t $ \— \ /7" ***** -iMi ! »««iii?cMWfn*A» l»/«/WWVWWW'l A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of VOL. 22. NO. 1 Moore County and the S^;Vhill Territory ^ /St. == = ==jr=:^' ■ ^==8, Southern Pines, North Caroiina, Friday, December 5. 1941. FIVE CENTS - — o/» — Ladies of Opening Hunt Meet Await The Kill ARMY OFFICERS IN MONDAY FIRE ('ook Bungalow and Furnishings Completely Destroyed by Early Morning Blaze USED AS OFFICERS’ CLUB The second Thanksgiving was the date for the official opening meet of the Moore County Hounds this season, and a large field turned out for the hunt. Some of the field is shown above, near the scene of the kill. They are, left to right, Mrs. Roy Rainey of Savannah, Ga., Mrs. W. O. Moss of Southern Pines; Mrs. Edward S. Davis of North Wales, Pa.; Miss Mariwether Wright of Durham, Mrs. Bernard McCray, now staying at the Pad lock here. Miss Sue Fuller of Durham, and Mrs. Ann Scott of Southern Pmes. RED CROSS HITS Scuppernong Grapes Considered HIGH IN DRIVE Likely Crop For Sandhills County Chairman Commends Roil Call Workers for Exceeding Last Year’s Returns Moore County's army of Rod Cross workers captured a total of 1,9.'>6 members of the Red Cross and brought in $3,313.74 during the 1941 Roll Call, It was reported this week by George London, county roll call chairman. ^ On the basis of first reports, this indicates a 50 percent increase in men\ ersliip over the l.Sl.’i of last year and about 25 percent Increase in funds over the $2,688.17 raised last year. Mrs. Alice Burt Hunt, county Red, Cross chairman, gave high praise to London and the branch roll call chair men throughout the county for the excellent showing during the 1941 roll call. 1 "During this time of emergency, j the Red Cross needs all the assistance; possible; and I think it is marvelous that the response in our County has been so grand,” Mrs. Hunt said. “The workers are certainly to be com mended.” London echoed Mrs. Hunt’s praise for the assistance throughout the county. Following are the reports from the various communities, with roll call chairman given, and com parative figures from last year: Lotn of Increase Southern Pines, Carl G. 'Thompson, 1941, 739 members $1,446.60; last year 1,315 members $2,688.17. Carthage, Mrs. H. F. Seawell, 1941, 114 members $114.75; last year, 103 members $103. Cameron, Mrs. Louise Forbes Kelly, 1941, 40 members $40; last year 22 members, $22. Eagle Springs, Miss Ellen Maurice, 1941, 29 members $81; last year 21 members $83.75. Hemp, Mrs. Edgar Brown, 1941, 100 members $100; last year, $80 mem bers, $84.20. Jackson Springs, Mrs. Herbert Car ter, 1941, 23 members, $23; last year, 18 members $19. Pinebluff, Mrs. W .D. Stewart and Mrs. J. W. McMillan, 1941, 126 mem bers $164.50; last year 81 members $89. Samarcand, Miss Bethany Von Can non, 30 members, $30. Lakeview, Miss Pauline Blue, 1941, eight members $8.CC, last yeai, f«ur members, $4.00. Plnehurst, Mrs. Richard Tufts, 1941, 425 members $922.37; last year, 344 members $645.30. Vaas, Mrs. S. R. Smith, 1941, 69 members $76.01; last year, 11 mem- toers $22.60. West End, Mrs. M. C. McDonald. 1941, 68 members $73; last year 67 members $75.55. Eureka Farm Life School, Miss Ann -vtap Caddell, 1941 eight members, $8.00 (new this year.) High Falls. John Currie and Mrs. Howard K. Jones, 21 members (new this year.) Working under the Southern Pines (Please turn to page 5) Koch’s Caro] "ProfP Kocii, whose reading of DickMM’ ‘'A Christmaa Carol” is now famous, will lie presented in Soutfaem Pines, Friday, De cember 18, at 8 o’clock, at the Olvic Club, It WM anaounced late Timrsday. Tlie Civic dob and the Junior Civic dob are tpon- soring the reading. “Profr* is Prof. Frederick H. Koch, head of the Oaroliaa Ptejnmkers at Chmp- el HOI. Results—$100 Story in Pilot Brings Check for $100 to Moore County Tuberculosis Association When the Moore County Tuber culosis Association met recently in Pinehurst to plan for the annual Christmas Seal .sale. The Pilot car ried a story about the meeting written by Staff Member Bessie Cameron Smith of Vass. A Pilot subscriber read the pieco, was impressed by the story of the tuberculosis fight being carried on in the county, sent to Mrs. T. A. Cheatham, county chairman, a check for $100 to assist in carry ing on the work. Thomas Advocates Nine-Month School Farmers Club Discusses Grow ing and Marketing of Fruit for Use in Wines Moore School Superintendent Ad dresses Sandhills Kiwanis Club; 100' ; Attendance at Meeting Strongly advocating a State-sup ported nine-month school term for “all school children in the _State,” H. Lee Thomas, county superintendent of schools, outlined 11 major benefits from such action to the Sandhills Ki wanis Club Wednesday. With the first 100 percent attend ance in the recollection of Kiwanis old-timers, Mr. Thomas had a full aud ience after the luncheon meeting in the Aberdeen Community House. The Superintendent gave the fol lowing as major benefits from a State-supported nine-month school term: The ninth month will be shared by all pupils. It will increase the period of em ployment of three-fourths of the tea chers in the