Page Four BOOK KKVIF.WS STAIIT TOOAV AT CIVIC CLIB THf] PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Friday, February Ifi, 1940! The course of six book reviews to open today at the Southem Pines Civic Club will be held on alternate Fridays. The course will be open to club members without charge, with a nominal 25 cent admission for others. Florence Swan will con. duct the course. The review today will start at 3:00 o'clock, with tea following. Art Flxhibition Viewed j CARTHACJE By 200 at l*ine Needles 1 IVrsDnul Mention Harrv (Jallowrn- (’..llection of R«'^l‘‘igh Prints and Hool-s I‘resented i mother by .Miss i*ii*rs<<n : *“ ■ ' - - J .Margaret Reij of Aberdeen ^ Some two hundred of the cottage the week end with Mrs. Wil- ^ colony and re.sident.s of Southern bur Shields. I .. I I I’ini’.s and Pinehurst who were priv- Miss Carol C.raves has returned to ' ileged to attend the art exhibition' visiting Mrs. C. T. W. G. McAvoy Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineer Tel. 5902 Soutliern l*iiu‘s. N. ('. and tea given by Miss Catheiine | ' I Miss Jolia Mclver of Ualeigh vis. ited her mother, Mrs. J. M, Mclver during the week end. I Pierson of Southern Pines Saturday ' afternoon at the Pine Needles Club were deeply inipre.s.sed with the wide I range of subiects and material wliich Harry Galloway had brought here . ^ r-i j » I ” tour of Florida weie guests of Mr. from his galleries in New York, ifr. and Mrs. U. L. Spence. Jr, who have returned from heir bridal I*olo in IMnehurst A Thrillinjr Sport SUNDAY. FP:B. 18 at 3 P. M. CAMDEN VS. SANDHILLS Public Welcome Admission 50 Cents I WORK FAST- BUT LIKE SL-O-VV-BURMING CA/VIELS. THEV'Re /MILDER- AND COOLER-BETTER FOR STEAPy SMOKING While the e.\hibition was es.sen- , tially one of rare old prints. Mr. Galloway had added to the lUsplay . this year a collection of early books on birds and flowers, a few oil por traits from Florence, Italy, and Kng. land_ and some very amusing original water colois by Madeline Luka de-1 pic ting scenes of hunting and fish-j ing under circumstances which would hardly meet with the requirements of the modern sportsman. Among the colection of books of both local and historical interest was and Mrs. U. L. Spence on Sunday. They are at home at 915 West John-’ son Street, Raleigh, N. C. | I Messrs Janies Muse of ’Raleigh and Laiighlin of Dunn spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, • J, B, Muse. I Mr, and Mrs. Paul Gray of Los : Angele.s, Cal,, who have been the guests of the Rev. and Mis. W. L., Wajfford have gone to Lexington to , visit relatives. Miss Loraine Wilcox spent the week end in Charlotte and attended 1/ k. ■ BILL CORUM sports writer and columnist In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burned slouer than the average oftho IS other of the largest-selling brands tested — slower than </w_v of them. That means, on the av- eragc.a smoking plus C4ual to 5 ^XTR/3 SA!OKSS P/ICKf the showing of Gone With the Wind, a copy of Catesbv on Carolina Birds, . . j ' , , Mrs. Alice Thomas and Mrs. Clyde The only other copy known to be in, , . „ . , , ^ ^ , „ Kennedy of Raleigh spent Sunday existence is on exhibition in the | „ . . , ■ II 1 ► V, I with Mrs, A, T, Lewis. | (Governors Palace at u illinnisburg. „ , . Pauline Fields has returned To who have .seen it there rop.’ , , to her srhool in Silk Hope after ed oft and with an attendant mount-1 • ,, ,. . . , - , I spending the week with her parents, mg giiaitl over it, it inspired a feel-, ” , i . . ... . Mr. and Mrs, W ill Fields, mg of awe to be able to examine the; * ,, t I ^ „ , , . , ,1 Mrs. Kdwin Watson, Mrs, J. E. Gallow-ay copy at leisure. Typical of i . ,, ,, . , , , , Muse. Mrs, Harry Lee Miller, Mrs, the period was a book of verse en.' , "I, „ ,, .