Friday, February 16, 1910. Announcing ^ Belcano’s Personal Represenlalive liRS. MAUI) HARRIS By Special Arrangement with the -N Belcano Laboratories. This experienced and gracious skin spe cialist will be in our store for personal con sultation. I Mrs. Harris has made a complete study of skin prob lems and will gladly give you a courtesy facial and advice as to your own needs. It is a privilege to have this authority in our store and her services are offered with our compliments. RemeniLer the dates— WEEK OF FEBRUARY 19 Broad Street Pharmacy U L. Hart, Proprietor Phhonc 5411 Southern I’ines TMK IMLOT. Southern Pintvs and Ahcrdcfn, North (’arolina Page Flv« The Week in Southern Pines tt H •* hi :: «* :: :: ti H t: :: «• :: t: a Have comfort with AUTOMATIC HEAl CCNTCCL KSTIMATKS (il.ADI.V tilVKN Oil. HURNERS IRON FIKEMKN (Autdinalic foal Biirnors) ESSO-llEAT FUEL OIL L. V. O’CALLAGHAN PI.rMUINC; \M) HKAT!N(; CONTR.\(T()R relcphone 5341 Southern Phies The Week in Aberdeen Mr. anil Mrs. J. Earl Parker an. nounce the airival of a daughter, Judith Ann, on Friday, February 9th. 1 f Mrs. A. F. Yates celebrated her 77th 'birthday (Saturday, February 3rd. She received many cards and several friends called dui'ing the day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Creel ami daughter Dolie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allison Creel at Bis, coe. Mr. and Mr.'. W. II. McNeill. I JTr.'!. r'liTi'st Lockey and hor pnr., enta, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Murl^y .^n,! Mrs F. A. Cnmmir.?:s .'pent Th'.ii'R. day in Fayettevil’i' rnd while there called on F:I Hurley Mr. and Mr.’. J. J. Milcy and son Tony left T-'i fhcir Iicme at Ilaliirn, Ga., today, rfter !sp<'n()ing some time with Alr-s. Ti’ilcy’n pnrent.vit)I’ PlNrnTJllST- .SOT^THF.RN PIXrS ambulance. I rcccpted much against my will. I do not like chairmanships and I destest iai.‘'ing money. Too nuich of it is go ing on. But when the world is on fir« there are .some things you have to do. The Southern Pines quota to ward the ambulance, $1,000^ is com ing along nicely; the Pinehurst quo. tn is just being started. We have raised to date in Southern Pines around $600. We need $400 more. Time i.s essential. WILL YOU HELP? Any check large or small Is wel come. It cannot be too small or too large. Make It out to “The American Field Service” and send to me. And please help, and please remember that it is an ungrateful task to raise money for anything, even such a magnificent and worthy object as THE AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE, Mi.'s Mildred Hatfield entertaineil; a number of her friends Wednesday nt a bridge luncheon at Skyline. Miss Julia Mowry entertained Thursday at a de.ssert bridge at her I'.ome, Piiiewald. Her guests were Mifis Adnline Cook, Mr.s. J. S. Mil liken. Flcrenc!' Campbel', Mr .' Hnrrv Ga^e, Mis. M. H. Turner. Mi';; FHr-ibeth Lees, Mr.s. Colin C.'ir-' I '. r .^nd Mrs. P. P. Pelton. Tv. o t.i-' hies were in play and a prize was presented to each player. j V. J. Lee of Baltimore. Md., .spent; a few days last week visiting Mrs. I Lees at their home on Country Club | Diiv'e. I Bertha Lertz, of Baltimore, j Md.