State. It will make available a much lar ger number of more desirable posi tions for all teachers of the State. It will not require purchase of ad ditional equipment. It will not increase administrative cost. It will simplify administration and supervision. It will discourage unethical prac tices. It will raise the standard of all schools. It will enable our boys and girls to compete with others. It will reduce the number of re peaters. It will further equalize educational opportunity. During business session of the Club, it was voted to donate $10 to the Christmas seal sale for the Tuber culosis association. Visitors at the club were Carl Short of Carthage and Dave Wallace of Charlotte. Davis Wins Tourney of Sandpipers Club In the season’s opening tournament on Southern Pines links of the Sand pipers aub, Elmer E. Davis of South ern Pines, won first with a net of 68. after shooting an 84 with 16 han dicap; Burt Weatherspoon came in second with a net 71 and Gordan Keith, third, with a net 73. Roy Orln- nell shot lowest gross with a 74. Following the tournament Sattir- day, which brought out ?5 members of the Club, a buffet supper wa« held at the Country 0!ub. Have Sandhills-grown Scuppernong grapes a chance to become famous as the source of a fine, mild wine? That was the question discussed at the November meeting of the Moore County Farmers Club at West End last Friday night. The growers present showed a good deal of interest in the idea of plant ing some grape vines to grow a crop that would be purchased by l.tcal wineries. William Lindsay of the Gar rett and Co. winery in Aberdeen told the farmers that his company was ready to buy, all the grapes that could be raised in this section for a long time to come. Dan Patterson, vice-president of the club, presided at the meeting, in the absence of O. U. Alexander president, and H. Garrison. Jr., county agent introduced the speak er. With a little attention to a vine yard, a profitable product can be grown, Lindsay said, citing the exam ple of a grower in Whiteville who raised nine tons on eight-tenths of an acre—and sold the crop at $1.50 per 60-pound bushel. "This is the best section in the country for scuppemongs,” the speak er said, adding that this grape was wanted by Garrett and Co. for its Virginia Dare wine. Attempting to show the difference betwe-m the present consumption of grapes by the Aberdeen p>ant and the amount of grapes grown in this sec tion, Lindsay said that last year the plant at Aberdeen purchased 700 tons of grapes from all parts of the State. This year, only 160 tons of grapes have been bought from far mers in this section. Among farm owners plying ques tions were Dr. T. A. Cheatham of Plnehurst, and M. C. McDonald of West End. It was pointed out that scupper- nongs do not require a grreat deal of time in caring for them—^but they should not be neglected. Hawley Poole, legislator and peach grower of West End, pointed out that the "bug aboo" of scuppernong growing was in the trellis for the vines. The wire and cedar or juniper poles for the vines cost about $50 per acre. Much of the discussion centered about approved methods of getting best production from the vines, how to prune them, how to fertilize them and whether to grow them horizontal ly or on an overhead wire, the latter method seemingly to be preferred. Garrison, who is secretary of the Farmers Club as woll as county agent, said he was of the opinion that the growing of scuppemongs in the Sand hills might prove a lucrative sideline for many of the farmers. The West End Book club served the dinner to the farmers. On the commlttef for the dinner were Mrs. R. B. Donaldson, Mrs. Q. Smith, Mrs. Dan Patterson, Mrs. D. D. EHfort, and Mrs. M. C. McDonald, and assisting In the serving, werr, Miss Lucille Mc Leod, Mrs. Grier, Miss Lucille McGll- very and Mrs. F. W. Von Canon. CIVIL TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT CONVENES IN CARTH.40E MON. Complete destruction of the "Cook Bungalow” on Indiana avenue between Weymouth ;ind Valley roads, loss of hundreds of dollars worth of per sonal belongings of 152nd Observa tion Squadron officers who were rent ing the place as a club, and serious but not critical injuries to Capt. Paul M. Meyers were the results of a blaz ing fire that was reported at 2 o’clock Monday morning, after making too much headway to be halted. Capt. Meyers' injuries came about 7:30 o’clock Monday when, while he was rummaging in the smouldering ruins, one chimney collapsed, burying him beneath the brick. He was rush ed to Moore County Hospital by his fellow officers who dug him out from the brick and mortar. Still confined to Moore County Hos pital late Thursday, Capt. Meyers was reported to be in "satisfactory con dition and much improved.” Mrs. Meyers was notified by the Moore County Red Cross of her husband’s injuries and flew from Fort Arthur, Texas, to arrive here Tuesday to be with him. Blazing W hen Reported The wood-frame dwelling with stucco veneer was ablaze and flames w’ere shooting through the roof when Capt. Alan Innes-Taylor, who lives near the Country Club, reported the fire, bringing out the