H E A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of VOL. 22, NO. 2. Twelve Pages MtMV CHRWniM Moore County and the Sandhill Territory S('uthern Pines, North CaroHna. Friday, December 12, 1941. Twelve Pages FIVE CENTS SOUTHERN PINES PUTS ATTENTION TO CIVIL EFFORT E. C. Stevens Named Civilian Defense Director for Town; Chiefs Attend Meeting RED CROSS ROOM SPEEDS UP Civilian authorities and populace were placcd on the alert this week, as the nation prepared to go "all-out” for War. Mayor Duncan L. Matthews Wed nesday night appointed Commission er Eugene C. Stevens as director of civilian defense for Southern Pines. Meanwhile, other organizations were Retting into full swing for civilian activities. Red Cross headquarters were swarmed wiHi volunteer work ers, placing their efforts at the dis posal of this organization. Air raid ppotters, who functioned so well dur ing the "fake'’ war of this and last month, were cautioned to hold them selves in readiness for the real thing. Protect Utilities At the Town Board meeting Wed nesday, the members discussed ways for carrying out plans of the Nation al Civilian Defense Committee. Ap pointment of Stevens to direct the activities in town was first step. Fire Chief L. V. O’Callaghan and Police Chief Ed Newton went to Ral- eigh yesterday, along with other sim ilar officers in other towns of the county, to take part In the discussion there of proper protection of water and light utillUes and guarding against damaging fires or sabotage. The Air Raid Warden system will continue in Southern Pines under the direction of John Howarth, who has already informed his co-workers of the imminence of a call to 24-hour duty. Further pUaa for organlzlnx com plete clvlUan defence In Southern Plnea were beinir worked out and are expected to be put Into operation by next week. LOCAI. RKD CR‘»S GROUP WORKING AT HIGH SPEED With a brand new set of officers, elected last week, the Southern Pines branch of the American Red Cross launched into a wartime activity this week. New officers are Mrs. Lee Clarke, chairman; Mrs. Almet Jenks, vice- chairman, and Mrs. George London, eecretary-treasurer. Miss Pauline Mil ler is in charge of the Junior Red Cross: Mrs. Reid Heily In charge of sewing and Mrs. M. G. Nichols in charge of knitting. While many new volunteers have appeared for work this week, Mrs. Clarke stated that the new progran. makes It urgent that all who can re port for work during open hours of the workroom. These hours are from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 2 to 5 p. m. every day except Sunday. The head quarters are on the second floor of the Strake Building on the comer of E^t Broad street and Connecticut avenue. Red Cross offlcials urged EUiy- one with a sewing machine not in use to loan It to the work room. More chairs are needed as well as sewing nick-nacks such as thimbles, needles, button boxes, and other accessories. Volunteers who lack confidence In their ability to sew or knit or cut pat terns will find com Detent Instructors. Efforts are beiu^ made to get Into operation soon work and training in all branches of activities, including first aid. Instruction, nursing, Red Cross motor corps, sewing, knitting, canteen work, and surgical dressing. Shenck Takes Over Telephone Duties Norman M. Shenck arrived this week from Evanston, III., to asaume his duties as vice-president and gen eral manager of the Central Caro lina Telephone Company, succeeding R. S. DuRant, whose resignation was announced last week. Mr. Shenck has been connected with Cook Electric Company In E^ranston. Mrs. Shenck and small daughter, Sar ah, will .loin Mr. Sbenck later in the month. They plan to occupy the San born house on Pennsylvania avenue. Picture Exhibit Display of ontstandlng news paper photograpiw made daring the past year will be open to the pnbllc at the Highland Plnee Inn lobbv beginning Friday and eon- tin'iinr through Sunday. Memben of The Oaroltnas News Photographers asaoclatloa, which meets here Snnda.v for election of officers and annnal meeting, have already sent in abont a doz en excellent photographs, and thesA wiO b« bnng for exhibit over the week-end, said O. A. Kinder, iooal