Page Fivht THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, March 28 1941. CHURCHES® Brownson Memorial Presbyterian ' Church, Ktv, E. L. Barber, Pastor. Services on March 30: Church School j at 9;45 Junior League at 2:00 p. ai.. Young People's League at 6:30 l> m. and Evening Worship at 7:30 0 m with sermon by the pastor. Pinehurst Paragraphs Tlie Cburi'h of Wide Fellowshrip (Congre^tionaU, Bennett street and NeW Harnpt'hire avenue, the Rev. Voigt O. Taylor, pastor. Services Sun day, March 30, Church School at 9,15 a m.; Morning Church Wor- ,sh«p at 11:00 a. ni, with special mus ic hy the choir, and a sermon by the ()a.stor on the theme. “He Came- Unto His Own": Youth Fellowship League, at 7:00 p. tii., and the Fellowship rcM'um Ser\;ce at 7:00 p. '.n. EmnianiK'l Episcopal Church, Rev. F. Craighill Brown, B. A , B D.. Hec- March 3f>th, Holy Com- miinioii at S:00 a, ni.. Church School \ ,it 9:30 a. ni.. Morning Prayer at J1:00 n, m,: Wednesday, ,\pril 2nd,, Holy Communion at 10:00 a. m,; Evening' Prayer at -t:!."' j), in.. The Litany at 4:45 p, ni. Mr. and Mrs, W. B, Harvey, who ppent the winter with their daughter, Mrs, Karl Johnson have returned to their home in BethlehT.n, N, H, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph V\'. Sutton spent Sunday in La Grange with Mr. Sut ton's family. I Mrs. Walker S. Brown of New I York and her daughter. Miss Char lotte Browne are g^uests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Hyatt and Miss Darst Hyatt Mis.s Carol Wadsworth is spending Church, East New Hampshire avenue Sunday morning, March 30th at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday .School convenes at the same hour. The Wednesday even ing meeting is on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 8:00 Sprits, were guests Friday of Mrs W. o’clock. The Reading Room, which is' Raymond Johnson, looated in the church, is open Wed- Charlie Battlcy of Washin|:ton, D. nesday afternoons from 3:00 until c., is visiting relatives in the Sand- ,"):00 o’clock. ■he Spring vacation from Westover School with her mother, Mrs, Sarah Fownes Wadsworth, Miss Laura Darvin of Hopedale, Mass,, a class mate, is Miss Wadsworth's guest. Mrs, Ethel Journey, Mrs. Tom Ragsdale and Mrs. Frank Host were hostesses at the Community Church tea Thursday. Last week Mrs. Eu gene McKenzie and Mrs. Hulon Cole served. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jenkins of Laurinburg were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Kelly. Miss BMna Gentry spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Jr., in Fayetteville. Mrs. E. B. Keith and Mrs. Gwyn Poindexter of Sanford, former resi- "Reality" is the subject of the les- Wii-sermon at the Christian Science Baptist Church-Suniiay, 10:00 p j m„ Bible and Sunday School. 11:00 a. m,. Morning Worship: 7:00 p, m,, B. T, U, for all ages; 7:4,"), The sermon subject Sun- F.vcning Devotion; 8:15 Ordinance of | _Tf,hn Ilemmer has returned to day morning i.s "Christ's Cleansing of y after a two week.s stHV at his home here. In I*lnehuntt All critics agree that "Lady Eve,’ the attraction at the Pinehurst Thea tre Sunday night, March 30th, and Monday, March 31st is the top notch comedy of the season, and in the language of one of them, It Is “an audience natural that will line them up at the box office every place, roll them in the aisles when they get in the theatre, and send them home ad vertising the film's entertainment merit by word of mouth” It is a sparkling comedy that will be a strong contender for comedy honors this year, or any other year for that matter, Barbara Staijwyck and Henry Fonda go to town In their comedy J roles and the suirounding cast, con sisting of Charles Coburn, Eugene Fallette, Eilc Blorc, Melville Coop.»r, Janet Beecher and Luis Alberni, eut up every opportunity. It is a typical Sandhills attraction crammed full of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roy have as fiiight. snappy dialogue ami roUick- jfuests Mrs, Juanita Avery ot Sumter, ^ jng situations with all the earmarks S, C., Mrs, H. P, Lucas and children, ,>f a sure audience winner, Dorothy, Dean and Walsh. i Tf you’re in the mood for aiighter FaUior W. J Uillon went to New (and who isn't, in thc.'ie oxcitement- Yoik the first of the week. ichaiged days‘,’t hie your.self to the I Pinehui'st Theatre, Wednesday, April the Temple;" Sunuay evening the subject will be "Sj’nibolic Death.” E.ASTLR CLOTHING Now is the time to begin to get ready. A small deposit will hold any article until Easter. For the LADIES and GIRLS Shoes, Ho.