I Six c^ THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, March 7, IMl THE PASSING YEARS BY CH.\R1JCS MACACIJCY Flr*t W«ek of MarrJi IMO - WeU aimed shots gets negro jail- t>raker. Chief Newton scores hit in liieel after chasing man for half a rnile Southern Pines Horse Show great success. • Mrs, Maude Grearson was hostess at a bridge luncheon last Friday. Mary Wintyen elected pres ident of Bird C3ub. Comings and Goings in Vass Birth .Vnnounccmeiits | Theatre Party A birth announcement of general | A. M. Cameron was host to local Interest here is that of a daughter | boy scouts and their scoutmaster at born Monday in Rex Hospital to Mr. the Carolina Theatre on Thursday and Mrs. Elvey Thomas of Raleigh.' night of last week at a showing ol Mr. Thomas was reared in Va.ss and has many relatives in this section. They have a son, Elvey, Jr. Mr and Mrs. W. U. McCraney re ceived news last week of the arrival "Land of Liberty.” In the party were Scoutmaster W. E. Gladstone, Scouts "Dutch" Hudson. A. Mac Cameron, Franklin Beasley, .lack Blevins, Harrison Stutts, Thom- I0S6 ttaces on the 14th attract pick of ^eeplechasers Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sherman re turned from a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. G<>otge C. Moore en tertained at a buffet supper on the occasion of their 15th wedding an- niver-saiy. 1931 West Southern Pines taken over by City. Municipal Recorder’s Court for ^\ithern Pines cheated by General Assembly. Mayor names Dr, E. M. Poate a.s Recorder. of a new grandson, the second chila as Campbell. Buster Jesaup, Frank- of Mr, and Mrs. Relmond McCraney. j hn Gilliland, Hugh McLean, Max Ed- at the home of Mrs. McCraney's par- wards, Oscar Klingenschmidt and ents in Columbia. This is the fifth Bobby Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. grandchild for the McCraney’s, all | Cameron. boys. I _ ! Personals .\tt«nd Funeral Miss EMna l^nkford of Cameron In Recorder’s Court Every Defendant Found Guil ty and Several Lose Their Drivers’ License A dozen cases were tried in Re corder’s Court Monday and not one defendant heard the welcome words, “not guilty," The greater nurrher chose the pay out method rather than the work out, and practically all of this group were allowed to pay a part of the total amount and have additional time in which to raise the remainder. Dorothy Wade, white, of Southern Pines; Pearlie J. Gordon, white, of| West End Route 1, and Loranza Quick' were fined $50 and the costs in drunken driving cases and their li censes were revoked for a year. Henry Kelly drew three months for assaulting Elizabeth Kelly with a payment of the costs and upon con dition that he not appear In a pub lic place while under the Influence of liquor within twelve months. Car lisle was charged with assaulting James Katson with a knife. JoHtUtn MHtwm G^666 wmvammmmmms. The following Vass members of the week.end .with her cousins, ladies Bible class of the Methodist Williams and Miss Thel- Sunday School attended the funeral Cooper. of John A. Barber, father of Mrs. J. Mrs. W. H. Abernathy and M. Davis, class secretary, at Carth- knif7'and’tw7‘montL on 7ch’arge o"f age Tuesday afternoon: Mrs. H. A. "ith Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aber- Boiat, Mrs. W. C Leslie. Mrs. W. B. Graham, Mrs. W. T. Cox, Mrs. C. L. Gladstone Tyson, Mrs. S. R. Smith, M.-S. Charles'Saturday in Charlotte. ^.^yiavin^ ThaU Black and assault- Gschwind Mrs. H. C. Callahan. Mrs i “ W'. P. Parker and Mrs. G. W, Grif- Parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. trespassing on the lands of V. L. Dav is. J. C. Rosser, whit?, charged with 1986 The freight dump is moved at last. 1^0 freight siding has been moved in front of the passenger station, and the siding re-laid between Vermont and Maine avenues. The Sandhills Information Bureau announces the opening of an office in the Arcade Building. 1931 At the annual meeting of the Ro- «|ue Club the following officers were elected: W. P. Bodfi^. president; D L. Drew, vice president; John Humphrey, secretary and treasur er. We are proud of our boys. The Scouts have made 35 signs to be on interesting street corners. Dr, Edward Green of Star, who is ' engaged in missionar>' work among tK:' mountafci whites, was in town Sunday. 