Friday, May 14. 1943. News of Our Sandhills Service Men SGT. ASHTON HERE Tech. Sgt. G. G. Ashton of Camp White, Oregon, is spending a few days leave visiting friends in the Sandhills. "Gerry," as he is Known to many friends here, is a COOK at the 80th General Hospital. He drop ped in to renew his subscription to THE PILOT and to pass the time of day with friends. CPL. CHARLES GREEN Cpl. Charles Green, another soldi"!' claimed by Southern Pines, who is stationed at Camp White is here on leave. Cpl. Green was employed at Baker's prior to his induction last September. He is attached to the medical corps. JAMES E. PATE PROMOTED James E. Pate of the Air Den'.t Training Station, Albuquerque, N. M„ attached to the 481 st QM Pla toon, ADG, has ben promoted to the l ank of sergeant. JACK THOMAS PROMOTED Jack Thomas, recent private first class, has been promoted to corporal. Cpl. Thomas, who had been at Kees ler Field, Miss., since his induction, is now stationed in Detroit, Mich. LT. BREWER HERE A pleasant caller at THE PILOT office Friday was Lt. Stacy Brew er, Jr., who was spending a 10-day furlough in Carthage with his par ents. Lt. Brewer is stationed at Tampa Air Base, Florida. CPL. VENO ON FURLOUGH Cpl. Albert Veno, stationed at Neab Bay, Washington, is on fur lough. visiting his father, Thomas Veno, and other members of his family at Pinehurst. ABERDEEN NEWS Bride-Elect Honored Miss Marshal -Pago, bride-elect was honored on Monday evening, when Mrs. J. W. Bowman and Miss Carol Bowman entertained at eight tables of bridge at the Aberdeen Community House. High score prize was presented to Miss Dorothy Doub, prize for second high going to Mrs. Dan Farrell. At the conclusion of the game Miss Page was given e surprise lingerie shower, after which the hostess served ice cream and cake. Book Club The Walter Hines Page Book Club held its first meeting of the new club year on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. W. A. Freeman as hostess. In the absence of the new pres ident. Mrs. Huntley, the meeting was presided over by the vice-president, Mrs. E. L. Pleasants. After a short business session, Mrs. Doub gave a report of the State meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs, held in High Point recently. The program for the afternoon, was the beginning of a study of "Rivers and Their Relationship to Civilization." An interesting paper on the "Nile" was given by Mrs. R. N. Page. After a delightful social hour, the meeting adjourned to meet two weeks later. Mrs. Sloan Is Hostess Mrs. John Sloan was hostess to the Aberdeen Home and Garden Club at her home on Tuesday after noon with a large number of mem bers present. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. A. L. Burney, and the regular routine of business was carried on. There was no program, but a delightful social hour followed the business session, at which time the hostess served a delicious ice course. Joint Hostesses Mrs. E. P. Capps and Miss Lillian Pleasants entertained at a tea at COUNTRY DAY and BOARDING SCHOOL For Girls and Boys Organised Games Kindergarten Department Mrs. Millicenl A. Hayes, Principal ; Indiana Avenue Extension Soathern Ptoea Hir'Tt % ( LT. HOWE IN ACTIVE DUTY Lt. Robert Louis Howe has been assigned to active duty with the fighting Leathernecks. He was order ed to lead U. S. Marines in battle af ter successfully completing the rug ged officers' training course at the Marine Base at Quantico, Va. . PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN Lt. Pierce B. Irby, husband of tht former Miss Marian Cameron of Vass, has recently been promoted to the rank of captain. Captain Irby is ) a company commander and is sta i ;ioned in Tennessee. PVT. MCDONALD IN TOWN Pvt. H. P. McDonald of Fort Meade, Md., spent from Thursday until Tuesday here visiting his sis t»r«s, Mrs. C. E. Lee and Mrs. J. A. Blue. Pvt. McDonald called at THL PILOT office. CURRIE HERE Tommie Currie, U.S.N, of Miami, Florida, is on furlough visiting his father, T .E. Currie, of Pinehurst. LT. McMULLEN ON VISIT Lt. Ray W. McMullen. who grad uated from Parachute School, Fort Benning, Ga., spent a few days last i week in Pinehurst with his mother, j Mrs. IsabeJle Cabot McMullen. PVT. POTTLE A VISITOR Pvt. George W. Pottle, recently of (Sedalia Air Base. Warrenshurg, Mo., | but now taking special training with | a troop carrier squadron at Max- I ton Air Base, was in Southern Pines j during the week-end. Pvt. Pottle i;: | a radio operator on troop carrier