ANNUAL SOUTHERN PINES RESORT NUMBER THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding '"N^ARTHAoe LAKEView HAHUfiY 90UTHCRN PtMCS ASHUSy HB.fCHTS AeCROUH ^PINEBLUFF PILOT SOUTHERN PINES HIDS YOU A CORDIAL WELCOME of the Sandhill Territory oi .h Carolina VOL. 19, NO. 52. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday. November 24» 1939. FIVE CENTS BEHERLEYSHURT IN AUTO COLLISION IN PfflLADaPHIA Injured Southern Pines Commissioner Suffer*? Broken Knee Cap. Mrs. Betlerley Arm and Ankle "CONDITION SATISFACTORY’ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Betterley of Southern Pines are In Frankford Hos pital, Philadelphia recovering' from injuries received in an automobile ac cident in that city last Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Betterley suffered fractures! of the forearm and ankle, head andj chest injuries and scalp wounds. Herj condition was reported yesterday as ^ satisfactory, and she was able to be up in a wheel chair. Mr. Betterley, president of Southern Pines Ware houses member of the Board of Com missioners of Southern Pines and | secretary of the Chamber of Com-' merce, suffered a broken knee cap and other injuries, and was operated upon successfully on Tuesday. His | condition is reported also as satis-, factory by hospital surgeons. Head-On Collision . Accordiing toadvice.s fiom Phila- Head-On Collision Near Aber- xielphia. the Betterley car was pro- Tuesday Sends Ten ceeding south on one of the main Hospital FASTER AIR MAIL ! SERVICE HERE IF i PLAN APPROVED These Doors Opened Ten Years Ago Sanford on Proposed Drop and Pick-Up Route Serving This Section of State HUGH J. BETTERLEY ELEVEN INJURED DURING WEEK IN MOTOR CRASHES highways. On signal from a north bound driver that he intended to' PINEHURST BANKER HURT turn off the road, Mr. Betterley! stopped. When he did so, the| Ton persons were rushed to the behind the man who had signaled j Moore County Hospital Tuesday shot out into the highway and crash- ] night, the result of a head-on collis- ed head-on into the Betterley car. j ion of two automobiles on U. S. The occupants of the other car as. Highway No. 1 just north of Aber- well as the Betterleys were rushed | deen. Though no one was seriously to the hospital, but their injuries hurt, all required treatment for cuts, were reported as less serious. j bruises, dislocations or other injur- Mr. and Mrs. Betterley left here i jpg. on Saturday, November 11th forj a car owned by E. L. Wolfe of Brattleboro, Vermont to attend the; Camden, S. C., and driven by John funeral of a relative, and were en- j Lakis, also of Camden was enroute route home when the accident hap-1 north with Frank E. Fasci and A1 pened. It is not known here just, Broussard of Camden as additional when they will be able to complete passengers, all bound for Thank.sgiv_ their journey. j ing in Cambridge, Mass. The other The names of those in the car \ car, southbound, was driven by which collided with the Betterley' car are not known here. FEEDER FOR TRUNK LINES Air mail service to and from the Sandhills will be greatly expedited if I a proposed pick-up service giving di-| reot plane connections with major' air mail lines is installed at Sanford, as proposed. Says an article in Mon days Sanford Herald: According to a feeder pystem pro. jected by All-American Aviation, Inc., Wilmington, Del., Sanford would be placed on a pick-up route running between Raleigh and Char leston, S. C. This route would be one of seven in the "Greensboro Area" serving North and South CJar- olina and parts of Virginia and Geor gia. Coordinated with trunk line stops at major cities, the pick-up system would make it possible to send airmail from Sanford to al_ most any point in the United States in only 24 hours. Air mail from the Sandhills would be de.spatchod to Sanford. The pick-up system, which is being considered on a nation-wide scale, was developed by 'Richard C. duPont^ president of All American Aviation, Inc., ard an aviation authority. The system is already working success fully in Pennsylvania, West Virgin ia, Ohio and Delaware. Proposed Route Other towns included on the Ral- eigh-Charle?ton route would be Dunn, Fayetteville, Lumberton, Chadbourn, Whiteville, Wilmington, Southport, Myrtle Beach, S. C., Con. way, S. C., and Georgetown, S. C. t Sanford would be the only town inj this inunediate section of the state! to get the proposed service. j Planes would not land at towns TUBERCULOSIS ON WANE, THANKS TO CHRISTMAS SEALS j Fewer Incurable Cases in Coun- j ty Today Than at Any Time in Six Years Entrance to the Moore County Hospital Moore County Hospital Observes 10th Anniversary Kiwanis Speaker and cities on the feeder routes but i Memorial at Samarcand To Miss MacNaughton Oround Broken for “Bonnie Brae dardens” Honoring For mer Superintendent At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Managers on Friday^ November 10, plans were completed for establishing “Bonnie Brae Gardens” as a perma nent memorial at the school to the memory of Agones B. MacNaughton, who had served so faithfully for 16 years aa the executive head of the institution. Appropriate outdoor exercises were held at 1 ;00 p. m. on Thursday, November 16, in which the entire faculty and the student body took part. Jtrs. J. R. Page of Aberdeen, member of the board since its estab lishment, and the Rev. R. G. Mathe- son, Presbyterian Chaplain since the pioneer days, assisted in formally breaking ground for the foundation of a gateway to the pooled garden. Later, a bronze plaque, suitably in scribed, will be attached to the ma- sirjnry wall. The'unveiling exercises will be in corporated with the Flower Pageant at the May Day Festival next spring. Leon Grover Cavines.s, 16 years old, of Lakeview, who had as passengers Joseph Caviness, Paul Thomas, Jew ell Smith, Juanita Thomson and Ra chel Smith. According to Aberdens night pa trolman^ Lamar Smith, and A. B. C. officer J. A. Lawrence, who in vestigated the accident, young Cav iness turned into the middle of the road to pass a car ahead of him. In so doing, he crashd into the on. coming Camden car. Both cars were badly damaged, and all Oi’cupants violently jolted, with smashed win dows causing cuts. Broussard suffer ed a dislocated shoulder, and one of the young ladies in the Lakeview car lost several teoth. Another accident which occurred last Saturday morning on Midland Road between Southern Pines &nd Pinehurst resulted in minor injuries to F. Shelby Cullo