Page Sixteen CARTHAGE NEWS By M!RS ALONZO BLUE jdren, who have been vis- Births 'iting Mrs. Schler’s mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck, Shields, returned to their daughter, Laurie Beth, Monday,]home in' Augusta, Ga., Sunday December 29, in the Moore County'with Mr. Schler who came up for hospital, Pinehurst. Mrs. Beck isl^he weekend, the former Miss Bessie McDonald! hir. and Mrs. Holt McNeill have'' of Carthage. | returned from Dobson, where they Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Riley, Jr., ai'^i^hed Mrs. McNeill’s parents, Mr. daughter, Deborah Faulk, on Mrs. W. D. Norman, during cember 31 in the Lee County hos-Ahe holidays, pital, Sanford. Mrs. Riley is the! Mrs. J. E. Fraiser and Sheryl former Miss Norma Jean Faulk of Moses returned Monday from e Sanford. j 10-day visit to the Rev. and Mrs. Personals ! Robert Ford, in Belle Glade, Fla. Lieut, and Mrs. Allen Thacker,! Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bissett who have been guests of Mrs!!^*^'^ children of Chapel Hill visit- Thacker’s mother, Mrs. C. F. Bar- Mrs. W. G. Brown and Mrs. ringer, for the holidays, left Sun- T. Grier last we.ek. day for Chapel Hill where Lieut. I Misses Mary Elkin and Mary Thacker will re-enter the gradu- Ri^th Martin of Raleigh visited ate school and complete the work ^ ^ ^— for his doctorate in education.'He has been at the Dayton Air Base in Ohio for 18 months and will be separated from the service this spring. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Riley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Blue and Mrs. A. L. Chriscoe were in Siler City Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs. Arpus Blue of Rt. 3 and |Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall of Aber- Mr. and Mrs. "W. D. Sabiston visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank and children spent the weekend Cornelius during the hol- in Wilmington with relatives, jidays. L. W. Edwards and Miss Alma! Mrs. Hoover Carter EdvCards spent Sunday in Liberty children and Mrs. Fulton with their brother-in-law and returned this week from a ter, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Johnston.! ^WO' weeks’ stay in'Fort Lauder- Mrs. Charles Barringer and dale, Fla. Lieut, and Mrs. Allen Thacker] Martha Cameron and chil- were dinner guests of Miss Alma ISalemburg, former Car- Edwards Saturday. jthage residents, spent the week- Mrs. Harry Schler and chil-i®"'^ with friends. Holiday guests of Mrs. L. P. Piano Concert At Flora Macdonald The Conservatory of Music at Flora Macdonald college. Red Springs, will present John Sin clair, pianist, Monday at 8:15 p m. in his first recital since becom ing a member of the music faculty last September. Mr. Sinclair received his Bache lor of Music degree from Louisi ana State university where he was a pupil of Carleton Liddle, his diploma in piano from the Juil- liard School of Music, where he studied with Bev^redge Webster, and his Master of Music degree from Eastman School of Music, where,he was a pupil of the dis tinguished Cecile Genhart. Later this month he will fly to Texas to be soloist with the New Orleans Symphony, with Joseph Kirshbaum, conductor. them for a visit. FIFTH '5:15 PINT *3.20 100 PROQF LIQUEUR SOUTHERN COMFORT CORP. ST. LOUIS 3, MISSOURI I Tyson were heir sisters. Misses I Mina and Cuma Harris of Fay- ! etteville and Mr. and Mrs. Her man Campbell and daughters. Misses Nancy , and Frances Campbell, of Pinehurst. Miss,Flora McDonald visited her brother and sister-in-law, the Rev. End Mrs. D. McL. McDonald, in Columbia, S. C., during the holidays. Mrs. L. P. Tyson and Miss Ruth Tyson were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Herman Campbell in Pinehurst. Friday. Miss Kitty Currie left Saturday for Princeton, N. J., to continue her studies at Westminster Choir college. