Page Four THE PILOT. Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, May 17, 1946. ✓ Society aad Personals of the Sandhills Piano Students and Hi-School Glee Club to be in Recital An invitation to the public is extended by Mrs. Claude Hafer to attend the annual recital of her piano students to be given Wed- esday afternoon, May 22, at four o’clock in the Jefferson Inn. The Southern Pines High School Glee Club, under the direction of Miss Hattie May Barber will also take part in program and will sing several musical numbers. Students who will be presented by Mrs. Hafer are Janet Hamel, Mary Dell Matchett, Dorothy Newton, Julie MacCaskill, Shir ley Warren, Peggy Wooten, Carol Sue Humphrey, Mary Allred, Jeanne Overton, Edna Bailey, Dorothy Gale, Patricia Caddell, Carolyn Nelson, Ann Pleasants, Betty Lane Dunn, *Gaynelle Gwyn, Grace Eifort, Mary Sue Cummings and James Farrell. Thistle Club Party The Thistle Bridge Club will feature a white-elephant party, each guest to bring a wrapped prize for exchange. The party will be a dessert bridge at two o’clock Saturday afternoon. May 18, in the Civic Club building. Players are asked to make their reservations with Mrs. L. D. Mc Donald. Pre-Nuptial Parties Honor Louise Martin Many attractive social affairs have been given complimenting Miss Louise Leach Martin of Aberdeen, whose engagement to Lee Snipes Buchan was announc ed recently. Their marriage will be May 24 in Page Memorial Church, Aberdeen. Miss Martin was honored re cently at luncheon and a sur prise shower at the Colonial Pines Hotel, Raleigh/ given by Miss Idell Buchan and Mrs. Ralph G. Buchan of Raleigh. Covers were laid for sixteen guests. Among Miss Martin’s friends in Aberdeen who have compliment ed her during the past week were Miss Pearl McMillan who enter tained in her home Monday even ing with a card party and miscel laneous shower. Thirty-eight guests were in attendance. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. P. J. Chester, Mrs. Leroy Harr ington and Mrs. Ira F. Peak were hostesses at a tea given in Mrs. Chester’s home. Seventy-five guests called during the hours of four to five-thirty to greet the bride-elect. Mrs. H. W. Doub, Mrs. F. A. Worsley and Mrs. H. E. Bowman were hostesses Thursday after noon at a card party in Mrs Doub’s home. The afternoon of bridge was followed by a tea and a surprise shower for Miss Mar. tin. a visit of ten days and will ar rive this week-end. In the party are Mrs. Fred Wat kins, Mrs. Walter Cushing Greene, Mrs. Walter Higbee Caskey and Miss Theodora Blake, and driving from Rockport, Mass., are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness Davis. Mr. Davis will visit his sister in Washington, D. C., ‘and will return for Mrs. Davis next week. Teddy Hutchison Celebrates Birthday On the afternoon of Tuesday, May 14, Teddy Hutchison was host to several of his young fri ends at a party celebrating his fifth birthday. He is the son of Capt. and Mrs. M. L. Hutchison and the party was given at his parent’s home on East Vermont Avenue from three-thirty to five o’clock. The children played gam es and were served birthday cake and ice cream, and each younster received a favor. Teddy’s guests were Ann and Frank Tadlock, Adrienne Mon- tesanti, Billy Wilson, Jimmy Fosyth, Brooks Reed, Claude and George Ream, Billy Wiggs and Andy Patterson. Bridge Luncheon Mrs. John T. Wells, HI enter tained at luncheon and bridge Tuesday afternoon in her home on East Vermont Avenue. Her guests were Miss Marguerite Wolf, Mrs. W. E. Tardy,. Mrs. L. D. McDonald and Mrs. C. L. Wor sham. House Party Guests Miss Florence Campbell will entertain with a house party for five of her former friends from Cleveland, Ohio. AU have known each other since their early school days and this is their first reunion in several years. They are driving to Southern Pines for DAR,Meeting to be in Carthage Saturday Mrs. F. H. Underwood of Car thage will be hostess to the Alf red Moore Chapter of the DAR in her h))me Saturday afternoon. May 18, at three-thirty o’clock. Mrs. Robert Footman of Lilling- ton, newly elected regent of the chapter, will preside at the met ing. Informal Dance Of special interest in entertain ing last week was the informal dance given by Louise Milliken and Billy Warner in the attract ively decorated Civic Club build ing. Seventy members of the younger set were guests at the party which marked the birthday anniversaries of the host and host ess. Dancing was enjoyed between the hours of eight and one. Re freshments of punch, from a pun ch bowl which was surrounded by an arrangement of red roses against a white background tasty, sandwiches