Page Ten THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday. February 22. 1952 1 1 ABERDEEN NEWS By Dorothy McNeill Book Clnb Meets The Walter Hines Page Book club met Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. E. L. Pleasants, with Mrs. G. A. Charles as host ess. In the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. E. T. McKeithen presi ded. Mrs. E. M. Medlin gave a reading on Valentines after which Mr. Poole sang several songs. The hostesses served delicious refresh ments at the close of the meeting. Kuzminwfci-Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Keilah Garr Dea ton of Pinebluff announce the marriage of their daughter, Kath ryn Garr, to S|Sgt. Stanley John Hayes’Book Shop Southern Pines. N. C. BOOKS OmCE SUPPLIES STATIONERY RECORDS RADIOS GIFTS TOYS Kuzminwki, son of Mrs. Joseph Kasprzyhski of Hartford, Conn., on Saturday, February 2, in Ches terfield, S. C. The bride is a graduate of Aberdeen High school and a senior at Flora Macdonald college. The eroom for the past four years has been a member of the 82nd Air borne Division. After the bride’s graduation in June the couple will live at Fort Bragg. Hostess To Club Mrs. Tommy Gschwind enter tained members of her bridge club Thursday evening, in her home. After scores had been tal lied high club prize was presented to Miss Betty Bishop with low going to Miss June Greer. The hostess served cake and coffee. Personals Crissman Unhurt As Car Overturns And Catches Fire Forfeited Bonds Robert Wilson of UNC spent the weekend at home. Cpl Frank McNeill returned to Fort Belvoir, Va., after spending the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeill. Johnny Sloan of PJC spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sloan. Miss Jane Leach and Miss Rainey Petty spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives in Aberdeen. Miss Betsy Farrell is improving nicely from the operation she un derwent last week in the Moore County hospital. Lewis Harrington and Billy Caddell spent the weekend with their parents, returning to State college Sunday evening. I • • • on one of Donald Ross’ finest 18-hole creations in the heartland of American golf. Ride... through endless miles of scenic splendor in the fabled Sandhills of North Carolina. Relax ,,, with the most congenial people on earth. ytiib Jpines Club SOUTHERN PINES where, your hosts are the cosgroves ^Albert Crissman, Jr., 21, of Vass had a narrow brush with death about midnight Saturday when his car skidded on a rain wet highway on NC 211 just outside of Pinehurst, turned over and burst into flames. By his great good luck, two State Highway patrolmen were in their car turning around at a nearby intersection, and John F. Himneman of Pinehurst was also close by in his car. All witnessed the accident. Hunneman turned his car so its headlights shone on Crissman’s, which had landed tilt ed over against a tree. He then ran to the car and, with Patrol men Deal and Wimberly, extrica ted the youth. The patrolmen put out the fire in the engine with' their portable extinguisher. Crissman turned out to be un hurt and was taken directly to his work on the third shift at the Rob bins Mill at Aberdeen. His car had to be towed away by wrecker. It was damaged to an estimated ex tent of $900. The patrolmen reported that heading toward Aberdeen, Criss man had skidded off the highway near the race track gate, gone along the shoulder for 30 feet, straddled a hedge for 60 feet more, turned crossways and skid ded another 105 feet, turning over one and a half times into the grounds of a private home. He was indicted for careless and reckless driving. In recorders court at Carthage Monday Judge J. Vance Rowe, noting that no one else was involved, taxed him Vitb a fine of $25, plus costs. Swell School Fund By $1,075 Total Speeding Cases Cleared Off In Saturday Court Notre Dame Students Plan Speaking Contest An oratorical contest will be held at Notre Dame Academy Tuesday at 10 a. m. to select first, second and third place winners in both high school and 'elementary departments. First place winners will take part in district contests from which winners will be chosen for the diocesan, or statewide contest to be held at Raligh. Last year Jasia Guryn, 12-year- old Polish “DP” then in the sixth grade, became the state^nrido win ner ip the elementary division. Judges for the school contest next week will be Father Peter M. Denges, Father Donald Fearon, Edward A. 'Tucker and Valerie «T0 0S STRAIGHT BOURBON WRISEET NATIONAl DISTIllERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, N. Y. • 86 PROOP Nineteen motorists who failed to answer when called for trial at recorders court last Saturday morning contributed a total of $1,- 075 to the school fund as their cash bonds were declared forfeit ed. All were out-of-coimty motor ists, and most were out-of-state. Speeding was the charge against all but one, who had been indict ed for reckless driving. 'The for feited amounts ranged from $40 to $75 apiece, averaging some thing over $55. Checking them off. Judge Rowe and Solicitor McKeithen accom plished a partial clearing-off of a steadily mounting backlog of speeding indictments. The Sat urday session was held so the court would get no farther be hind, as Judge Rowe had had to be out of town on Monday, the regular day for court. Those present for trial added a lesser amount, about $230, ex clusive of costs, making the tola'' take for tlje day run over $1,300 almost all for the schools as traf fic violations were predominant arnong causes of arrest. Tried and penalized were tho following (costs added in all cases except where otherwise noted): Jarry M. Eaves, , Henderson speeding 85 mph, $20; Karl Sloan Drake, Bennettsville. S. C., speed ing 70 mph, $25; Melvin Clyde Strother, Sanford, speeding (truck) 60 mph, $15; Roger Leon Martin, Rockingham, speeding 70 mph, $25; Rudy A. Scott, Robbins violation of prohibition laws, judgment continued; Robert El liott Moore, Red Springs, speed ing 65 mph, $15; Dan Hearne, Southern Pines, assault on wife, judgment continued for two years under court conditions and supervision of state proba tion officer (not required to pay costs). James R. Whitlock, Fort Bragg, careless and reckless driving, 60 days suspended on payment of $50 fine, with recommendation that license be suspended (clock ed once at 85 mph); Cpl. Arnold John Vasseen, Fort Jackson, speeding 80 mph, 60 days sus pended on paymlent of $50 fine: John Curtis Morgan, Robbins Rt. 3, assault, threats, judgment con tinued for 12 months; Grady Cav- iness, Burlington, bastardy and failure to support illegitimate child, judgment continued as fin ancial agreement was reached by prosecuting witness and defen dant’s counsel. Dan Henderson, Carthage Rt 3 assault with deadly weapon, judg ment continued 12 months on eood behavior conditions; Laddie James Stover, Lakeview, bastardv and non-supoo-rt (two counts), continued, defendant to post $100 bond and clerk to subpoena pros ecuting witness and other witness es; Bill Dowdy, Pinehurst, larceny of radio, malicious destruction o^ property, three months to be served at county home, reduced to 60 days if defendant arranges to have radio returned to James Poe. Kemp Ferguson, Liberty, aban donment, failure to support child, iudgment continued, it apoearinc a settlement has been reached: Clarence Short Barber. Carthavp Star Route, driving while drunk, and Theodore Roosevelt Brady Carthac^e Rt. 1, unlav^ful ndsses sion, 60 days as to Barber sus pended on payment of $100 fine and half the costs, 30 days as t' Brady suspended on payment o^ rest of costs. Barber to suffer re vocation of his operator’s license Frank Traynor Broclav, Dover. Del., careless and reckless driv ing. .