MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding >^ca«thaoe &AGUC SPftlNCS LAKBVIBW •lAQ<eO*1 SpRiNoe aOUTHBRN pinks PILOT FIRST IN NEWS» 1 CIRCULATION & ADVERTlSlNi; VOL. 18. NO. 46. of the Sandhill Territory of 1 ^h Carolina . ^ Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, October 14, 1938. ■J.'S FIVE CENTJ* 1 I ■■■IIIIMll.lli—ll I ■I...II. Ill—■■ll.l. I II -I —Oil ..-,1^^;^ ■ II , wm«,, .u II ■„ - ». I !■! I— ’—■I..— — I- "I — .1 .1 . I. .Ml NEWEI.L, JONES,TO OPEN REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN HERE State Chairman and Congres sional Candidate To Speak in Carthage Nfext Friday JONAS AT SANFORD Jake Newell of Charlotte, Repub- lican State Chairman, and John R. Jones of Lexington, Republican can didate for Representative in Congress Jrom the 8th district, will be prin cipal speakers at a rally to be held next Friday night, October 21st, in the courthouse at Carthage. Both are speakers of statewide reputation, Mr. Newell being frequently referred to as the ‘‘Will Rogers” of North CJar- olina. Mr. Jones, the only Republican so- licitor in the state, is a former law partner of Judge Hayes and is reput edly a brilliant lawyer and speaker. Charles R. Jones, Rejublican can- 'didate for the United States Senate against Senator “Bob” Reynolds, is speaking tonight, Friday, in Sanford, the nearest he will get to Moore coun. ty during the campaign. A number from the Sandhills plan to drive over to Sanford for the meeting. Here Next Week JAKE NEWELL Install New Legion Officers Here Oct. 20 Francis M. Dwight Commander of Sandhill Post for 1939.—^To Hear About Los Angeles The October meeting of Sandhills Post, American Legion will be held at the Legion clumhouse in Southern Pinea on Thursday night, October 20th for the purpose of installing the post officers for 1939, Commander Shields Cameron announces. Prior to the installation ceremony the retiring commander has asked that all retiring officers submit a report of activities during the past year wih recommendations fot the In coming officers. Invitation has been extended to ■various Legion officials in this sec tion of the state to attend the instal lation ceremony. Also the members of the newly organized Sons of the Legion under command of their lead er, Captain A. R. McDaniels are ex pected to attend as an organization, and watch their daddies inducted into ■office. Invitation is extended to all visit ing ex-servlcemen and members of the Spanish War Veterans Camp to attend the installation. A report from District Command er John H. Stephenson, who attend ed the national convention at Los An geles, Col., is looked forward to with interest. t The officers to be installed are Francis M. Dwight, as commander; E. L. McBryde, E. D. Andrews and Charles V. Fields, as first, second and third vice-commanders respec tively: L. L. Wooley, chaplain; Harry R. Zirkle, sergeant-at-arms; Rassie Wicker, historian; J. Vance Rowe, guai’dianship officer; J. F. Sinclair, athletic officer; A. R. McDaniels, child welfare: D. C. Phillips, pub licity officer; L. V. O’Callaghan, em ployment officer; John H. Stephen son, captain of boy’s squadron. The •adjutant and finance officer are to be appointed at this meeting by the new commander and will be formally installed along with the above nam ed. Commander Cameron requests ali members to be at the clubhouse by 8:00 p. m., October 20th and that all having Legion caps or uniform to Wear same in honor of the incoming officers. BELIEVED BURNED TO DEATH IN FIRE No Trace Found of Well Known Manly Resident After House Is Destroyed Grinnells Have Narrow Escape In Hurricane at Providence, R. I. Parking Lot Under Water Few I Minutes After They Left.— ! Floating Bed Saves Dog Rcy A, Grinnell, manager of the . Southern Pines Country Club, told lellow members of the Sandhills Ki- wanis Club on Wednesday at their HAD THREATENED SUICIDE weekly meeting some of the trage- the Heads Kiwanis The body of Frank Schirmer, well known resident of Manly, is believed to be in the ashes of his home which i dies of the hurricane along Rhode Island coast, in which he and his family narrowly escaped death. The Grinnells have just retuned burned to the ground at an early j house at Sakonet hour yesterday morning. Though no|p^j„^ ^ j. ^he day the hurricane trace of his remains had been found struck they were shopping in Prov- at the time The Pilot went to press,! ^ park- neither had Mr. Schirmer put in an j ^ buUding collapsed appearance at the scene of the fire, j neaj. gtore in which they were and he is reported as having threat-1 niaking a purchase they started for ened. at various times, to