and cookies were ser ved. Chaperones in attendance, and also enjoying the party were Mrs. J. Elmer Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Forsyth and Herrmann Grover. Evening Bridge Party Mrs. Currie L. Smith and Mrs. Jack Weatherly were hostesses at five tables of bridge last Friday evening in Mrs. Smith’s home on West Illinois avenue. Their guests were Mrs. Fred Chappell, Mrs. Dante Mbntesanti, Mrs. J. T. Overton, Miss Kate McIntyre, Miss Millie Montesanti, Mrs. J. D. Sitterson, Mrs. Frank Neely, Mrs. Glenn Gibson, Mrs. D. A1 Blue, Jr., Mrs. A. H. Ea- kins, Mrs. C. L. Worsham, Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Walter Harper, Miss Lee Occhipinti, Mrs. Earl Merrill, Mrs. Harold B. Smith, Mrs. Don Scjuire, M]rs. Thomas Atkinson and Mrs. H. L. Hoffman. Tally prizes were received by Mrs. Sitterson, Mrs. Overton, Mrs. Neely and Mrs. Chappell. Former Resident Returns for Visit Mrs. Inez Bredbeck, a former esident of Southern Pines for many years, arrived from Port Clinton, Ohio, Monday to be the guest of Mrs. Nettie Ayres and her mother, Mrs. Jessie Rog ers, this week. Of interest to their many friends in Southern Pines is the announcement of the January wedding of Mrs. Bredbeck’s dau ghter, Donna, to James Sparks, J!i^., of San Francisco and St. Louis, in Port Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks are living in San Francisco. Families Leave for Overseas Mrs. Robb S. MacKie and child ren, Katherine and James, are making plans to join Col. MacKie this summer in the Philippines where he is stationed with the AFWESPAC. They expect to sail from San Francisco about the middle of June with the first group to go to the Philippines. Mrs. MacKie and the children who have been spending the win ter in Southern Pines in the Ram sey house while the children at tended The Ark School, left this week for a visitin New York state before going to the west coast. Mrs. Benjamin M. Bradin and daughter and son. Miss Jane and Jimmy, left Wednesday for New York City. They expect to sail for Germany within a few days after their arrival in New York and will join Capt. Bradin who is stationed with the 1641st Eng ineering Utilities Detachment in the Berlin district. Nancy Johnson Engaged to Gerald B. Webb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Trix of Englewood, N. J.. and South ern Pines, announce the engage ment of Mrs. Trix’s daughter. Miss Nancy B. Johnson, formerly of the WAVE^, to Gerald Bi. Webb, Jr., former captain, over seas 28 months in India and China, son of Dr. Gerald B. Webb and the late Mrs. Webb of Colorado Springs. Miss Johnson is the daughter of the late George W. Johnson of Englewood, and granddaughter of the late Sen. William M. John son of Hackensack, N. J. She at tended Dwight and Ethel Walk er schools. Mr. Webb was graduated from Deerfield Academy and attend ed the University of Virginia. He has resumed his position as man aging editor of Magnolia Lodge Among the recent arrivals at Magnolia Lodge are Mrs. B. Ann Teed of Palm Beach, Fla., and New York City, and Mrs. Her man Ditrich of Millerton, N. Y., who will remain for several weeks. Guests of Mrs. Alice Adams at Magnolia Lodge who have stop ped for short visits during the week are R. D. Morris of Greens boro who visited Mrs. Adams on Mother’s Day. Mrs. Cameron L. Adams of Pinebluff was here for the week-end, and Mrs. J. C. Adams, also of Pinebluff, was a visitor on Wednesday. Woman’s Society The Woman’s Society of the Church of Wide Fellowship will meet in the church parlor on Thursday afternoon. May 23, at three o’clock. All ladies of the parish are cordially invited to attend. _ Personals Personals Dessert Bridge On Tuesday afternoon of this week Mrs. Louis Scheipers en tertained in her home with a dessert bridge party of three ta bles. Her guests were Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Mrs. Paul Pelton, Mrs. James Milliken, Ikirs. John G. Harrington, Mrs. W. L. Baker, Mrs. J. T. Overton, Mrs. Morris /Johnson, Mrs. George Proctor, Mrs. George W. Case, Miss Mar garet Stewart Pottle. and Mrs. Frank June Blue Back Cutting short his expected vaca tion, following his release from the Army Apr. 28, D. A1 Blue, Jr., has returned to his former cap acity of funeral director with J. I^. Powell, Incorporated. Mr. Blue was with Powell’s for eight years preceding his enlistment in the Army in 1943. PRESCRIPnONS a sporting journal published in Middleburg, Va. The marriage of Miss Johnson and Mr. Webb will unite two families of horse-lovers. Mass Johnson has long been a devotee of hunting, having started her hunting career with the Moore County Hounds. Mr. Webb, steep