1 / I SAVE I ! IFOOD o ! SAVE Ifood f VOL. 27. NO. 46. 12 PAGES THIS WEEK Southern Pines. N. C.. Friday, October 11. 1946. 12 PAGES THIS WEEK TEN CENTS r\ »?/ n O'' AVC Benefit Boxing Set For Tonight Golden Clove Champs In Action 7:30 Starting Time Ball Park The Place Funds Go For Lights LATEST WORD by Bert Premo Southern Pines Ball Park will be the scene tonight, Friday, at 7:30 p. m,, of the revival of box ing in this area. It was twenty years ago that the last “sluggers” put on the gloves to entertain the fans. As The Pilot goes to press we are casting one eye to the weather and hoping for those starry skies for the fights. In case of rain the fights will be held one week later on Friday the 18th. The American Vete rans Committee is sponsoring the 29 bouts and the funds raised will go for lights to be installed on the ball park. It is a very worthwhile project and all citi zens are urged to support the sale of-tickets. Seats will be sold for the ring side, reserved and general admission sections andj to avoid the crowd it may be ■wise to buy your tickets before fight time. The fight card for the evening lists many Golden Glove Cham pions as well as Army Division victors. Fans who follow the boys at the Fort Bragg armory say we will really be in for a good show. At least down here Mike Jacobs will not get his cut on two minutes of fighting. Many local people have sho'wn their willingness to support the benefit and have donated time, materials and effort to insure a successful night. Tate Hardware has given 750 feet of rope. The Sandhill Funeral Home, Pow ell’s Funeral Home and the Coun try Club have given chairs, the Teen-Agers will act as ushers and the High School, for which the funds will go, have given the field. Major Armstrong, of the 82nd Division, Special Service A & R office, has done everything pos sible to aid the local committee and cooperated in securing the fighters, ring and bleachers from Fort Bragg. A good turn-out tonight will insure future fights and will help develop local fighters. In fact tonight some of Ray Bucklund’s mighty youngsters will be in the ring throwing the leather around. Among them . will be Smith, Hackney and Straka. "No developments" is the word from Chief Smith of Aberdeen and Sheriff Mc Donald, still working hard to tract down the negro who fled from the scene of his near crime in Aberdeen last week, the two men have had the assistance of state police and officers from adjoining towns. The fact that clues are so few and so slight makes apprehension of the man a difficult task. But if hard work, devotion to duty, and skill can do the trick it will be done. Four Taxi Drivers Penalized For Selling Liquor County Democrats Gird For Fray At Carthage Meeting Town Warns Owners Takes Firm Stand To Stop Illegal Traffic Delegates To UNC Youth Conferences Report To Legion Opening Day For Pine Needles Is Set For Oct. 17th At its monthly meeting of the American Legion with the Auxil iary the Sandhills Post heard re ports from the Boy and Girl State conference delegates. Carolyn Cajiolyn Chester, Katherine Campbell and Peggy Jean Cam eron spoke for the girls who at tended the Girls’ State Confer ence at W. C. U. N. C., while Da vid Cameron, who had attended the boys’ conference in Chapel Hill, described that gathering, at tended by over a hundred boys from Legion Posts all over the state. The president of the Auxiliary stated that pfeliminaiy arrange ments had been made for the an nual Armistice Banquet at the Country Club, which would be held on November 11th. All pres ent endorsed the plans and a committee was appointed of Chester Williams, Lloyd L. Wool- ley, H. J. Dietenhofer, and L. V. O^Callaghan to cooperate with the Auxiliary in carrying them out. At the Legion meeting which followed the joint meeting, the group heard reports of the Vic tory Day celebration from the Le gion’s Committee chairman. Shields Cameron, Finance Offi cer L. V. O’Callaghan, Master of Ceremonies Chester Williams, chairman of Awards and Decora tion L. L. Woolley and Program Chairman Leland McKeithen. Written reports of the affair were (Continued on Page 5) Acting with promptness and judgment, the Town Board of Southern Pines, at a meeting held Wednesday night, ordered the suspencion of licenses of four taxi drivers, convicted of selling whiskey. The drivers in question, Elmer (Pete) Renegar, James Lentz, Bill Jackson and Ted Hines, Jr., were arrested by undercover men in the employ of the ABC board, specially hired for the purpose of watching liquor sale violations. The case was tried in recorder’s court in Carthage and the drivers sentenced to varying periods of from three to six months on the roads, costs and automatic loss of license if ever again guilty of sirnilar offense. Heaviest sentences were given Bill Jackson and Ted Hines,, Jr. The town followed up the edict of the court and .forbade these Ijforbade drivers to operate a taxi for six Enthusiasm And Wise Words Mark Speeches Before Large Crowd Ruggles Elected President Local Commerce Body McDonald, Newcomb, Mrs. Edson Are New Governing Board Eighth District Democrats Holding First Rally In Lexington Today Will Start Campaign Ball Rolling GROUND FLOOR months in town. Jackson was em ployed at the McNeille taxi stand and Hines is a driver for Curry Smith. The two other drivers were put under similar restric tion with the time reduced to three