r Page Four THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday, September 6, 1946 Society and Personals of the Sandhills GREINER - WHITEHEAD NUPTIAL VOWS SPOKEN IN ILLINOIS CEREMONY Marriage Announced Of interest in the Sandhills is the announcement by Albert N. DeLaney of the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth Ann, to Dr. Michael Theodore Pishko on Thursday Aug. 29, at Old Or chard Beach, Maine. The bridal couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fitzgibbon. Dr. and Mrs. Pishko are spend ing several days at Poland Spring Houjse, Poland Springs, Maine, and at the summer home of Dr. and Mrs. Marr in Greenville Maine. They will be at home after Sept. 15, at their residence on Massachusetts Avenue, Southern Pines. Dr. Pishko is resident phy sician at Moore County Hospital. good health and takes an active interest in national and interna tional affairs. Sisters of Mr. Kellam, Mrs. Lena Sweezy and Mrs. Grace Abraham, are residents of Sou thern pines. Baptist Church Notes Willing Workers The Willing Workers of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday, afternoon. Sept. 10, at three o’clock at the home of Mrs. Raymond Parker, North Ashe Street. Mrs. John G. Harington will be co-hostess. Mrs. W. E. Kivette will be in charge of de votions, and Mrs. Currie L. Smith of the program. Miss Hine Speaks at League Meeting A forum discussion of plans for prganizing a Moore County unit of the League of Women Vo ters was held at the Park View Hotel Friday afternoon, Aug. 30. Miss Margaret A. Hine of Wash ington, D. C., organizer of League study groups in the southeastern states, spoke informally at the meeting. She stressed the fact that the League of Women Vo ters, which was formed twenty- five years ago, is “an every wo man’s organization,” and its chief business the development of the well-rounded citizen through study of all phases of govern ment and through po litical education. Mrs. Herbert F. Seawell, Sr., of Carthage, a League member in North Caro lina of several years standing, also spoke informally telling of League activities in this state. Tentative plans were discussed for a Moore County League Council, and the forming of smaller groups in each commun ity of the county. 90 Years Old Clinton W. Kellam of Newton, N. J., and Southern Pines cele brated his ninetieth birthday Tuesday, Aug. 20 at his summer home. Delta Vista, Rolison Woods, Wayne County, Pa. Mr. Kellam, who lived in Newton over forty years, was a building contractor prior to his retirement. He divides his time among New ton, Southern Pines since 1930, and his summer home in Penn sylvania. On the Simday before his birthday twenty-seven relatives gathered at Delta Vista to honor Mr. Kellam. The family party was made up of his children, grandchildren, great grandchil dren and other relatives. He is in Business Women’s Circle Mrs. Carlton Kennedy will be hostdss to members of the Busi ness Women’s Circle of the First Baptist Church at a lawn picnic at her home on Midland Road, Monday evening. Sept. 9. The supper, served at six o’clock, will be followed by the regular meet ing and program. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welch have returned from a month’s stay in New York City, and have reopened their gift shop. They were accompanied by Mrs. Welch’s nieces. Miss Nancy Proc tor and Miss Duretta Steinway. Among the recent visitors at Natural Bridge in Virginia were Mr. and Mrs. D. E. kfcDonald of. Southern Pines and Mrs. Mary P. Ferguson and Robert Ferguson of Manly. Dr. E. A. Cameron of Chapel Hill, professor of mathematics at the University of North Caro lina, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Estelle Cameron, Manly. The Rev. and Mrs. T. G. Hum'- phries and daughter, Susanne, have returned from a month’s va cation trip to Ohio, New York and New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Johns ton of Richmond are visiting Mrs. Johnston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore. Mrs. W. H. Newell and young sons, Billy and Bobby, are the guests of Mrs. Newell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Kimball, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamm and B. S. Martin of Wellesley, Mass., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William L. White last week. Mrs. J. Elmer Harrington has returned from Bethlehem, N. H., where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scheipers and son, Donald, returned Thurs day morning to their home on New Hampshire Avenue follow ing a summer vacation at their cottage at Canobie Lake, N. H. They were accompanied by their daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. V. B. Johnson and Nelia, who have also vacationed at Can obie Lake, and are now joining Mr. Johnson in Southern Pines. The Johnsons are former resi dents of Harrisburg, Pa. Mrs. Bessie McIntyre of Alex andria, Va., was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Julia Epps, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson and son, Johnny, and Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Wilson of Manly attended the 25th annual reunion of the A-^ent-Buchanan clan Aug, 25, at Buckhorn church at Corinth in Chatham County. The program of the day included special speak ers and music, with the tradition al reunion picnic on church grounds at noon. A memorial service in honor of members de parted during the year was con ducted in the afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Haight who arrived Wednesday from Washington, D. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Es ther McDaniels for several days. Miss Anna Mary Kruger and Miss Ann Bowker arrived Mon day night from Harrisburg, Pa., and are guests at Magnolia Lodge during their week’s vacation in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Weav er arrived Saturday from Miami, Fla., for a two months’ stay at the New England House. Miss Annabelle Remington and Miss Tuttle of Providence, R. I. are guests at the New England House during the time that Miss Remington is having her recently purchased home enlarged and re decorated. The house, at the cor ner of Maine Avenue and Broad Street, was formerly owned by Dr. L. M. Daniels. Mrs. Edna C. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Hayes and Mrs. W. C. Jones returned Saturday from their vacation at Myrtle Beach. They were joined Satur day evening by Mr. Jones who flew down from Niles, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents of Mrs. Raymond Hayes, and are guests at the Park View Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burney have returned from a two months’ vacation at Lake Junal- uska, and their son, Donald, has returned from Chimney Rock Camp for Boys at Lake Lure. Carol Wells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benton P. Wells, is vis iting her grandmother, Mrs. T. P. Wells, in Hamlet this week. Dr., Vida C. McLeod and sons, Alec and Robert, and her mo ther, Mrs. Franklin Canaday, re turned last week from a two months’ motor trip to California and Texas. Miss Katherine MacDonald left Thursday by plane on a business trip to Chicago. She will retinrn Sunday evening. READY FOR AUTUMN Available Now All Wool, New Colorings * Sizes 28 to 32 Men’s All Leather Loafers Aden’s Wool Gabardine Raincoats Tce SHOD SOUTHERN PINES MRS. PHILIP. M. WHITEHEAD Dr. Philip M. Whitehead and his bride, the former Sohja Lee Greiner of Skokie, Ilk, will re turn from their motor wedding trip on Sept. 9 to make their home in Southern Pines. Their wedding was solemnized Saturday evening, Aug. 31, at seven o’clock in St. Peter’s Evan gelical Lutheran Chiurch at Skokie, Ill. The Rev. P. E. Winger officiated using the double ring ceremony. The bride’s wedding gown was of ice-blue sheer net over taffeta in Empire design. It was fashioned with fitted bodice, drop shoulders and net yoke, full skirt ending in a long train over capped with sequined ruffles of sheer net. Her elbow length gloves of sheer net ended in points below the wrists and were trimmed with small sequined ruffles. Her finger-tip veil of ice- blue net was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls, and she car ried a cascade bouquet of white gladioli and carnations. Bridal attendants were Dr. Irma Stracke of Chicago as maid of honor; bridemaids. Miss Mar garet Whitehead of Kansas City Mo., sister of the groom, and Miss Marianne Cobb of Chicago; flow- iJ' ’ii Victor’s Latest Classics TSCHAIKOWSKY’S Concerto Number 1 Horowitz’s Toscanini N.B. C. Symphony Orchestra I RACHMANINOFF’S Piano Concerto Number 2 in C Minor S SCHUBERTS Symphony Number 8 (unfinished) J4 Complete Selection of Recordings “To Each His Own,” “Ink Spots and Modernaires”, “Silhouettes,” by i Dinah Shore SANDHILL SPORT SHOP WEST BROAD STREET SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Store Hours — 9:00 to 12:30 — 1:30 to 6:00 Closed Wednesday Afternoons WIDE FELLOWSHIP Thfc sprmon subjecjt for the eleven o’clock service, Sunday, September 8, 1946, at the Church of Wide Fellowship will be “Yes terday, Today and Tomorrow.” The regular Forum hour at 8 p. m. will have as guest speaker, Mr. Arthin- Demarest from Dav idson College. Following this Fo rum an hour of fellowship will follow at the Parsonage. OLDEST DOG In the hope that it may be found in this locality, The Pilot has been asked to aid in the search for the oldest dog in Amer ica- The dog is wanted so that it - and its owner or owners can be duly honored during the forth coming observance of National Dog Week, September 22 to 28. Persons owning or knowing of extremely aged dogs are urged to send complete data and pictures immediately to Harry, Miller, eX' ecutive secretary, Gaines Dog Research Center, 250 Park Ave nue, New York 17, N- Y. In the case of a purebred, a copy of the registration papers should ac- Icompany the communication, while in the case of a crossbred, an affidavit from the owner ac companied by sworn statements from persons acquainted with the dog since birth should be sent, The final selection will not be made until the leading candid ates have been seen and invest igated, according to M. Miller, who adds that any documentary papers submitted will be return ed after National Dog Week is over. er girl, EUen Greiner, sister of the bride; and ring bearer, Hugo Keim of Chicago. Dr. Donald Dixon of Des Moines, Iowa, served as best man, and ushers were the bride groom’s bothers. Dr. Benjamin I Whitehead of Kansas City and David Whitehead of Chicago. A reception was held immed iately after the ceremony, at the church, with 170 guests attend ing. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Greiner of Skokie, Ill., and has been a staff member of G. D. Searle and Com pany in that city for several months. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Whitehead, Kansas City, Mo. Following his graduation from high school in Kansas City he enrolled at North ern Illinois College of Optometry in Chi- cago and later received his de gree there. Dr. Whitehead enter ed the Army in 1942, serving for fourteen months of that time in the Pacific area, and received his discharge last December. He moved to Southern Pines in June of this year and has opened of fices in the Hart building. Southern Pines Personals Miss Etna Palmer returned to her home in Thomasville Wed nesday after several days’ visit with her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Burney R. Mc- Cotter. Miss Flora Patterson of Phila delphia, Miss., was the guest re cently of her brother, A. B. Pat terson, and Mrs. Patterson. Guests arriving Sunday for a few days’ visit at the home of Mrs. H. W. Dorn were her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rob)- ert F. Dorn of Miami, Fla., and her sister and nephew, Mrs. J. Carl Rowland and Carl, Jr., of Willow Springs. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hacknejjr and family were called to Greensboro last Friday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Hackney’s sister, Mrs. H. C. Mc Leod. While en route from New Or leans, La., to Camp Endicott, N. Y., Capt. George Richardson ar rived in Southern Pines Sunday for a short visit. Mrs. Richardson accompanied him on the trip north, stopping in Baltimore to visit relatives. From there she will go to New York state to re join Capt. Richardson. Mrs. Ernest M. Poate returned Wednesday of last week from summer visits with her son-in- law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hassell in New York City, and her sister in Philadel phia. Mrs. Etta Blake of Durham was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Irene Short last week. The Rev. Joseph Baxter left Wednesday evening for a three weeks’ visit at his home in Provi dence, R. I. He will sail from New York City on Sept. 27 for Puerto Rico. Father Baxter has served as parish priest with Our Lady of Victory Church in West Southern Pines, for the past four years. John Ruggles and sons. Jack and Tommy, spent Labor Day weekend camping on the shore of White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dock McRae and Coker Blue have just returned from a week’s visit with friends and relatives in Washington, D. C., and New York City. Miss Florence Swan of Boston and Miss Jessie E. Guernsey of West Bedford, Mass., returned to. Southern Pines recently and are at Miss Swan’s home on East Vermont Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barkalow of Elizabeth, N. J., have leased Miss Alice M. Holmes Ridge' Street house for the year. Mr, Barkalow is associated with Re^ sort Airlines as radio engineer. Another young couple, Mr. anq Mrs. Thomas B. Caddell of Car thage, have rented Miss HohriSs’ apartment, moving in this week. Mr. Caddell is a government air plane inspector at Fort Bragg. Mrs. Irene Short, Miss Otelia Blue, Miss Evelyn Valen, Dillon Short and John McDonald at tended the funeral services for Mrs. H. C. McLeod in Greensboro Friday. Returning with them for a visit was Miss Virginia Steven son of Red Springs. Mrs. Millicent Hayes returned Saturday from New York City, and will open The Ark school on Oct. 7, in preparation for which she will be available mornings through September for registra tion. IPrompl, Honest Repair! ICurtis Radio Servicef Next to Hotel Vass, N. C.| A Coal for Any Purpose PARKER ICE 8t FUEL CO. TeL 9581 Aberdeen. N. C. f orldly wise . . . sophisticated . . . unbelievably smart! It’s the !!!•. crsa'.Ion j-'crc ('f :l!e season! Distributors For Southern Pines We Are Open All Day Sunday, September Sth Southern Pines Pharmacy Telephone 5321 GRAHAM CULBRETH Registered Druggist West Broad Street Whisk away dullness and drab ness with bright, new. long- lasting paints. Right now. while the weather's right plan to dress up your home for win ter. Repaint the Ex terior of your house . . . coat your rooms with the clean, glowing loveliness of fresh paint. For finest quality paints order from us today. WE HAVE BOTH LABOR AND MATERIALS ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Shaw Paint & Wallpaper Co. JOE GARZIK. Mgr. * CONTRACTORS DEALERS Telephone 7601 Southern Pines