volunteers, i Chief L, V. O’Callaghan said the fire was far beyond control when fire trucks arrived and that efforts were devoted chiofly to Keeping down the flames and preventing spread of the fire. Althouph thp houso and its furn ishings, owned by Miss Mary Adeline Cook, sister of George E. Cook, ar- 'tlst who built the house in 1916. was covered by insurance, virtually none of the personal effects of the some 32 officers who were -sing the house were in.sured, it was reported. Clothing, golf clubs, typewriters, papers, and other personal effects y>ere either completely destroyed or ruined beyond repair. Officers were preparing the even ing before the fire to move their be longings from the bungalow to the sub-air base. Some of the men, it w’as said, liaJ already removed their effects. Cause of Fire Unknown Although firemen believed that the blaze first got underway in the southwest portion of the house, the cause of the fire is unknown. Capt. A. I. Pett and three other officers said they made a complete inspection of the house before leaving, about one hour before the fire was reported. The house was rented this fall by the officers of the 152nd Observation Squadron, stationed at Camp Devens, Mass., when they set up the sub-air base at Knollwood Airport for the duration of the maneuvers. Most of the officers left all their personal effects at the house. So hot was the fire of the old piae, of which the house was constructed, that such things as the airmen's wings were melted into unrecognizable; masses of metal. A new set of golf! clubs—steel-shafted—was ruined, thej shafts twisted and melted out of I shape. A new typewriter was melted i down Into a mass of confused keys' and bars. j Only Fragments Remain | Odd ends of ties, bits of suits, such! as a vest, metal fixings on traveling I bags, melted frames of eye-glasses, charred remnants of expensive watches, fragments of charred pa pers, and scattered, black cans of what might have been talcum powder, —such as these was about all that re mained. One officer estimated that (Please turn to page 5) Prime Minister T' J With Pilot Publisher About Canada and War Leaving Here R. s. DURANT DURANT LEAVING TELEPHONE POST Vice-President and .Manager of Local Company Accepts Po sition in Tryon MacKenzie King Grants Inter view to James Boyd, Durint; Visit to Ottawa CANADIAN CLUB SPEAKER R. S. DuRant, vice-president and general manager of the Central Caro lina Telephone Company here, will leave Southern Pines January 1, to accept a position with tTie Polk Coun ty Ti'lophino CompBny in Tryon. Mr. DtiRant’s resignation was ef fective December 1, and he is enjoy ing a month's vecation before taking over his new post. He will be succeeded here by Nor man Shenk, who formerly served in thus capacity from 193,"j to 1939. Mr. Du”ant first came to Southern Pines in July, 1934, when the central offices of the telephone company were moved here from Siler City. Mr. Du Rant remained in charge here for about a year, and then was transferr ed to Newton, la., home office of the telephone system. He returned to Southern Pines in his present capac ity in February. 1939. While in Southern Pines, Mr. Du Rant has been active in many local affairs, is now president of the South ern Pines Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Sandhills Kiwanis Club. He was recently elected a viee- nresident of the N. C. Independent Telephone Association at Its annual meeting at The Pine Needles here. Mr. and Mrs. DuRant and family have made their home on Orchard road here. Their daughter, Sara, is now Mrs. Ralph Chandler, Jr., and their son, Richard, Is at the University of North Carolina, Robert is at Dav idson College. Mr Shenk left Southern Pfnes in January, 1939, to go to Newton, la., as commercial manager of the tele phone system, and more recently has been with the Cook Electric Company. Special Showing Here Sunday for Soldiers Because of the number of soldiers still remaining in this section, Char lie Picquet, Carolina Theatres mana ger, said TTiursday that there would be a special Sunday showing for sol diers at 8 p. m.. December 7, of Nel son Eddy and Rise Stevens in "The Chocolate Soldier.” ^^Aunt Caroline^^ Dies in Vass; One of First Business Women December term of Superior Court for trial of civil cases will convene in Carthage, Monday, December 8, with Judge J. Will Pless, Jr.. sche duled to preside. Thirty-six cases are listed on the regular docket, with -5 additloDal ones on the motion dock et "Aunt Caroline” Johnson, highly ^ esteemed long-time resident of Vass, passed away peacefully in her little cabin near the railroad tracks late Sunday afternoon. Daughters watching by her bedside relate that her last words, whispered repeatedly, were “Happy, happy, so happy," a fitting end to a life of slightly less than 78 years, the active portion of which was spent in ser vice to her family. In declining health for several years, "Aunt Caroline” grew worse last week, and her condition became critical when she suffered a stroke a day or two before ner passing. “Aunt Caroline" was one of the village’s first business women. Left 40 years aflpo