nmdier of the •ociatloB. Christmas Hiah Desnite War Axis War Girds Universe, Local Men In Battle Zone MAJOR KIRKPATRICK WARNS LEGION TWO VIEWS GIVEN THAT JAPS WELL PREPARED FOR WAR OF PRE WAR SCENE I'he Japanese have been pre paring for this war for 20 years, and it should not be taken light ly, wiirned Major F. S. Kirkpa- trif’k, speaking at the meeting r.f the American Legion Sandhills Post Monday night. Major Kirkpatrick spent sever al years on duty at Fort Stot- senborg, Philippine Islands, and related that he saw the Japs mak ing maps on the various islands and obviously preparing their strategy for the war they were sure would come. He is now with 79th Field Artillery at Fort Brajtg. “The Japs have a powerful Navy, army and air force, with base's on islands throughout the Pacific,” the Major told the vet- eriins of the last war. “The United States will eventually win the War, but wo will know that We have been in a fight. The Ma.lor urged the Legion naires to throw their efforts be hind the defense, both military and civilian, of the country. The Legion hart been called upon to take active part in civilian de fense activities of the county. Young Newton First To Enlist In Navy After War Declaration Captain nil! Fi.sher Anticipated Troubles with “Brown Brothers” in November Like an ele>etrl<' charge flash ing across an o[H^n circuit, blitz war this week shot its l»olt into Ihe western hemisphere from two directions and sent Its slio<-k a»Toss the .American continent. The I'nitert States Is at war with the Axis. Japan, Germany and Italy, and their minor satelUtos, declared and began open war with this country. The shock was felt in tnery fiber of every American ii; every part of the United Stiites. Prof. Frederick H. (Proff) Koch’s inimitable interpretation of the characters in Dickens’ "A Christmas Carol" will be presented at the High School Auditorium here, Friday, December 19, ar, one manifestation of the Christmas spirit which remains alive amd meaningful in this country. “Proff’s” appearance is sponsored by the Junior Civic Club. Seven-Eleven , Many Others from Sandhills on 1 Duty with Army and Navy in Pacific War Zone Area SEAL CAMPAIGN IS PROGRESSING “Proff” Koch Reading to Herald Christmas Spirit; Baskets To Be Given Despite the triple shadow of war thrown over the country during this week, the spirit of Christmas will not be downed; and in Southern Pines plans are going ahead for spreading as much Christmas cheer as nossible. A Christmas Bureau, clearing house „ ^ ; „ , . for Christmas baskets and other gifts Moore County is rallying to the needy families, began operation this battle against tuberculosis the best direction of the Southern Mrs. Cheatham Says Goal of $2,- 500 in Sight if Sales Con- tinae to Remain Good ’ver, declared Mrs. T. A. Cheatham, chairman of the Tuberculosis asso elation, this week. Pines Rotary Club. Next week, the Junior Civic Club will bring to Southern Pines the un- Repeat requests for extra seals are stable reading of “A Christmas conung in from all parts of the coun- Frederick H. Koch ty. 8he Mid, some tw<, and three f ^ times. This year’s goal for the coun- ® carol ha.s gained nation-wide fame. This will be one of the outstanding In getting the Christmas Bureau UU' derway, Ernest H. Lorenson, treas urer of the bureau, announced that ty, $2,500, is in sight at this time, provimng sales keep up as well as events of the season, they have. She attributed some of the renew- ■'d interest to the .showing of tuber culosis pictures, ‘‘Goodbye, Mr. Germ,” .... i. « i, ,nd ‘’Let My People Uve” in many the headquarters for tte Bureau would nlaces in the count^ by Walter Page >" his office In Professional Court of Winston-Salem. The films were East Pennsy vanla avei^^ Bar- shown in schools at West End. Eagle ™ls to r^elve all kinds of Christmas =!prings, Eastwood Negro School. ^ distributed by the Bureau Hemp High Falls, Cameron. Vass. be placed in stores throughout and at Manly Church. I . Plan TubercuUn Testa Gifts of food, clothing, toys—or Mrs. Cheatham and Dr. B. M. anythmg else—for needy families this Drake, county Health officer, con- Christmas can be made to the bu- ferred this week on