Ptige Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Cr.rolina Friday, March 10, 1939. THE PILOT Published each Friday by THE PILOT, Incorporated, Southern Pines, N. C. NELSON KS ART STR1CL FILING C.VBINETS The Hollywood Hotel Corner F'ederal Highway No. 1 and New York Avenue Nine out of ten of tlie top execu tives in the American steel industry have worked their way up from the ranks of the company m which they , wrist when trying to enter the barn, started their careers. There's a Rooms are Large, Verandas Sunnj^ Kates Moderate. Call, write or wire J. L. Pottle & Son Soul hern Pines, North Carolina chance for evei’yone top—in America. to reach the uiutzzizstitiiz'.iv. »« • * “They say” the next Governor of , North Carolina was in our midst here la.'^t Wednesday when the Legis lature visited Charlotte, But "they say’’ not who it was, nor can ‘ they,” nor anybody elso. The 1940 contest is going to be an indiscriminate scramble. You can tell that much because of the wiae variety of the “availables ’ and because, primarily, not one of tlic more than half a dozen who are lighting their torches for the office has so far been able to get the jump on the pack. That is not as it used to be. For some years now it has been possible, almost easy, to sing’e out the man who would be Governor in the course of a definite number of years, I Sueh certainty prevailed in the ' case of Bickett, of McLean, of Gard ner, of Ehringhaus and Hoey, al though the latter, through the devel opment of unexpected shift in politi cal psychology, was threatened. But at this moment nob'dy can find a decisive veering of the winds in favor either of such men as Com missioner Maxwell, or Auditor Pou, or Secretary of State Eure, or At torney J. M. Broughton, or Congre.'^s- ' man Lindsay Warren, or Lieut,-Gov ernor Horton, or any of the others from the East whose hat is at least : tilted toward the ring. The next Governor of North Car. ; olina was very probably a visitor to Charlotte the other day, but we dare a man in North Carolina to name himi —Charlotte Observer. Our shop is filled to overflowing with clothes you will need now and later. Suits, Shirts, Sweaters and Skirts Jl’NIOR \VILLIN