kill him- ^^^eir car. The wind was of such ve locity it took them 15 minutes to eelf. Bruce Cameron, who resides on the old road leading from Southern Pines to Manly, discovered the fire traverse a distance to their car which ordinarily would have taken about two minutes, and during this THAD EURE THAD EURE, LANG SPE.4K TUESDAY AT DEMOCRAT RALLY Secretary of State, National Youth Administrator on Pro gram at Courthouse shortly after 4:00 o’clock yesterday, j time one of the children was blown Thursday morning. The house was i out of his father’s hand and down then beyond saving, but Mr. Cam- the street where he was rescued by a eron drove to Southern Pines and | policeman. turned in an alarm, the department! Once in the parking lot Mr. Grin- here responding promptly. Search Ruing for Body Mr. Schirmer, known here as an eccentric character, had resided alone in the house for some 15 years. Ke owned several houses nearby, and nell at first thought it would be wise, in the face of such wind, to remain there in the car. But when water began to rise over the side walk he made a qui:k getaway to higher parts of town, dodging trees, . . „ , , , ^ live wires and falling debris. Within an 80-foot well and pumping plant . . ^ ^4. , , , . „ a few mmutes after they had left the J. VANCE ROWE OPEN COUNTY CAMPAIGN Democrats will open their cam paign in Moore county this coming week with a rally in the courthouse at Carthage on Tuesday night at 7:30 o’clock. under his own house supplied water to the adjacent buildings. He was born in New Orleans, La., on Feb ruary 13, 1852. He had served a num ber of years as chef on one of the western railroads before coming here to live upon retirement in 1891. His father was William Schirmer, mo ther Louisa Marahn, both natives of Germany. Two sieters and a nephew, A. M. Scbinner, live in New York Coroner Fry and Southern Pines firemen spent much of yesterday at the ruins waiting for them to cool sufficiently for a thorough search for Mr. Schirmer’s body. Stunt Ni^ht To Offer Variety Bill Oct. 21 A Little Bit of Everything on Program at Southern Pines School Auditorium parking lot it was under 15 feet of water, and persons who remained there were drowned in their cars. They also narrowly escaped death on their drive attempting to get out of town. A bridge which they planned to cross was completely covered by water just a few minutes before they reached it, and 37 persons were drowned. The wind, Mr. Grinnell stated, reached a velocity of 187 miles per hour at one time. Water in Provi dence rose 16 feet above normal high tide before the 26-foot tidal wave hit. Sakonet Point, was completely inundated, many houses washed away. J. VANCE ROWE 16TH PRESIDENT OF KIWANIS CLUB L\ TO SELL ONLY f JO IN BONDS FOR LIBRARY SITE Three Thousand Cut Off Pro ject on Which Citizens Vote on October 24 LAST DAYS TO REGISTER Judge of Recorder’s Court Elect ed at Annual Meeting; Judge Seawell Vice-President J, Vance Rowe of Aberdeen, judge of the Moore county Recorder’s Court, was elected president of the Sandhills Kiwanis Club at Its an nual meeting held on Wednesday in the Southern Pines Baptist Church. Judge Rowe takes office next month, for a one year term. Another judge, Herbert F. Seawell, Sr. of Carthage, former member of the United States Board of Tax Ap peals in Washington, was elected ~ ’I vice-president, Richard F. Tarlton re- the coast line so altered as to re-1 / ^ ^ ^ r n D-rtvpm clectcd trcasurcr, and the following quire re-surveying by the govern- ^ » tt, nine feet of water ‘Chosen to the board of directors: F. A variety bill of entertainment will j be offered the public by the Southern! ment. There was in his house, and his desk was found one-quarter of a mile away on the golf course. His dog rode out the storm on a bed floating in the wa ter. He has 10,000 square feet of Shelby Cullum and Paul Dana of Pinehurst, John Howarth, Glenn Me. Elroy and Dr. W. E. Overcash of Southern Pines, and Talbot Johnson and G. C. Seymour of Aberdeen. Judge Rowe becomes the 16th land that doesn’t >>elong to him ' except by right of possession—land | president of the Kiwanis Club here- Pines school in the High School aud-, *: . , nrooertv Diling Dr. WUliam C. Mudgett was the first Secretao- of Slate Thad o,-th.