a campaign to reau which, in cooperation with other seek out any signs of tuberculosis c‘vlc groups, will see to the equitable among high school seniors in the distribution shortly before Christmas," county. Beginning shortly after Lorenson said. ^hristmas, all high school seniors will i Besides accepting such gifts as may be given the tuberculin skin test. Al-'be made, the Bureau also would like though a positive reaction to this to receive reports on families who are test does not necessarily Indicate worthy and needy of receiving spec- oresence of the diseaise, those show- ial Christmas help. A file system will Old Mars—the God of War— threw two naturalH this week and. for our crap-shooting nation, this Is our best token of good luck, thinks Jim Simons of South ern Pines. On the Seventh of December, Japan declared M'ar upon the linited States .and on the Elev enth of December, Germany and Italy followed their Axis partner, both of which weife countered by derlnratlons of war by the Unit ed States. Jitn pointed odt these signifi cant numbers in the dates, and believes that two naturals in suc cession can only mean quick suc cess for the United .States. LAST RITES HELD FOR MRS. McNEIII ing positive reactions will be exam- ned under fluoroscope. be maintained so as to assure that no one family receives too much while Dr. Drake also said it was planned another deserving family gets noth to try to purchase a fluoroscope for ing. the county use, to eliminate transpor- Churches, the Junior Chamber of ‘ation costs to the Sanatorium for Commerce, and other civic organiza- examinations, and to give more com plete protection in the county. Funds raised from the Christmas seal campaign will be devoted to carrying on ihe fight against the di sc The Tuberculosis Asfc;>ciation '’a.e set as their goal the complete elimination of tuberculosis through irevention, cure and care of pa tients. PRAYERS FOB PEACE Members of the St. Anthony’s Cath olic Church Tuesday night began dally meetings at 7:30 p. m. to offer orayers for peace and for Rosary and Litany of the Blessed Virgin. ’These orayers will continue dally. tions cooperate, Lorenson said, in making the bureau a clearing house STORKS DTSPLAYYING UNES OF UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Having made their Christmas prep arations long before the outbreak of ^he war, the stores of Moore County nre offering an unusually well-stock ed supply of Christmas gifts. The colorful lighting and decora tions of the stores add a cheering spirit to an otherwise dark period. Many merchants pointed out that Christmas stocks of goods are goli'g rapidly and that selections of useful and enjoyable gifts should be made as quickly as possible. ^Aunt Fanny^ Short Says Hitler Will Soon Get to End of His Row News was scarce in the welfare of fice In Carthage Tuesday. Nothing ■vas happening until “Aunt Fannie” ■’hort, Negro of the old school, breez ed in for a litttle chat with the ''hild” who la now head of the d-^ partment, one of the Brown "children" vhom she nursed some time ago. Getting onto the subject of the var, ‘‘Aunt Fannie” exploded. If one vlth such a gentle look can do such I thing. ‘‘Old Hit done Itt He ain’t got no religion. Old Hit had no business both- 'ring us for we are a praying people. Ve was getting along all right. I’ vas going to my church and you was i going to yours; the white children waa going to their Khool and the colored children was going to theirs," and everything was pleasant. "Thev tell me he got the Japs to d<’clare war against our president —and we got the best president that ever hit the chair." she exploded. "God’s going to rule this nation," she r’eslared with conviction. "I ^eard them talking over the radio and I went to praying for our country.” i^er final words of wisdom on the sub.lb^c were: ‘‘You be choppln’ on a row of cot ton and keep on and after while you’ll get to the end of the row. And HU will get to the end. If they don’t anyb<^y else put him out, God will put him out.” Mother of W. H. McNeiU and Mrs. Sledge Passes; Large Number Attend Funeral Friends throughout the Sandhills were saddened by news of the pass ing of Mrs. Catherine Phillips