-.1 J ^ T, . • I Midler and Mrs. O, D. Wallace titled Gems ot Beauty, published in „ , , , I ... ... . spent Monday in Raleigh. 1836 which contained a poem dedi-1 ‘ “ , 1 • cated to the birthstones representing i , i.,. Hirth .\nnouneenieiif the twelve months of the year. 1 , u 1 ' Mr, and Mrs. P. J, MelvinofRose- Since he was here last year Mr, ■ _ „ . », • ' 1 boro announce the birth of a son, Galloway has greatly increa.sed his' . ■ .. u 11 1 „ ' John Shield.s on February 6 at Marl number of mezzo tints by well known ^ , I■ • » » ' Flizabeth hospital, Raleigh. Mrs artists. Of dramatic interest was an ^ , J T„ I Melvin was formerly Miss Katherine imposing one of David Garrick. In. c.u Ti T„v, Shields of Carthage. stead of two of the John Leech' sporting prints there were six on | ’ display. This addition to the collec-| Aass . Muse tion i.s due to the two-page spread Grace and Mr. Reid which was given to the John Leech maiTied in Civic Club Style Show Proves Great Success (larnients For All .Ajies Shown by Tol’s Tojjfrery, Mrs. Hayes’ Shop and franjean's They’re still talking about the Civic Club Stylo Show held last Friday, when gowns for nil ages were shown by Tot’s Toggery, Mrs. Hayes' Shop and franjean’s. Both gowns and models scored distinct hits, and Cail Thompson was inipres. sive as master of cerf*m,onies. The showing followed a delightful lun cheon served in the clubhouse. Models of the youthful garments from Tot's Toggery included Miss Patty Hobbs, Master Kirby Weeks, Joan Sprinp, Richard Tarlton, Billy Overcash, Tommy Oolden, Bet ty Weatherspoon, Ann Stutz, Gar. land Frank Pierce, Alec McI,^od, Roy Temple Grinnell, Peter Grinnell, Seawell Weeks, Kmma Louise Dorn, Alice Ann Allison, Sara Kathryn Hayes. Pauline May Nichols, Betsy Barnum, Marie Porter, Helen Cam eron, Jean Willi.'inis, Betsy Jean Backer and Alice Rdd.y, Among those modeling ginw-n.up gowns for franjean’s and Mrs, Hayes were Mrs, Emmett Boone, Miss Cath. erine Prizer Mrs. George E, Lon don, Mass Marjorie Jelli.son, Miss Birdilia Bair, Mrs. Richard Tarlton. Miss Eleanor Barron, Mrs. W. W. Fuller, Mrs. K, Bolden Rice, Mrs, J, M Sloan, Miss Lida Duke Blue, Mrs. W. A. Leland McKeithen and Mrs, Frank Shamburger’, IIKAVV AI>VAN< i; SAI.K ! l'Oi{ SIMCKIt KI-;<'ITAI. (Covlinui {} fri)in pope one) Pines, Pinehiirst, Aberdeen, Pine- bluff, and Sanford as patronesses, Mrs, J. H. Andrews, Mrs. James Boyd, Mrs. Jackson H, Boyd, Miss Birdilia Bair, Mrs, W, H, Barnum, M1.SS Margaret Bi.shop_ Mrs, K, S, Blodgett, Mrs. Craighili Brown, .Mrs, Frederick H, Burke, Mrs. Struthem Burt, Mrs, Lucy Cameron, Miss Florence Campbell, Martha Rm. ley. Airs. Paul Dana, Mrs. A. V, Gib son, Mrs, Millicent Ha.yes, Mrs, N, L, Hodgkins, Mrs Alice B, Hunt, Mrs, Krnest Ives, Mrs. W T. Ives,’ Mrs. Almet Jenks, Mrs, George J, Jenks. Mrs, George Johnson, Miss Liaura KeI.'-ey. Mrs. Barbara F. Lansing, Mrs, G, E. l„ondon, Mrs. M. W. Marr, .Mrs J. L. McKinney, Mrs. A, J. Mc- Kolwpy, Mrs. W. H, McNeill, Donald Sherrerd, Miss Selma Stegall, J, H. Towne. Mrs. K, B. Trousdell, Miss Eleanor Valentine, Mr.s. J. K. Walker, Mrs. J. Carlton Wicker, Miss Catherine Wiley and Miss Mary Yeomans. in Southern Pines having rooms available for paying guesta are requested to list them with City Clerk Howard Burns. Printed lists willl be furnished periodically to fill- ing stations and other points for the convenience of tourists inquiring for acconiniodations. II I Virjrinia Thomas NOTAKV I’lBLIC E n. I.orenson Office TELEfllONE 5774 prints in Life shortly after Mr, Gal- Forest Hill Methodist Cliui’ch in FOR EXTRA NiiLDH^SS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR. CAflTiilS Slow-Burning Costlier Tobaccos lowav exhibited here last .^ea.son.'»■ Mr.s,, Realizing how valuable was this pub.'daughter of Mr, M^.