™ .,rvl„g d.H.g tober 21st. The range of program; ’ " . ^ „ f - X have it who 11 take it away, numbers is from first grade to sen-1 I said ior songsters, from the gay nineties ' to the ultra present, from New York’s . . ^ World’s Fair grounds to the Munich j A Derdeen OV£T lOP Conference table, from a day at the Boys’ School Quota Raleigh, and John A. Lang of Car thage, head of the National Youth Administration, will be the princi pal speakers on the program. Others prominent in county affairs will make brief talks. The public is invited. From now until election Democrat ic meetings will be held in various ing and romancing, playlets and pan- j Amount Assigned; Campaign I Going Nicely races to a trip to the movies. Therf he ' the past 15 years have been J. Tal bot Johnson, Edwin T, McKelthen, Frank Shamburger and Dr. E. M. Medlin of Aberdeen, Richard Tufts, Paul Dana, Herbert Vail, C- W. Pic- quet and Willard Dunlop of Pine- ' hurst, the late Dr. J. W. Dickie, Nel will be dialogue and dancing, rollick-j First Town in County To I^ise Hyde, the Rev. J. Fred Stim- DEANE-BUBOIN CONTEST HOPELESSLY DEADLOCKED As The Pilot went to press the Deane-Burgin contest for the Demo cratic nomination for Representative in Congress from this 8th district was still deadlocked, so tangled up in legal proceedings that it appeared evident, unless n compromise candi date is rushed in at the last moment, there will be no Democratic nomi nee on the ticket- In which case the Republican candidate, John R. Jones of North Wilkesboro, will be the dis- trict’s next Cong -essman. parts of the county in the interest of. tomine, banter and burlesque, the candidacy of Robert R. Reynolds j Qjjg feature Iht't will afford amuse- for re-election to the Unied States nig^t especially for alumni and par- Senate, for the 8th District Repre-, faculty take-off. sentative in Congress rf the Deane-1 Proceeds will be used to buy ath- Burgin case is determined in time! jgtic equipment to supplement the for one or the other to get on the present supply for the tennis, baskct- ticket, and for county offices. TWO NEW “MEMBERS” ARE WELCOMED BY KIWANLANS John Leon Seymour, son of O- Leon Seymour of Aberdeen, and William Earl Overcash, Jr., son of Dr. Over cash of Southern Pines, were pre sented as “new members” of the Sandhills Kiwanis Club at the club’s meeting Wednesday in the Southern Pines Baptist Church. Not yet cut of the Moore County Hospital where the ball and baseball groups, and to fur nish material for new sports which Towai-d the $10,000 expected of Moore county to purchase 100 acres son and Ralph Chandler of Southern Pines. The club plans to stress its sup. Tomorrow, Saturday, Is the final day for registration for the special Southern Pines election to authorize a bond issue for purchase by the city of the property on West Broad street adjoining the postoffice as a site for a nev. library building. The election will be held on Monday, Oc tober 24. Only those especially reg istered for this election will be eligi ble to vote. The books arg open at the Municipal Building, with Hiram Westbrook as registrar. Meanwhile, the amount to be raised by this bond issue, If approv. ed by the voters, has been reduced from the advertised total of $12,000 to the original price of the property, $9,000. Mayor D. G. Sutz explained this action in a statement given The Pilot yesterday, which reads as fol lows: Statement, by Mayor “The public’s attention is call ed to the fact that, although the advertsement appearing In this paper called for a bond Issue of $12,000, of which $9,000 is for ^ the purchase of the site on which is to be built a public library and $3,000 to go toward the con struction of building and Im provement of grounds, the bond attorneys have ruled that a mun- Ictpallty cannot Utsue bonds for construction of the proposed building. “The Town Board of Commis sioners has, therefore, authorized the sale of $9,000 only, of the proposed bond Issue, Instead of $12,000 as originally stated, and all these funds will be used solely for the purchase of lot on which it is proposed to erect a library building for which we have received a grant of $11,250 from the Public Works Admin istration. The advertisements will remain the same, but only $9,000 of the bonds will be sold” The approval of the bond issue and the subsequent issue of $9,000 in bonds will give to Southern Pines a new park, or civic center, a new 11- brary building, plans for which have been sketched by Aymar Embury, architect of the postoffice, and land on which at some later date a mun icipal office building could be erect ed. Funds for the library building, in addition to the government grant of $11,250, have been subscribed by the Library Association and its port of the Moore County Hospital, , friends- In short, approval of a $9,- of Midland Farms property on Mid- ' its vocational guidance work, its un- qOO loan will mean a $25,000 invest- land Road, halfway between Pine- der privileged child work and good I ment for