Page Ten THE PILOT, Southern Pines. North Carolina GEO. H. BUTTRY presents PAUL J. HERMAN at the “PIANORGAr ^ *'music styled distinctively in blending ■ the two finest instruments. Organ and Piano!' Billage Snn U. S. ROUTE NO. 1 — SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. ►EXCELLENT CUISINE ►AIR-CONDITIONED ►COUBLES ONLY COVER CHARGE: $1:00 PER COUPLE FOR RESERVATIONS: PHONE 8122 Southern Pines RESTAURANTS OPENING HOURS CLOSING HOURS VILLAGE INN DINE AND DANCE 5:30 to 8:30 P. M. Dinner Hour CLOSED MONDAYS HOLLIDAY’S RESTAURANT Palatable, Appetizing Meals y A. M. to 11 P. M. CLOSED MONDAYS JACK’S GRHl 'Where Diningf is a Pleasure" Breakfast 7:30 to 11 Lunch 11:30 to 2:30 Dinner 5 to 9 —A la Carte All Day Open From 7:30 A. M. till 10 P. M. CLOSED WEDNESDAYS THE SANDWICH SHOP "The Best Sandwiches in Town" 5:30 P. M. to 1:30 A. M. NO BEER OR LIQUOR PERMITTED CLOSED THURSDAY FRANK’S GMLL The Best in Hot Dogs and Coffee Open from 9 a. m. to 1 a. m. EVERY DAY East Broad Street Next to Carolina P. & Lt. Co. News and Personals from Vass Bessie Cameron Smith. Representative Telephone Vass 8-F3I Summer Meetings Approved: At the regular meeting of the Vass Woman’s Club, held Friday /night at the home of Mrs. N. N McLean, themembers voted twelve to five to continue the meetings during the summer months instead of vacationing for three months, as most clubs do The American Home Depart ment was in charge of the pro gram, and Mrs. A. V. Autrey. chairman, presented Miss Flora McDonald of Carthage, who de lighted the group with a lecture ‘Color in the Home,” which on made them want to get busy with feed bags, dye and stencils to du plicate some of the lovely house hold “linens” which she display ed. .Mrs. H. A. Borst, president, an nounced that the cancer control drive had been completed, with $153.53 being raised on a quota of $100. Mrs. R. H. Fields was elected as the additional delegate to serve with the president in represent ing the club at the State Federa tion meeting in Greensboro the last of this month. During the social hour Mrs. W J. Cameron was winner in a con test. Delicious refreshments were served. The hostess group was composed of Mrs. McLean, Mrs P. A. Wilson, Mrs. C. P. McMil lan, Mrs. R. H. Fields and Mrs D. C. McGill. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. W. C. Leslie on June 14 at 8:00 p. m. Church News The Rev. C. M. Voyles, who has served the Vass Presbyterian Church as stated supply for sev eral years, and the Cameron and Union churches as pastor for longer period, is giving up this field effective the third Sunday in June to take over work near Gastonia. Mr. Voyles has render ed splendid service here and has many friends among all denom inations who regret to see him leave, but extend best wishes for his success in his new work. Communion service will be held at the Vass Methodist Church at 11 o’clock next Sun day morning. A lovely arrangement of white [gladioli was placed in the Meth- I odist Church on Mother’s Day as a memorial to the late Mrs. E. B. Thompson. The flowers were sent by two of her daughters, Mrs. Ro land Brown and Miss Mary Thompson. Personals James Ray McLean, seaman l|c, arrived last week for a 15-day stay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean. A. R. Laubscher, Jr., son of the Vass police chief and Mrs. Laub scher, received his discharge at Fort Bragg Saturday and is now at home. He left Germany on April 26. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keith and family spent Sunday in Greens boro with Mr. and Mrs- John Clark. Mrs. Rosser Cameron ac companied them to Asheboro, then went with relatives to Greensboro to see her sister, who is ill in Wesley Long Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fields and family spent Mother’s Day with relatives at Greensboro. Miss Glennie Keith of Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Keith of Sanford visited Mrs. W. H. Keith during the weekend. The four called -on Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Grif fin at Lakeview Saturady night. Mrs. G. W. Gfriffin returned the first of the week from a visit to Valdosta, Ga. Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews and son, Franklin Matthews of Fay etteville, visited relatives in San ford Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron were Raleigh visitors Friday. Mrs. J. M. Tyson and Mrs. L. C. Wallace of Carthage were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tyson. Mr. and Mrs. C- P. McMillan visited his mother, Mrs. Hattie McMillan of Selma, on Mother’s Day. Mrs. T. J. Smith attended the commencement sermon of the graduating class of the North Carolina Satatorium Training Friday, May 17, 1946. or plaintiff wiU apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 29 day of April 1946. JOHN WILLCOX Clerk of the Superior Court M3,10,17,24 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR Having qualified this day as Administrator of the Estate of Clara A. Wilson, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to pre sent them to the undersigned Administrator within twelve months from this date, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. Dated this 6th day of May 1946. WILLIAM H. WILSON, Administrator of the Estate of Clara A. Wilson, deceased. MIO, 17, 24, 31, J. 1, 14. , House lot, on northern side of West Broad Street, running thence with the line of lot No. 644A to and with the line of lot No. 545A S. 40 degrees 44’ E. 251 feet to a stake, corner of lot own ed or formerly, owned by Strick land, and a lot owned or former ly owned by Clark, running thence N. 49 1-2 E. 251.8 feet to a corner, same being A. R. and J. A. Kelly and McKeithen’s cor ner; thence with McKeithen’s line S. 63.01 E. 269.7 feet to a cor ner in line of West Broad Street S. 49.16 W. 354 feet to the begin ning, being all of lots 576A, 573A and 593A shown on a map of Shaw lands and others, made by J. B. Swett, C. E., December 31, 1928 of Shaw lands and others. Southern Pines, N. C. This the 3rd. of May, 1946. M. G. BOYETTE, COMMISSIONER M10,17 FOR EXPERT PHOTOGRAPHY PHONE OR SEE EMERSON HUMPHREY "Ten Years' Experience in the Sandhills" Telephone 7722 26 S. Ridge SL NOTICE OF RESALE UNDER ORDER OF THE COURT a School for Nurses at Pinehurst Moore County, North Sundav. Her HnncrVi+o,. -ii/r Carohna described Sunday. Her daughter, Miss Mar garet Bettini, is a member of the class. Mrs. W. D. Matthews of Sou thern Pines spent Wednesday night of last week with her sis ter, Mrs. C. J. Temple. Mrs. Jimmy Rogers and Miss Lula Rogers of Cameron visited Mrs. G. M. McDermott Friday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. Cameron spent . Mo ther’s Day in the home of her son, J. Bruce Cameron, at Manly Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Joe Cam eron and George McHaffey ac companied her home, attended the evening service at the Metho dist Church, and called on Mrs- W. T. Cox and family. Mrs. Catherine Shaw of Soi»- thern Pines was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith from Sunday until Wednesday. Mrs. F. Seward and children of Wilmington were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis of Carthage Route 3, and attended church here with them Sunday. Mrs. T. F. Cameron and Miss Jennie Cameron were Raeford visitors Sunday. Edward Gschwind of Greens boro was here last week for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs Missionary Sociely jClmrles Gschwind. Mrs. W. C. Leslie was hostess I - the Methodlet Woman-. Soe.e.e Under and by virtue of an or der of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, made in a Civil action therein pending en titled, “Mary Katherine Newton, et al vs. C. P. Clark”, on the 20th of March, 1946; and under and by virtue of an order of re-sale, up on an advanced bid being filed for all the properties hereinafter described, signed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 3rd. of May, 1946, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 18th. day of May, 1946 at 1:30 o’clock P. M. on the premises hereinafter described offer for re-sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cash upon an opening bid of $3,050.00, be subject to the confirmation of the Court, those certain tracts, par cels or lots of land in McNeiU Quadruple Celebration In celebration of the birthdays of her husband, mother, brother- in-law and nephew, all of which occur within a week, Mrs. Del- mas JKimball entertained at a family dinner at her home Sun day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Appalachicola, Fla., Mrs. J. H. Baldwin and son, Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. Kimball. as follows: Adjoining William Ferguson’s properties, and Seaboard Airline Railway right-of-way, Annie Kelly, John Kelly, and D. Ernest Bailey, and others. FIRST TRACT: beginning at a corner in line of right-of-way of S. A. L. Railway 50 feet from center of track and in line of old Morganton Road now U. S. High way No. 1, running thence N. 72 3[4 W. 334 feet to a corner on east side of West Broad Street; thence with West Broad Street S. 49.16 W. 517.3 feet to comer, same being W, M. Ferguson’s; thence S. 63.01 E. 127.8 feet to corner {in line of right-of-way of S. A. L. Railway; thence with S. A. L. Railway S. 24.47 W. 478.1 feet to the beginning, containing 2.44 acres, more or less. Being all of lots Nos. 36, 53A, 43A, 81A, and 31A shown on a map of Shaw lands and others, Southern Pines, N. C., made by J. B. Swett, C. E., December 31, 1928. 