-vin licity he immediately cabled to Lon-1 I don and ^^•as able to pr.u-ure four Attending the maniagej were Miss .\liicia Muse, Mrs, Floyd; Xc-w also were the piints of old Barber, Harold Baker and Mr, andj Italian panels of historical scenes Mis, G, A, McLaughlin of Carthage,, which g:ive the appearance of tapes, ' i try, each surrounded with a fine material the Harry Galloway e.xhibi-: Uennissance bordei : a .splendid col- tion.« are especially rich in the love, lection of Batiste 18th century flor- ly bird and flowe>- prints for which !’>s and a number of marine and his collection is noted—the Thorntons, Currier and Ives prints. With Brookshaws, Audubons and Goulds, tJ’e last .Mr, Galloway unwittingly Ciiforgettable in its beauty is the stimulated trade in one small town Iceland Falcon from the Audubon 'vhere he was exhibiting, .\ newly Elephant folio, 'vbich in its striking rich inhabitant who had not attend- black and white is very modern in id the evhihition inoiiired at the lo- feeling and treatment, although it cal hardware store the next day for was done over a hundred years those Currier knives which .she had T. Walter Plant of New York as- been hearing so nuich about. sisted Ml-. Galloway in arranging the In spite of this wealth of new exhibition. SfUEVE Every Friday Night 10:30 1’. .M. C'oluiiibia Itroacl<-:i.sting S,vstem. Hamlet Nehi liottling Co. liiunh‘t, N. C. Ei0rS^(^iP^' Hefngimtof Value ^«,.^FRIGJDAfRB Bargain Price Includes All These Features: • Fiimous Mctcr-Miset Mechanism • Stainless Chromium Shelves • Uni-Matic Cold Control with Automatic Reset Defroster • Big Cold Storage Tray • Every Tray a famous Double-Ea,sy Quici- ube Ice Tray with Automatic Tiaj’ Release and Instant Cube Release • Doublc-''K'idth Dessert Tray • 1-Piece All-Steel Cubinet • Rugged Automobile Type Door Hinges • Automatic Interior Light • Opffn-Shut Freezer Door • Exclussve F114 Refrigerant • Acid-Resisting Porcetain in partment. ...and many more! Food Com. (Moilel Siiprr KICE I^sy terms at an all-time low price for a Frigidaire icith so many de luxe features! We’re now showing tiie big^’St, most beautiful refrigerator bargain you’ve ever seen. Tliis big, full 6 cu. ft. genuine Frigicbire offers value plus! Just see how much your money buys! Fv-'Mure after feature the same as in Frijiu.iirc3 cost ing $100 more! Here’s the biggest re frigerator buy in town. Come in and see it now! Ms-ws/ only $114.75 Buys genuine 6 cii. ft. Frigi- d.dre Brand new Miuh-l S\'8 I^)v\est I'rlcr Ever Offered Hurry for thin big value. XHe Trade Store Tel. 7885 Frigidaire Sales and Service Southern Pines, N- C. :: t: « “National Cherry Pie Festival” A !*roducer-C'onsiimer Campaign! Colonial Red Sour Pitted CHERRIES ,V11 IVnder FcmicI Stores are Cooperating In the NatlomU drive to move surplus stock of CA.NNKI) CIIEUKIES 2 t' 19c LANGS PICKLES Dili or (iuarts OQ^ Sour Li Jars LO\j BLACKEYE PEAS s., 3 17c BLENDED JUICE 17c MARSHMALLOWS ‘“7"15c Peaches STzt: ISc Sardines 3 13c Macaroni fe, 325c S' 2 lbs 27c Bologna Niblets 2 1-2 Can 10c DOriiLE-FRESH I). P. HLEM) Coffee 20clb. SI NSHINE Krispy Creckers. lb. P()PIM..\K Floating Soap, 3 for HKEAJ), Triple-Fret^h, Our Pride, Loaf .MOTHER’S RELISH, (Juart Jar PURE L.\R1), Pound Package Pender’.s Select Sliced IJ.VCON, 2 1-2 II). Packa>;es 15c lOc 8c 27c 10c 27c Produce Specials Meat Department IHTTO^e cEeRY 15c Iff Swill Pr ;i). eniuim !h. 10c POT ROAST 29c iloned and Rolled {•,\N( Y G aperniit, 6 for 23c n:Ksii F^iKTS or HAMS ]i>. 15c PORK TIIUNIPS. bcb. 10c RQAST, 19c Fresh Today: SAUSAGE u, 19c Pl'RE PORK Eerir Plants—Cauliflower— Mushrooms — Broccoli — KALE and RADISHES. .4 FULL LINE OF SEED POTATOES ItaB.i $4.90 RED BLISS 3 COBBLERS 3 Bags $4.66 li I it I II

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