le-chase rider as well as editor of the sporting “Chronicle,” has hunted in Virginia since boyhood. The wedding will be at Lake Placid in August. Navy Man Home Lt. (j.g.) Collester is visiting his mother, Mrs. C. H. Collester, after ten months duty in the Pa cific Area. Lt. (j.g.) Collester was a Corsair pilot attached to the Bombing Fighting Squadron 19 on the USS Hornet. He was sep- l^ated from lactiye service on May 4 at San Francisco, and has since visited at Cambridge and Newton, Mass., and at points en route from San Francisco here, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendee Bradin and son, Jackie, stopped for an overnight visit Monday with Mrs. B. M. Bradin and fam ily, when returning from a va cation in Florida to their home in West Hartfoi(H, Conn^ Mr. Bradin is a cousin of Capt. B. M Bradin. Mrs. E.- J. Austin is spending the week in Raleigh with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. The Chronicle”,^'Brockwell, who have just return- When It Is A Matter of Health You Want The Best Attention Southern Pines Pharmacy GRAHAM CULBRETH Registered Druggist telephone 5321 West Broad Street Surprise Party When Group Three of the Church of Wide Fellowship met at Mrs. A. L. Burney’s home last Thursday afternoon for their fin al spring meeting, Mrs. Louis Scheipers, chairman, was surpris ed to find that members had planned a party in honor of her birthday. Attractive ’ arrange ments of flowers decorated the Burney home and favors and re freshments carried out a birth day motif. Mrs. Scheipers was the recipient of many useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Sad ler and Charles, Jr., are vaca tioning in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., for four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Inman and young daughter, Mary Leigh, of Norfolk, Va., have returned to their home after a ten day vis it with Mrs. H. E. Thrower. Mrs. Malcolm Grover and chil- dred, Joan and Johnny, are vis iting Mrs. Grover’s parents in Newton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Eakins left last Saturday for a motor trip to Suffern and Binghamton, N. Y., where they will visit relatives for several weeks. ed from a trip to Florida. Mrs. Francis Alba deCosta left Monday night for a two weeks’ stay in New York City. Mrs. W. E. Swan, Jr., of Alex andria, Va., is visiting her par ents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Schwartz and Miss Fran ces, for two weeks. Maj. J. D. Sitterson, Jr., who has been a patient in a Fort Bragg Hospital for several weeks, recovering from a leg fracture, is spending his sick leave of a month at the home of his parents on Ashe street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson Neal have been spending the week in Washington, D. C., while Mr. Neal was there on business. Albert Bretsch, who entered Moore County Hospital last week, underwent a major operation Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Kelsey and 'Mrs. Wallace Speers have return ed to Montclair, N. J., following a recent visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Kelsey, Massachusetts avenue. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Kelsey will leave short- lyly for the west coast to make their home in San Francisco. Mrs. C. H. Burkhead and dau ghter, Mrs. Borden Givens, have returned from a few days’ visit at the home of Col. and Mrs. J. T. B. Strode in Lynchburg, Va. Mrs. Strode is daughter of Col and Mrs. Burkhead. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy (irinnell and Roy Temple and Peter spent last wteek-end w(ith Mrs. GrinnelTs mother, Mrs. L. M. Temple, in Lakeview, S. C. Mrs. Ann Alvey of Fort Bragg and Southern Pines left last week for Washington, D. C., where she will*be associated in work with the Medical Museum. She has served as laboratory technician in a Fort Bragg hospital for the past four years. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thayer of May street are vacationing in Hollywood, Fla. Mrs. John R. Corcoran and daughter, Patsy, and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Green, left Simday for their home in Columbus, Ohio. Lt. Carcoran who has been stationed at Fort Bragg for several months, has been transferred to New York. Mrs. Richard Maybin will go to Winston-Salem this Saturday to visit her husband for the week-end. Mr. Maybin is serving his internship at Bowman Gray Hospital. Mrs. Jean Edson and Miss Erma Fisher are vacationing at Myrtle Beach this week. Mrs. E. S. Holcomb has return ed to Broken Bow. Neb., after several weeks’ visit with Mrs. Jessie Rogers and Mrs. Nettie Ayres. E. C. McBroom of Charlotte