1»U ’“By a wholly unaccountable but »i0.st regretable blunder Mrs. Drew’s innocent Saturday afternoon’s bridge frirty was turned into a very wicked pffair by substituting Sunday for Saturday. The editor was stormbounj th.'it day and the devil’ must have' monkeyed with the proof.” 1911 An informal reception was given • t the Wheeler on February 28th, by Mrs. H. G. Rogers and her daught er, Mrs. Nettie Ayres, the occasior; t>ein^ the golden wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wheel, cr. ■‘Free: A beautiful gasoline flat iron will be given to the one who makes the largest amount of cash | purchase."! from February 25th, to j March .ISth—A. J. Thomas, hard-1 I ware.Adv.” | 190C The home of Miss Lizzie Brown | about three miles south of Southern j Tines was burned flat last Monday! afternoon. Mr. and Mi's. Percival had i just received their household goods i from New York and lost everything. i B h A N 1> KKmckv sTRAicirr BOlrRBON VIII.SKEY »2.ICqt M. Cameron during the week-end. Mrs, W. T. Cox returned last week ing him with intent to kill, was found guilty of assault and battery. His three months sentence was to be sus COAL CHARCOAL We carry at all times a large selection of Quality Coal. PROMI»T SERVICE Farrell Coal Co. Distilled in Harrison County, the heart of the Kentucky Blue Grass district, with lime stone water, by the identical process and formula in use for the past seventy-nine years. Thi> whiskey is 4 yra.old. 90 Proof William Jameaon & Co, Inc,, N.T. ENnR Bir SUPF9 SUDS CONTEST COME IN FOR YOUR ENTO" SUPER Slin^ 3 for 25c 1901 I ^.B. H. Butler of the Pittsburgh' Tjwnes. accompanied hy his son, Mas-1 ter Donald S. Butler, have been! spending a short vacation with us. The woods are burning in differ ent directions. I NIAGARA ;,E. S. Robio returned to his home in Plymouth, N. H., Wednesday after Spending: some time here. s'Mrs. D. D Cameron i.s visiting rel atives near Sanford. ► Mr and Mr-s W. E. Johnson and Hamet.Gay spent Monday in p.ileigh and Durham. ♦ Mrs. L. D. ^Tilliams and Mrs. John fc'ci'f recent :<hoppcrs in Raleigh. j, J. ~y. Snipes spent Saturday tn j pnloigh.. ; • i The Rev. J. L. Foster of Elon Col- j |ege filled his regular appointment i ^ere Sunday I Clarence Gargis spent the week %nd with relaUves in Raleigh. Large size 21c Giant size—59c Palmolive, 4 for 25c Bath size, 4 for 26c Klek. 3 for 25c Giant Octagon Soap, 6 for 2&c Large Octagon Powder, 2 for .. 9c Octagon Toilet Soap, 2 for ... 9c Octagon Cleanser 5c Octagon Soap Chips, 3 for 25c Large Size 19c Octagon Granulated Soap, 3 for 25c, Large 19c from a month’s visit with her dau- payment of the costs ghter, Mrs. M. B Willis, who recent- “P°" ‘'«"dition that he not molest ly moved from Onancock, Va., to Sal- isbury, Md j Wilborn Person pleaded guilty to Mre.’ Odell Oldham, who for the drunkenness and carrying con- past several weeks has been working weapons, namely, brickbats. In the telephone office in Sanford, I sentence was suspended was at home for the week-end. |“P°" Payment of the costs and upon Mrs. Maggie CulberUon of Flor- condition that he not drink fntoxi- ence, S. C., came Sunday to spend a ^ within twelve months, few days with her sister, Mrs. John' C^ovington and Will Curlee, W. Smith, of upper Hope county. j colored, of Southern Pinet-, found Mr and Mrs. W. E, Gladstone, g“*'ty ^ith deadly weapons j Mrs. G. W. Brooks and Mrs. Bertie were given 60.day sentences sus- ; L. Matthews attended a musical ser- Ponded upon payment of the costs. ^ vice at the Church of Wide Fellow-! Petty paid the costs in a care- jship in Southern Pines Sunday even-j'ess and reckless driving count and : ing. 1 his 30-day sentence was suspended. Mrs. Robert Waddell of Southern Earley Carlisle, found guilty of as- Pines visited Mrs. T. Cox and with a deadly weapon, was giv- ; family Saturday night and Sunday, two months, to be suspended upon Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean, Hugh McLean and Miss Myrtle McMillan visited