r J i 'f- 1 I 3'^ y Page Eight THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday* July 25, 1952 Dorothy Swisher At Winston-Salem For Statewide Jaycee Beauty Contest (Picture on Page 1) ! While the nation’s mind was fixed on candidates and elections, Sandhills residents were able to soare thoughts and best wishes for another candidate, better-look ing than any of those at Chicago— Dorothy Swisher of Southern Pines, “Miss Aberdeen of 1952,” maybe later “Miss North Caro lina” and “Miss America.” Moore Growers Vote‘‘Yes” In Torrential Storm Breaks Heat Wave; Lightning Destroys Evans Barn At Vass Tobacco Ballot Dorothy left early Thursday with a delegation of her sponsors, the Aberdeen Jaycees, for Win ston-Salem and the statewide Jay cee beauty contest. Already the holder of 1951 state and national VFW beauty title, Dorothy’s chances of “doing it again” seemed excellent to her friends and sponsors here. She is one of 38 girls selected by local Jaycee clubs for the pa geant and contest, winner of which will represent North Caro lina in the “Miss America” con test at Atlantic City, N. J. The beauties will be displayed in a parade this afternoon, and four performances at Richard J. Rey nolds auditorium, with finals Sat urday night. The girls are staying at a Salem College dormitory, under a strict regimen of rehearseils, shows and “beauty sleep.” Tommy Speight of Windsor, Bertie County,' has converted an old store building into a swine farrowing house. He has seven pens equipped with water, lights and heat. Voters flocked to polling places throughout the county Saturday, to render a decisive affirmlative on both issues presented in the ■‘tobacco referendum.” Out of something over 2,000 growers eligible to vote, 1,705 vo ted on the continuation of acrage quotas. Of these, 1,654 voted for continuing quotas three years, 22 for continuing them one yar and 29 were against continuation. This was 98.3 per cent for quotas and 1.7 per cent against. A total of 1,664 votes were cast on the second issue, approving assessments for the support of Tobacco Associates, Inc. Of these 1,597 were for the assessment, 67 against—or 95.97 per cent vs. 4.03 per cent. In the overwhelmingly affirma tive vote the Moore County growers were in accord with those of the Carolinas as a whole. Bal loting on the issues was held in North and South Carolina on the same day. County PMA leaders expressed themselves as plqased with the good turnout, the ^terested and informed attitude, shown by the growers, and the results of the balloting, which was supervised by PMA community committee men. Following the two hottest dasK"*" qf the summer so far, the heat waye broke Wednesday afternoon in a torrential storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning which played over the area too close for comfort. Starting with the first thunder clap at 4 p.m., 2.1 inches of rain poured down in an hour, accord ing to the measurement made by Mrs. Tom Kelley, local weather observer. The storm played havoc with telephone service over the district, it was learned from the Central Carolina Telephone company. Many phones were knocked out award. LANG • (Continued from Page 1) training entitle him fired his host of friends to immediate action. He trained for a career in edu cation, -and has held several high administrative posts. He holds B. A. and M. A.- de grees from the University of North Carolina, where h^ gradu ated in 1930 at the age of 19. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholarship fraternity, and won the University’s Alger non Sidney Sullivan social service TELEVISION SERVICE Day and Night Phones 2-8921 and 2-4411 FOR SALE: New four room house. Hardwood floors, modern conveniences. C. G. McBride, Lakeview, 2-7552 night. j20tf FOR SALE and Thursday morning repairmen were busy in all localities covered by the Southern Pines office. “Many minor troubles,” though no major ones, developed for CP&L repair crews, who worked until late Wednesday night to get it all repaired. Trees falling across lines and the blowing-out of .trans formers interrupted power service for brief intervals. Lightning struck a barn on the Raymond Evans place just outside 1 service in 1942. After teaching for several years, he went to the U. S. Office of Education as assistant director of education in all CCC camps, heading the vast program of edu cational and vocational work for thousands of youths. In 1938, at the age of 27, he was appointed N. C. State