Friday, February 16, i94f>. _THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Mierdeen, Norlh Carolina Page Seven Betty Jane Sea well Beauty Contest Entry Carthage (Jirl Sponsored by Jay-Cees in Azalea Pageant at Palatiia, Fla. A UeapuU'h to The Pilot from Palatka, Fla., unnoun( cs that Miss Betty Jane SeawllJ 16-yoar.old Carthage High School student, has been officially entered as the rep. resentative of the Carthage Junior Chamber of Commerce in the Azalea festival beauty pageant to be stag ed in the Ravine Gardens there, Mar. 10. She is the daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Herbert F. Seawell, Jr. The brown-eyed, light-brown hair, ed North Carolina beauty will be acortm^anied to Palatka for the fes tival and southeastern Jaycee Jam. boree, scheduled for that week-end, by a delegation of Carthage Jay. coefi_ the despatch state.s. Miss Seawell is the second out- of-stiite entrant seeking the title of "Azalea Queen for 1940.' AU. STAKS TO HAVK I)AN( K The local All- Stars will sponsor a dance at the Civic Club tonight, Fri day for the benefit of the team. The admission price is 25 cents to all. Interesting Program For Poultry Raisers, in Carthage on Monday I. K (i A [.NOTICES \I»MIMSTKATOirs N'OTK E Fresh fruits and vegetables at the Saturday morning Curb Market at Southern Pines. Exhibition, February 26. 27 and 28. 9:30 to 12 a. m.^ 2:30 to 5:00 p. m., at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. SttTithers Burt at Southern Pines. For Mrs. D. Braden Kyle. Hand.quilted things. F\ir-cloth and velvet coals. Molinelles perfumes, etc. W'ool blouses, negligees, etc. Table Sets. Stockings. Melton Mowbray Hunting Shirtii. English Gloves and Leather things, etc. Vyella flannel sport dresses. Maids’ dre.sses and aprons, and other unusual articles. l.eaders in Field To Discuss Importiint of Kkk Prodiu'tion By Flora McUonald. Homo .Agent The Poultry Short Course to hn held in Carthage on Monday, Febru ary ISUh^ will have questions such as the following discussed: "Why does one flock of layers with a good house and good feeding produce an average of a hundred eggs a bird, and anoth. er fed the same feed and identical housing tond'iions produce an aver age of over two hundred eggs g bird?" Dr. C. H. Bostian. Professor Dearstyne will endeavor to answer “What Shall I Feed My Birds,” “Why," “When,” "How Much,” and "How do<-s a sanitation program aid in controlling of <li- seases?” He will endeavor to an swer that old familiar question-- "Why birds are sick and what to dc for them." The following program is inter esting and educational. 9:45.10:20—"Utilizing Our Flocks and Equipment More Fully,", C. F. Parrish. 10:20-10:5!)—"A Breeding Prog ram for all Piedn^ont North Carolina Farmers^" Dr. C. H. Bostlan. 10:55-11 ;30 — “Better Feeding ant' Sanitation as an aid in Controlling Ejff Authority LEGAL NOTICESiLEGAL NOTICES I _ I Those certain lots or j)arcels of and Trustee under the Int-’t will juid land in McNeills Township^ Moore i testament of aforesaic) Anna T. tlry. County, North Carolina and des( rib. i cr. ed on the tax records as "10 acres. This .sale is made on account of in the payim<'nt of th«- In- Dated 1940. March 1. this 6th day of February, A. S., Trnistee. I avin;; q\iulified this day as Ad. iiil.i.sUator of the I';state of J. A. Gati;i,s, deceasetl, thi.s is to notify Jim,” and being the same land default II pi I'sons having claims against the conveyed frimi Ben Hicks and wife, debtedness secured by said Dt-ed of i-id estate to pit'.sent them to the Ciirolina Hicks to Alex Evans, by Trtist. } iiiilnsigned Adminisrator within Warranty Deed dated March 31^ 1884 I niontiis from this date, other, ^t^d recorded in the Moore CTounty , '.i.