Mc Neill, 87, at the home of her dau ghter, ^s. John R. McQueen. In Fairmont Monday afternoon. Mrs. McNeill, a native of Moore County, with her husband, the late Daniel McNeill, lived for many years on their plantation two miles west of Vass, and it was there that their family of six sons and daughters was reared. In early life Mrs. McNeill united with ‘‘Old Union” Church and her love for this place of worship nev er diminished. Both Mr. and Mrs. McNeill were prominent In the early life of the Vass section, giving of their best to promote the religrious and educational development of their community. Mrs. McNeill was greatly beloved for her many fine traits of charac ter. Calm, serene and gentle, she grew old beautifully, her face reflecting her many virtues. She retained her kesn Interest In happenings of the day, and was deeply appreciative of the loving attention showered upon her by family and friends. Wednesday morning, a large num- 'ler gathered at Old Union for the final rites, which were conducted by D/. Angus R. McQueen, Presbyterian minister of Duim. the Rev. M. D. McNeill of Sanford, a former pastor. I and the Rev. T. D. MulUs of Manly. Dr. McQueen compared the life of Mrs. McNeill In its simplicity and beauty to a splendid work of art, and spoke of her great faith and con fidence. Music for the service was by a choir from Plnehurst The body was laid to rest in the cemetery near the church and the g^rave was banked with many lovely floral designs. Surviving are two aons. John W. McNeill of Maysville, Ky., and W. H. McNeill of Southern Pines; four daughters, Mrs. John R. McQueen of Fairmont, Mrs. Alex Stewart of Fay etteville, Miss Pearl McNeill of Win ston-Salem and Mrs. Isham C. Sledge of Plnehurst, and six grand children, Lt Donald Stewart of Fay etteville. Miss Sarah Stewart, of Charlotte, Misses Katharine and Nancy Sledge and Bill Sledge, of Pine- burst. and Jack McNeill of Mays ville, Ky. One grandson. Alex Stewart of Fayetteville, died about three weeks ago. J. E(J Newton, 21-year-old son of Southern Pines Police Chief Newton, was first to be inducted into the United States Navy at Raleigh last Monday morning, following opening of hostilities by Japan. Young Newton, who had just start ed a job with the Seaboard Air Line railway, had offered himself for en listment last week, and was In Ral eigh first thing Monday morning to be accepted in the Reserve Class V-3 for aviation machinist’s training. Although Newton was the first en listed after the War had begun, the Sandhills has many young men now serving In the war zone of the Pacific. John Stephenson, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson of Southern Pines, is reportedly serving on the battleship West Virginia at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Lt. Joseph H. Patterson, son of Mrs. R. E. Patterson of Manly, is with the Air Corps at Wheeler Field, Hawaii, and Harry G. Adams of Manly is at Hickam Field. Four Lakeview boys are in the Air Corps at the Hawaiian Islands. They are Harold Eastwood, son of Mrs. J. B. Eastwood; Ratchford Haynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Haynes; Connor Cole, nephew of Mrs. Lou Stevens Cole; and Bill Coore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coore. Johnnie Alexander, son o'" Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alexander of »iear Vass, on the Union Church road, and a Jones boy from route 2, Vass, are also reported in the Pacific war zone. In the service of our armed forces. James Spring, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Spring of Southern Pines, and Dr. Greer Stutz, formerly of South ern Pines and son of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stutz, are both on naval ships In the Atlantic, which since the dec laration of war with Germany and Italy, has also become battle area. FINAL ROLL CALL RESULTS GIVEN Total Membership in County Reaches $2,000; Money Col lected AmoiiniS to $3,395.49 Final results of the 1&41 annual Red Cross Roll Call were announced this week by George London of Sou thern Pines, county roll call chairman, showing a total of 2,000 members se cured and $3,395.49 raised, some in crease over the preliminary report made in The Pilot last week. The Roll Call this year represents slightly over a 5P percent increase! in membership and more than 25 per cent Increase in money. Final Community Resiiitn Results of community .