^Mday, Febniary 16, 1940. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Page TfarM Lakeview Residence Burned to the Ground Former Gardner House, Home of Palmer Causey, Destroyed In Half-Hour Comings and Goings in Vass Members of the Southern Pines Fire Department responding to an alarm from Lniteview, at 1:00 o’clock Tuesday afternoon^ found the home of Palmer Causey enveloped in flames and beyond hope of saving. The inten.se heat generated by the blazing pine timbers of the flaming st^'icture menaced the house facing the Causey home, and the spread of grass and brush fires threatened to! involve the adjacent house owned by Miss L.ucille Bacon. Firemen braving the waves of heat borne toward them on the southcrry wind kept a stream of water on the Bacon property as many voUmteers handled the gra.ssj fire.*!. The Causey home, a large frame structure of 1,'5 rooms, known for many years as the Oaitlner house burned to the ground within one.half hour following the discovery of the fire, believod to have originated in the kitchen. ! Some furniture and per.sonal ef-' fects of the family were saved, but over 1,000 of the Alicc Woodruff library books stored in the house were lost. I CrlHsman-Byrd Miss Doris Byrd and Royce Criss. inan were married in a private cere, mony at the Buffalo manse near San ford at 9:30 o’clock Sunday morning with the Rev. A. D. Carswell offi_ ciating. The bride wore a rose en semble with blue accessories. M>s. Crissman is the youngest daughter of Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Byrd of Vass. She was graduated from Vass-Lakeview High School with the cla.ss of 1939, and for the past few months has held a position with the Vass Drug Store. Mr. Crissman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Crissman of Va.'»s Route 2. He is a graduate of (jroen. wood High School in L<'e county. Mr. and Mrs. Crissman arc at home with his parents at pre.sent. Standard Diaries for 1910 Hayes.’ at V. I’. Knterlains The V. P. C. of the local rre."by teiian church entertained ttie young people of Cypres.s church at a Valen tine social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean Monday evening. Mrs. Klizabcth Chappell was win. not' of high score prize in Chinese Checkers, and James Ray McLean, of the low. Mrs. Chappell and Mai'shall Blue wore winners in a ‘'Cupid's Pie" contest and Bobby Alcxandei won in a heart gues.«ing contest. Refresh ments ivere served to the twenty- .six in attendance. ^0■s. W. H. Currie of Carthage, chairman of the Moore county Ma ternal Welfare Committee, was guest speaker at the February meeting of the Vass W'oman’s Club, which was held Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Jeffreys with Mrs. W. J. Cameron^ Mrs. Charle.a Gschwind, Mrs. C. P. McMillan and Mrs. D. F. Cameron as associate hostesses. Mrs. Currie told in an interesting way of the maternal welfare work since its organization and of the decrease in deaths among mothers since the establishment of pre.natal clinics in various sections of the county. She also stressed the import, ance of well-baby clinics as follow-up work, and the Vass club decided to sponsor such a clinic in Vass with Mrs. Bryce Griffin as the attending nurse. Qunmd (Birectm' 24 HOUR'AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6161-SOUTHERN PINES To aer\'e those who call up«n as to the beet of our ability Md ivith thoughtful falmeM I* tiM basla upon which our orgaiilzattoa la fortMd. H. O. McIXROY Manag^er Dr. Thomas E. Walker CHIROPRACTOR Southern Pines Telephone 6782 The annual election of officers re sulted as follows: President, Mrs. N. N. McLean; vice president, Mrs. H. A. Borst; secretary, Mrs. W. E. Gladstone; treasurer, Mrs. S. R. Smith; head of civics department, Mrs. G. W. Brooks; American home, Mrs. B. M. Corbett; public welfare, Mrs. M. M. Chappell: literature Mrs. P. A, Wilson. Contests were enjoyed during the social hour and prizes were won by Mrs. Currie and Mrs. C. J. Temple, Mrs. C. Li. Tyson and Mrs. McMillan. Refreshments suggestive of the Val entine ser-ison were served. The Club was delighted to have both Mrs. Cur rie and Mrs. J. L. McGraw of Car. thage as guests. Franklin Matthews, who is taking a business course in Raleigh, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Bertie L .Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Cameron, Etta and Joe Cameron, Mrs. David Gillis and little sons^ David and Mil- ton^ and Miss Vivian Wilson, all of Manley, called on Mrs. W. J. Cam eron Sunday afternoon. COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND BOYS With Kindergarten Music - Handicrafts - All Sports Resident Pupils Received Illustrated Booklet MRS. MILLICENT A. HAYES Southern Pines, rs\)rth Carolina For College Preparatory and other courses for older girls apply to Mrs. Cobum Bruce. St. Hilda’s or to Mrs. Hayea John William (“Pete”) Mashbum underwent an appendicitis operation at the Moore County Hospital on Thursday of last week and is get ting along nicely. “Pete” is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mashburn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gschwind went to Camenm Saturday after noon to see Miss Klsie Miie Gsch. wind, who had been suffering witli a throat ailment for several days. Mrs. Joe Bundy of Raleigh spent a part of last wek with lier sister, in-law, Mrs. A. G. Edwards. Miss Mary Davis Westoott of Ral eigh was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. D. A. .Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wheeler, who have been occui>ying an apart. ^ nient in the D. A. McLauchlin home, j nioveii last week to the W. D. Mat. fhews house on Highway 1. Mr. Whi-eler is a mechanic at Smith's Ksso .Station. Mrs. W. C. liyrd and (liildren, •Mary Lou an'l Keith, of Alb<'maile visited Mrs. J. A. Keith from Fri- cJay until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Keitli and baby, Kay Frances, and Mi.ss Hazel Crouse visited relatives in Gieens- boK) Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Gladstone of Va.ss and .Mr. and Mrs. Alton Mat thews of Lakeview attended a ba.s- ketball game‘in Chapel Hill Satur. day night. Mi.ss Je.ssie Brooks of Wilson and Miss Eloi.se Brooks of Buie's Creek visited their mother. Mrs. G. W. Brooks, during last wek.end. Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Wood and children accompanied Mrs. Wood's mother^ Mrs. Celia Shaw, to her home near Cameron Sunday. Mrs. Shaw had been with the Woods for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Callahan and Mack Callahan visited Mr. and Mrs. James Idol in High Point Sunday. Miss Katharine McMillan of Ral eigh spent Saturday night and Sun day with her father and sister^ N. A., and Miss Myrtle McMillan. She planned to undergo a tonsil opera tion upon her return to Raleigh Mon. day. Miss Marian Cameron of Raleigh spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boggs and two children, of near Broadway, spent Saturday night and Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cox. Mrs. B. M. Corbett spent Saturday in 'Raleigh. Mrs. W. B Graham, Mrs. C. J. Temple, Mrs. H. A. Borst, Mrs. C. L. Ty.son and Miss Katharine Gra ham called on W. D. Matthews at the Moore County Hospital Sunday afternoon and visited their cousins, the Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Farrar, at the Methodist parsonage in Carth- age. I Ray Griffin of Norfolk. Va., visited | his mother, Mrs. G. W. Griffin, dur-1 ing the week-end. Mrs. Irene Byrd of | Albemarle was the guest of Mrs. i Griffin from Friday until Sunday. j John McNeill Cameron and fam. i ily of the Carthage community mov-1 ed last week to the Bynum place near i Vass, which is owned by Juliiis Simp- j son. Mr. Simpson and family have j gone to Lakeview to live on a farm | which he owns there. | Otis McBryde, Leon Cavlness and James Stevens^ accompanied by W. E. Gladstone, of the Vass-Lakeview' school faculty, attended an agricul tural meeting in Fayetteville a day last week. Mrs. N. N. McLean, Mrs. B. M. Corbett Mrs. Fairley Cameron and Misfi Agnes Smith- attended an evangelistic rally for districts six and seven of Fayetteville Presbyter, ial in Carthage Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Johnson, Mrs. Roland Seagroves and son, Jinrunie Hayes, and Miss Pauline Seagroves, all of Sanford, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wheeler Tues-1 day. T. J. Keith of Fort Bragg and E. B. Keith and son of Greensboro call-, ed on their brother, W. H. Keitli, Sunday. W. T. Cox, who has been ill for several weeks, returned to the Lee I County Hospital Monday for further: treatment. NEM HOUSE ON M.\Y .STIIEET cated on May street between Maine. two bedrooms on the finst floor two IS NEAKIN «t'OMriJ':TION and Rhode Island avenues, Southern' bedrooms and bath on the second Pines. , . I floor, and in addition a two-car ga» J- I}. Arey is putting the finish- Of frame construction, the house i ing touches on an attractive two contains seven rooms and bath, liv- large playroom in the base- snd one.half story semi-bungalow lo.- ing room, dining room, kitchen and ’ ment. ADVERTISE IN THE PILOT. DR. L. R. SHELTON Chlropodl.st will be at Agnes Dorothy’s Beauty Shop, SUNDAY, FEB. 18 10:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. m Coca-Cola with food is a taste experience millions wel come. A natural partner of good things to cat, Coca-Cola sends you back to work with that feel ing of complete refreshment. PAUSE THAT REFRESHES BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA CO. BY COCA-COLA BOTTLLNC; CO.. OF ABEKDEEN V Delicious / Refreshin OEPARTMtNIS SlREEtS ANO StWAGE SCHOOLS ^/f /93S paid appxoximatalij $29000^000 in Taxes to AtdintaiH (fOt/atnmcni ★ We're not fussing about taxes — you couldn't run a city, state or government without them. But the higher they mount, the less able we are to reduce the cost of our service to you, because a large part of tho money you pay us for electric service is paid right out in taxes. . In 1938 our taxes were Equal to $1,574 per average employe customer every ’ money Inir'Hl 1

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