-ic this notice will be pleaded in HfRistry in Book 6, at page 134^ and I 'ar of their recovery. All per.sons in- fx'”' J- Lawhon and wife, Kate i lebtcil to the saiii estate will please Lawhon to Alex Evans by Warninty make immediate payment. Deed dated November 24, 1888 and I'atcd this 28th day of December, recorded in the Moore County Regis, i 193!). tiy in Book (i, at page 136, and Ben H. P'. niTTlNS, Hicks and wife, Carolina Hicks to ■■ dmi’iistiator cf the estate of J. A. Fvans by Warranty Deed dated January 10, 1889 anfl recorded j in Book 6_ at page 138, less the | various lots which the .said Alexj Evans and wife have conveyed away subsequent to the dates of the afore, raid deeds. Dated this 6th day of Febniary, 1940, J. VANCE HOWE, Feb 10-23. Commissioner. Gar;;is, deceased. V.WCK HOWE. Attorney. J26. Ml.; E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Stora^re NOTU E OK KE.SAI.K. «>|' 1,AM) T. T. BUOWN T. T. Brown of the Extension Ser. vice State College will discuss "Mod ern Methods of Marketing Poultry Products,” at the Poultry Short Course in Carthage Monday. He will show how to determine whether an egg is old or fresh, distinguish be- tween stale and fresh eggs, and Diseases," Dr. R. S. Deai-styne. . . , u , Ueach the fam women how they can 11:35.12*0.5, "Modem Methods of , _ Marketing Poultry Priducts," T. T. Brow'n. * 12:0.'),1 :15 Rere.'-'s for Lunch. l:l,5-l:4r> Showing F'dm Strip, C. F. Parrish. 1:45 2:45 Round Table Discussion, led by Staff. 2:45-3:30. “Autopsying Diseased Birds," Dr. Dearstyne Demonstration in Grading and Packing Eggs, T. T. Brown Exhibits and Models, Dr. C. H. Bostian and C. F. Parrish. In a.Ulition to the program there will be an egg show, and we want every poultry grower to bring a doz. en eggs to enter in the show. Class 1. Best Dozen Extra White eRgs. (26 to 28 ounces I. Prizes, 1. 25 Barretl Rocks; 2, Feed Hopper; 3. Cook Book. 2. Best Dozen Standard White determine the interior quality of an egg without breaking it, or "la our egg an egg.” Egjfs are so poorly packaged and presented in Piedmont, North Caro lina that they are commanding a much lower^rice than they should, the people could get at least five cents more per dozen for the top grade of eggs and two or three cents more per pound for the poultry. That one thing in itself would mean the saving of several thousands of dollars for Moore county alone. Notiee is hereby given that by virtue of an Interlocvitory Order of Koi eclosiue made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 19th d,iy of June, 1939 in the matter of the TOWN OK SOU THERN PINES. Plaintiff, vs. RO SETTA EVANS HOLMAN, WIDOW, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMRx! OF THE ESTATE OF ALEX EVANS, DECEASP’j:), AND MELISSA EVANS GOINS. WIDOW, HEIRS- AT-LAW OF ALEX EVANS, DE- CEASFJ1, SOUTHERN PINES WAREHOUSES, INC., T, R. GOINS, J. S. DAVIDSON, J. E. HASTY, A'RS. M. H. GRAVES, CAVINESS PRODUCE COMPANY AND K. R. HOYLE, Defendants, the same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judge, ment Do(ket No. 10, at page 29, in the office of the Clerk of the Su- NOTU'E OF S.