Friday, May 17, 1946. THE PILOT, Southern Pines. North Carolina Page Seven tr 'I ■iamriit Just say that word out loud, and you get the full forci of its terror. “Hunger” has a deep, dangerous toti^ to it. Hungry men are angry men. Women and children faced with starvation are bewildered, desperate, Hunger is the stuff of which revolution and war are made. Peace is not possible in any part of a world in which 500,000,000 people haven’t enough to eat. i#'’ ■I#*'*' 3 ways ]fou can share ^ meal and save a life: 1. SAVE AND SHARE WHEAT AND FAT. Go light on foods that take wheat and shortening . . . breads, macaroni, cakes, pies and pasteries. 2. USE MORE OF THE PLENTIFUL FOODS, i Balance diets with the more plentiful foods such as potatoes, fruits, vegetables, eggs, poultry and fish. | 3. WASTE NOT. Use and re-use your fats for cooking. Turn in all used fats. They are needed to makes soaps and Qther products for us here at home. This Advertisement Is Given] IN GRATITUDE ^ to The Houbiers Family of Limburg, Holland and all the other families of Europe who were kind to American boys during the war.