Miss Catharine McMillan in Raleigh Sunday afternoon. George Stutts has been ill with pneumonia for several days, but is "retting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Cortis Thomas and '‘amily and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keith and daughter, Kay Frances, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crouse of Carth. f.ge Sunday. They also called on John EViker in the Moore County ’’^o.snital. Mr. Baker, who has pneu- ''nia, is making satisfactory prog ress toward recovery. ATiss Glennie Keith of Raleigh vis aed her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. over the week-end Mrs. W. C. Cox and small son. Clyde, Jr., are .spending a few days v'tvi their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rob. crt Boggs, near Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Batchelor and family of Jone.sboro Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Verne ^Hamilton of Jonesboro /^d Mr. and Mrs. Pell Winstead and son of Sanford vi.sited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernathy Sun-; day afternoon. [ Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Smith of Ral-1 eigh came Sunday night on account | of the critical illness of their broth- i I er, D. A. Smith. I Franklin Matthews of Fayette- | j ville visited his mother, Mrs. Bertie ' I L. Matthews, last week-end. i ! W. J. Allen and grandson, Frank- ‘ j lin Gilliland, went to 'Raleigh Satur. | day. Mr. Allen spent the week-end with his granddaughter. Miss Angie' Marie Gilliland, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wiggins. Miss Gilli land is a student at Miss Hardbarg- er’s secretarial school. Phone 9581 Aberdeen, N. C. I M£u} l^£a ^ unrmgn to U4e..ll£u) 7l£OJ?£d -itie amouul tl^ call ^ 16 'tfclL MHou^ to uoe of FREE. S^nd for NEW booklet, containing dox»ni of brigM id^ot to Improv* your bok> ing. Addroiii Rumford Baking Powdor ~ ftoT i, Rumford. R. I. . DORN’S Phone 7474 THE TEAGUE POTTERY Makers of HAND MADE POTTERY Aberdeen, N. C. Hemp, N. C. U. S. No. 1 Hig’.iwfiys N. C. No. 27 Telephone 6161 J. N. Powell, Inc. Funeral Home 24 hour Ambulance Service D. Al. Jr. Manager Southern Pines CUT FLOWERS PLANTS FLOWERS FUNERAL WREATHS CHANDLER GREENHOUSES CORSAGES SPRAYS FERTILIZERS AND MATERIALS Complete line of fertilizers for all crops and materials carried in stock. Delivery anywhere. Robertson.s Eastern Agrico and AA Proven Guano A A Chem. Corp. Fertilizers Company Warehouse—BridK Warehouse next to Aberdeen Warehouse. Aberdeen. N. C. Phones—Aberdeen 9911 Southern Pines 7353 Call in and maks arrangements for your spring need.s. Cash or Time Sales Avery & Maynard “Judge" .\very (Sene Majnard Don’t F’orget To stop in and see us when in town Extra low prices on WTieeling Channel Drain Roofing. Farm equipment and repairs at low prices. Groceries, too. While here stock up and save the difference. We always have specials. Bring this ad and exchange for a 5c box of matches Ben Fiurwitz Grocerie.s and Hardware C irthage, N. C. r To Of o t i c e Taxpayers Moore County I/IIEG’LAR FELLERS The Life After Death Notice is hereby g-iven that the Board of County Commissioners of Moore County will meet as the BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION AND REVIEW at the Court House in Carthage on Monday, March 17, 1941 for the purpose of hearing complaints about 1941 valuations for those living in McNeill, Sandhill and Mineral Springs Township; Tuesday, March 18, 1941 for those living in Carthage, Bensalem, Shef field, Ritter, Deep River and Greenwood. No complaints will be considered after the work of the County Board of Equalization and Review is completed on March 18th. This March 4th, 1941 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MOORE COUNTY By Gene Bvme.s EVEI.YN EDSON ■ Notary Public Telephone Office N. H. At* IS THAT AU» HO'.HOI I TWOiXjrtT 'T WAS 50f-\eTrtlN<i . I- TERR»BLE|^^^^ WEU. For <5oodmeS5 sake ; WHPiT k/ovm > OvJ-W OV^iTtH! AvJl?>6HT MOM- 5oHE Dfty yoo'lL HEAR tAE CRY'N' AM'COME OUT ftN' ME KUIED OR BOnvED JC (American New;* FeaUirvK. Inc.)

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