THE PILOT. Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, December 5, 1941 PILOT 1 each Friday by OT, Incorporated, ern Pines, N. C. BOYD, Publisher J. THOMPSOV, JR., Editor LES MACAl’LEY, Advertising S. Ray, Mary Thompson, Helen K. Butl«r. Beftnie Cameron Smith, Charles Cullingford, Associates Subscription Rates: 'OTe Tear $2.00 Montl/s - $100 Time Months 50 Entered at the Postoffice at South ern Pines, N. C., as second c.ass maU toatte- IS SPEEDING ARMY STILL NECESSARY puring maneuvers, a certain amount of indulgence was nec- es-?ary. But since maneuvers are over,'and there is no more war raging, is it imperative that so many of these heavy army trucks come dashing into our towns Ht s break-n6ck sp6ed, pausing neither for street inter sections or congested traffic? CONSTRUCTIVE ravaging In these days of world-wide slaughter and general destruc tion a certain satisfaction has coiTiG out of cl bit of committed along the rights-of- wav of our highways. The at tacking outfit descended upon SIXAINS €F SANK) NEAREST TO MAN-BITES-DOG’ aory of the week is the item under! "Aberdeen News’ 'that Edwin T. Me-! Keithen, business manager of Moore' County Hospital, was confincd to a ■ bed in the hospital with a severe cold.' AN IDENTIFICATION STUNT vas pulled at Kiwania meeting in .Aberdeen Wednesday by J. Talbot Johnson, Producing a snapshot from his pocket, Talbot passed the photo around to members of the club, ask ing them to identify the person in the picture, taken not many years ago. A fairly good percentage of the club members indicated they were able to .. ,,, . identify the picture. One of those un- P'-^vention. His duties are able to fatham the identity was the Club’s secretary, Carl G. Thompson, Jr. The picture was of him. By DK. B. M. DRAKE County Health Officer HOW SANITATION PREVENTS DISEASES The sanitarian in the health depart ment has a very important role in IN RECORDER’S COURT MON- day, a lawyer was becoming exasper ated with a witness. "I ask you again,” the attorney, Clem Barrett, queried. ‘‘Did you ever hear of this man shooting anyone be- many but may be divid<^ into two major classifications. First, the inspection work. By means of this all public eating places, hotels and dairies are encouraged to prepare and serve their wares in a sanitary manner and to maintain their premises and equipment with a minimum of dirt, insects and rodents. Thus, many of our fly-born diseases and diseases spread by contaminated The witness chewed calmly upon i food are prevented. Es . his large wad of gum. iare graded on a numeric "Nope, I don’t recollect it,” he, those making a score said. Then, with a flash of inspira-170 percent arc not an fouUs tion, "But he's been shot at a many 1 open to the public untu times.” lL corrected. Although «i's may n. IV'’'-'' a hardship on a few 'seem to worn a interest RE-WRITING FROM A NATION-1 individuals, it is done in tne u al magazine: |of the public which patronizes these In Colliers Magazine recently, we saw this lead sentence in an article about an army: ‘’’The' remainder of the sanitarian's louc an army: duties may be grouped •• "Down in the desolate Carolina heading of “environmental country of peach orchards, sand, pine, j includes supeiyisio ^ ^^ter sup- oak, and tobacco and cotton fields, disposal. prot^^Uon o _ the 1st Armv is making soldiers outi„vho differed with them. I like to think that there was Canadian democ racy at its best.” HE WANTED TO DROP THE last line, did Judge W'. A. W^y; but we persuaded him to leave it in. For the benefit of ladies who trj' to keep the lovely orchids which Judge Way grows, tiie Judge has a brief set ot printed instructions. When he brought the copy into The Pilot the other day for re-printing, he had marked out the last sentence. We urged him not to drop this. So he didn’t. Here are the group of soldiers rush down the street, apparently toting some object. I 'The next morning Bill Roth found rather be among the hundreds .a sign in his front yard on Bennett of thou.sands interested in a foot-i street, with the legend "Cleaning, Re- I'illl game than among | Dyeing." The .sign came from Boston Shoe Rep'iir Shop and. at thousand.s in ceitain foieign ^j. aroimd the countries, where toot ball is dis-'corner, on Bennett street, next to