Administrator of the National Youth Administration. He remained in this position for five years until he entered army 2 bedroom stucco and brick 2-story house. Excellent loca tion. Basement has oil burner. Electric hot water heater. Large living room and sun room give spacious living quarters. Immediate posses sion. Partially financed. $10,500. NOW YOU CAN FINANCE YOUR CAR AT HOME AUTO LOANS REFINANCING To Reduce Your Payments WE FINANCE PRIVATE SALES CONFIDENTIAL NO ENDORSERS MONEY IN 10 MINUTES AUTO CREDIT CO. SOUTHERN PINES On Route No. 1 Near S. W. Broad St. Tel. 2-4571 DRIVE CAREFULLY — SAVE A UFE! ADEN SCHOOL OF DANCE Old VFW Clubroom N. E. Broad St.. Straka Bldg. Ballet : Tap : Acrobatic Ballroom Phone 2-8224 Gibson Diamond Eight 4|5 qt. Pint OKMOMIIIBIDtBtENOEDIIIBUI KnoOF (SSBUMKUIUlffun (■MMIUMn..llIinB of Vass, starting a fire which con sumed the large two-story struc ture, with considerable hay and oats stored inside. The barn was reported to have flashed immedi ately into huge flames which the ensuing downpour proved power less to quench. By lucky chance all the heavy equipment was out of the barn, with two tractors in use in gath ering watermelons, and the corn planter loaned out. A neighbor, Ralph Allen, rush ed to get Evans’ livestock—five head of horses and mules—into the pasture from a stable near the burning building, in case it should In the Army, he rose in the ensuing four-year period from the rank of private to that of major. Following his separation, he joined Congressman Dean’s staff in 1946. 6 room stucco house within easy walking distance of shops, churches, school. Liv ing roonl, dining room, kitch en, bedroom and toilet on first floor. 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Floor furnace. Imme diate possession. $7,500. Liquid nitrogen side-dressing demonstrations on corn are at tracting considerable interest in Cherokee County, reports County , Agent G. H. Farley. 5 room brick home on corner lot. Partially financed. $6,650. Do You Have catch fire which, however, it did not. A house at Aberdeen was re ported to have been struck by lightning, with, however, no dam age of consequence reported. A 2 or 3 Bedroom House For Sale? ROWE (Continued from Page 1) lay as they had fallen, Moore in the center of the highway and Rowe partly on the highway and partly on the shoulder. Elbert Jesse Brower, 0, Negro, of Robbins Rt. , approaching the scene in his car with his sister, Theola, 17, as passenger, sought some way of passing the melee of vehicles and injured persons. With the truck lying across the high way leaving just a little space at one end, he skirted around it along the shoulder. He said he (Jid not see the in- .jured man, but stopped when he “felt something under his car.” Rowe had been dragged and roll ed about six feet by Brower’s car.' Bystander,s, accumulating in a large crowd, under direction of Patrolman Apple lifted the car off the prostrate figure. Rowe was then found to be dead. Also injured were Floyd Shef field, 19, of Robbins, who had been riding in the truck cab with McCaskill; and eight-'year-old Paul Moore. Oharles Junior Moore was taken to Moore County hospital with serious injuries, including a con cussion, fractured arm and badly lacerated face. Treated at the Vanore-Brady clinic at Robbins were Sheffield, who also had a concussion, with severe body abrasions, and young Paul Moore, who was scratched about the face and body. Rowe, a single man, had been working for J. W. H. Moore and rooming at JVToore’s home since his teens. . Patrolman Apple said no ar rests had been made, and very likely none would be until after a coroner’s inquest set for 7 p. m. Monday, July 28, at Robbins. If SO, please phone W. C. HILDERMAN Real Estate. Broker Dial 2-7264 On U. S. Highway No. 1—4- bedroom 1-story house with 250 ft. frontage. Hardwood floors. Electric outlets in ev ery room. Electric hot water heater. Linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors. Utility room with cement floor. Gar age has maid’s rooms. Proper ty suitable site for motel. Price $12,500. Buy a lot to build on now or hold for future use. 'We have them ranging in price from $165 up. BARNUM REALTY CO. REALTORS COLONEL KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 100 PROOF James B. Beam Distilling Co., Clermont, Kentucky FACTORY HELP WANTED FEMALE ■Womln 18 to 40 years old, with good vision, for light, clean work on hypodermic needles. Night shift 3:30 p.m.