Friday, December 5, 1941. THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina HOSPITAL GROl’P ELECTS OFFICERS GYMKHANAS OFF TO GOOD START Mrs. Alice Hurt Hunt Elected Dark Victory Winner in Hunter New Chairman; Mrs. Hlod- Rett Summarizes W<»rk Monre County Hospital Auxiliary, meeting in Pineliurst Wednesday morning, elected Mrs. Alice Burt Hunt of Southern Pines as chairman for 1942. Other new officers will be Mrs. Frank W. McCluer, Jr., of Southern Pines, and Mrs. Henry A. Page, Jr., of Aberdeen, first and second vice- chairmen; Mrs. M. G. Nichols was re elected treasurer, and Mrs. A. B. Patterson of Southern Pines, secre tary. The retiring Chairman, Mrs. Edwin S. Blodgett, of Pinehurst, summariz ed the impressive accomplishments of the organization during the past year, and asked the support of every mem ber for the tasks ahead. Work of Auxiliary During 1941 the Auxiliary donated $6,000.00 toward the purchase of new x-ray equipment. This gift, supple mented by a grant of $2,750.00 from the Duke Endowment, made possible the acquisition of x-ray apparatus featuring the latest development for diagnostic work and superficial ther apy. Installed during the summer, the equipment is rendering daily service of great value. Activities of the Auxiliary have in cluded the purchase of furnishings, supplies and flowers; transportation by the motor coips; assistance to in digent patients during home conva Class; Army Officers March Out of Step to Win A good early season crowd, includ ing a number of Army officers and their families, turned out for South ern Pines’ first gymkhana of the sea son last Saturday and saw both nov elty and straight horse events. Dark Victory, five-year-oia gelding, ridden by Mrs. W. O. Moss won first place over 12 entries in the Hunter class, run off on the outside course. Placing second and third in this final event were Mrs. William J. Stratton of Princeton. N. J., and Southern Pines, on O'Moriarity, and Virginia nirl with Lloyd (Junebug) Tate of Pinehurst, up. A couple of Army lieutenants marched out of step, for a change, to win the three-legged race, Lt. Frank Daley, South Hadley, Mass., and Lt. Raymond D. Strout, Fort Sheridan, 111., coming in first in this novelty. Mrs. Moss and Mrs. Edward D.tvIs were second, and Mrs. Howard Beck and Ozell Moss, third. Mrs. Moss’ Show Girl with Char les B, Calhoun, Greensboro, up, led a field of eight to win the for amateur jumpers. Grey Mist, with Mrs. Howard Beck, San Antonio. Tex as, up, was second. My Dream, with David Camerer, Larchmont, N. Y., up, finished third. Virginia Girl, with Lloyd Tnte. Jr.. in the saddle, cleared the bars at close to six feet to win the in onen iCHURCHESI Brownson Moniorial Presbyterian Church, the Hev. E. L. Barber, pas tor; Sunday, December 7, ch\irch school, 9:45; young people’s league, 7 p. m., with Jane Morrison leader; worship service, 8:00 o’clock, with sermon by the pastor. Emmanuel Episcopal Church, the Rev. F. Craighitl Brown, B. A., B. D., rector; Simday, December 7, church schol 9:30 a. m.; Holy Com munion, 11 a. m. Wednesday, Decem ber 10, Holy Communion, 10 a. m. First Baptist Church, the Rev. J. Fred Stimson, pastor; Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday schools and Bible cla.sses; 11 a. m. Morning worship with ser mon by the pastor; 7 p. m. B. T. U for all ages; 7:45 to 8:15 p. ni., de votional^ with short sermon; prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. lescence; ,^nd help in recreational lumping. It’s Up, five-year-gelding, programs for the nurses. owned and ridden by Lloyd Tate, Jr. Short talks were made at the meet ing by Dr. B M. Drake. County Pub lic Health Officer, bv Mrs. \V. Gil liam Brown, head of the County Wi;i- fare Department, .nnd hv ?