Pa«e Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, November 15, 1940. LEGAL NOTICES KOKTH CAROLINA. UOOKK COUNTY. NOTICE OF SAM’. Notice i.s hereby given that under and by virtue of h power of nale con- tnliied in a certain mortg-Hge deed ex- fcuted by Georsfe B. Arnolj and wife, Maude K. Arnold, formerly of Moore LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK OF S \LK OK L\NI) BY C’OMMISSIONF.K Notice is hereby piven that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreilosure made and entered by the rirrk of the Superior Court of Moore bounty on the 23rd day of Sep- ber 1940 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Albeit McRae, Widower, Defendant, ^ , ecember I nth. 1040. at 12 o'clock noon at the of Deeds for Moore County in Book ■ door in Ciirthage. Moore M, pagf 473, to which r-'fercnce i.s,'County, North Carolina, .‘ii ',1 nt pub- hereby made, the debt secured by said mort^sge deed being due and un. paid, anj the powers of .sale contain, fd therein having become operative, the uiider.signed mortgagee will offer for .sale and .sell to the highest bid. r, 1<110, the fol. towing do.=;.'ribed reiil e.state lying and being: in MrXeili Town.shin, Moore Coiinty, .V. C.. and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Being known and designated as Lots No. 21, 22, 23. 24. and th i;.’ outcry to the highe.-;!. bidiler foi rash, the following described land.s: Heing Lot No. 13 in Block N&ll. ;... shown on a map entitled "A Map f the Town of Southern Pines, N, C.,, and recorded in the Moore County Registry. Dated this lUh day of November, 1940. J. VANCK HOWK, N’Vi-D() Commissioner. NOTU H OF S \I.K OF l.\.M) BY tO.MMIssiONKIl Notice Ks her-'by given that by vir tue of _the TnU'rloouLory Order of Forec losure mad,-> and entered by the al.jcUrk of the Superior Court of Moore ley between 22 and 23 in Block D and One i 1 i as shown on \ map en titled, "A Map of .Southern Hnes, Moore County. North Carolina,'' said map beuis duly filed in th" office of the Regi.ster of De^tl^ for Moore County, til whi h reference is here, vith made ROBERT M. LEWIS, Mortgagee. This 18th day of October, 1940. 025.N15. NOTIOK OF ADMINI.STKATOKS Having qualified as Ancillary Ad ministrators, C. T. .A. of the estate t)f Leon J. Barwood, deceased, this is io notify all persons having claims figainst the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C., on or before the ?lst day of October, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rpcovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleass make immediate payment. This 21st day of October. 1^40. ROBERT R. DUNCAN and VICTOR H. BARWOOD, Ancillary Administrators of Leon J. Barwood, Deceased. W. Duncan Matthew^, Process .\gent 025.N29 Southern Pines, N. C. County on the 23rd day of Sep- her 1910 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, v.s. Sarah Y. Ruggles and husband, A. S. Ruggles, Defendants, .‘ame being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 10, at page ,50, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore Co\inty, the undcrsignetl Commission er, will, on Wedne.sday, December nth. 1940, at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina. s«-ll at pub lic outcry to the highei/t bidder for cash, the following described lands: Being Lots 11&12 in Block I&5, a.s .shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N, C,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry. Dated this 11th day of November, 1940. J. VANCE ROWE, N15-D6 Commi.ssioner.' NOTICK OF S.VLK OF LANU BV coymissiosFAi NOTICK OF S\LK OF LA.M> BV C'OM.MISSIONKU Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 23rd day of Octo ber 1940 in the matter of the Town of Soutliorn Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Melvin Dowdy and wife, Kathleen | County Registry. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of! Foreclosure made and entered by the | Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 11th day of Novem-' ber 1940 in the matter of the Town' of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. I Alvis Davis and wife, Artelia Davis, Defendants, same being recorded in Land Tax ^ Sales Judgment Docket No. 10, at! page 57, in the office of the Clerk. of the Superior Court of Moore j Count.v. the undersigned Commission-1 er. will, on Wednesday, December! 11th, 1940, at 12 o’clock noon at the! Court House door in Carthage, Moore' Count.v, North Carolina, sr-H at pub-' lie outcry to the highest bidd?r for. cash, the following described lands :i B'-ing Lots Nos. 21*22 in Block! O&IO, a.s shown on a map entitled "A' Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C..' and recorded in the Moore NOTICE OF SALE OF L,\NU BV CHXMM18SIONEK Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 11th day of Novem ber 1940 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Stafford Brown and wife, Nora Brown, Defendants, .same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 10 at page 59, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the under.signed Commission er. will, on Wednesday, December nth, 1940, at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore f ounty. North Carolina, soil at pub lic- outcry to the highe.=t bidder for cash, the following described lands: A certain tract or parcel of land , situated in the Town of Southern Pines, Moore County, N. C.," desig nated on a map entitled "A Map of Southern Pines, Moore County, N. C., filt'd in the office of the Register of Deeds of .said County, and described and defined as follow.s; Beginning at r stake, Tre.ssa Shield's northerly corner and running thence as her line S. .OS 1-4 (leg. W. l.'io feet, more or less, to the corner of the center square: thence N. 3fi 3-t W. 50 feet to a stake; thence N. 53 1-4 deg. B. 150 feet to a .stake, more or les.s, to the old town line; thence as this line to the place of beginning, being a part of Lot No. 10 in Block J&9. D.ited this 11th dav of November, 1940. J. VANCE ROWE, N1.)-DG Commissioner. NOTU K OF SALE OF LAM) BY COM.'\IISSIO.NEK Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Ordtr of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 11th day of Novem ber 1910 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pii "s. Plaintiff, vs. J. E. Hasty, Wir.ower, Lillie Birch- more and husband, Ed Bi|'|Pimore and the Sandhills Financing Corpor ation, Defendants, .'ame being recorded in Land Tax Sales J'idgment Docket No, 10, at page 56, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Commission er. will, on Wednesday, December ■"Ith, 1940, at 12 o’clock noon at the Court House door in Carthape^^cjpre County, North Carolina, sell at pub lic outcry to the highejt bidder for cash, the following described lands: A certain lot or parcel of land in McNeills Townshin, Moore County, North Carolina and beginning at in tersection of old Jimtown line and northerly property line of New York Avenue, as shown on Map of South ern Pines, and running thence with old Jimtown line, 100 feet; thence S. 36 deg. 45 min. E. for 50 feet to a stake; thence parallel with Jimtown line and 50 feet distance therefrom, for 100 feet to northerly line of New \ork Avenue: thence with said line N. 36 deg 45 min, W. for 50 feet to the beginning. Dated this 11th day of November, 1940. J. VANCE ROWE, N15-D6 Commissioner.’ Chiropractic Health Service Phone 6782 East Broad St. Southern Pines DR. T. E. WALKER, Chiropractor Fry, Be.ssie B., 6 lots Swett I Dlv I Fry, Curtis, 14 a Fuller Ld Furr, Joe, 27 a Priest Ld Garner, Charlie, 1 lot Bennett St Goldsmith, Harry P., 32 1-2 a James Cr Gould. Ella B. Est., J&2, No. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES —! 9, 10 Gracp Bondholders, Inc., L&4, No. 15 Graham, Dorothy and Gerald ine. 42 a Kelly Ld Gravf.s, Geo, C, Est., L&16, IJy order of the lUiard of County Commissioners and by Graves, H. L., 1-2 a near Nia- I authority vested in me a.s Tax Collector of Moore County and crKi, Geo. Byrd, p& is! I in accordance with the authority conferred hr the laws of ‘ Ochwlnd, Chas., 20 a V' . I M)rth|Carolina, I will on Monday, December 2, l‘)40, sell to the Guaranty Trust Co., No, 2,50; highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to ounterVT, k. i lot Va.s's I satisfy unpaid taxes for the year Time of sale: 12 o’clock Hanlon. E. N., E&i, No. 18, Noon, Place, of sale; Court H«'nse d.ior, Carthage, N. C. !Ha'^nnarahan,'Katherine B&6; \V. T. ni'NTLEY. I No. 19, 20 I 4 r., ,, .. ,Harri.s, Eunice, K&3; Pt. No. j Moore County Tax ( ollector. j 23 NOTE: Real Estate in McNeill Township and that owned by white Natalie, 25 a Hondren residents of .'VFineral Springs Towns^hip will be found advertised Hoal.v, J. V. H&7, No. to, in The Pil«t(; real estate in Sandhill and (Jreenwood Townships and H(!isier 'Harry, 2 lots No! 459, that owned by colored residcnls of .Mineral Springs Township ' , , , , , ,1 ... y-,. . Hendrick, W. H., 1 lot Sunrise Will be found advertised in the Sandhill Citizen; real estate in Heights Carthage Hensalem, Sheffields, Ritter and Deep River Townships Hick.s, Eugene' M., .56 a Loberia Rd Hodnett, S. E., E*7, No. 1 . Holder. Margaret, 29 a McNeill 18 63 Howe-, Clara K., D&fi, No, 1 r jq Fiowo, Mrs. E. & N. F., E&2, ■ ■ No. 16- 22 & al. will be found advertised in the Moore County News. Me.V>:i!X TOWNSIHi* (White) Abbott, Mabk, H&3, No. 17. 18 . $ 30.00 Adams. W. J, Est., I&9, No. 2 •Adcox, R. P., 1 lot S.vott Div, 'Hen f?ugh. 2 a V'ass Anderson. Mrs. Geo., 1-2 a Shaw Id. . \pn'e & Newell, 134 a Pulliam Ld Arnold. Geo. B.. D&l. No. 21 23, 24&al. (Bal.) Ashley, C. J., 1 lot No. 19, Cameron Id Atkins,, 10 a Young’s rd, -\ylmore, Mrs, G. F,, 2 lots Niagara Baker, W. L., H&5, No. 9, 8 . Barker, Alice, 1 lot Niagara .. Cameron, Mrs. J, N., 1 lot Hy. No. 50 Cameron Joe, 1 3-4 a; 1 3-4 a Smith Id Cameron. 'R. McD.; 4 1-2 - a Vass nnu ^s'lsey. Mrs. Erin, 4 1-2 lots 2.08 9.13 20,67 Lnkoview Chpndler, I. F., 981 a Little Kiv,; 224 a Sheep Pen Br.; ?<6 a Black Br.; 3 3-4a Broad St.; P&4, No. 1, 2, 3, 6; P & No 9. 10, 12-24,; 1 lot Ice Plant; P&9, No. 23, 24; BA-2. No. 1, 2Mv. M. B., 38 1-2 a Kel’y Ld.; 74 a Mill Cr Kennerly, H. C., 5 36-’.(»0 a Edgemore Hts Kimball, James & Margaret, 3-4 a Callahan Ld. 8.38 9.00 11.85 33.06 3.04 Clark, H. R.. I&7, No. 1-8 3.85 King, R, L., 100 a Horsepen Clnrk, Lila Wrenn, M&2, No 16&al Clegg. Annie T., 119 a Saun ders Ld. Coffee, W. H., 1 1-2 a Cox Ld Coore, Fannie, 27 a Buie Ld.; 15 a Lakeview Cox, G, B, iiist., 2 a Bennett St, Cox, W. T., 83 a Vass Rd. Cox, Mrs, W. T., 3 2-10 a Viyis Creamer & Turner, Lot No, 149 Currie, L. M., !