-12 m. Employment office open daily J. Bishop & Co. Carthage Road USED CARS 1^10 $^60 MORE THAN 50 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM FIFTH PINT Classified Ads CHERRY GROVE BEACH house overlooking ocean available weekly • during August. Phone Garland A. Pierce. Sou. Pines. 1952 Henry J 1950 Chevrolet CC 1951 Chev. Sedan, 2-door 50 Dodge 2-door 50 Mercury 2-door CC 48 Mercury 4-door 49 Ford 2-door 48 Pontiac 2-door 47 Ford 2-door 39 Chevrolet 2-door STEVENSON (Continued from Page 1) This time Buffie shared the limg- light with her brother, pictured as a baby, a little girl and the charm ing lady of today. Acting now as hostess for her wifeless brother at Springfield, she emerges as a central figure in. thfe dramatic events now taking place. If, as seems certain, Adlai Stevenson becomes nominee, and if, as is quite possible, the Demo crats win in November, “Buffie’s” sphere of activities will most like ly be moved'to the 'White House at Washington. Friends here feel she would be not only well equal.to the task but would bring to it a grace and charn^ which will make history in their own right. GOOD USED CARS 1947 DeSoio Sedan 1941 Pontiac 2 door 1941 Chevrolet Coupe 1941 Chrysler Sedan 1942 Dodge 4-door Sedan 1946 Mercury Sta. Wagon 1949 Dodge 4-door Sedan 1949 Olds. 88 4-door Sedan Cherry Motor Sales Tel. 2-4411 TRUCKS 50 Dodge Vi Ton 46 Chevrolet V2 Ton 37 Chevrolet V2 Ton Where Prices Are Born, Not Raised PHILLIPS MOTORS Carthage, N. C. FOR SALE: Pullets to lay in Sep tember, laso chicken litter any quantity. See Bud Ritter, 1070 N. W. Broad St. ' FOR RENT: Finely furnished 3- room apartment. Private bath, private entrance. Inquire 155 E. Vermont Ave. jul25c CARPENTRY Remodeling, New Construction Finest Craftsmanship at Budget Prices Free Planning Service Gerard J. P. DeBruin Southern Pines Tel. 2-6112 If interested in buying a good BUSINESS in Southern Pines See H. A. LEWIS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Three bedroom tile stucco house; basement; hot water heal with oil burner; garage. Desirable location. Sale price $10,500. Two bedroom^house, located on Ridge St. 1 2-3 baths, large basement, oil heat, garage. Sale price $8,000. Four bedroom house located on golf course in Southern Pines; large screened porch and large sleeping porch; basement; hot water heat with oil burner; 3 acre lot, well planted grounds. Sale price $16,000. REAL ESTATE LOANS FHA and direct loans at low interest rates. May we. discuss your financing with you. In addition to the above prop erties we have a number of de sirable listings . in . Southern Pines, Aberdeen and Pinebluff. See US before you buy.'. List the property you have for sale with your Realtor J. D. AREY & CO. Realtors and Insurors Tel. 8701 Aberdeen. N. C. WHY PAY rent? BUY ONE OF THESE HOMES 1 nice house, living room, din ing room, kitchen, bath, 3 bed rooms. Large basement. Oil heat. Screened pofch. Partly furnished. $9,000 1 new Brikcrete house, 3 bed rooms, living room, kitchen, bath, oil heat. Nice location. $10,500 1 house May street. Living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, pantry, screened porch. Basement. Oil heat. (4 rooms 2nd floor unfinished). $7500 1 Esso Service station. Good lo cation. Living quarters. 5 to 6 thousand gallons per month. $1350 47 lots beautiful location. Very reasonable. J. D. SITTERSON Phone 2-8445 USED GAS RANGE: We have completely overhauled • this range that was traded in. It’s in first class condition for $99.50.. Just $15 down. Parker Ice & Fuel Co. jl8tf KELVINATQRS: It’s popular and we have many models to choose from. See u's before you trade or buy. Refrigerators, Ranges and Home Freezers. Parker Ice & Fuel Co. jl8tf COOK WITH GAS: It’s mighty cool cooking with an automatic Gas Range. See us—it’s for sure you can own one if you want to. Parker Ice & Fuel Co. jl8tf DUMP BODY: New heavy duty body for less than half price. Parker Ice & Fuel Co. jl8tf SERVICE and Parts for Briggs and Stratton lawn mowers. Mid-South Farm Equipment Co. Phone 7704 Aberdeen, N. C. a25tfc FOR SALE Lovely home, lovely location. 