-oil calls were given last week. Thone m whicJi changes have been shown by '.ne final report are given here, with the roll call chairmen; Southern Pines, Carl G. Thomp son, 1941, 755 members. $1,483.60; last year, 435 members. $1,376.21. (Due to an error last week, the re port on Southern Pines was compar ed with the total for the county. The above is correct, to date.) Aberdeen. Mrs. W. D. Caviness, 1941. 167 members, $217.51; last year 99 members, $133.36. Jackson Springs. Mrs. Herbert Car ter. 1941. 23 members, $35.00; last year, 18 members, $19.00. Pinebluff. Mrs. W. D. Stewart and Mrs. J. W. McMillan. 1941. 127 mem bers, $166.00; last year 81 mem' bers, $89.00. Samarcand, Miss Bethany Von Can non. 1941, 22 membera, $23.50; laat year, 30 membera, ISO. In Moore County, where a "maneu ver war’’ had just ended, the open ing shots of the war last Sunday in the Hawaiian and Phillippine Is lands struck nearer home than the actual bombing, some six and nine thousand miles away, would seem. Captain William Fisher of the Army Air Corps, known as ‘‘Bill” Fisher of Southern Pines, was at Clark Field, Philippine Islands, one of the first objectives of the Japan ese dive bombers. Mrs. George Keller- man, formerly Miss Elizabeth Roun tree of Southern Pines, now living in Honolulu, cabled her mother. Mrs. J. B. Rountree, early this week with the brief message that they "were all right." The former Miss Helen Blair of Southern Pines, now wife of Lt. John tiender<:on Turner of the U. S. Navy, is also in the war area of Hawaii, al though nothing has been heard from her. Fight Was Fore«eeii Did the war come as a suiprlse? Captain Fisher recently wrote his friend, A. B. (Pat) Patterson. Dated November 6, the lettter written from Clark Field, Fort Stotsenburg, Phil ippine Islands, said: "It looks as though I'll he here until we begin and finish the fun here. Things are pouring in here now and I believe that we will be able to give the boys (Japs) quite a run for their money if it ^comes necessary.’’ It has become necessary, and ap parently it was anticipated for Cap* tain Fisher also said: "This Idyllic existence (in Hawaii) broke sharply when I was ordered down to the Hawaiian Air Force headquarters as assistant G-3 at Hickam Field. We . . . lived quietly until the B-17D’s (heavy bombers) began to arrive, at which time ... 1 was able to get attached to a squad ron and began flying the "Flying Fortress." All was going quite smooth ly when suddenly the little brown brothers over here began to get tough and a squadron was formed and sent over (flew) with nine bomb ers. I am second in conimand and a flight commander. They are wonder ful airplanes—all you hear of them is tnie—and our outfit is well-train ed and ready to operate. “Things happened rather rapidly but before leaving Hawaii, we made ar- rangemenU for Dorothy (Capt. Fish er’s wife. Ed.) and the kids to re- ‘urn to the States and stay with her folks in Clarks Green, Pa., until this is over ... It looks as though rn be here until we begin and finish the fun here." Some Unsuspecting But not every body sensed the sit uation quite as keenly as Captain (Please turn to Page 5) Air Raid E. H. Lorennon of Southern line** is probably the first local man to go through an air raM ,alarm. And he found it wasn’t very e»«*»ting. Lorenson was in New York City Tuesday, coming out of the Wool- worth Building, in front of the CItv Hall, when the first air raid warning there was sounded by scr»*aming fire trucks and poikse cars. Alttiough it wvin not until later that It was discovered that the approach of enemy planes waa only false alarm, Lornison aald the oeo|rie on the streets didn’t take i.he alarm sertoualy at Oe tt^^e. He wa'i on the Staten la- land lerry when the aeoond aiann was sounded, and again the m- sponse was not one of fright or alarm among the crowds, he said. Lorenson returned to Soatttam Pine* Wednesday meralag.

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