Friday, March 18, 1938. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolinn Papp Seven The Week in Carthage Mrs. R. E. Lnmb, Miss Gertnide Lamb and Mrs. Joe Caddell shopped in Raleif'h on Monday. Elizabeth Anne Spenccr, who is a student at Chapel Hill is .spend ing thi.s week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Spencer. Miss Gilbert Muse of Higrh Point visited hei- mothjjj-, Mrs. N. J. Muse Tuesday. James A. Davis of Yanceyville spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Nellie Hoyle has returned from an extended visit with her brother in New York City. Mr. anti Mrs. R. W. Pleasants and Mrs. J. K. Roberts spent the week end in Greensboro visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Baker of Sea board were week-end guests of the Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Watts. Mrs. Laura McCrimmon of High Point visited her mother, Mrs. John A. Barber, Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret Penn returned to her home Monday from the Moore County Hospital. She is recovering satisfactorily. Miss Rose Underwood, who is a junior at Flora Macdonald College, was the weekend guest of her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Underwood. Miss Lucy McDonald and Miss An nie Wrenner accompanied her home for the week-end. Joe Hough, who underwent an op eration at the Moore County Hospi tal last week returned to his home on Monday and is rapidly improving. Miss Katherine Shields and Miss Mae Gardner shopped in Raleigh on Friday. Miss Hilda Blue of Flora Macdon ald College spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Blue. R. P. Wall of Pilot Mountain was a business visitor in Carthage on Wednesday. Miss Loiraine Wilcox has returned to Flora Macdonald College, after spending the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dixon of Greensboro were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flinchum. Miss Margaret Kelly of Pinehurst spent the week-end at her home. Hunt and Gymkhana Pictures At EDDY’S STUDIO Opposite Post Office E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storag-e Southern Pines, N. C. Tel 5033 Miss Annie McKoithen spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. N. A. McKeithen. Mr, and Mrs. Myrton Stewart and children visited Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Mills in Southern Pines Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John McCaskill of Durham attended the funeral of Mrs. Nannie McCaskill Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Baker were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Kelly in Southern Pines on Sunday. Mrs. R. L, Phillips is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. A, W’ilmer, in Charlotte. Among attending the Junior- Sinior banquet at Flora Macdonald College wei'e Miss Grace Blue^ Mis.s Margaret Wilcox, R. G. Frye, Fred trick Chambley and Reid Wicker. Miss Grace Blue, who is a member of the Zebulon school faculty, .spent the weekend with her paionts, Mr. and Ml'S. Alonzo Blue. Mrs. J. F. Colo of Parrott, Ga., and Ml'S. Anna Span of Columbus, Ga., spent last week with Mrs. Maggie Lee Kelly. Mrs. U. L. Spence and Mrs. John Symington will serve as patronesses for the Hospital Ball March 29th. LEGAL notice’s LEGAL NOTICES'I.EGAL NOTICES Company, et al, are defendants, th«i | undersigned, S. J. Hinsdale, ROieiver )f Southland Holding Company, will, .)n Monday, the 4th day of Api'd.i 193ft, at tw'elve o’clock M., at the! Courthouse door of Moore County, in the Town of Carthage offer for sa'o; at public auction, for cash, to the | highest bidder, Lots Nos. 19, 20, 21,1 22 and 23 and alley anil square in' Block J and 4 as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Tnvn of Southern Pines, N, C.,” and recoi’dod in the office of' the liogister of ' Deeds of said M(X)re County, tlie said real estate being the lots on which I is located the hotel building known as the Southland Hotel, together with the furnitiu’e, furnishings, fixtures and all the personal propeity of evej-y kind and nature situate in said hotel building, .said real estate and personal property being sold un der the order of the court as a \vl>ol % free and clear of all encumbranc^.3. Tills 2nd day of March, 1938. S. J. HINSDALK, Receiver of Southland Holding Com pany. Mil-Apr. 1. \ DMI XI-STK.