I command planes. He is a brother of Ensign John F. Pottle, who recently joined the naval air forces. | their home on Wednesday afternoon, | honoring their sister-in-law, Mrs. | Herman Pleasants of Atlanta, Ga. Those attending included Mesdames Edwin McKeithen, Zadie Leach, Le roy Harrington, Forrest Lockey, Worsley, E. L. Pleasants, Martin Sugg, Gunter and Valentine. Personals Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Bowman nnd Dr. J. P. Bowen attended the med ical convention in Raleigh Tuesday. Miss Margaret Miller of the school of nursing at Duke Hospital spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, of New River, were week-end guests of Mrs. J. E. Sloan Misses Kathleen Rhyne and Mary Margaret Burney returned to Wo man's College, Greensboro, Sunday after spending ihe week-end at their home here. Mrs. H. A. Page, Sr., has entered Moore County Hospital for treat ment. Russell Batchelor and Forrest Lockey, students at University of North Carolina, spent Sunday at their homes here. Mrs. Leon Lawhorn, 01 nueiiia, Ga., and Mrs. Banks, of Midway, Ala., are guests of Mrs. Norfleet Pleasants. Miss Medrette Burns, of Golds boro, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Burns. Rev. and Mrs. Lane and Mrs. F. A. Cummings attended the Metho dist district meeting in Hamlet last Tuesday. Mrs. Rosser Jones, of Newport News, Va., was a recent visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Miller. Mrs. Murdoch Johnson and chil dren of Camden, S. C., are visiting Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Thompson. BUY YOUR COPY OF MR. HUGH DAVE MacWHIRR. On sale at Hayes' Sandhills Book Shop, or The Pilot THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina JACKSON SPRINGS Pfc. Carlton Thomas of Camp Hale, Colo., will return to his camp on Thursday after a week's l.iave with his wife and relatives here Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Smith and chil dren of Fayetteville. Mr. jnd Mis. J. B. Bornette of West End, it:d Mrs. Jennie B. Teiter of Candor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bornette. Edward Blake of Southern Pines spent Sunday at home. The Rev. C. M. Gibbs, executive secretary of Fayetteville Presbytery, was a guest at the Manse Sunday af ternoon and held the evening ser vice in the Presbyterian church here. Pfc. Eugene Fields returned last Friday to Camp Barkley, Texas af ter a few days leave with his mo ther, Mrs. C. B. Garrett. Miss Nancy Roy Currie from WCUNC, Greensboro, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Currie. Pfc. Charles Lomox is home from Camp Breckenbridge, Ky., for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Lomox. Sunday visitors of Mrs. Ada Mark $t Nevertheless, the Americans who arc ; .. .$1 ■ - ' i it*s^ fort H ; takes to do that, do much' YOD'VE DONE YODR BIT'Jg-'.IOW D 0 yODR BEST ! —— i BOOST YOUR BONOBUmG-falh THROUGH THE PAYROLL SMIHOSPLAHmmm | This advertisement is a contribution to America's afl-out war effort by^J^^ PINEBURST CLOTH ILLS, Inc. Hemp, N. C. ham and Mrs. D. Al Blue were Sgt. | Paul Blue of Camp Lee, Va.. Mr. and j Mrs. John P. Gibson and children of ] Laurel Hill, Va., Mr. and Mrs. June : Blue of Southern Pines, Mrr Edgar { Falls, of Gastonia, Mr. and Mrs. j Murdoch Markham and son Henry | and Miss Vysta Markham of Fay- j etteville, Pvt. Albert Stu')bs of Greensboro air base, Mr. a;id Mrs.' Earl Skeen and sons. Billy ind Mc-1 Duffie of Biscoe, Mr. and I.lrs. Har-1 ris Fletcher and son of South Car-! olina spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stubbs. Visitors with M-s. Mary P. Mc-| Leod on Sunday were Mr. arid Mrs. Paul MeLeod and son of Cabarrus. Mr. and Mrs. Alton MeLeod and son of Salisbury, Miss Lois MeLeod of Aberdeen. Pfc. Homer MeLeod of Camp Mackall, Hoffman, N. C., and J. M. McAskill. Misses Maxine Cole. Melba Dunn and Lucille Blue have accepted work out at Samarcand for the summer., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris and children. of Kings Mountain are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Carter. Mrs. Helen Lee and daughters, Juanita and Betty spent Sunday with | Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Culp of Albe marle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Finch Thomas Sunday. Joe Thomas and son, Gerald, vis- jj^ Page Seven ited with Mr. ar,d Mrs. 7. C. Thom as Sunday afternoon. M. J. V. Autry of Aulryvillo is spending a while with his daughters, Mrs. O. S. Richardson i n! Mrs. W. E. GrshETT.