\LE OF l.AM> Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by Deed of Trust from D. D. Shields Cameron and wife, Margaret P. Cameron to A. S. Huggles, Trustee for Southern Pines Building and Loan Associa tion. dated December 2nd, 1937 and recorded in the Moore County Regis, try in Mortgage .Book No. 61, at page 248, the said A. S. Ruggles, Trustee, will on THURSDAY. MARCH 7, 1940 at 12 O’CLOC’K NOON, at the Court door in Moore County, sell at public auction for EVELYN EDSON Notary Public Telephone Office N. H. Ave »• a Sensational Leap Year Sale I USED CARS II Wo aro I'oretHi to riHluce our larjje .stock of U.sed Car.s H in order to make room for more 'rade-iiis on Ntw || Chevrolet.^. Phery car iiriced to sell now. Price.s are I. .sure to in March. F.very day this month is barfjain H Consider these values— Biiv Now and 1: Save from $50.00 to $100.00 •4 jj (Jroup No. One $50 to $100 -They were $100 to $150 These cars have many miles of satisfactory .service in them. EgHfs. (21 to 26 ounces 1: 1. Fertiliz. Eggs. (2G to 26 ounces I; prizes, 1, Fertilizer; 2, 2.5 lb. Startina; 3, Cook Book. 3. Dozen Extra Brown Eggs. (26 to 28 ounces'; prizes, 1, 25 New Hampshire, 2, Feed Hcpper, 3, Cook Book. 4 Be.=t Dozen Standard Brown r'Trrs. ' (2(5 to 28 ounces I; i>rizes 1 Chicken Feed, 2. 25 pounds Starting | liiiUler for cash at the Feed, 3, Cook Boo!;. 1'%'ery farm woman, f^irl, man, and i f''”r.wincr described land: bov should attend this short course. = — — f. cash to the highest bidder the fol- perior Court of Moore County, the lowing described lands: ) \mdeisigned Commissioner offered fori BEING that certain building lots .=ale the lan,i hereinafter described on ] .situated and being in the Town of Monday, January 22nd, 1940, at 12 Southern Pines, North Carolina, o'clock NOON, when and where Edith known and designated as Lot No. 5 Goins became the last and highest in Block H and 3 ns shown on a bidder at the price of $363.00, and map entitled "A Map of Southern that thereafter and within ten days Pines, Moore County. North Caro, from the date of -sale the Southern lina,” and filed in the office of the Pines Warehouses, Inc., filed an up- Register of Deeds of the aforesaid .'-et hid of $399.00 and deposited with County, and being the snme lot con- the Clerk of the Superior Court veyed by W. J. .\dams, as Trustee ,'i!36.00 as required by law; NOW, THEREFO’RE, The under- sis'nefl will on MON DAY. FEBRUARY 26th. 1010, at 12 o’clock NOON offer for sale and 'ell at p\iblic o\itcry to the highest Court House i do'ir in Cart^ae■e, North Carolin.T, the lor 'Hu.ssell E. Geyer, to Anna T j Geyer. registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore Coun ty in Dee 1 Book 37, at page 277, f’lul later conveyed to Mary F. Howt bv deeil dnted March 12th. 1918, ns lecorded in Deed Book 6S, at pagi n.T) by the Title Guaranty & Trust '^ompanv of New York as f'xecutor 150 whisky is iSMAU GRAIN j \ loa lltNA \ 100? AMO QUARTS YEARS PINTS 90 PROOF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY nSTHUD AND 60TIK0IM NiNIi'CO SV m K.TAYLOR DiSTUlINO CO .INCORPORATCO FRANKFORT. KtNTUCKy Distilled and Bottled by MISS KFI>SKV. MRS. lU ICNS i PINE i)!)Ik;ku win neks I 28 ('hevrolet Coupe .SO Foi’ti {'onpe 30 Ford ('abriolet .32 P'onl Coach ?.l ('hevrolet Coach 33 Terrai)lane (Jroiip No. Two $100 to $200 They were $150 to $250 Reconditioned—They looi< good—Run good—are }?ood. 3.3 Chevrolet Coach 34 Chevrolet ('oupe 33 Plymouth Sedan 34 Chevrolet Coach Group No. Three $200 to $300—They were $250 to $350 Perfect for their m(Kiel—Best buys you’ll find. The Pine Dodders weekly R<ilf tour- ; I ment was played over the Southern j Pines Number 1 Tuesday, followeii by I hintheon at the Countiy Club. Play-! i inp in Class A were Laura | j Kelsey. Miss Elennoi- Earron. Miss ; Katheriie Wiley, Mrs. K. H. Trous. dell. Ml.'