months. Renegar and Lentz both drive for the taxi fleet of Jack Caudle. In each case the Town added to the sentence of the drivers with a severe criticism of the managers for whom they drove, and warned all firms of taxi fleets in town to supervise their drivers more carefully in the fu ture. Speaking for the town, Ho ward Burns said that the Board was determined to keep close su pervision over the taxi situation and that any similar offense in the future would be noted and the firms involved severely pen alized, with probable revocation of their permit to operate. One who believes in catching the early worm, (intending no disrespect to our winter visi tors!) is Emmett E. Boone, mana ger of the Pine Needles. The ho tel is planning to open, this year, a fuU month earlier than last. October 17th is the date des ignated for the official opening of this, one of the Sandhills fore most resort hotels. Saying that many old friends, who have made the Pine l^eedles headquarters for their annual visits, have al ready written in for reservations. Manager Boone looks forward to the best season yet, with the same good staff who have sup ported him for many years. Among the conferences sche duled for early arrival are rep resentative groups of the Ameri can Oil Co., Southeastern Paper Trade Association, North Caro lina Independent Telephone Company and Southern Dairies. Boone reports that the 18 hole golf course is in excellent condi tion, with the 11th tee or fair way tricked up to tease the skill of the most inspired of the whackers and crackers planning to test out their driving ability on the Pine Needles course. The Pine Needles is one of the Knollwood hotels, so handy for both Southern Pines and Pine- hurst people. Women’s Clubs Of Local District To Hold Annual Meet The annual meeting of District 9 of the North Carolina Federa tion of Women’s Clubs will be held at the Baptist Church in Angier on Wednesday, October 16, with Mrs. H. W. Doub of Aber-. deen, district president, presiding Included in this district are Har nett, Hoke, Lee, Moore and Rich mond Counties. Registration will begin at 9:30 a. m. and the meet ing wil open at 10:00 o’clock. State officers who will appear on the program are Mrs. Karl Bishopric of Spray, Federation president; Mrs. John M. Council of Wannanish, second vice pres ident; and Mrs. Charles G. Doak of Raleigh, executive secretary. Three minutes will be allowed each club for its annual report, and, as in the past, prizes for highest percentage of attendance and miles traveled wil be given to both senior and junior clubs. For some time clubs have been providing birthday gifts for de- liquent boys and girls in state institutions, and each club is re quested to carry an extra gift for this purpose to the meeting, where Mrs. L. B. Hester of San ford, vice president of District 9, will be in charge of a district birthday party. by Ruth Harriss Tyson In preparation for the Nov. 5 elections, the Moore County Democratic Executive Committee held an open meeting on Satur day, Oct. 5, at 2:30 p. m. in the courthouse. Speakers for the oc casion were Hon. C. B. Deane, nominee for Congress from the Eighth District, and Hon. W. B. Umstead of Durham, state chair man. Though it is an off year in poli tics with also the Duke football game running in competition to the meeting, a fair crowd was present, which included aU local candidates for office, and most of the precinct chairmen from the more distant parts of the county. M. G. Boyette, county chair man, opened the convention with a word of welcome. He briefly re called the Jeffersonian principles on which the party stands, and ex pressed the belief that there is no better way to work for good gov ernment than through the Demo cratic Party. John A. Lang introduced Mr. Deane, describing him as “our friend and neighbor, who knows more people by their first names than any- other man in the dis- •crict.” Mr. Deane spoke briefly on the value of organization. He warned nominees, in counties where the vote is rather overwhelming; not to take the nomination for grant ed, not to be lulled into a feeling of complacency. He asked that Democrats set as a goal a major ity of 2,000 on Nov. 5, and urged all present to think in terms of what is best for the nation. (Continued on Page 5) G. I. Democrats Offer Progressive County Platform At a meeting at the Chalfonte Hotel, Pinehurst, last August, a group of veterans of Moore Coun ty organized a local branch of the ‘G. I. Democrats,” the state as sociation recently formed within the state democratic party. Meeting recently in Carthage, the group decided to focus pres ent efforts upon local problems and drew up a statement of aims, giving as their primary objective “to promote interest in efficient and progressive local and state government.” Retreating hastily from the sounds of carolling, and the sight of Director Picquet behind his impressively raised baton. Cham ber of Commerce directors gave way gladly before the rehearsal of the Rose Maiden chorus, being conducted at the Community Cen ter Tuesday night, and retired to the meeting room at the school. There they proceeded to elect the directors and appoint the Execu tive Secretary, who will serve the Chamber for the coming year. After several tie votes between Reuben Dubose, retiring presi dent, John Ruggles and L. D. Mc Donald, for the presidency, a gen eral