il7^ I ■ Friday, November 17, 1939. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Phr« United Motors Service TRAINED REPAIRMEN SPECIALIZING ON CARBURETOR AND ELECTRICAL UNITS Telephone 5311 Colton & Ferguson Garage Broad Street at Connecticut Avenue HOLLYTREE NURSERIES SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. The best equipped nursery in locality. Complete Landscape Service E. MORELL, HORTICULTURIST Nurseries on Midand Road Telephone 5253 Neighboring Fort Bragg One of World^s Largest Artillery Ranges * Government Found Here Ideal location for Purpose.—An Historical Sketch Kttmmtmmtnimmttmmtmtmmmmmm :: Evenings Dine and Dance -AT— The Dunes Club You will enjoy the music and Floor Shows at 11:00 and 1=00 BY HRLEN K. BUTLER In the Sandhills your neighbors are one of the most interesting: features of your living arrangements. As a rule Sandhill people are people who have traveled about here and there and seen considerable of the world, and who make their settle ment after taking into account cli mate, geographical position, distance from a man's business world, and all the other things the head of the house mulls over in selecting a per manent home for the family. Sand hills people are a selected people who locate entirely from choice, which speaks well for the community and assures the stranger his neighbor is not apt to be undesirable. About three miles east of South ern Pines begins a huge boundary line, enclosing some 125,000 acres, the equivalent of nearly 20 square miles in which are stationed our neighbors of Fort Bragg. Today one of the largest artillery ranges in the world adjoins us. The great sweep of territory that lies between Southern Pines and Fayetteville be longs to the government^ excepting a fringe of land bordering both towns, on the east and west side.s. Locating Fort Bragg was not an accidental affair with Uncle Sam, any more than it was with the individual set tler. Government heads knew what they wanted, if they could find it. They wanted a broad tract of sandy land in a rolling country. Under Col. E. P. King a search was started and the officer traveled over the conti nent, rejecting evei'ything that was presented until he heard of this par ticular section of North Carolina. The rest of the story is too well Author and M. F. H. JUDGE SINK TO PRESIDE A term of Superior Court for the trial of civil casea in Moore county is scheduled for December 11 and COTTON GINNING REPORT The census report shows that 792 bales of cotton were ginned in Moore county from the crop of 1939 prior Judge H. Hoyle Sink is expected to^to November 1st, as compaied witli preside. 349 bales for the crop of 1938. JAMES BOYD Author and Master of Foxhounds with several couples of Moore County Hounds which hunt the Southern Pines country. Tate's Beauty Shop All Forms of Beauty Culture Manor Building New Hampshire Avenue Telephone 7505 one of the last encounters of the wai. Lor^gstreet stands a lonely watch, a forg’otten parade ground in the sixties, the burial place of North Carolina boy.s who lie under the an cient cedars, shrine of the past. What the hills of the evicted Highlander will see again is sealed in the fu ture. Guns rumble and roar as they disgorge their terrific charges in the general scheme of our national de fense. Fort Bragg is estpblished with all the solidity of a lasting organization. The War Department found what it was looking for. It has the dimen- sion.s for its long range guns and an agreeable year ’round climate for an army post, where training schools known to go further into. Next door j a^id finishing schools for the artil- were found the sandy slopes the gov- ^ jpj.y officer are about For Every Member of the Family Exquisite Lamps and Shades, Fine Silverware, Cut Cr>’stal, Linens, Corticelli Silk Underwear, Daytime and Evening Bags, Jewelry for all Occasions. Elizabeth Arden Gift Boxes The Shop that Solves Your Gift Problems Welrlj (^ift Sl|np Broad Street at Pennsylvania Ave. Southern Pines xxxtuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxtxuxxxuxixxxxxxxxxixttxxxxx^xmttxnx^xxxxxtmxt^ ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxv,xxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxittxxxxxxxxtxxxxxttxxtxxtxtx»ut SI Hardware To meet the requirements of our increasing patronage we have enlarged our store, and added new lines to our stock. ernment approved of. Here was for est for miles in any direction, not a town in the proposed area larger than a cross-road settlement and farm homes few and far apart. The land was condemned and farms were evacuated, buildings were torn down or destroyed by fire; a couple of old ideal. In the social life of the commun ity the Fort Bragg neighbor fits into the picture. He joins in the horse show festivities, cheerfully lends an enthusiastic hand to public functions, and blends with all activities of the j resort section. Our neighbors of Fort Hardware—Kitchen Wares—Oil Stoves—Paints Varnishes—Brushes—Electrical Goods—Glaf;s Cut Fit any Opening to duns. Ammunition, Hunting Licenses HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC CO. East Broad Street R. W. Tate and Son Southern Pines churches, historical landmarks, weie one of the important ac- preserved. Aside from the a>^cient | Sandhills. shrines no further sign of civilian life | - -■; .u_ , . ,.j. is left. Swallowed in the wilderness the country returned to its original PATRICIA WILLIAMS ' SONGS INEZ LA VAIL, DANCEUR JERRY MACK’S ORCHESTRA The Dunes Club Midland Road Tel.