3ECOND TRACT: Bieginning at a corner of lot 644A, Shaw Q^anJliills funeral 0Lome AMBULANCE SERVICE SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. .TELEPHONE 8111 A. B. PATTERSON. MOR. GARLAND McPHERSON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Southern Pines, N. C. TelepLona 5891 Hart BuUding Let a Veteran of World War II Do Your Work... Expert Floor Sanding and Finishing. Also, Painting A. A. KELLIS Phone 7501 Southern Pines UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE REPAIRED EXPERT CABINET MAKING With your furniture repairs in our hands, you will be pleased with reasonable charges and delighted with the finished job. Done by Returned Serviceman W. L. SCHNEIDER Address 6 East Illinois Ave Do your clothes cause your morale to suffer? Not when your favorite garment receives our morale building fresh up. Tattle Tale Gray will disappear. Original color and shape restored. PICK UP AND DELIVER SERVICE MONDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY C & C CLEANERS Tel. 8600 ABERDEEN THIS SPACE for most startling annuoncement the SandhiUs cleaning industry has known! to the Methodist Woman’s Society of Christian Service Wednesday night. Mrs. W. A. Muse led the worship service, Mrs. R. H. Fields presented a program on “Women Crusaders,” and Mrs. W. H. Keith conducted the Bible study on “The Divine Fatherhood.” A flower contest, won by Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. A. G. Ed wards, Jr., featured the social hour. Miss Louise Leslie assisted her mother in serving delicious refreshments. NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT notice Local Men Enter Business Albert Graham and Clyde P. McMillan have leased Keith’s fill ing station, garage and diner, re cently operated by R. H. Fields, and are now operating under the firm' name, “Bert and Mac’s Place.” Bert is well qualified for the garage work, having served in a maintenance of a PX during much of the war period. Evereli, Zane & Muse Certified Public Accountants TAXES — SYSTEMS Aumrs Sanford. K. Qi Masonic Templa Building Phooa 461 Birthday Party A surprise birthday party was given on Thursday, May 2, at his home, in honor of Albert Criss- man. Arrangements for the party were made by Albert’s mother and by Mrs. Lee Culler, his sis ter. Outdoor games were played, arid string music, greatly enjoyed was furnished by Preston Stan- cil and his son. Jack, and Bin Bfenson of Southern Pines. In the dining room delicious chick en salad sandwiches, lemonade and cake were served as refresh ments. There were twenty-five guests present. MACK DAVIS. PLAINTIFF vs sallie davisl defendant The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Moore Coimty, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce; that the defendant wiU further take notice that she is required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in his office in the Court House in the Town of Carthage, N. C., within twenty days from May 29, 1946, and answer the plain tiffs Complaint in said action, ROCKINGHAM MARBLE WORKS ROCKINGHAM. N. C. O. W. DOSTER, Proprietor — Manufacturers of — Fine Cemetery Memorials in Marble and Granite Shop Located on Highway No. 74 C. B. DEANE Is Well Qualified TO REPRESENT THE EIGHTH DISTRICT IN CONGRESS Vote for DEANE in the Democratic Primary,. May 25th. Mr. Dene came up the hard way. Born as a tenant farmer's son, educated through college by the toil of his own hands, long experienced in the fields of law and insurance, a leader in the Democratic Party for over twenty years, Mr. Deane knows this District thoroughly and the problems of its people. Let’s Support Deane—The People’s Candidate Spoiuored by Ihe Moore County Managers of Deane for Congress:, D. A. McDonald, Carlhage. chairman; Jack Carter. Southern Pines; Alexander Poe. Hallison; John A. Lang. Jr.. Carthage, secretary. UNITED INSURANCE AGENCY J. L. MsGRAW CARTHAGE HARRIETTE W. McGRAW ''Complete Insurance Protection'" CANDOR VASS C. V. WATSON ROBBINS

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