reshuffling took place to give Ruggles the chair by a majority of votes of those present. In retiring, the past-president thanked the directors for their Through the door last week walked a man of com manding bearing who grab bed the latest issue of The Pilot and began devouring the news thereon. Several snorts punctuated his read ing. He plunked down his dime, introduced himself as the District Passenger Agent for the Seaboard, and said: "Thought I might as well be in on the-ground floor about this 'STATION' we're build ing at Manly. Nice to know these things" ... and out he went. New Firm Opens Store In Carthage Latest county seat business to be established, the • Carthage Truck and Implement Co., a di cooperation and predicted fine vision of Pinehurst Warehouses, things to be accomplished by the' Inc., has been opened at Carth M. G. Boyette Heads Group From Moore County Rumor Of Robbins Mill Negotiations Proves A Fact Bringing to a head the batch of rumors that have been circula ting in the Sandhills, came the news, announced over the radio Monday night, that W. P. Saun ders of Robbins and Mayor For est Lockey of Aberdeen had been to Washington to confer with the Civilian Production Administra tion as to the possibility of erect ing a mill in these parts. When the Colonial Mills mana ger was approached he explained that the trip was purely in the nature of an investigation. While consideration is certainly being given to such a project, the nego tiations will be long and many details must be investigated be fore any decisions can be taken. The platform committee, con sisting of W. A. Leland McKeith- ^Appreciation was expressed of the , of Pinehurst, chairman, Bert ^interest and enthusiasm being Premo of Southern Pines and Roy McSwain of Robbins, sub- mi f}ed the following platform, which was unanimously accepted. PLATFORM OF THE MOORE COUNTY G. I. DEMOCRATS “Whereas a group of Veterans of Moore County have decided to form a local and county chapter of the “North Carolina G. I. Dem- chapter subscribes to and endors- ocrats; and whereas such local es the platform of said parent body and is desirous of express ing itself on. certain matters and conditions of local interest and concern in and to Moore Coun ty, Now therefore, be it resolved that the following expressions be and constitute the platform of the Moore County chapter of the G. I. Democrats: First: Our primary aim is to promote interest in efficient and progressive local and state gov ernment and to take part in the election of the most capable and (Continued on Page 11) shown by the communities involv ed and assurances given that as soon as any definite steps were taken the public would be given a full account of the transaction. The Colonial Mills in Robbins, fully described in The Pilot of Aug. 10, ’45 is the largest indus try in Moore County. During the war the mills made more than 100,000 cargo parachutes for the army, and also the colored iden tification banners that were tied onto the armor of advance units. Should a unit of the Colonial Mills be erected in the Sandhills it will make the third in the chain, another mill being already established in Red Springs. new officers. L. D. McDonald was vice-president, with A. S. New comb treasurer, and Mrs. Jean Edson secretary of the board. Letters of several applicants for the position of executive sec retary being read, a unanimous decision was taken to tender the place to Col. Don Madigan. It was felt that the work called for a man, thus eliminating several applicants, and.that Col. Madi gan possessed splendid qualifi cations for the post. The only business taken up by the directors was that of the an nual campaign for funds and members. As the fiscal year start ed October 1st, President Ruggles urged immediate action on this question, and appointed a mem bership committee consisting of L. D. McDonald, chairman. Her bert Cameron, Robert R. Reed, Lloyd Clark, Philip Weaver. The President stated that he wished all existing committees to carry on for the time being, congratulated Philip Weaver, par ticularly, for the outstanding contribution of his young people’s committee, and closed the meet- age in temporary quarters on l„ . j Barrett street, near the McCon nell warehouse. Pinehurst Warehouses long has been recognized as one of the leading concerns of its kind in the Sandhills and the new affili ated store will carry the same fuU line of builders’ supplies and farm needs, specializing in the sale and repair of farm machin ery. Haynes Britt, manager of Pine hurst Warehouses, Inc., also will manage the Carthage Truck and Implement Co., while C. L. Hen sley will be in direct charge. Hensley has been with the ware houses for 26 years and is an ex pert in the maintenance of Inter national farm machinery. The new company is Moore county dealer for International trucks and farm machinery, but Eighth District Democrats will meet at the Municipal Club in Lexington on Friday, October 11, for the biennial District Rally. Plans were completed last Satur day when Charles B. Deane of Rockingham, Democratic Con gressional nominee conferred with Chairman J. Lee Wilson of Davidson County Democratic Committee, several party Candi dates and other party leaders. A large delegation from Moore County, headed by the Moore County Democratic Committee is expected to attend. The program will begin promptly at 3 p. m. and