I Par* Two TH E PILOT Published Mch Friday by THli FWOT, Incorponted, Sonthera Ptnw, N. C. NEUON C. HVDB Editor OAN S. iUy, G«oersl MAoag^er CHASLES MACAUUCT Adv«rtt9(n( SfmiutKer K. BatUr, BmsU C*in*r*B IbIUi. L. AiwciatM Snbaeriptloa Rates: Ob* Tear 13.00 Ms Ifontha $1.00 Tkra* Ifontha .80 Batcred at the Poatofftce at South- »ni Pines, N. C., as second class mall Batter. THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, NoKh Carolina Friday, January H, PROMPT WORK BY UTILITIES The exceptional wintry wea ther of the forepart of the week played havoc with power, light and telephone lines throughout this section and though the public was temporarily incon venienced by loss of light, heat ^nd telephone service, the sus- tjeiisions were brief The Caro lina Power and Light Company and the Central Carolina Tele phone Company are to be con gratulated on the splendid work of clearing up their lines promptly The job called for managerial skill and the tireles effort of field crews, for the damage was widespread A large expanse of territory had to be covered to repair lines snapped by the fal- ing of ice-laden limbs- and there was a great deal of replacement of equipment involved- These storms arp expensive things for public utilities companies, or ganizations which come in for so much abuse much of the time that they merit a word of righteous praise when they con quer the battles against the elements as they did this week- THE POCKETBOOK KNOWLEDGE AmEHcnATA WCB«T HEN VORK msM»n o(/r-cr-riST-rC/B£S’SHOW ACniA'SY SM va rauowMo Aiman chatid m na wocssiaN peihod and ofreinMa HSW MK AMD (Mntoas TQBMAMD TOMOMlOW MOMSNJ Many Contributions For Christmas Lighting Southern Pines Junior Camber Thanlts Those Who Helped Erect Light Trees . Pinehurst Paragraphs Herbert D. Vail went to Philadel. phia the first of the week on a busi. ness trip Miss Kdna Gentry spent the week end at her home in Sparta, N. C. Mrs, Herbert L. Hawley^ Sr., is vistUng her son. H. C. Hawley and family in Payettev lie Mr. and Mrs. Colin McKcnzie en tertained the ScLBack club at their Misa Annabelle MacNab and Mrs. jjome Saturday evening. Richard B. Pippitt have returned to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beall of BIr. Boston after spending two weeks guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs, ^ Scofield. Janies W. MacNab and Mr. and Mrs. , _ „ ,, , „ Mrs. William Parkinson has re- Donald J. Ross. REAL BOOM IN BUSIN'ESS At this writing, the official reports on fourth-quarter busi ness activity ave not yet been published But 2)reliminary re ports and authoritative esti mates are at hand- They show that business during the latter part of 1939 made one of the most rapid rises in our history- Where the Federal Reserve Board index of production stood at 98 in June it shot upward to 125 in November. And the De cember level, going by advance estimates, was 127 or better- Of vital importance is the fact that practically all manufactur ing shared in the improvement- In our pre\ious “recovery” per iods it has often been the case that some major^ industries lag ged behind or remained static while the rest advanced—in other words, the betterment was usually spotty- That certainly wasn’t true last year- Only a handfuls of relatively minor in dustries in the manufacturinfc field failed to respond to the general trend- Interestinj? point is that this remarkable jump in bu.siness was almost completely unexpect ed- All of the experts were fool ed- When the June low was reached, after half a year of steady decline, most of them forecast that the pickup which was in mild evidence then woald carry on into the new year- But they thought it would be a slow advance which at best would take us to the 105 level by December) Instead, expan sion took place beyond all esti mates- Just w'hat caused this trem endous upturn is the question that is being widely debated now- And it isn’t an easy ques tion to answer- There has been no particular change in the do mestic situation, political or otherwise- You can’t attribute it to Europe’s w^ar—war orders so far placed in this country have been under early expectr. tions, not above- It can be ar gued that the country have been under early expectations, not above- It can be argued that the country w'as way behind in its requirements