\T( )K’S N ( H ICE Having qualifiea as administrator c. t. a. of the estate of W. N, Hutt, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his of fice in Southern Pines, N. C,, on or before the 18th day of March 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This March 18th, 1938. P. P. PELTON, Administrator C. T. A. Estate of W. N. Hutt, deceased. M18-A22. ADMINISTRATOB’S NOTHJE Having qualified as administratrix c. t. a. of the estate of Frederick L, Baker, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C., on or be. fore the 18th day of March 1939 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This March 18th, 1938. GENEVA M. TURNER, Admini-stratrix of the Estate of Frederick L. Baker, decea.9cd. P. P. Pelton, Attorney. M18-A22. NORTH CAKOI.INA, MOOKE COUNTY. IN THE SUPEKIOK COUBT NOTICE Moore County, Plaintiff, vs. S. W. Maness and wife, Maness. The defendants, S. W. Maness and wife, Maness, will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Super ior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose tax liens of $6.27, together with penalty, inter est and cost, upon that certain piecc or parcel of real estate situate in Ritters Township, Moore County, North Carolina, described as 100 acres Fall Creek listed in the narfto of said defendants for the year of 1930 for taxation. That said taxes, interest and penalty have not been paid by the defendants; and said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County at the Courthouse in Carthage, N. C., on the 26th day of March, 1938, and answer or demur to the court for relief demanded in said Complain. Notice is hereby given to all peisons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action to appear, pre sent and defend their claims as pro vided in Section 8037 C. S. of N >rth Carolina, or they shall b'? forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the prop erty or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 24th day of February, 1938. JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk Superior CJourt. NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. March, 1938 and answer or dt-mur to the court for relief demanded in said Complaint. Notice is hereby given to all peisons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of thi.^ action to appiar, pre.sent and defand theii- claims as provided in Section 8037 C. S. of North Carolina, or they shall be forever barred and fore closed of any and all interest or claini.'-y in or to the propeity or thi: proceeds received fiom the sale there of. This 21th day of Febiuary, 193S. JOHN Wri.LVOX, Clerk Superior Court. LEGAL NOTICES XOHTII CAUOLINA, -MOOKE COI NTV NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the Superior Court of Moore County made in an action therein pending wherein Lucy B, Heywood is plaintiff and Southland Holding IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. NOTICE HIGHLAND PINES INN AND COTTAGES (WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS) SOUTHERN PINES SEASON DECEMBER TO MAY Highland Pines Tnn with its Splendid Dining Room Servics and its Cheerful Homelike Atmosphere Caters to the Require ments of those Occupying Winter Homes in the Pine Tree Sec tion. The Hotel is Situated on Weymouth Heights (Massachu setts Avenue) Amid Delightful Surroundings. Good Parking Space ia Available for Motorists. All Features of First Class Hotels are Included at Highland Pines Inn. Best of Everything. M. H. TURNER, Manager Moore County. Plaintiff, vs. E. S. Maness and wife, Manes.^. Tne defendants, E. S. Maness and wife, Maness, will take notiC2 that an action entitled as above nas been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Caiolina, to! foreclose tax liens of $19.17, togeth- | 1 er with penalty, interest and cost,, upon that certain piece or parcel of i real estate situate in Ritters Town- -ship, Moore County, North Carolina, j described as 136 acres Fall Creek; li.'