visiting delegations will be guests of the Davidson Democracy at a barbe cue dinner following. Every County in the District is urged to send a good delegation of both men sftid women. Honorable W. B. Umstead, Chairman of the State Democra tic Committee, will head the large group of ranking state leaders who will attend. Reports from each County will be made with special empha sis placed on bringing out the vote on November 5th and on promoting party interest in the close Counties of the Eighth. The Eighth District meeting is the first Rally to be held in 4he State. Chairman Umstead of the State Executive Committee points out that the democratic leadership in the old fighting Eighth is to be commended in spear heading and launching the 1946 Democratic campaign. ing wjth the statement that he j for the maintenance of farm ma hoped the Chamber would contin- chinery and will cater to every Mr. Britt states that truck orders and farm machinery orders far MoOFC NcWSpapCrS exceed the supply, as is the case * A at present in all automotive lines. Featuring a complete line of hardware, the concern will be a dealer for International and Mc- Cormick-Deering farm imple ments and parts. Its repair de partment is especially equipped ue to serve the people of the community and do the will of the majority. need of the farmer of this terri tory. Ray Hensley is mechanic cContinuea on Page 5) October Seventh Sees The South’s Shame And Pride Exemplified POPE'S OPENING Grover Pope, former proprietor of the Pilot restaurant in South ern Pines, who has been busy during the past year overseeing the erection of his new restaurant and Motor Court on Route 1, south of Southern Pines, expects to open for business October 27th. On the same day, October 7th, in two Southern states Southern Justice stood in jeopardy. In Georgia, old fears, old hates, old venomous coward ly cruelties drew a black mask over the face of Justice as Georgia’s police withdrew from the hunt for the mur derers of the two negro men and their wives, killed by a mob four months ago. The county sheriff announced that his office “is not equip ped to handle such matters.” In Columbia, Tennessee, at the end of a trial in which the prosecution of the twen ty five negroes accused of wounding an officer ranged through every key of racial discrimi:».ation, hatred, and impassioned oratory employ ing every trick to arouse Southern indignation, twelve good Southerners and 'true arose and justified the faith in Southern Justice so shak- by recent events. They en voted: “Not Guilty” of all but two of the defendants. The two who were found guilty were, actually, the only ones in the group against whom the State had any shadow of evidence, and the case against them is of the weakest, but, given the atmosphere in which the en tire trial was conducted, the fact that only two were con victed is a minor miracle. The F. B. I. is still on the job in Georgia, but is report ed to be obtaining no help from local authorities. With out that, they should still be able to .procede, granted they can enlist the help of the cit izens of the locality. Twelve good men were found in Ten nessee who were not afraid to do what they knew was right, but the case is differ ent in Georgia. It is far more dangerous to testify against a white man, in what may in volve his conviction of mur der than even to acquit a ne gro. A man who helps the F. B. I. in Georgia does so at the risk of his life. But men have risked their lives for others, often and often. And they have risked their lives for freedom and decency and justice. Among the people of the Atlanta legion may there be some, as there were some in Tennessee, who will enter this fight to retrieve and up hold the name of Southern Justice. Horner Of Sanford Herald Praises Newspaper Week was observed by the Kiwanis meeting at the Lakeview Hotel on Wednesday, in fitting style. Guest speaker for the day was W. E. Horner, re cent candidate for the state leg-* islature and former congressman, and publisher and editor of the Sanford Herald, while among guests were two Sandhills journ alists, H. Clifton Blue of the Sand hills Citizen, Aberdeen, and the editor of The Pilot. The speaker opened his re marks with a moving tribute to “the Sage of the Sandhills,” Bion H. Butler, former editor of The Pilot, and went on to speak of his friendship with James Boyd and his admiration for his work as a writer and journalist. Continuing his talk, the editor took as his theme the newspaper as a public servant and named two major functions which a pa per must perform for its com munity; First of these, is to re port the news that is not readily available to the public, such as court and other public records and to provide a day by day rec ord of the happenings in a com munity. A second function of a newspaper lies in criticism and suggestion on public issues, in taking a stand on questions of importance to the community. Editor Horner closed his re marks with a stirring statement upon freedom of the press, as serting that it is, of all freedoms, perhaps the most important and to be the most jealously guarded. For freedom of the press, he said, is necessary to insure all other freedoms. Dr. Neal, vice-president of the Sandhills Kiwanians, presided over the luncheon and Paul But ler, program chairman introduc ed the speaker. A delicious lunch was provided by the Lakeview Hotel.