^ Is the guest of Mrs. V. .1.! Lee at her hom" on Country Club; Drive. • Mr and Mrs. James L. Dalbey of Pittsburgh, Pa., have leased the Harry Pethlck house on Massachu setts avenue for the balance of the; season. Adrian Graves Is critically 111 In a P ayetteville hospital. Judge A. H. Johnston and his daughter, Mrs. Johnston Homer of Asheville, are ^ests of Mrs. Adrian Graves for an extended stay. Mrs. W. C. Mudgett delightfully en«'rtalned at a bridge tea in her 'Kini.' .Monday afternoon, the guest.s incliidiiig .Mis. J. H ..Vndrews, Mrs. Coli:uii .Mus.ser, Mrs, Myron W. •Mari^ .M’rs. K. S. Blodgett, .Mr.s. Nat Hurd, Mrs. Richard Walla.-h, Jr., Mrs. Kinniett French and Mr.s. Ern est Ives. Mr. ,nd Mis. W. R. Royall and (laughters of Rockingham spent the weik.end with their mother, Mrs. D. J Welch. Mr.s Charles E. Crowell entertain, at a small ten at her home on ednt'.sday afternoon. J. Fred Stimson and .Mrs. Ar chie KiMgii.son will be joint hostesses to the Junior Willing Workers on Mond;iy evening. February 19 at 8:00 o'clock, at the home of .Mrs. Stim. son on Vermont avenue. Mr. and Afrs. (’hare.s K. Crowell will have as their dinner guests Sat urday .Mr. and .Mrs. Henry A. Piige, Jr._ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Trous- di ll, .Mrs. W. C. Mudget and .Mr. and Mrs, George C. .Moore Mrs Kenneh B Trousdell who has been confined to her home for ten days with influenza is able to be out agi;in. Recent dinner guests at Skyline were Miss Florence Swan and her father William G. Swan, Mary Melcher and Marion E. Sheldon. Mrs. Strother, who has been spending some time at the Mag. nolia Lodge, left Sunday morning for her home in Wa.shington. D. C. General and Mrs. F. W. Coleman and Mrs. Nellie McAndrew spent the week-end at Sk.yline, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Coleman. They were on their way to their home in Washington. D. C., after a stay of two Weeks in Florida. ■ Florence Swan and her fa. ther, William G. Swan. Miss Mar.v M, .\reU her and Miss Marion E. Shel don returned Friday after a month's stay in Florida. .Mr. and Mjs. Cecil Robinson, Miss Martha Himes and Mrs. Carrie Win- tyen motored to Charlotte last Thursday to see “Gone With The \\ ind." .Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. flyde ar rived honu> Tuesday after an extend, ed stay in Floiida. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Clark and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph E. Davis were over- ni,yht guest.s at the Woodwortli Tuc.sday en route to Kh.rida, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sehekett of New York City are at the Woodworth for a week’s visit. Recent arrivals at the Higliland Lodge include Mrs. G. S. Kelley, John V. Kelley and Eunice Fath and Mr, and Ml’S. Chandler Potter all of Buffalo. N. Y.: Mr. and .Mrs. J. O. Rankin and .Mrs J. H. PovvelJ of New Rochelle, N Y.; Lucy 'R. At water and Mrs. Rachel Webster of New Haven. Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. O. Flerming of Glen Ridge, N. J.;! Mrs. Margaret Fairbanks and Harokl Fair, banks of Newport N. H., and Mary Heath Davenport of Richmond, Va. John K. Weeks arrived from New York Tuesda.v night to spend a week with his family. Mrs. Richard H. Valentine of Staf ford Springs, Conn., and Mrs. M. Chapman of Baltimore, Md., house guests of Miss Eleanor V\'ilentinc. left I for their respective homes .Saturday ! morning. j Mrs. Clifton John.son is confined to her home with influenza. Miss Fannie M. Benii-^ of Spring, field. Mas.s.. arrived at the New England House this week for an ex. ten.led st:,y. E. C. Loomis who has been con fined to his home on account of ill- nep.s, i.s much improved. ; Mrs, M.