>Trs. P'dit't B. Harri.‘3, Maternity Welfare nur."! ■ won second place. Traveller, a brown eelding with Mrs. W. O. Mos.s up, finished third in the field. The team of Mr.s. Kdward Davi."?. Southern Pine.s won I t to fi over the team of Mary Ann Tate, Pinehurst. for the County. The work of the sev-jjn o-ip potato race, a noveltv event eral agencies was briefly outlined, 1 ^ > and nu thods discu.s.sed for the estab-1 \ vrtur ^ ' lishmcnt of more complete coopera-j ^ArillJ' v/triCCrS i tion between all organizationa inter-1 (Confhmrtl frow mgr o)io) ' ested in public he.ilth. , v.')liii> of uniform.'! an 1 other pcr.son tlj It w.TS reimrtod that Aiifr'„st '’.•a'l ^ effects amounted to fi'om .$21)0 to .SfiOOI the month in the whf)le his- officer. torv of the Moore County Hospital, I .\ftor learning of the ilesfni''tivc 1 and that the total number of patient-! hlas;e, mnnv of the officers were nt | (lays for th-' first ten months of 1941 the scene early Mnndav morning, trv-i fxreodi'd by about ten per cent tile ing to salvage anv to hew,ire of the burned wreck-1 D. William.s 10 members in Niagara, aae. and others said as th.' ehinuvv In givmg c redifto Mr. Thompson, I started to collapse, they shouted to Sr., for the Southern Pines work, I Capt. J^teyers, but he heard the warn- Mr. London said that the following; ing too late. were active workers in the local roil' No one was in the house at the jtime of the fire. Responding to th<' Mrs Max Hacker. Muss Birdilia 12 o’clock alarm were Chief O’Callag- B iir. Mrs. Craighill Brown, Mrs, Inex han. Assistant Chief L S. Rowell Krown, Prof. P. R. Brown for West-Captain Ted Kennedy and firemeri Pinc.plc. tlv' Kronch-f'anadi.ins" the Prime Minis- '•'i- paid, "A people of great ability. In I'arliament, for instance, the French-Canadian monibcrs devote themselves to their duties more V holeli^ .-trtedly than any other ele ment. We have not always shown con sideration for them but now we have their support and we must kepe it." We walked out to the dor, "Good- hy." he ,sai;m'.le '.Xnd. you .see, we have, too,’’ age Seven Southern Chandler, William Dale, Mrs, Henry Dorn, Mrs. G. R. Draughan Mrs. .lohn G. llr- hardt, Mrs. H. M. Fowler. Mrs. C. G. Follansbee. Mrs. Laurence Grover; Also. Mr-i, Margaret Gage. Mrs. Elizabeth Hetter, Mrs. E, V.