to make a Uvli^ for a large, family of children, she began dealing tn fresh fish and also operated the first restaurant here many years ago, retiring from business life when the older children grew up. “Aunt Caroline” /a\et her responsibilities with courage, and enjoyed the re spect of the members of her own race and of the white people as well. More people than the church could accommodate assembled at Allen’s Chapel for the funeral service Tues day afternoon, and formed a long procession to the cemetery at Lake view, where the body was laid to rest beneath a covering of beautiful flow ers. Cienulne sorrow at her going was felt by her many friends. “Aunt Caroline” leaves seven sons and daughters, John. Jim, Sandy, Chloe, Nora, Anna and Maggie. i3id several grandchildren, who brighten ed her declining days. By JAMKS BOYD After addressing the Canadian Club of Ottawa last Tuesday, I was asked by Mr. MacKenzie King, the Prime Minister of Canada who was present to come to his office for am interview. He had apparently bee.: interested in what 1 was able to tell about the South’s attitude to the war, and said he wanted to tell me something about Canada'.s own atti tude and effort. We sat in a large upstairs office whose entrance below was guarded by a uniformed ufticer of the Cana- Ciian Mounted Police. The window's looked out over a snowy plain to the Canadian Parliament building, an enormous and rather forbidding mass of gray stone in the Victorian Gothic style. The Prime Minister himself, a small, round, quiet figure, cocked up one knee and shaded his eyes with his hand from the cold white sunlight that poured into the room. Etarkground of Problem First he sketched the background of Canada’s problem. While the coun try looks huge on the map, actually the bulk of iis population lies in a narrow strip not much over two hun dred miles wide along the three thous and miles of the American border. This strip is traversed by two rail roads but cannot yet be crossed by automobile, and has only this year inauguragted a transcontinental air service. In a word it is by no means a compact unit to operate, and up to the time Canada's present war et- I fort it had very little production of finished goods. Nor is the population of Canada a 'mit cither. The French-Canadians v.'ho nu.ub^'rtfd about ’e-Alj thcMs- and at the time the British took Can ada have had a natural increase and now comprise three and a half mil lion citizens, or about one third the country's population. These people are Catholics; except for those who ‘ live in the cities they speak only French, and in general they regard themselves as a race apart, not as Frenchman nor as Canadians but as Ft ench-Canadians. Another third of the Canadian peo ple are foreign born, including three hundred and fifty t.Housands Ger mans. But these foreig;i born are be- ,ing assimilatled irvto the English speaking population who constitute the remaining third and are, of course, of British Colonial stock. With the opening up of Canada the French- Canadian population has tended to expand westward so that now every Canadian province, except British Co lumbia on the Pacific coast, has French-Canadian representatives in Parliament. United Effort Not Ea.sy With these various elements in volved, the problem of united effort is not an easy one, especially since at the outbreak of the war many Ca nadians were confused, as we were, about Its causes and its object. But MacKenzie King has been in Cana dian politics for thirty years, and his Liberal Party has been in office for twelve years, and during that time his personal Integiity, his cau tion and his fairness have gained the confidence of the French-Canadian element. In consequence while the' Canadian government was the last of the Dominions to declare war on Germany, it did so with a united peo ple behind It, and has since made a notable contribution to the war ef fort of the British Empire. At first the authorities were slow to realize the altered character of modern war fare and contented themselves with formation of infantry regiments. But now they are mechanizing their forces and producing their own ar mored equipment. At the same time the Canadian navy has been expanded to ten times its former size; an Air Force of ninety thousand men has been created and both these services are being equipped by Canadian industry. Seven percent of the Army and ten percent of the Air Force are Ameri can citizens who have gone over the border to enlist Half of Revenue on Defense Under this program Canada is now spending half of her revenue on de fense, and finds it necessary to pro- tect the falling value of her dollar, worth at present about eighty-five cents in United States currency, by stringent regulations against the transier of Canadian funds to this country. No longer will Canadians be allowed to come to United States on pleasure trips even if they can afford It. ’They can only come on necessary business. The problem of inflation has been met by complet« regulation ot both price* and wages, a regulation wMch (Please turn to P»f# 5)

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