Friday, June 6, 1952 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina (f r I & i' » I# West End Lions Stage All-Male Show Tonight An all-male show put on by the West End Lions club will be a big entertainment attraction at the West End High school tonight (Friday). The modest admission prices will go toward the Lions welfare fund for the blind. For their money, spectators will enjoy the privilege of watching 30 digni fied business men of the commun ity shed their dignity in portray ing feminine and comic-character roles. “The Big Baby Revue” is the name of this extravaganza, on which the curtain goes up at 8 o’clock. It concerns a party being given by Mrs. Finefeathers (A. J. Hanner) for her many friends of stage and screen, among whom are Carmen Miranda (D. A. Pat terson); A1 Jolson (E. P. Henson): Emmett Kelly (M. H. Tucker); Gypsy . Rose Lee (Earl Auman); Lil Percy (Paul VonCanon); Prank Sinatra (Robert Hender son); Baby Snooks (T. J. Fletch er); Jiggs (Billy Johnson) and Maggie (Dunk Mclnnis). The audience will be treated to the sight of Aunt Jemima (W. A. Johnson, Sr.) dancing yrith Old Black Joe (L. G. Melvin) to the tune of “Darktown Strutters BaU.” “Miss West End of 1952” will also be presented. The show is being directed by Miiss Ruth Mills of the H. M. Rickard Producing company. Black River Falls, Wis. SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT MOORE COUNTY'S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY. EW 1952 with FINEST STYLING! Only MATHES COOLER offers you beautiful new "Furni ture Styled” cabinets—^aerodynamically designed to give you the finest comfort cooling! FINEST FEATURES! Only MATHES COOLER offers you the greatest combination of exclusive "Comfort” features ever offered in a fan! FINEST PERFORMANCE! Only MATHES COOLER offers you a brilliant new standard in fan performance... the finest of all fans! FINEST VALUE! OMy MATHES COOLER offers you the finest of all fans M diis sensationally new, low price... the biggest fan value today! rOR eRMtlR SMMMfR COMrORf »ll y^UR MATNI9 CORUR PIAMR L V. O’CALLAGHAN SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Junior, Senior Tennis Teams Win League Matches Both the senior and junior Southern Pines tennis teams won their matches in the Eastern Car olina League series played last weekend. For the junior team, it was the opener of their six-match series. They played Saturday afternoon at Raleigh, defeating the Raleigh juniors by a score of 4 to 3. Mak ing up the local team were Steve Choate, Kenneth Tew, Deryl Hol iday, Johnny Watkins and Julian Pleasants. ' They will meet the Kinston junior team on the local courts in their second match of the series Saturday. The seniors defeated a team from Rocky Mount here Sunday afternoon by 6 to 3 and will go this Sunday to Chapel Hill. They have previously played, and de feated, the Sanford team. Playing Sunday were Harry Lee Brown, Jr., Angelo Montesanti, Malcolm Clark, Page Choate, Norris Hodg kins, Jr., and Bobby Barefield. On their trip to Raleigh Satur day the junior team was accom panied by Harry Lee Brown, Jr., advisor from the Sandhills Tennis association, and Stanley Austin, who drove them there. At Raleigh they were joined by Don Moore, a member of the local faculty and also an advisor from the STA to the« junior group. Mr. Moore lives at Raleigh and after the match had the entire Southern Pines party as guests for a buffet sup per at his home. ABERDEEN By DOROTHY McNEILL Russell-Bullard Mr. and MIrs. Paul Bullard of Aberdeen announce the marriage of their daughter, Dixie, to Mil- ton Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Russell of Jackson Springs on Saturday, June 7, at six thirty o’clock in the home of the Rev. Zeb A. Caudle on Summitt street. Reading Contest The Sandhill Book club will sponsor its annual reading contest for the summer months with reg istration beginning