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deahl and children, who have been guests of Mrs. Deahl’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Spencer, during the holidays returned to their home in Chicago, Ill., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Buffalo and daughter Linda came up from their home in Atlanta, Ga., Friday, to spend the weekend with Mrs. Buffalo’s father, Neill Stewart who returned to Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shoenfelt of Raleigh were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Currie. Mrs. Kitty Ann Bruton, after spending the Christmas holiday, with her son D. D. Bruton and family in Chadbcurn, has return ed to her home here with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs P. H. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roper, Jr., and children who have been guests of Mrs. Roper’s mother, Mrs. Alonzo Blue, returned to their home in Philadelphia Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Beal Hargrove and children, Susan and David, returned to their home in Texas after spending the holidays with Mrs. Hargrove’s mother, Mrs. S. F. Cole. Miss Ann Currie left Sunday for Charlotte to resume her studies at Queens college, after the holiday vacation. The Rev. and,Mrs. W. S. Gold en are spending this week in Philadelphia with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Dan Nicely of Iren Gate, Va, a student at Westminster Choir college, Princeton, N. J., was a guest of Miss Kitty Currie last week. Dn. Neid and McLaai VETERINARIANS Southern Ptnea. N. C This is to remind you that you may now obtain your Motor Vehicle License Plates for 1953 from the Office of the Town Clerk of Southern Pines. Every resident owner of a motor vehicle operated in the Town, except motor vehicles tem porarily operated for a period of time not exceeding a total of thirty (30) days, and except motor vehicles operated for car display or car exhibition purposes by car manufacturers or dealers, displaying dealer’s license plates issued by the State of North Carolina, shall register such vehicle with the Town Registrar of Motor Vehicles, at the Office of the Town Clerk. Every motor vehicle operated on the streets of the Town for which registration is required, shall throughout the current year display the assigned Town number plate in such manner in front or rear as to be visible at all times. The fee for registration and number plate is One ($1.00) Dollar, not prorated. HOWARD F. BURNS, * City Clerk Jl eHlVROLEt YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE OUR GUEST AT THE SHOWING OF THE NEW ' 1953 CHEVROLET \ ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, THE NINTH AND TENTH OF JANUARY NINETEEN-HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE AT THE V PINEHURST GARAGE CO., Inc. PINEHURST NORfTH CAROLINA County TB Seal Sale $500 From Goal; All Returns Welcome Though Delayed Continuing reports in the Christmas seal sale of the Moore County Tuberculosis association have brought the county’s total to within an estimated $500 of its $7,500 goal, said Lawrence John son of Aberdeen, sale chairman, this week. A final report from the Negro division of the sale—headed by Rev. J. R. Funderburk of South ern Pines and H. L. Bryant of Aberdeen—was expected late this week. The division is expected to meet its $1,000 goal for the coun ty- Assuming that the Negro divi