•:&<>, No, 5 Currie «St Maples, 5 1-2 a East man Ld. Curtis, VV. K., 5 a near So. Pines Daly, Sarah C., H&8 No. 13, 14 Dana & Vail. No, 451 lot Darnell, O. L., 103 a Marion Ld Davis, Mrs. Anita C. Est., 2 lots Knollwood Deatnn, Francis Est., 2 1-2 a Manle.v Deaton Nur.sery. 26 a Nur.sery Dixon, Mamie Est,, L&6, No. 1—10 Dodge, Clara B„ E&3, No. 13, 14 al. & 1-4 sq Drexel, Jane Barbour, 168 a Knollwood; 20 a Barbour Id.; Bal Dwight. F. M,, 2 lots Lakeview Dwight, Mrs, F, M,, 41 a Hy- No. 1 33.97 Eastwood, John.sye & Mrs. Cul- breth, 3 3-4 a Lakeview . Eaton & Richardson, E&l, No. 21—23 10.57 Edwards, A. G. & G. S., 1 lot Vass 21.35 Edwards, G. S. Elst,, 25 a V'^is 10.50 Ellis, Kate K„ 35 a Kelly Ld. 3.75 Evans, J. F., 1 65-100 a Parker Ld. 1 Br 53.51 Kinsey, A. H„ 20 a W’ater I Plant .. 12.09 Kiser, Maggie, 27 1-2 a Pond i Hr 6.46, Kitchen, C. C., I&7, No. 1, 2. ! 23, 24; G&6, No. 20 22.96 La.ssiter, Bennie, 1 1-2 a Pine- I view School 3.711 Laubscher, A. R., 60-100 a 29.451 Hy. No. 1 Leavett, B. W., K&6, No. 17 17.96 18 'Leavett, Nellie B., 0&2, No. 6.42 4—9 1.40 Leek, F. H., 4 lots Niagara . .. Lemon, Mrs. D. C,, 1 lot Nia- 4.80 para Leslie, Annie M., .367 a Little 2.08 Riv. j Leslie, J. A. Ksi , 180 a Crane’s 1.82 Cr.; 100 a Poi.d Br.; Ill a 6-42 Clay Rd.; 304 1-2 a Rogers ! Ld 31.77 Le.slio, W. C., 84 a Carthage I Rd 1.54' McCaskill, A. A„ 6 a Little I Riv 4.25'McCa.skill, M. Edd„ 81 a Little Riv McCrimmon, Jennie, 94 a Allen Br McDonald, A. D., 40 a Lee’s Br McDonald, A. P., 32 a Union Rd McDonald,' H. D,, 47 a Pond Br McDonald, J, W. Hrs., 437 a Union Rd McHugh, J. J, Est., I&3 1 lot, Al.&Sq Mclnnis, D., Hi’s,, 26 a Little Riv.; 28 1-2 a t.akeview... McIntosh, J. E., 41 a McCrim mon Ld , McIntosh, J. H., H&5 No. 11, 12 McIntosh, Jnn,, L&16, 1 lot No. I 3 10,24 McIntosh, W, A., 8 a Vass Rd.; Evans, R, A., 20 a Simpson .. 8.96 j 20 a McIntosh Ld Evans. Thurlo C„ 13 1-2 a : Mclver, Kate Scott, 100 a S, A. McDonald Ld ,22.59 | L Everett, Kelly Est., 59 a Lit- i McKeithen, N. M., 1 lot Ware- tle Riv 6,50 house; 1 lot McCrimmon .... Ferguson, Warren G„ N&H, McKenzie, Walter 17 a MoKen- No. 1, 2. 3 & 24 7.22 zie Ld Fowler, H. M., E&2, No. 1 ' McMillen, A. K., 7 lot No. 98 ... 24 18.45 McMillen, J. M,, 1 a Vass Rd. Fox, Margaret, F&2, No, 3 MrMillen, N, A. a lot Main 4 16.60 St 5.48 4.39 1.81 153.28 7.91 13.55 38.39 8.66 7.79 19.40 29.43 6.80 11.17 4.22 2.77 2.14 1.82 25.62 6.43 2.02 2,35 2,02 .53.91 8,46 5.25 11.85 1..54 3,57 20.94 J,.54 4.93 13.69 6,12 6.43 1.37 25.48 2.76 8.63 6.20 15.90 40.52 28.50 17.41 10.50 3.04 30.17 6.42 7.48 17.21 1.19 10.91 14.03 33.92 2.08 5.40 41.70 84.84 35.03 23.22 16.13 20,09 4,73 6,83 6.10 41.76 11.17 11.41 8.95 2.21 7.50 9.62 17.27 6.14 4.93 1.33 11.17 20,89 CARTOON FOLLIES THIS aATTLING BROWNS Her, e.Rouj/o.'fou cmvo* HaOS to sit ARoUA3t:» UJlTrt that C5AS MASK YoOR. TO PROVJG You wGRje A secoAiCi LieLrreWAMT THe IX)ST To»j'R,e AROOAjti U)ItH'(&OR IM THe tAJAR - YoO’lL always Look Likb a secoAit* f——' uieOTEAW^ WITH OR. s HoosecLEAM- W\THOVJT A I - . , _ J- A <5AS ATTACK I SEe^■^ LI Ke A FRSSH a\R. LUKIAMDmSiMCK My CSlBU Ttoic: TO A FUAiERAt-, ^ A OF ' - - ,~THer TUJO OTHGRS , AESOP. aim right BOLL' 1 ^FANOMS TROUBU J.^PYbR^HeTS; oR\^k1atop^\ tooth HAsreiit fAt>s HAvfe Peof»L.e .so sca(5q3 kTHeC BROSWikIG TMeilft -refclM ■ evGiSY BRAAJti -TO Be cAi THe , f-sAFe. site-piRertOJ STOP lyojMe-—* ' MlbbLG OF A FlRe,TO n'OOTH BORC3lAJ5S»<3FTCA)fl TO BRUSJ4 CTHeiR rtoibup> Jp^ ^ 1