Friday after noon in. the Page Memorial libra ry. The person in each of the three age groups who has read the most books at the end of August will be awarded a prize. Brief Mention Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeill Jr. are attending the Grand Chapter meeting of the Order of the East ern Star in Raleigh this week. Spending Sunday at Myrtle Beach were: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blount, Miss Becky Blount, Miss May Marks, Mr. Linny and Sonny Sugg, Misses Sue Swarin- gen, Alice Moss, and Mlartha Car penter, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bobbitt and son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kinlaw of Fayetteville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Marks. Mrs. LaRue Lee of Washington is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Westbrook. Miss Julia Weaver has returned home after spending last week visiting relatives in Chapel Hill. Mrs. A. W. Seawell and family visited relatives and friends in Rockingham last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Marks spent Sunday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. VanCe Hardison and son of Arapahoe were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lawhon last week. Miss Anne Creel is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wren Creel, in Greenville, S. C. Arpur Rowe of State college is spending the summer holidays with his parents. Judge and Mrs. J. Vance Rowe. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. J. E. Pleas ants and Mary Evelyn are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pleasants for several days. Miss Ella Ruth McNeill is spending this week attending Synod’s conference at Flora Mac donald college. H. H. Brewer spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Aber deen. Cpl. Dan I. Allred, Jr., left Sun day from Fayetteville airport for Oklahoma. He was being transfer red from Ft. Jackson, S. C., to Ft. Sill Officer Candidate school. Jonas Lee Burns Is Buried Monday Jonas Lee Burns, 67, died Sun day at his home on Eagle Springs Rt. 1 after a long illness. Funeral services were held Monday after noon at Pilgrim church, with the Rev. G. G. Laws officiating. Burial was in Tabernacle cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the for mer Maggie Furr; four daughters, Chloria of the home, Mrs. Jesse Phillips of Eagle Springs, Mishie and Elizabeth of Asheboro; six sons, Milton, Melvin, Paul, and Jimmy of Robbins, Donald of the home, and Harrison of Asheboro; two brothers, Frank and Rome of Eagle Springs Rt. 1. Ann Pearson Wins Scholastic Medal At St. Mary’s Ami Hoke Pearson, 16-year-old daughter of Mrs. Annabelle Pear son of East Connecticut avenue, was awarded the Cooper Medal at commencement exercises at St. Mary’s in Raleigh last week, for having the highest scholastic av erage for the year in the entire high school department. Ann is a freshman at St. Mary’s, a junior in high school. Her first two years of high school were spent at the Southern Pines school, where she was a marshal for her class in both 1950 and 1951. The Cooper Medal was estab lished in 1944 by Mrs. Sterling Gray Gilliam (Fannie Closs Coop er, ’44) of Henderson, in memory of her brother. To be eligible, a student must have carried four credit courses throughout the year, completing them satisfacto rily, and also must have main tained a satisfactory bearing in aU other phases of school life during the year. Ann was one of five girls re cently elected to the Beacon, high school honor society. She will spend the summer at the Hill camp, Chesham, N. H., where she will be a junior coun selor for the second year. She will leave for camp toward the end of June. Only Five Called For June Draft, Two For July Preinduction calls remain high; while induction calls stay low, ac cording to Mrs. Harry W. Davis, selective service cleiiS. at Carth age. Five Moore men, to be selected next week after reclassification by the board, are to be inducted into the Armyy June 28. 