Southern Pines. hurst and Southern Pines, for the citizenship during the coming year. | site of the proposed North Carolina it will present its annual Builder’s Preparatory School for Boys, the peo- Cup to a citizen of the county ad- ple of Aberdeen have pledged their I judged to have done outstanding the directors. Miss Aline Todd and of ^i_O00, thus taking the lead work in the community at a meet-1 ing early in December. This cup | A. C. Dawson, plan to introduce this, county. Of the several organ- year. Children of all departments will jzations participating in Aberdeen G. C. Seymour, appointed by the Sand- share the use of this material. The following is a complete pro gram for the occasion; Songs, First Grade; Songs, Sec ond Grade; The World’s Fair, 'Third Grade; The Dude’s Backset, Fourth Grade; /V Grave jPituatlon, Fifth Grade: A Family at the Movies, Sixth Grade; The Munich Conference, Sev- two young men were born during enth Grade; Bicycle For’Two, Eighth the past week, tkey were represented Grade: Faculty Take-Off, flinth at the meeting by dolls, and were wel- Grade; Track Meet, Tenth Grade; comed by Dr. T. A. Cheatham of j Voiceless Vadervllle, Eleventh Grade. Pinehurst. Their papas are Kiwan-1 Grade ians. ‘BL-^CK-OUT' IN SANDHILLS DUE AT PILOT PRESS TIME The Pilot went to press last night in anticipation of the Imminent shriek of the Southern Pines fire si ren, the warning to citizens to dark en the city against an “air raid” by enemy bombers from Langley Field, Va. The “black-out” ordered as one feature of the Army Air Corps man euvers here was scheduled for some time between sunset and 10:00 p. m. PROPERTY IN PINEHURST SOLD TO NEW YORKERS Mr. and Mrs. R- W. White of New York City have purchased property at the corner of Linden Road and McKenzie Road in Pinehurst on which they propose to build a winter resi dence. Their lot Is located diagon ally across the street from the Hen ry Hornblower and Daniel Wing homes. The sale was consummated hills Kiwanis Club from Aberdeen, took charge and with characteristic promptness soon had the town’s quo ta assured. Work in other parts of the county is progressing satisfactorily In charge of a joint committee from all the civ ic and service organizations, headed by the Rev. J- Fred Stimson of Sou thern Pines as general chairman. The following quotas were agreed upon by the committee: Southern Pines, $3,000; Pinehurst, $3,000; Aberdeen, $1 000: Carthage, $1,000; Hemp, $1,- 000; West End,, etc., H.OOO- When Moore county has completed Us auota, an additional $10,000 will be raised In counties adjoining this, toward purchase of other property needed for the school. Dr. Osborne states. was awarded last year to Mrs. T. A. Cheatham of Pinehurst, the year be fore to Dr. H. E- Bowman of Aber deen, and othei* recipients in the past have been Leonard Tufts, Bion H. Butler, John R. McQueen, Simeon B. Chapman and Frank Buchan. VILL.\<iE CHAPEL RESUMES The Village Chapel in Pinehurst, closed during the summer months, resumes services this Sunday mom- fhrough the L. L. Biddle, II agency Ing, Dr. T. A. Cheatham, the rector in Pinehurst. announces. No Such Thing As Old Age Pension in County And 0«ly 290 Can Be Helped From State Aid Allotment, Says Mrs. Brown “How can I get it across to the people that North Carolina does not have old age pensions?” Mrs Les lie Brown inquired of us, almost frantically. “I can’t make them un derstand.” She went on to explain that some states do have pensions for the aged citizens, but that North Carolina has only old age assistance and that Moore county can assist from these funds, according to the State al lotment. only 290 persons. Up to (Plea$e turn to page eight) Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot John son To Celebrate 25th An niversary Next Friday Mr. and Mrs- J. Talbot John son of Aberdeen have issued In- vitations for & reception cele brating their 25th wedding anni versary on Friday evening, Oc tober 21st from 8:00 untU 11:00 o'clock. Mi -s Kate Halcombe arid Mr. Johnson were married In Southern Pines on that date In 1913, with 20 relatives and friends of bride and groom In -heir wedding party. Every one Df the twenty is living today and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are hope ful and expectant that all wUl be present at their silver wed ding. Among those who will be here for the celebration, whi-h vill be it the Johnson home, are Mr- lohnson’s brother, Lieut. Com mander Leslie Felix Johnson, U. S. who is en route from Brazil; his lister, Mrs. Nell Mizelle of New Orleans, La., and his brother Jack Df Kansas.

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