and Greensboro, district mana ger of Western Union, was a Southern Pines visitor for - two days this week. Mrs. L. M. Shiring and her dau ghters, Miss Norma and Miss^Ha- /^el Shiring, left Monday for their summer home at Moreau Lake, Gansevoort, N. Y., after spending the wintey in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trix left recently for a stay in New York City before going to Lake Plac id where they will be during the summer. Miss Marietta Vanderveer spent Thursday and Friday with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Vanderveer, in Cherry Point. Mrs. Shields Cameron is e^c- pected to return to her home on Ashe street this week-end from Moore County Hospital where she has been a patient for the past two weeks following an appen dectomy. Mrs. Raymond Johnson and children, Ruth and Raymond, of Clarksville, Ga., arrived Thurs day for a three weeks’ visit with Mrs. Johnsons’ father and aunt, S. B. Richardson and Miss Mary Richardson. Mrs. H. W. Dorn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dorn and Louise Dorn will motor to Raleigh Friday for a three days’ visit with relatives there and in Willow Springs and Bailey. Miss Hazel Hackney came from Norfolk, Va., last week-end to spend Mother’s Day with her parents. Mrs. W. E. Cox left Tuesday for a week’s visit in Richmond, Va. During her absence Mrs. Lillian Nesbett will stay in Mrs. Cox’s apartment at Resthaven before leaving for New York and Hen dersonville where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Per-, kam, who have had an apartment at The Smilax through the win ter, have gone to Portland, Me., for the summer months. While en route from Daytona Beach to their home in Bethle hem, N. H., last week’Ralph K. Ebling, one-arm golf pro, and Mrs. Ebling stopped for a short visit with Mrs. J. Elmer Har rington at the Southland Hotel. Col. and Mrs. John Norton of New York and Lt. and Mrs. Whitney Eby of Kansas have leased apartments in the A. H. Eakins dwelling on May street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barron left last week to spend the sum mer in Ridgefield Park, N. J., and Saranac Lake, N. Y. ' Miss Alexa McCioil returned from New York City recently for a short visit with her mother, Mrs. Katherine McColl, Massa chusetts avenue. Miss Mary and Miss Helen Finn are leaving for their home at Old Orchard, Me., after spending the winter at Resthaven. MEN’S STRAW HATS Cool Panamas Synthetic Braids Sailor Straws n i I iSiO to $8.50 T€e SUCP SOUTHERN PINES We Shall Be Pleased To Help You Select an Appropriate Gift for a Graduate from a desirable assortment suitable for the occasion including Fine Leather Goods, Exquisite Perfumes Toilet Sets and Accessories, Bath Powders, Bath Salts, Bath Mats Cigarette Lighters, Flashlights, Fountain Pen Sets, Pen and Pencil Sets Nylon Brushes We Are At Your Service SUNDAY, MAY 19th Hours 9 to 1—3 to 7 . SANDHaU DRUG COMPANY PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Telephone 6663 Southern Pines LEGION BENEFIT All legionnaires and members of the Legion Auxiliary of Sand hills Post No. 134 are urged to attend the Benefit Night to be held on Wednesday night. May 22nd. from 7:30 P. M. till mid night at the club Casino in the Warehouse Building in Pinehurst. Chester I. Williams, operator of the Club Casino and Chairman of the Committee in charge of the benefit, announces that all ticket sales and other money paid in will be turned over to the Sandhills Post No. 134 to reim burse the treasury which has been depleted due to the new roof that has been put on the Le gion Hut in Southern Pines. Tickets can be secured in Pine hurst at the Carolina Pharmacy or from Chester I. Williamf, and in Southern Pines can be had from Lloyd Woolley, L. V. O’Cal laghan or Virgil Clark. LOST IS FOUND Driving through Southern Pines on April 12, Mrs. M. L. Blaney of Cranston, R. I., lost a camera and exposure meter in the vicinity of May Street, later advertising the missing items in Fruits and Vegetables FARM FRESH EVERY DAY FINE GROCERIES Choice Poultry and Sea Foods Maine Lobsters Every -Week End MONARCH FRUIT JUICES Orange - Grapefruit Blended Orange & Grapefruit in Pints and Quarts The Nodent Market TELEPHONE 6062 SOUTHERN PINES BLUE & HACKNEY the classified column of THE PI LOT. . A case containing Mrs. Blan- ey’s property was found the fol lowing day by Jimmy Menzel and Paul Propts of Southern Pines, and the local youngsters— upon seeing the ad in our April 19 issud—^put their find promptly on its way to Rhode Island. So the lost was found. And each of the boys (received a crisp five dol lar bill tfis week from the grate ful ownc r.