- Hughes, Mrs. Alice Burt Hunt. Miss Helena Kelly. Miss Winifred Kelley, Mrs. George Lnudon. Miss Pauline Miller. Mrs. Maxine Minton. Mr.s. D. C. Phillips, ATrs, Cecil Robinson, Miss Ruth Richardson, Mrs, Kdith H, Smith, Miss Ruth Doris Swett, Mrs. J. J. Spring, Mrs. Louis Scheipers, Mrs. R. F. Tarlton. Airs. Laurie Wil liams. Mrs. L. L, Wooley, Mrs, S. T. Wallif. Mrs. Stuart Woo'd. Miss Mary Keller Wintyen and Mrs. Verdie Wiley. was the second night fire within three days. Coffee and Doiijorhnuts Go Fast To Soldiers Free Eats in Masonic Temple Ruildinj? Attract N\imber of Men Finishing “War" As a farewell gesture to soldiers who maneuvered in this section, thous ands of doughnuts and cups of hot coffee were served free last week-end to the service men who went to the ~ . I Masonic Temple hall, where Frank l All) <'Ll H MEKTIN'G i Wilson wes keeping the food going A meeting has been called for Wed Iniivi ladies were doing the serving, nesda.v night, December 10, at 8| The Woman's Auxiliary of the Sand- o clock at the Red Cross Room in the hills Legion Post assisted in the serv- Straka Building of all people in ing of the free “eats," and the cof- . outhern Pines who hold either stand- fee, doughnuts, cream and sugar, ard or instructor's certificates forjniint.s and other tidbits were pur- rirst Aid. The purpose is to organize! c^a.sed through contributions from M first Aid Club. jthe townspeople of Southern Pines. '////// m Plan Your Next Evening' of Fun at SCOTTIE’S You Can Always Loolv Forward to Fine Food, Congenial Company and Plenty of Smooth Dance Music. Bring the family! Seottie’s Tavern 1-2 Mile South of , Southern Pines Phone 6792 Are You A Night Owl? Read yourself to sleep but don’t disturb your husband’s rest with unwanted light. Use a Slumber Shutter and enjoy fresh air with no drafts—splendid for light sleepers and lightless sleeping. See these at Bob and Anne Walker’s Decorative Workshop »:i»iuui:«K»»»ntm««H»Kni»»mTm»H»n»i»Km««nniiimiiiiii:m»iiBtt FLOWERINCx AND FOLTACxE PLANTS CHRISTMAS WREATHS and LAUREL ROPINCx FLOWERS CAROLINA GARDENS !M. G. I’acker South Hennett St. Southern Pines Phone H2(il Saturday ONLY !!! 25c ANGEL FOOD CAKES, 6 to 8 good servings Only lOc 50c ANGEL FOOD CAKES, 14 to 18 Servings Only 20c NO TELEPHONE ORDERS HARD ROLLS 20c doz. MERINGUE SHELLS $L00 doz. We will also have special prices on our Chocolate and Princess White Layer Cakes. GENUINE ALMOND MACAROONS, 30c doz. ALL KINDS OF COOKIES, 25c doz. A visit to the Bake Shop Saturday will pay you. THE BAKE SHOP W. Broad St. Southern Pines ftnimiiiiiniuiiii»»»tiiigm«miHHKmi»n»niinimm»»nH»n»n»Hm«tt»ma PENDER! Qualctcj ^ Buy Southern Manor Fine Foods For Extra Quality, More Savings Southern Manor Fruit Cocktail 2 2U ( Southern Manor Whole Beets No. 2 can lit u n II Southern Manor Fancy Sweet Peas 2 No. 2 cans 25c Southern Manor Sliced or Crushed Pineapple 2 No. 2 cans 31c Southern Manor Tomato Catsup 2 i4 oz bottles 2Sc Southern Manor Whole Kernel Golden Bantam Corn 2 Ko. 2 cans 23c Mornin<*;.side Chocolate Covered CHERRIES ,1,;^ 19c Santa Clara Cello Wrapped PRUNES 2,^.18c?i::- 23c Anglo Corned Beef No. i can 27c Lipton’s Tea i-4ibpkg25c 10c Strongheart Dog Food i6-oz can Sc Little Boy Blue BLUING 2-oz bottle Sc Double Fresh (iolden Bltnd COFFEE 2 ,'t.39c Triple Fresh Our Pride BREAD 2 Loaves 17C PRODUCE SPECIALS Florida Oranges 2 doz 25c jl Green Beans lb 10c Nice Crisji Celery bch 10c |1 Stayman Winesap Apples 4 lbs 21c Sweet Potatoes 6 lbs 19c MEAT PRICES Swift Premium Leg-o-Lamb lb 3Ic Shoulder Round Steak lb 33c Tasty and Lean Sliced Bacon lb 29c Boned and Rolled Pot Roast lb 33c Genuine Gwaltney—8-10 lb. Average SmitUield Hams lb 45c 4Uiiuiiiiiiiitt«m»tammwiiin»t»i»iiMii«miau:mwMii»MHni»>wiaaaaaMi