of goods of all kindsh—but that has been the case for many years- Ingenius key to the puzzle is provided by Ralph Robey, Newsweek’s business authority- Mr- Robey argues that the trem- dous error made by the fore- turned from a w^eks stay In New , York. casters last June was the result - ... i Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Johnson of of a failure to see the change ~^ ^ . , . , , . , , • iu ' Cleveland. Ohio, have arrived and which has taken place m the; * t * , j. • • 'are at their cottage. Ivy Point, general policy of business men, in the management of their j Mrs. M. G. Solomon is confined to companies- Previously it was i infiuenea. the practi>?ia to !ke^ business 1 Mrs. Betty McGouldrlch held firms in the most liquid condi- j "open house,” at her home. Maple tion possible — relatively large j cottage. Monday afternoon. About cash resources, small inven- ; forty .five friends called to welcome tories, and the minimu mof fu-' Mrs. McGouldrich and children Jim- ture commitments- Within the|„,y and Patty, and her mother, Mrs. pest four months (Mr- Robey, Morrow, who have returned wrote this in late December) j to Pinehurst to reside, the whole tendency^^has been toj jjorton’s class of boys of the reverse this policy- If , young people's department of the true- it explains a Community Church entertained Mrs. that has been mj stifying- And j^ci^ej^ay’s* and Mrs. Herndon's there is much e\^dence to back desses of girls at a supper at Sally’s it up>—business is spending its ^abln on Tuesday evening, cash rapidly and inventories are, parent.Teacher meeting was being built up to extraordinary ■ accotmt of the incie. levels- ^ ^ ment weather to next Tuesday, Jan. Main point now is, how long uary 16th at 3;15 o'clock in the will the trend continue? Gener- sj.jjqqj auditorium, al opinion holds that there will be a moderate leveling off soon, Jind that certain readjustments must be made-And most specit- , ic forer..sts reflect the opinion ^ M,s« Margaret Lawrence ha.s re., lhat 1940 on the average will turned to Hamlet after vsiung her sister Mrs. C. W. Thomas. , The Southern Pines Junior Cham ber of Commerce and the people of Southern Pines are indebted to the following for contributions which made possible the Christmas trees and lighting along Broad street dur ing the holidays, a project of the Ju. nior Chamber; Junior Civic Club. Tog Shop, I. F. Chandler Ice Plant, Dr. h. M. Daniels, Dr. W. C. Mudgett, Fields Barber Shop, Page Motor Company, Valet Cleaners, Dom's, Bowling Alley, Southern Pines Warehouses, Melvin Brothers, Eddy's Studio, Park View Hotel, Roth’s Barber Shop, Sandhill Co.operative Dairies, Southern Pine* Laundry, E. C. Stevens Office, Jack’s Grill, A. S. Newcomb Office, A A P Tea Company, E. E. Davis Shop, Southern Pines Garage, Atkinson Furniture Company, Penders Grocery Co., C. L. Hayes Book Shop, Jeffer son Inn, Garland Pierce Agency, Welch’s Gift Shop, Carolina Power & Lfgbt Company, Citizens Bank & Tnirst Company, C. T. Patch Store, J. D. Arey—Building Contractor A. M. Swinnerton, Tates Hardw'are Company, Dr. J. S. Milliken, Coffee Shop. Agnes Dorothy Beauty Shop, H. S. Knowles Store, Brown & Clark Station, Dr. M, O. Stutz, Town of Southern Pines, J. Vance Rowe Of. fice, Reinecke A Compauiy, P. P. Pel- ton Office, Dr. E. W. Bush, McNeill Feed Store, McGill Shoe Shop, Mer rills Pharmacy, J. N. Powell, Inc., I Modern Market, Mack's 5c and 10c Store, Miss Catherine Pi»rson Shop. I Montesanti Cleaners, Alton Scott Station, Dr. G. G. Herr, Tote Togg ly Mrs. J. B. Gifford Shop, Ed's Cafe,,* W. D. Mathews Office, Sandhill Drug Company, McLean Furniture Com. pany, Miss Allie McIntosh Shop, Hoi. lywood Hotel, Bakers Food Store, Southern Pines Grocery, Carolina Theatre, Mrs. C. L. Hayes Shop, Drs. ^ McLeod & McLeod, Broad Street j Pharmacy. Belvedere Hotel, Bushby Electric Company, Central Carolina Telephone Company, P. T. Bamum, j Inc., FYunjean's, McNeills Service ; Station, Tat«i Beauty Shop, Dr. P. J. Cheater, Clark's Funeral Home. H.' A. Lewis Trade" Store, E, H. Loren. | son Office. Colton.Fergruson Garage, j ^ Simons Electric Company, C. L. Aus ' tin—Bulldng Contractor. i Fersonal Oonatlnnn Carolina Baking Co., Miss Ethel Jones, and several anonymous dona- tou. BEGINNING Saturday January 13th DRESSES