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, living- room, dining-room, den, break fast room, laundry. Full base ment, has playroom, storage room, and full bath. 2-car gar age. Well planted yard. Extras. Also some excellent building lots and road frontage on U.S, No. 1. BROADUS W. SMITH Tel. 2-5542. jun20tfc MAYTAG WASHERS: Wringer type and automatic. Parker Ice & Fuel Co., Southern Pines or Aberdeen. , fl5c Plenty of good water from a drill ed well. Write for illustrated booklet and estimate, gi'ving us the direction and how far you live from your postoffice. Heat er Well Company, Inc., Raleigh, N. C. tfchg FOR SALE: 125 acres land $35 per acre. Land adjoining J. Bishop Co., Southern Pines Wa ter works, and E. M. Aiken de velopment. Ideal property for development or factory site. Beautiful lake site. Midway be tween Airport and St. Joseph of the Pines Hospital. Ten minutes drive from Southern Pines. See Charles R. Sullivan, Carthage, Route 3. jl8,25p WELL BORING: Let us bore you a nice 20” well, tiled complete ly for only $3.75 per foot. R. P, Blackwelder, Tel. 777. 2y2 mi. south of Sanford on No. 1 high way. Rte. 1. No Sunday orders please. ji3 WANTED: Man to learn plumbing and general repair. Apply Pied mont Electric Store, Harry Da vis, Owner, Carthage, N. C.jllc ALCOHOLICS Anonymous—^Mon day and Friday nights basement Belvedere Hotel 8 p. m. Phone 2-5321'. ml6tfc Aparlmenis For Rent Houses For Sale Pollock & Fullenwider Call 2-8732 NOTICE: Do you own timber that needs thinning—Let our gradu ate foresters inspect your tim ber and supervise the marking without charge. We buy . saw timber, pulpwood and land. Cape Fear Wood Corporation, R. H. Park, Agt. Phone 4260, Rockingham, N. C. alOtfc WANTED: TO BUY GOOD CLEAN USED CARS FOR CASH. PINEHURST GARAGE CO„ INC, PINEHURST. N. C DEALER jul 181fc OPENING for responsible white woman. Part time. Good pay Write Opening, Box 58, South ern Pines. jul 18,25p CHERRY GROVE BEACH COT TAGE OVERLOOKING OCEAN AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL WEEKS OF JULY 21ST AND 28TH AND. AUGUST 4TH AND IITH ~ FOR INFORMATION PHONE GARLAND A. PIERCE, SOUTHERN PINES. jl8Hc LARGE Commercial Electric Re frigerator. A-1 shape. “McCray” Sell very reasonable. Phone 2-8523. j20tfc FOR SALE: Gas stove. Used six weeks. Greatly reduced price. I Can be seen McNeill’s Service I Station. j25p LET US HELP YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOME. FHA. DIRECT AND GI LOANS. HOME AND BUSINESS PROPERTY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EXPE RIENCE. 4% G.I. 4«/4% FHA. ACT NOW. HENRY L. GRAVES. AIKEN BUILDING, PHONE 2-2201. POSITION WANTED: Experi enced young lady would like full time office position. Mrs. Theresa Pimental, 165 E. Penn. Ave. So. Pines. jul25p Cars Wanted One of Person County’s out standing 4-H Club girls is Marie Holeman, 17, daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. Clarence Holeman. Marie has completed 22 projects in seven years and has been es pecially active in clothing, food preparation and preservation, room improvement, and health. Dairying is a $1,500,000 business for farmers in Cleveland County, which has traditionally been a large cotton-producing county. FOR RENT For Discriminating Clien tele in Exclusive Southern Pines Residential Section 2 - bedroom apartment com pletely furnished. Designed by interior decorator with period furniture. Heat and Utilities furnished. Adults only. No pets. Rent $100. Tel. Captain Logan 2-2982 FISHING WORMS for sale. 100 worms 75c. Largest and most complete stock of fishing equip ment in Sandhills. BLALOCK- HARDISON, Inc., Aberdeen, N. C. m23tf FOR RENT: Unfurnished upstairs apartment. 5-rooms, screened porch, private entrance. Splen did location. Convenient to shopping. Preferably a couple. Apply in person, 335 North May St. Southern Pines. jul25p Top Cash Prices for Clean Late Model Cars Carthage Trading Post Ph. 4981, Carthage, N. C. Call 2-5882 Southern Pines Bill Blue QUALITY BUILDING MATERI ALS priced right. McDonald Brothers, Tel. 2687, West End, N. C. al8tf GAS RANGES: For one in any price range or any trade name. We install, servjee and supply Metered Bottled Gas Service. Parker Ice & Fuel Co., Southern Pines or Aberdeen. fl5c FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN: Practically new Television set. Three months old Cocker. Ph. 2-7164 after 6 p.m. j25p FOR RENT: 4-room completely furnished apartment. Private entrances, porch. $i00. 305 S. Ashe St. 2-5384. jul25p -FOR SALE: Large Rug and pad. Spool bed, roll-away bed, bridge lamp, Chifforobe and miscel-^ laneous items. 425 East Illinois or call 2-8981. jul25'c WANTED: Stenographer or Dic taphone Machine Transcriber, also assist in clerical work. Per manent position. Write Stenog rapher, P. O. Box 116, Southern Pines. j25c

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