sion has raised $1,000 in the 1£(52 sale, the county total early this week stood at $7,020, only $480 short of the goal, Johnson said. Aberdeen’s total was reported early this week by C. M. Wilson, Jr., chairman, as $1,060.15 which is $39.85 short of the $1,100 local quota. Still Welcomie "'W^e have had inquiries about whether Christmas seal returns were still being accepted,” John son pointed out this week, “and I want to emphasize that they are not only acceptable but welcome. In fact, we are counting on these late returns to reach minimum financial needs to make the As sociation’s 1953 program the most effective in its history. “In the name of the Association. I wish to thank all Moore County residents who have bought seals,” he added. “We feel that the gen erous response is an expression cf confidence in our association and its year-round fight against TB And please'u-emember that every return is welcome, however de layed or postponed.” BetterCough Relief When new drugs or old fail to help your cough or chest cold don’t delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature’s process. It goes into the bronchial system to aid nature soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guar anteed to please or your druggist re funds money. Creomulsion has stood i the test of many millions of users. CREOMUirSION . relieves Coughs, Chest Colds, Acute Bronchitis * I % |hro„ghou.®ireT.p1hrughouf*r;v1e^^ .faTo^erS fo^ Mather's Creamy Smooth MAYONNAISE Redgate Golden Cream CORN 2 17-OZ. ^ t CANS FOR SALADS AND SA^a)WICHES Regular 56c Value! QUART JAR COLONlAl uce Mellow Beans in Rich Tomato Sa PORK & BEAMS Absorbent Northern Toilet TISSUE SCOTT COUNTY 16-OZ. CANS ROU FRYERS SWIFT’S SHORTENINC kitchen charm brand ^ WAXED PJIKB 'rOL?' GEORGIA MAID " ^ Peanut butteb ssi 25e 1»¥ TCI? C A nnv BLUE LABEL KARO SYRUP CAN^ 6 jl NU-TREAT COLORED QUARTERS Margarine QTRS. 19 BAKE A CHEESE SOUFFLE TONIGHT MILD CHEESE u, 49. BORDEN’S READY-TO-BAKE BISCUITS 2 c »25> NABISCO PREMIUM CRACKERS - 23< SHORTENING C BIS CO S5c SERVE DELICIOUS FRIED CHICKEN TONIGHT LB. GROUND BEEF MADE FRESH SOLD FRESH ^|| TOP QUALITY SALT MEAT STREAK -O-LEAN LB 25c SWIFT’S PREMIUM SKINLESS FRANKS CELLO 55c CHEF’S PRIDE FRESH MADE POTATO SALAD LB 29c CHEF’S PRIDE PIMIENTO CHEESE SPREAD 8-OZ. 39c TRADEWIND BRAND FANTAIL SHRIMP 10-OZ. pKG. 69c CELLO WRAPPED FILLET OF RED PERCH ra 35c 3§rs. Filbert's MARGARINE lb 29c MAYONMAkSEPT 35c SALAD DRESSING PI. 32c Silver Label COFFEE UB. PKG. LIBBY’S FLAVORFUL ROAST BEEF 120Z 57c UBBrS VIENNA SAUSAGE NO. H 21c DEVILED IDJU LIBBY’S Noy4 20c WITH MEAT-UBBrS SPAGHETTI NO 2 27c LIBBY’S MEXICAN STYLE CHILI & BEANS 11-OZ. 25c OLD VIRGINIA APPLE JELLY soz lie Your Choice of Individual Pieces FRYERS BREASTS LB 95c thighs lb 85c drumsticks lb 79c WINGS B 39c BACKS & NECKS LB. 25c HEARTS AND GIZZABBS Lu 25r Ocean-Fresh Seafood Flounder 59^ Ocean Perch 3gc Oysters, Std., pint 89c Whiting 19^ JFaney Goiden Kipe BANANAS 2 25^ SWEET JUICli FLORIDA ORANGES 8 FANCY VIRGINIA RED DELICIOUS APPLES 2 EXTRA FANCY MEDIUM'SIZE CARROTS FIRM MEDIUM SIZE GREEN CABBACE LBS. CELLO BAG LB. Frasews Fa^d Vggiues . MOBPAC GBEEH PEAS 2 25*^ Redgate Apple SAUCE 17-OZ. CANS SOAP FLAKES IVORY uar 27c WONDERFUL IVORY SNOW Lor 27c 2 BATH SIZE 23c Camay SOAP 3 I^EG. 23c FOR GRIMY HANDS LAVA SOAP 2 bars 21c DUZ DOES EVERYTHING DUZ 27c gets CLOTHES CLEANER OXYPOli ege. 27c TIDE’S IN-DIRT’S OUT TIDE LGE. PKG. 29c FOR YOL.l DISHES DRCFT 'OE . PKG. 29c GRANULATED SOAP SPIG & SPAN 2 47c WHITE NAPTHA PaCsoap3.A»s>-?- IVORY SOAP 4 PERS. bars 21c 3 PEG BARS 23c 2 bath SIZE 27c Broad St.—Open 'til 8:30 p. m. Every Friday