'The July call, already received, is for ,onfyli tyvo, to be inducted July 27. j Twenty men were called for preiiiductkn examination this week. Only seven passed, niost 'of ' them flunking their mental test. ' Preinduction examinatioh will be'* given 25 Moore men July 1. • ^ Of six men sent in response to the May draft call, only two were inducted, James Arthur Cole and Herrpan Edward Leake, both Ne groes. All married non-fathers eligible for the draft have now been given their preinduction exams, but all who passed have not yet been in ducted, Mrs. Davis said. PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS FE ^ r/'/irTriTrr^^^B ADVERTISED IN LIFE STAB-KIST CHVNK STTLE TUNA nSH No I TKIANGLE REG. OB THIN SPAGHETTI <0. HUNT’S RICH TOMATO SAUCE 8-02. STOKELT’S FINEST PARTY PEAS 17-0.. STOKEUX’S FINEST FEAS HONEY POD 17 02 lU lOc 80 240 200 Heins Tomato ETCHU 491 14-02. ^09 Bots. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Lb 94o WHOLE KERNEL CORN NIBLETS 2 i70z 350 EASY-TO-PREPARE MINUTE RICE 5i-02. 130 FLEER’S DOUBLE bubble gum ctn Iff CONVERTED RICE UNCLE BEN’S 28-02. 37 SCOTT FACIAL TISSUE SCOTTIES 0^8 15 LEA & PERRIN MEAT SAUCE so. 33( DEVILED HAM Uhdebwood H.i20« RALSTON INSTANT WHEAT CEREAL »^-28« Join the crowds as Colonial goes into the second week of its big “Advertised in Life” SAVING SALE . . , featuring famous brands! Yes, all the familiar, nationally known brands are at your nearby Colonial. And, most important of all, they’re priced at Colonial’s consistent ly LOW, LOW, PRICES, Come in today ... See the quality ... Shop the store... Count your savings! CampbelTs Rich Red Tomato SOUP 3 r 3P ■t GENTLENESS AND STRENGTH IDEALLT COMBINED SCOTTISSUE 2 - 21< BEDGATE TOP QUALITY BED RIFE TOMATOES 3l.35« FOR SALADS OB SANDWICHES—BELLMANN’S . MAYONNAISE :: 35« WHOLE Oil HII£F 6 To 8 Pounds Average Weight LB. 43c 70.\0MICAL Sl'IUED ',3INCH RfiaS 53c CED OR BY THE PIECE jOLOGMA ‘-b- 53c .-^ADE FKESB AND SOLD FRESH .STRr.AK-O-LEAN \F OF PICKLE AND 63c Lb, 25c Lb 89c IMIENTO . AJCTHAAeAw A doC I liief’s pride barbecued -:TV liver SAUSAGE I iSVHO iRJftUMSCHWElGERioor 35^* ' EF’S PtllDE DEVILED j " -lilKflLjBS Each 15c Dressed & Drawn Beltsville EADLESS AND DRAWN ' mmm JVHITING 23c T U Fantail Tradewin Brand 23c SHRIMP, 10-oz. pkg. 69c 4 to 6 Pound! Average Weight Lb. EYS 65c Southern Dairies Autocrat ICE CREAM pt 19c; ¥2 gaL OHC Fancy Juicy California Sunkist LEMONS, doz. . , , 33c Kraft’s Slices AMERICAN CHEESE 8-02. Pkg. 38 Fancy Juicy Florida GRAPEFRUIT MEDIUM SIZE ^ For 27c Driscoll Brand Fancy Frozen STRAWRERRIES 19^ LUSCIOUS RED RIPE BERRIES 12-Oz. Pkg. SAVE AT OOEONIAU CIGARETTES Chesterfield ctn. $i.60 CIGARETTES Lucky STRIKE Ctn. $1.60 BBILLO SOAP FADS OR RRILLO PADS Small lOc BORDEN’S CREAM CmlESE 3 02. 17c PEANUT BUTTER SWIFT’S 12 02. 38c SWIFT’S LUNCH MEAT PREA8 I2-O2. Can 43c SWIFT’S SHOBTENINQ SWIFT’NING 3-Lb,. 79c CAROJ^^A BEAUTT SWEET PICKUS n. 36c FLAG BRAND DOC FOOD 1-Lb. 9c SWIFT’S HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER 14-02. 12c LAUNDRX BLnatni CliOROX Qt. 17c BATB SIZE Ue DU£ SOAP 2 Has- 27c QBTS CLOTHES dZAMEB OXYDOl. Lge. 28c SOAP FLAKES IVORY Lge. Pkg. 28c GETS XBB DIBIT DIBI SAVA SOAP2 19c For Cool Refreshment ROYAEi CROWN COLA Ctn. Of 6 23c i Hudson Ic Sale Buy one package of HUDSON TABLE NAPKINS at regular ^ price—Get one package of Hud- son Rainbow Napkins for Ic. ’, Both for only 14c SWIFT’S CANNED Hamburgers 10-02. 52c SWIFT’S SALAD OIL JEWEL OIL Pt. 28c mabcal paper NAPKINS Pkg. 12c NABISCO CRACKERS RITE 1-Lb. Pkg. 35c flag PUSST CAT FOOD 7-0,. 7c* LIQUID WAX AEROWAX Pt. 30c OLD DDTCB OLEJUHSEB C-. Ue HOUSEHOLD CUUNEB SPIC &SPAN 2 Lge. 47c FOB TOCB DI8BBS DREFT Lge. 29c '" TOILET SOAP CAMAY 2 Bath 22c Tonn SOAP t BATH w* nrOBT 4p» 2h : me ge/iHO^ m