from $1.00 to $10 Reduced from $2.95 and $22.50 COATS from $5.95 to $19.75 Have been $15.00 to $45.00 HATS from $1.00 to $5.00 Have Been $3.00 to $10.50 Must close out all Fall and Winter Apparel Mrs. Hayes’ Shop CASH AND CARRY MigHland L.odge A QUIET HOME-LIKE FAMILY HOTEL Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBEB 1ST TO JTNE 1ST Mrs. M. F. Grearson Tftlepiiuae 69SS Southern I*lnea, N. C. 11 FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE PILOf Little Misse.s Sylira Callaway and; Julia Ann McCaskill are confined to I be a considerably better year than 19.39, whether we get big war orders or not- MAY HE REST IN PEACE When Major Henry A Lon don. died, tiiey clad his frail boftv in the uniform of grey he had worn as a soldier of the South- To-dav my soul is K^ey because of the passing of his son- mv friend Henry M- Lon don. who rer ' red his St.vte as Mrs. Edgar Ewing has returned | from New York City. | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gifford. | and children, Sally and Rllen, have j arrived and opened their home for the remainder of the season. Rev. and Xlr.s. A. V. Gibson of Sanford were dinned guest.s of Rev.. and Mrs. McKelway Tuesday even- ^ ing. I Mr, and Mr.s. Leonard Barrett have returned to Chapel Hill after vi.siting here the forepart of the week. Mns. Rosser .Tones of Aberdeen j.s David fine a serv’icfe upon the field of , peace as did his father in time eue-ot rf her sister Mrs. 'of war- And he was forged of the same fine character as wa.s Elsie Thomas has returned j his father, of .such lustrous tex- from Raleigh where she visited her^ ture that hi.s entire life “bios- aunt, Mrs. c. w. Ford. ' somed charity-’ ; All the trumpets of Zion I sounded a fanfare when Henry M- London wn.s taken; but I do not think of him as havinp left^ us. but that he has merely slip- i ned behind a veil which con- MOORE C Ol’NTY' B(>\ S i AC CEPTKI) FOK CCC 0 m 0»/y C^vro/,» Truch Br!„g All Th,,e Famous f,alur„ New De Lux« Truck Cabs v.i. ■ fanviu. Truck Ena,n, The following Moore county boys: were examined in Raleigh Monday j and accepted for service In the CCC: j I ceals him from our view- To me 'W’hite—John Wesley Gordon, West j ihis Spirit hovers over us, while End; Samuel Biby. Carthage Route] jhis body rests besides his fath-|3: Clyde Cummings, Vass; Fred Ed-1 -pr’s in the hills from whence monds, Cameron; George W. Vest, I he snranjr- There he ioined a Jr., West End; Carl Black, Carth. j "oodlv company, one described age Route 3; John G. Monroe, Ea. | bv James Ryder Randall as “All Springs Route l; Jesse F. VViUl thv slumberers with the just-”; son, Carthage Route 3; Robert Henry M- London wras a just Bowles, Carthage; Charles Maness, man; one of the finest charac-i Carthage star Route ters w’ithin the chambers of my{ Colored — Richard Clegg, Hemp; memory ; and if I say a prayer, Charles H Taylor, Aberden. to-day, it is not for him but for j These boys win be taught the those of ua who are left behind | trade of their choice and to the par- to emulate his virtues I ®"ts of each win go the sum of *22 —R- C- Lawrence- a month. Chevrolet—world’s lar(>est builder of trucks—now offers its rew line for 1940 — 56 models on nine wheelbase lenj>ths, all sellinji in the lowest price range! Extra-powerful Valve-ln-Uead Enitines . . . eitra-stro'.ig Ilypoid Rear Axles . . . extra-sturdy truclT units throughout . . . make all these new Chevrolets gluttons for work, whether you choose a Sedan Delivery or a Heavy Duty Cab-Over-Engine model. And Chevrolet’s famous six cylinder economy . . . plus the exceptional dependability and long life of Chevrolet trucks . . . means that all of them are misers with your money when It cornea to gas, oil and upkeep. Choose Chevrolet trucks for 1940 and you choose the nation’s Itreatest truck values ... the best haulers, best savers and “best tellers” in the entire truck field! New Hmoiil Rear Axlo E»tra-Sluf()y^Truck Fram« OullooK H)Td.a;ii,Tr«kBr.k„ Spedali« a .Way Lul>r«aW«, at Bjtro cosf.J ^ “odW# f/icui Bvaf' "THRIFT-CARRl/i? See the New 1940 CHEVROLET TRACKS on spdcial display NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK al your Chevrolet dealer’s JAN. 8 to 13 Mid-South Motors, Inc. ABERDEEN, N- C< ■-•0 i ) k

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