs. John T. West, T. B. West, single, N. W. West and wife, Agn*s West, Louise N". West and wife, Betsy John West, El len West Dockery, widow, Mrs. Walter L. Parsons, widow, Julia West Montgomery and husband, W. B. Montgomery, Heirs-at-Law of Bes sie West, deceased, lots 13 and 14 In Block E&l, as shown on a map en titled ‘‘A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry. Oliver McPhatter and wife, Louise McPhatter and Katherine Riggan, Admrx. of the Estate of Wm. F. Junge, deceased, lots 9&10 in Block L&15, aa shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.," and recorded in the Moore County Registry. And all of whom will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in the Court House in Carthage, Moore County, and present and defend their respective claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any and all Interest therein or claims in or to the proceeds from a sale thereof. Dated this 12th day of July, 1937. JOHN WILLCOX, J16-A6 Clerk of the Superior Court

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