^iery, Hats, Dresses, Coats, Jackets, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, Pocketbooks. For the MEN and BOYS Shoes, Socks, Hats, Caps, Pants, Shirts. Sweaters, Mr, and Mrs, Meredith Herndon gave a birthday d.nner at their home M( TJay evening for Mr. Herndon's mother, Mrs, W, B. Herndon, The ta ble was centered with a beautiful white cake bearing 59 candles and arcimd it was banked southern smi- Cnd, and take a kxik at "The Man Who Lost Himself," and you will thotoijghly enjoy yourself with anoth er of the season's lop comedies, Brian Aherne plays two roles, Evans and Scott, Evans is a sober business man, Scott an eccentric rounder, man about-town, who gets himself so in volved with women, debt and other SOUTHERN PINES. N- C- This Week We Are Offering Ten Knitted Suits Ten Sports Jackets Ten Cloth Suits A Few Knitted Coats 251';, Reduction :t I lax and jonquils. Other guests were ! annoyances that he disappears, but Neckties. V “See These Items and Be Ready for Easter" Melvin Oros., Iri.c. “Trading Center of the Sandhills” Next Door to Dorn’s Southern Fines, N. C. W, B. Herndon, the Rov, and Mrs, E, M. Harris, and Mr, and Mrs, Joe Herndon of Biscoe, Mr, and Mrs, C. A. Sarmuk of Pittsfield, Mass., announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra, on March I7th, Mrs. Sarmuk was formerly Miss Louise Lewis, Her mother, Mrs E. M. Lewis and sister, Mrs, O, A, Palmer are now in Pittsfield, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McKenzie, ' Jr., have moved into their new home jcn the Dundee Road. ' "Polished Pebbles." a High School 'operetta by Otis M. Carrington, will be presented by the Glee Club on Thursday night. April 3rd at 8:00 o'clock. Students home tor the Spring va cation from W C. U., N, C,, Greens- boro are Misses Betty Smith, Olive and Carol Hennessee, Eloise Wicker and Katherine Sledge. Aberdeen theatrE Saturday, March 29 Matinee 3:00 P. M. Night at 7:15 and 9:00 “DOOMED CARAVAN” William (Hopalong Cassidy’’ Boyd Russell (Lucky) Hayden Andy Clyde Minna Gombell Monday and Tuesday, March 31 and Apr. 1 Night at 7:15 and 9:15 “ANDY HARDY’S PRIVATE SECRETARY” Mickey Rooney Lewis Stone Ann Rutherford Ian Hunter Kathryn Grayson Fay Holden Wednesday, April 2 Matinee 3:00 P. M. Night at 7:15 and 9:00 CASH AWARD NIGHT Free Consolation ‘‘MICHAEL SHAYNE PRIVATE DETECTIVE” Lloyd Nolan Marjorie Weaver Joan Valerie Walter Abel Thursday and Friday, April 3 and 4 i Nnght at 7:15 and 9:15 “DREAMING OUT LOUD” LUM AND ABNER Frances Langford Phil Harris Bobs Watson Frank Craven You hare heard them on the radio—-now see them on the screen in their first picture. 100 HE.XR GOOD UKI’ORT OF >L\TERV.\L WELFARE not until he has installed Evans, who I looks remarkedly like him, in his own home. When Rvans tries to convince the servants and Mrs, Scott that he is Evans, no one, not even Mrs. Seott believes him and the complication.s pnd situations that follow furnishes a ' steady flow •of exciting comedy. In supporting roles are Kay Fiancis, as | Mrs. Scott, S. Z, Sakall as the bewil- j dered butler; Nils Asther, Marc Law-; rence and Dorothy Tree, j Jack London’s famous novel, “The; Sea Wolf" starring Edward G. Robin son, Ida Lupino and John Garfield, is the attraction at Pinehurst Friday, April 4th. “The Sea Wolf is consid ered one of the first American realis tic novels. Published in 1903, it was an immediate best-seller, and has continued to hold its popularity with successive generations of readers, long after many later best-sellers have been forgotten. It is an action- filled tale of life aboard the hell-ship "Ghosf ■ captained by the dreaded Wolf Larson Group of Dobbs Hats $r.oo One rack Dresses $5.00 One rack Dresses and Coats $8.95 No Exchanges All Sales Final li «« :: it :: it <$* 11 :: t* ♦« I! «• t: I CAROLINA THEATRES Pinehurst - Southern Pines , Prtsent (Contimicd from pngc one) of it to the other, visiting expectant mothers in their houses, checking on the progress of mothers and babies i after delivery, taking women to their doctors or , carrying medicine or'a bassinet to a Lucille Ball, needy mother instructing mid-wives, 31st, clinics. And ^pril 1st. followed by “Topper Returns’’ with Roland Young, Billie Burke Joan Blondell and Rddie (Ro- In Southern Tines Two return engagements of laugh- , i fests are scheduled for Southern I Pines, beginning with that hilarious .r'Vo the" hospital for tests, "A Girl, A Guy And a