dained, and large sports arenas;Harry Lewi.q' place. have no better punxise than| _ . _ their use as a speaking place for. justifiable pride. H Ivintr Feurher claughter of Lt. Col. a IJing reuiner. ^ pierce, writes The Pi- I lot to point out that, although "most I of my friends were greetly opposed I to my going to Duke this fall ... at ! least, most everyone must admit that day night, while we were pounding away in The Pilot office, we saw "How to Keep Orchid Cut Flowers: Put them in water in a porous contain er if possible—and change the ;vater daily cutting .say 1-16 inch off the bottom of the stem diagonally with a sharp knife—not scissors. Keep in ANTI-STRIKE LAWS AND CONSTITl TION There has been considerable, we have a grand football team. How agitation from some quarters for I about putting a little item in The laws prohibiting the strike. To! Pilot next week," she asks, ".stating strike is to leave a .iob. To Pro-1 J^^uke^ «ill^ play Oregon state in hibit striking would be to pro-i have a sneaking suspicion. Miss hibit a man or a group of menjpiprce, that such an item would be from leaving the job. slightly superfluous, somehow or The Thirteenth Amendment to] another, the news has already got the Constitution of the United States reads; “Neithen slavery nor involun tary servitude, except as a pun ishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly con victed, shall exist within the United States, or any place sub ject to theri jurisdiction.” If a man, or group of men, were prohibited from leaving their jobs, would this not result in “involuntary servitude”? temperature not lower than 5,5 de grees F., out of direct sunlight and not exposed to drafts of air. Ordinary room temperature is as a rule ail right but the air should be reason ably humid. The latter condition will benefit you as well as the orchids, in fact you will probably keep longer than they will.’’ PRETTIEST CHRISTMASSY sight seen—so far: The night beauty of the abundant red holly berries against the green leaves, brought out by flood-lighting, in front of Uncle Sam’s and Frank Buchan’s post of fice here. FOR BARGAINS FURNITURE See Alton D. McLean Opposite Hotel Aberdeen A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GOOD COAL FARRELL COAL CO. Phone 9581 Aberdeen RETURNING FROM CANADA this week. James Boyd brought with him a story of democracy in Canada told him by Leonard W. Brockington, director of publicity for the Canadian Government: "I came back to Canada,” Mr. Brockington said, speaking of his re turn from England, "wondering what was going' to happen when war was declared. I found exactly what I had hoped. By the free choice of a free people in a free Parliament a unan imous decision was given to stand by the side of England and of France. "I say ‘unanimous’ there was one exception. There was one man who voted to abstain from war. He was honoured because he did. He was a man who had been a pacifist all hia life; he declined to depart from his principles on that occasion. There was an aftermath which, to me, has always appeared a wistful illustration of the kind of democracy that we treasurer in Canada. We had, as you know, a yen- eral election a few months ago. The ONE BRIEF, BUT HEARTFELT, indication of the appreciation of sol diers for the hospitality of Southern Pines residents was a letter received this week by one family who had en tertained a soldier over the week-end The letter said: ' It's people like you and .your fam ily who keep up the spirits of the soldiers of today. May God bless you and the family and keep you all in health.” A 10c value in Christmas Cards, 12 in a pack, 33 cts per pack at Hayes.’ The PUBLIC SPEAKING riA'B SEAL SALE To the Editor: From year to year the members of the Mt. Holly Home Demonstration Club look forward to the selling of Christmas seals in our Club and Com munity. Heretofore we have had strong competition through the school children. We appoint a chairman to look after the sale, usually the Health Committee or some interested person. She gets her supplies, the amount that .she thinks she can sell, from the County Chairman. In order to reach all our members we announce Hhead of time that at our December club meeting they will have the op portunity to buy seals and to come prepared to do so. Each member is asked to buy some If only a few. At the meeting the chairman makes a short talk and explains the fact that 75 per cent of the money realized from the sale is kept right here in our own county and used on our T. B. patients and the other 20 and five per cent goes to the State and na tional organizations. Last year we invited Mrs. Cheat ham to our club meeting. She gave us the straight facts of how they cared for and treated the patients with the seal money until they could enter the sanatorium. She also told of how the work was helping to lower T. B. Trouble in the County. If We don't sell all our seals at the club meeting we try to sell what we can in the community. Out of this sale the women derive a lot of good as well as pleasure. W'ei know we are helping a great cause, j that, of helping some person afflict ed with the dreadful T. B. and not financially able to get the proper treatment. We know our help is go ing straight to that person. The spir it shown in onr .'leal sale creates an atmosphere of cooperation in carry ing o\it the splendid standards set up by our club. We beronie stronger united in our club work by the very fart that we are putting our heads and pocket books together and help- ine over one of the greatest and best campaigns put on in onr County. It i.s the unity of love and fellow.ship. the desire to help others that brings satisfaction to our hearts when the sale is ended. Throughout the coming, year when T. B. patients are receiv ing the benefit of our efforts it is gratifying to know we did our part when we had the chance. —MRS. C,. P. JONES, Health Chairman Alt. Holly Home Demonstration Club. StrinsT Quartet to Be at Flora Macdonald The Budapest String Quartet, an outstanding interpreter of chamber music, will appear at Flora Macdon ald College, Monday evening, Decem ber 8, at 8 o'clock, as the third num ber of the year's concert and lecture series. The personnel of the Quartet in cludes Josef Roismann, first violin; Alexander Schneider, second violin; Boris Kroyt, viola; and Mischa Sch neider, violincello. The members of the present group played exclusively in Europe until 1931, when they made'year America heard them in eighty- their American debut at Cornell Un- four concerts. ' iverstiy in Ithaca, N. Y. Since then The program to be given at Flora their popularity in this country has Macdonald by these famous musicians grown rapidly. In their first season will include groups by Haydn, Sme- here they played twenty times—last tana, and Brahms. The Gray Fox Eestaurant Bring Your Family for a Special Sunday Roast Beef or Turkey Dinner. Served from 1 P. M. to 9 P. M. Phone 3321 Pinehurst '/ HAND WOVEN Ani^low Tweeds of Pinehurst, N. C. TWEEDS All Virgin Wool by the Yard Large Variety of Designs and Colors ORIGINAL MODELS For Immediate Wear CUSTOM TAILORING Our Head Tailor and Staff Here for the Season HATS, BAGS, MATCHING SWEATERS, and ACCESSORIES SPECIAL COLLECTION of Tweeds for Men On Double Road Half-way Between Pinehurst and Southern Pines Telephones: ^ I inehursl, 4832 Southern Pines .j8I2 I MUTUAL INSURANCE •• »• I For the man who considers Economy in addition to 100 *• •• •• H percent protection. HIRAM WESTBROOK Mutual Insurance Agency Manor Building Southern Pine.s In white, colors and fancy stripes. Sizes 32 to 4() MIDLAND DRESS SHOP Opposite Depot Sunrise Theatre Southern Pines, N. C. Saturday, December G, Charles Starrett and Rus sell Hayden in “ROYAL MOUNTED PATROI also 3 Stooge Comedy and Chapter No. 11 The Spider Re turns. Matinee at 3:00 P. M. Night Shows at 7:15 and 9:00 P. M. Sunday, December 7, Kay Harris and William Tracv in “TILLIE THE TOILER,” also Shorts. Matinee at 3:00 P. M. Night Shows at 7:15 and 9:00 P. M. .Monday and Tuesday, December 8 and 9. Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in “LIFE BEGINS FOR ANDY HARDY,” also Ntws and Shorts. Time 7:15 and 9:00 P. M. Wednesday, December 10. Phillip Terry and Wendy Barrie in “PUBLIC ENEMIES,” also Comedy, Time 7:15 and 9:00 P. M. Thursday and Friday, December 11 and 12, Sonia Henie and John Payne in “SUN tALLEY SERENADE." Abo Newfs and Cartopn. Tiaie 7:15 and 9:(K) P. M. LOW COST HOUSES For Sale Invest in Good Real Estate Eugene C, Stevens Southern Pines North Carolina nil if,