-r.'i if ■' R. Pcy :!in! n Uob-i ert are vi.-ilin'.T h*"' ‘md ; Mrs. Thonia.s P.. P;vi'Ii. W. Di;”.c.'i:i Mafthev;;5, who has' been in J,To>'i(' C'iu;ily Hosi'ital f^r^ the n;ist t'n d.'iys, i;? ninth ir;:;'i■'’ved,, CiV'eion II. P:'l^’-:er r.'turncd^ Tlnir.s'luy mornin" ry'^ndin'.; several d.ays in New York. Tie h'ls as his hou,'-e for an extended; ftay. Mf. and Mr,".. D. G. Perkins of; Fairfield. Con>-.. j The con-,'It given by Efrem J’iim-1 bali!"t coneert violinist, at Italei.srh; tonight will be enjoyed by several ladies froim the Sandhills. Compris ing one party are Mrs. L. P. Wil liams, Mrs. Charles W. Picquet, Mrs. P. P. Pelton, Mrs J D. Sitterson. Mrs. Margaret Zimmerman. Miss Dorothy Tate, Catherine Pier, .son and Miss Blanche Catherine Pierson retiirned Friday from a ten day business trip to New York. 1 AKKOW StilKIS • • i| for Spi‘inj>‘ in new bri^u-hter jjatterns- •* ii A now shijtmtnt in and another on the a^ay..Be sure and see them and select your colors. $2 and $2.50 Also a few of the Arrow Sport Shirts. BOTANY TIES —and what pattern.s! SI Hand-woven Wools, too. Tw'eeds, plaids, checks. S) TCG suer i: nmttutw ••••«•••••••••«••••••••••••♦•♦•••••#«•♦♦•*•♦♦•♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦»•^♦♦♦♦••♦♦•***r rctiijcciii s .. and suddenly it’s prniij! I i ...and fran.ican’.s is ready with a wide ■solection of the .season’.s gayest and smartest Clothes! ...Indian paint pot Prints of pure dye silk—Navy dresses with lingerie trim —Suits in gabardine and tweed- Skirts and Sweaters in paste!? ....Mo.jud Hosiery — Bags—Costume Jeweirv—Bonnie Doon Socks ...and. KHX CLASSIC'S for golfing outfits! I! .\reade Building Southern IMnes :•••••••••♦♦••••••••••••••••••••••••♦••••♦♦♦♦«««•««•♦♦•*•»♦««•••••••♦♦••♦*♦♦♦•♦‘i -. ♦••••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••••••••••♦♦••••♦•♦••••••♦•♦•»*««*•♦••«•••«••••••♦••••♦••♦••♦♦♦♦* Special for Cordecelli Slips All Silk Hose Silk String- Hugs $1.25 and $1.59 69i* $1.00 (5ift Sl)op ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦«<•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦< ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦••♦♦•••♦••••♦♦♦♦•♦«♦♦•• SANITATION Sweet, Clean, Odorless clothes cost .so little. Above all else clothing is your most intimate po.ssession. It should be protecteii by every mean.s of sanit.ation, and this we guarantee. Laundered Clothes (hiard Health SOUTHERN PINES LAUNDRY CO. Telephone (ilOl Southern Pines BIBLK STl'DV An Interesting study of the book of Phillppians was conducted in the Vass Methodist Church Sunday, Mon. day and Tuesday nights by the pas tor. Dr. S. A. Maxwell. • ••♦«•♦♦•♦♦•••••••••••* ....... . ♦♦♦♦♦•*♦•••••••♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦••♦•♦♦•*♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦•♦♦••••♦••#♦♦*♦;** • *•♦*••♦♦«•♦••••♦•*♦♦♦•« »♦«•♦«••♦••«»♦♦♦♦•♦•♦•♦•••«•«•**«»*«!«•. I NEW ICNGLAND HOUS^O i: A FOR WXTEIl CrE;?Tn ♦' \i AT ir’ASONvNBl.K KAT!-:S ♦• J J ;‘i .New Kt.irpmcn' nnd rurni.-'l-iiMr » ■’ .} :: ^ -I H i\IkS- J. i’\ r, ■ J-CAiij « H it :: Bennett Street One from Libr.'iry -j I THE POULTRY SCHOOL at carthagp: on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, offers much to interest all poultry and egg Producers. We advise all interested to attend. McNEILL & COMPANY Southern Pines Fayetteville