—Pinehurst 4604 Taxi and U-Drive-It Service STORAGE SOUTHERN PINES GARAGE STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Expert Body and Fender Work—General Auto Repairing Packard Service Telephone 6141 Southern Pines, N. C. A * AI PINEHURST DEPARTMENT STORE BAKERY Now Open state. Fort Bragg stands lord of the forest. Miles of boulevards have been opened, cutting a hundred foot swath in their various directions. Closed to the public, these roads w'ere built for military purposes. New bridges have replaced old ones, and as the army moves in practice maneuvers, the heavy guns of the artillery roll over improved sand- clay roads. Stirring Times The historian if allowed an ordi nary amount of imagination can find no end of amusement in roaming the forbidden hills, as Cumberland and Hoke counties witnessed some rath- er stirring chapters in the makint! of a nation. Viewing the scene that stretches away from the summit of Johnson or McPherson mountains the eye roams over an interesting panor ama. The miniature hills with the young growth of pines and black jacks outline a horizon that is hard to surpass. The Cape Fear Scotch drifted up into the Rockfish country from Wil mington. They staked out just about what they wanted in boundary lines, for land was to be had for lit tle more than the asking at that tl time. Farms came into existence and here and there a church was estab- J lished. If Cornwallis followed all the ^ roads he was accredited with he was one of the worlds greatest tramps; however, tradition says that in his retreat to Wilmington he traveled down the road that led to Fayette ville. Piney Bottom, only about seven miles away, was the scene of a live ly skirmish between the Tories and Whigs during the Revolution when a number were engaged in an en counter that cost the lives of half dozen or more men at the time when David Fanning, chief of the Tory leaders^ was a much talked of man. Fanning on his bay mare "Bay Doe," had the reputation for all kinds of | rascality and infamous deeds, prob- | ably the most remembered the cap- H turing of the governor of North Carolina, Thomas Burke. Quiet came at last to the harrass- ed Highlander, but not for long. In the path of Cornwallis, Civil War troops were to march down the same road. On the Morganton road Kilpatrick was moving men east- w'ard. Hardees outfit was a few miles away on the Yadkin road. On the Neil S. Blue farm a battle took place, 28 Years 0£ Service This week marks the beginning of the 28th year that the Montesanti firm has been located in South ern Pines. A. Montesanti came to Southern Pines in 1912 at the insistence of the late Mr. A. I. Creamer, for many years the manager of the Highland Pines Inn and was 1^0 much impressed with the Sandhills he decided to make it his permanent home, and moved his family here from Boston. Since that day, Montesanti has expanded and pro gressed with Southern Pines. Their plant is well known all through the East and South for its fine Tailoring and Dry Cleaning Services, and enjoys a fine mail order trade in its dry cleaning department. The Montesanti plant has alw'ays kept abreast of the changes and times in the industry, and has added equipment from time to time to expand and improve its services. Bes.Ules a complete tailoring and dry clean ing establishment, it is equipped for Rug, Drapery and Furniture cleaning, and De-Mothing services.' Dante Montesanti is associated \vith his father in Southern Pines. He is a graduate of the Southern Pines High School, and attended the Institute Cleaning School in Silver Springs, Maryland, where he took a complete Dry Cleaning course in 1928. He has returned there from time to time to do post-graduate work. Last July, Dante Montesanti was elected President of the N. C. Association of Cleaners and Dyers for 1939-40, af ter having served as a director for four years. He is also past president of the Seaboard Association of Clean ers and Launderers. Mr. Montesanti and his family have always taken an active interest in local affairs, and supported every riove to help the progress of Southern Pines and the Sandhills. imavti anJ Well RU€$ and DR4PES