. Roy Grinnell, Mrs. Elmer ' Harrington, Mrs. P. Clark and Mrs .lolin Fitzgerald and in Class B the player.^ were Mrs. Charle.^ E. I Crowell, Mrs. S. R. Jelli.son, Mrs. j Clarence Eil.son Mrs. H F Burns I Mrs George Lonilon and Mrs II. H. 1 Gre^nman The finals were played Wedne.sday morning with Mis.s Laura Kelsey winning in A and Mrs. I H. F. Burns in B. The Pine Dodgers are planning a flag toura- i ment for Tuesday, February 20th. CHEVROLET CALERS’ :: riNEill-l’FF DKMO.NSTK.ATION C'LI B KNTEKT.MNS FOIM'V 36 Chev. Panel 3,5 Chevrolet Coach 34 Chevrolet Coach 35 Chevrolet 3.') Old T-Sedan 35 Chev. Standard Sedan Group No. Four $300 to $400—They were $350 to $500 Fine late model car.s. Trade up Now and Save 36 Chevrolet Coupe 36 Chev. Del. Sp. Sed, 37 Chev. Pick-up 37 Chevrolet Truck 37 Chevrolet T-Sedan 37 Ford 60 Sedan Group No. Fiv« $400 to $500—They were $450 to $600 The very finest to be found 39 ChevTolet T-Sedan 38 Chev. T-Sedan 38 Chev. Truck 38 Chev. Pick-up 38 Chev. Del. Sp. Sed, Our cost prices have been disregarded. We will sell model for model below the market price. Liberal trade- in allowances. EASY TERMS. MID-SOUTH MOTORS, Inc. SALES Phone 9591 SERVICE Aberdeen, N. C. The Pinebluff Home Demonstra. tion Club met Thursday, February 8. at the clubhouse with Mrs. W. K. Carpenter presiding and,34 members present. Miss Flora Macdonald gave .some good sus'gestions for educa tional reading. She also gave an in teresting talk on “Home Built.In. Kitchen Equipment. At 1:00 o’clock n covered dish dinner was enjoyed by around 40 people. Persons planning to build or rcjmodel a kitchen are in. vited to attend the next club meet ing. .lUNIOR CIVIC CIAIB ENJOVS BRIDGE P.MITV The Junior Civic Club semLmonth- ly bridge party was held at the Civ ic Club Tuesday night, with four ta bles in play. First prize was won by Ann Cameron and second went to Mary Tin.sley. Mrs. H. G. McHroy and Mrs. Marvin Ray were joint hostesses and served delicious re. freshments after the prizes had been presented. Mifw Bess Stuart, /secretary tn the county school nas been confined to her home since the middle of last week with an attack of influenza. i/ SEt ffS fOff THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN w 3 GENEROUS ALLOWANCE on your old car! RtASONS yjjj, nu YOU* Tout SHOUi.0 BU' A 5 REASONS WHY YOU WILL SAVt BY BUYING NOWI • Ihe .and the 1 of useJ ^,3iue8 «« best P town from All used cars priced toscllfast in order to make room for more trade-ins 2 Ith « »est O met'***"*’ -Your jg ftrnilj seU* Only Ch*vi«l*l dMl»n off*r ut»d can wHh m OK that Cowiilt" tag. Buy now—be fore prices rise —and save the difference. Save deprecia tion on your old car. Trade up now. Save winter con ditioning ex pense Save costly re pairs on your old car. 9,262(068 P*opU bought ut«d cart and utad trucks from Chovrolot Ch*vrM«l D*«*ra ar* H««4quart*n tor IKIO TIUCK ValHMl Uok for your QMvrtM dMior'i IMIiifi (■ Hm daiiMtd poflM •! Htlt Mid - South Motors, Inc. ABERDEEN, N- C-

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