^ted in the name of said defenti- ^ j ants for the year of 1930 for taxa- tion. That said taxes, interest and penalty have not been paid by the I defendants; and said defendants will ! further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County at the Courthouse in Car thage, N. C. on the 26th day of NOTK'E OF SALE Notice is hereby givc-n that underi ni’.d by virtue of a power of sale con-i tained in a certain Deed of Trust ex-i ecuted by Richard W, Lachine, un married, of Mooi'e Coimty, North Carolina, to W, Duncan Matthews, Trustee, of Moore County, North Carolina, which saiil Deed of Trust is recorded in the Public Registry ff r Mcore County in Book 58, Page 5o4, to which reference is hereby made, the debt .secured by said deed of trust being past due and unpaid, and the powers of sale contained therein having become operative the under- ,°igned Trustee, at the request of the holder of the note secured thereby, will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Moore County, at Carthage, N, C,, at the hour of noon on the 28th day of March, 1938, the following described real estate, to-wit: Being all that certain lot, parcel, or tract of land situate lying and be-' ing in Moore County, North Caro lina. and more particularly described and defined as follows, to-wit: Being bounded on the north by the lands of Lohman Andrew,s, on the east by the lands of Hardin on the south by the lands of Ingersol, and on the west by the Arbutus Road, and bounded and described as fol lows, viz,: Beginning at a concrcte monument in a line of Lohman An drews, the eastern line of Arbutus Road, running as Andrevvs’ tine South 73-6 Fast 329.75 feet to an irr n stake in Hardin’s line; thence, as Har din’s line South 16-54 West 210 feet to an iron stake, Ingersol’s line; run ning thence, with Ingersol’s line North 73-6 West 378,85 feet to an iron stake in the line of the eastern line of Arbutus Road, running thence, as said line of Arbutus Road 10 per cent curve 218.16 feet to the point of beginning. Being the lot conveyed to Richard W. Lachine by Louis La chine and Etta Lachine, his wife, by deed dated October 20, 1*^32, and fil ed on September 14, 1933, and re corded in Book of Deeds 114, Page 177, Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, Being the same property as surveyed and platted by J, B, Swett, C, E„ on June 4, 1934. W. DUNCAN MATTHEWS, Trustee. This 25th day of February, 1938, M4-25 ,‘a!e and .qell to the bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Moore Cunty. at Carthage. N. C., at the hour of Noon on the 28th day of, Jfarch. 1938. the following described ' real estate, to-wit; j A certain piece or tract of land ly-^ ing and being in McNeill Tov n?hip, i Moo*-e County, State aforc.srtid, and' described and defined as follows, viz,:' Those certain lots known and des ignated as Lots No, 11 and 12 and the 16-foot alleyway between Lots 10 and 11, all in Block L and Fif teen as shown on a map entitled, “A Map of .Southern Pines, Moore Coun ty, Noi'th Carolina,” on file in the Office of the negi,='ter of Deeds for the Countv of Mooi'e aforesaid, KATHFRTNK RTGGAN PPAIIGH, Executrix of the Will of Williann F. Junge, Deceased, This 2.5th day of February, 1938. Ml-25 Our Fine Dry Cleaning Is Oustanding in Every Way. SI ITS, DUE.SSES, COATS 51c ALL WORK C’AI,Li;i) FOR AND DELIVEREO. DELI XK CLEANERS riione 28 .\lxTdeen, N. C. Dr S. Neal, Beard and Wright VETERINARIANS Southern 1‘iueH Siuifurd NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COl NTY. NOTK E OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by vii tue of a power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Bertha H. Allen and hus- ban(’( Harry W, Allen, to W, Duncan Matthews, Ti'ustec. which deed of trust is dated April 10, 1937, and re corded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book 62, Page 570, to which reference is herewith made, the debt secured by said deed of trust being past due and unpaid, and the powers of sale as contained therein having become op erative the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and sell to the high est bidder, for cash, on the premises hereinafter described, at 2 o’clock P, M„ on the 28th day of March, 1938, the following personal property, to-wit: Being all the household and kit chen furniture situate in the dwell ing house located on Lots No. 1 and 29 in Pinedene as shown on the map of Pinedene, the same being the property formerly owned by Peter A. Nielson. W. DUNCAN MATTHEWS, Trustee. This 25th day of February, 1938. M4-25 C. G. FARKELL 1II(>H (>RAI)E COAL. Teleplione S8 Al)crdocn, North Carolina M. H. FOLLEY Lumber, iViillwork and Builders’ Supplies Aberdeen Hemp NORTH CAROIJN.V, !>IOORE COUNTY. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under rnd bv virtue of a power of sale con,- tained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by Annie Hill, unmarried, of Moore County, North Carolina, to Wm. F, Junge of Moore County, ■^’’ovth Carolinn. said Mortgage Deed is recorded in the Public Reg- •ffrv f'-v AToovo f^oiin^^v in Book 56, Page 458, to which reference is here by made, the debt .secured by said mortgage deed beinar past diie and unpaid, and the powers of sale con tained therein having become oper- ntive the undersiened will offer for ADMINISTR.VTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of H. Ashley Jackma.., deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C., on or before the 18th day of February, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of February, 1938. JULTA ROSS GUEY Administratrix Estate of H. Ashley Jacftman, deceased. P. P. Pelton, Attorney. Apr. 1 EVELYN EDSON Notary Public Teleplione Office N. H. Ave. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE YOURS FOR GOOD SHOES H. E. CONANT PINEHURST THE SHOE MAN Havinc: qualified as .Executrix of the est'>'e of J. H. Paget, deceased, i I.Tte of Moore Countv, North Carolina. I this is to notify all persons having ; claims against the e.state of said de- ; ; cea.sed, to exhibit them to the un- ' dersigned at Pinebluff on or beforf-1 ; the 12th day of February, 1939, or i thi>5 notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. .*11 personr: indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This February 12th, 193S. M'RT\RET LITTLE PAGET, Executrix of the Estate of J. N Paget, deceased. , Seawcll & Seawell, Attor^e^’■'l M?'' WANAMAKER’S Antiques and Glass Day and Evenings Midland Road Steeplechase Course L V. OmiAGHAN PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR OIL BURNERS Frigidaire Sales and Service EASY WASHERS and IRONERS ESSOHEAT FURNACE OIL IRON FIREMAN STOKER Telephone 5841 Southern Pine. Tree-Ripened Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines, Kumquats THIS FINE FRUIT IS PRICED RIGHT Don’t miss the opportunity SPECIAL PRICE On Oranges and Grapefruit for Friday and Saturday. 35c per peck Oranges by the dozen 12c, 15c, 18c, 25c and 30c Grapefruit, 4, 5, 6, 7 for 25c Extra nice large Lemons 28c doz.; 3 doz. 75c Kumquats make extra fine marmalade and conserve. PECANS Large fancy paper shells, 4 lbs, for $1.00 Large fancy soft shells, 5 lbs. for 90c Moneymakers, Medium size, 2 lbs 25c , Florida Guava and Mint Jelly, delicious, 3 lb. cans Kumquat Marmalade in 8 and 16 oz. jars. Kumquat Preserves in 5 lb. cans. Also*on the way from Florida a shipment of fine preserves and marmalades of all kinds. Call and see them. B. J. SINONDS QUAUTY STORE Pl%wdl.9m. Qujijertxl (Directors 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVlCt PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES To sen'e those who call upon us to tile l>est of our ability and Mith thoughtful fairness Is the ha-sls upon which our organization is formed. H. O. McELKOY Manager Telephone 6454 Broad Street HELP KIDNEYS To Get Rid of Acid and Poisonous Waste Your kidneys hdp to keep yoo %ell by constantly filterinf waMe matter from the blood. If your kidneys get functionally disordered and faH to remove excess impurities, there may b« poisoninK of the whole system sad body-wide distress. Buminc, scanty or too frequent urt> nation may be a warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You msy buffer nsgging backache, persistant headache, attacks of dizcineaa, getting up nights, swelling, pufflneaa under the eyes—feel weak, nervous,' all played out. In such cases it is better to rely on • medicine that has won country-wide acclaim than on something less favor ably known. Use Doan't PilU. A multi tude of gratelul people recommend Doan't. Afk i/our neithborl Doans PILLS Don’t Neglect Your Chad’s Cold Common colds often settle in throat and chest; at the first sniffle rub on Children’s Musterole. Children’s Musterole in just good old Musterole, only in milder form. It penetrates with a warming tingle and gets such marvelous results be cause it’s NOT just a salve, but a " counter-Irrttant"—helpful in drawing out local congestion. ' Musterole has been used for 30 years. Recommended by many doc tors and nurses. All druggists’. In three strengths: Regular Strength, Children’s (mild), and Extra Strmic.