Gob," Chester) Anderson, on Wednesday and i Thursday, April ^2, 3, I On Friday and Saturday, April 4, 15, comes the star studded attraction. Dunn, Grant Mit chell and many others, “The Penalty" is a rooving story of a boy's refor mation, designed for those who like their entertainment to have a fresh slant, as well as those who want ac tion a-plenty. FATHER DIES AS SON ATTENDS MOVIES H£RE I visiting well baby every moment of the day or night i Mrs, HaiTis must be ready to accom pany a doctor to attend a c’iiic pa tient in some lonely cabin, Tms is a big job and only a big person could handle it. The high record made in The Penalty,' with Edward Arnold, Maternal welfare work in Moore ^ ^ „ , iut„ Lionel Barrymore, Marsha Hunt, Gene county is due to the work of Mrs. ,. „ ’ ^ , , Reynolds, Emma Harris, assisted by the nurses of the health department. The Moore Coun ty Maternal Welfare Committee must be ever grateful for her presence in its ranks. Dr Moore Speaks The speaker of the meeting. Dr. Oren Moore of Charlotte, was Intro duced by Dr, Clement Monroe of the Moore County Hospital., He spoke of the rise of obstetrics from its low ly position in the medical field to the heights it now occupies. He told of Dr. Marion Sims, founder of the world famous Woman’s Hospital in New York, originator of much of the sur gery of obstetrics, and he traced ob stetrical knowledge down to the dis covery in 1928 of the endorlnologlcal functions of the female sex hormones by the Germani Jewish doctors. Both of these eminent scientists have been banished from Germany by the Nazis: the fate of one is unknown while the other, Dr. Rudolph Zondech, escaped to Pallstlne where he la practicing today. Dr. Moore termed the three "Teat dangers of child birth; infec tion, hemmorhage, and toxemia, and pointed out the strange fact that in fection is most prevalent in the north- ‘■m states, hemmorhage in the west ern and toxemia in the southern states. At the conclusion of Ws speech, considered by many the most 'iteresting ever delivered at one of these meetings. Dr. Moore congrat- •■lated Moore county on Its achieve ments in maternal welfare work. Tea was served after the meeting by the Carthage committee- While his son, Lieut. Peter Jay of the 6th Field Artillery, Port Bragg, was attending ^ South ern Pines on Wednesday night, De- Lancey Kane Jaytdied suddenly of a heart attack at fils home in West- bury, L. I, The V°ung officer was visiting Mr, and Mrs, Jackson H. Boyd here. His uncle was the late Pe ter Jay, brother-in-law of Mrs. Boy.i and well known in the Sandhills where he spent several winters. Lieut. Jay went to Long Island by plane yesterday morning. SCOTTIE^S NEW TAVERN HAS FORIVIAL OPENING Scottie's new tavern, just south of Southern Pines on Route 1, opened auspiciously on Wednesday night, hundreds catChing their first glimpse of the huge dance hall and entertain ment center for the first time. The crowd danced to the strains of Ted Rosg and his orchestra and h<>.d a .lolly good time until the wee small hour« of the mdrrilfll?. Typewriters from $49.95 up. No ad vance in price as yet—Hayes’. AT PINEHURST mvs vmsT PICTURE! NfNtY ■> STANWYCK • FONDA, TOT LAW tW Pra*ic*4 mi ilrtct*!! k| PKSTWSnmeB^ A fofomoynt Plct«r« Sunday Night, March 30th—8:30 Monday, March 31st 3:00 and 8:30 AT SOUTHERN* PINES Racy Romantic Comedy produced thst iprctdhst it. laughs HAROLD LLOYD AHERNE ;i^FRANClS Erfte NANWHO mt HljNftlF HEKHY STEPHENSON S,ZSAKALL NILS ASTHM SARAH PAODIN DOIOIMYTUI Mon. & Tue., March 31, Apr. 1 I Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 lOPPEft ttEniRirs ji«. Wednesday, April 2nd 3:00 and 8:30 P. M. Wed. & Thu., Apr. 2,3, 8:15 Matinee Thursday at 3:00 AMOLO • BMUnrMOK ■mmmwt •MmrtnMM ■ETMIN «iti iLP— on • M Lwwun ■ uan mmMJ •M k HCUa CWU -1HHKI mt. M HI Mn flerki N»wi ti nm Friday, April 4th 3:00 and 8:30 P. M. WAN TS Pri. & Sat, Apr. 4,5, 8:15 Matinee Saturday at 3:00 Rient to rent. B\imlshed and heat ed. No children. Apply 31 West Vermont Avenue, Southern Pines. ClaMlfiod advertisements In The Pilot are Two Cents per word, mln-! SALE: Boyg racing bicycle. As Imnm 25 cents, rash with copy. Traill, Holly Inn, Pine. hurst. MODERN FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent. Ready now. Another ^ available April -st. Enquire Midland i Dress Shop. i FLOWERS, Bouquets, Funeral set pieces. M. G. Backer, Southern tf Pines. Phone 8261 One 2-room auid one 3-room apart* Easter Cards. Favors, Booklets and i Easter Bunnies at Hayes’.