By VALERIE NICHOLSON (See pictures on page 1) |to. He has governed four or five, Southern Pines came under the i and came to Songkhla in Septem- spell of Old Asia last weekend, in the person of a charming, friend ly and soft-spoken little brown man. And, making friends with Gov ernor Puang Suwanarath—“Mr. Puang”—of the province of Song khla, Thailand, it was revealed that the Far East and this country have much in common. He was the first person many he met had known from the land once called Siam. They found he came from a modern country; that this one holds few surprises for him; that Thailand has its diesel trains, passenger air lines, modern schools and stores, and most of the conveniences which are sometimes thought of as purely America'n. "Very luke Yours" However, in saying that what ■ was there is “very like yours” he ; frequently added, “but not so her. \ After the dinner, he went for a visit to the home of Lewis’ brother, James, and Mrs. Pate. There he met young Jimmy and Linda, who promptly annexed him as another beloved uncle, with whom they felt quite at home. Sunday, Mr. Puang, a Buddhist, with the Woodruffs attended the morning service at the First Bap tist church, where he found many I welcoming hands extended. 'Admires Hospitals Sunday afternoon Lewis’ folks took him cn a tour of the Sand hills, with Mrs. Nicholson along. He visited both St. Joseph of the Pines and Moore County hospital, expressing great admiration for both; also- the Pinehurst Country club, and other beauty spots ojE the golfing resort. There are sev eral courses in Thailand, he said, New Location •' ' big.” Schools, health services and but the only one to compare with many other phases of living, es- those of the Sandhills is the one pecially in the rural areas, need “at the King’s Palace.” much improvement. And that Coming heme, they stopped at was one thing he was here for— the Southland for him to meet a to see all there was to see in this former resident of Thailand— country, to learn how things are Mrs. Ellsworth Tompkins of Hy- dbne here and to carry back. attsville, Md., who had been there knowledge which would help his with her husband on an official people. I tour of duty. Mrs. Bernice Har- Visiting Southern Pines Eis a rington, the hotel owner, served friend of a local young man, coffee and cakes in the lobby, and Lewis R. Pate, who is teaching in j much enjoyment was found as Songkhla province under the Mrs. Tompkins and Mr. Puang teacher exchange program, he'spoke together of mutual friends. . The Central Carolina Telephone i company will start this weekend moving its business offices to their new location at 232 South West Broad street, the building former ly occupied by John C. Parrish, plumbing contractor. Beginning Monday, the Central Carolina’s “front office”—for pay ment of bills, application for in stallations, etc.—^will be ‘open to the public in the new building. For the past two years this office has been in the WEEB building on North East Broad street. As remodeling in the back part of the building is completed the other offices will be moved there —those of President John E. Cline, General Manager George M. Thompson, Commercial Man ager E. C. Small and Auditor Bob Strouse, with their secretarial staff. The move wUl concentrate in one place offices which are now in the WEEB building and the main Central Carolina building on East New Hampshire avenue. Af ter the move is completed, expan sion of equipment in the main building will go forward. Consid erable new equipment to take care of the increasing load in the area is to be installed. was “adopted” by friends and rel etives of Lewis’ and shown prac tically everything there was to see here. and the land they both loved. Sunday night, the Governor was guest of honor at a supper party at the home of Mrs. James He came to Raleigh by Eastern 1 Boyd. Other guests were Brig Airlines Friday afternoon,, to be met by Mayor C. N. Page, Mrs. Fred Woodruff (Lewis’ sister) and Valerie Nicholson of The Pilot. On arrival here he became a guest in the Page home until his departure by Piedmont Airlines Monday 2ifternoon. At the Pages’ he found a typical holiday family group — Barbara and Chan Jr., home from college Gen. and Mrs. W. M. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Jere McKeithen, Mr and Mrs. Amos C. Dawson and Mrs. Nicholson. The group sat long before the fireplace in gen eral conversation, interested in the comparisons of one land with another and glimpses of life in a Far Eastern land. Visits Schools Monday, the Governor visited for Christmas, and David, a high both the Southern Pines and school student. The first evening iWest Southern Pines schools, go- there “we sat up till 1 o’clock hefing into many classrooms, paus- was so interesting, and we had sojing here and there for a smiling many questions to ask,” said Mrs. word with a boy or girl, and ap Page, calling him a “model guest.” Neighbors and friends dropped in throughout the evening. Visits Downtown Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff and Mrs. Nicholson took him downtown, dropping into various stores and introduc ing him around. Wherever he went, passersby smiled and spoke to him. In the Citizens Bank and Trust company Miss Emile Mae Wilson came up. “I was Lewis’ first grade teacher and taught him in high school too,” she told him, immediately establishing a bond. Mayor Page took the group to the Coffee Shop for lunch, and afterward the plan was for the Governor to be driven to Fort Bragg. However, he said he pre ferred to stay in Southern Pines and get acquainted with the Wood ruff household, which includes four young people. The Wood ruffs also took him on a tour of the town. Saturday night, a festive dinner was held at the Hollywood hotel, given by the town board and in cluding town and school officials and members of the Pate and Woodruff families. There was no program other than an informal welcome from the Mayor, to which Mr. Puang made a gracious and appreciative response. Appointed By King His English, slightly hesitant, his unassuming maimer and soft voice gave him the appearance of a shy youth rather than the rul ing official in a province of 360,- 000 people. A graduate of Bang kok university and a lawyer, he has been in government service for 20 years. He was appointed governor by the King, approved bv the Premier and House, for lifetime service, in whatever pearing interested in everything he saw. Supt. A. C. Dawson con ducted the tour at both schools £md in West Southern Pines Prin cipal J. W. Moore served as guide. In almost every clasroom the children’s faces sparkled with’in terest, and their hands waved for question after question, concern ing the climate, population, cus toms, mode of travel and other things about Thailand. His country’s name was changed by law some years ago, Mr. Puang told them, because “Siam has no meaning in our language, but Thailand means the ‘land of the free.’ ” The people h^ve alv/ays been known as “Thai”—‘‘free”— and they hope and plan to remain so always, he averred. In the afternoon he paid 'a visit to USAFAGOS at Highland Pines Inn, where he was shewn around by General Gross and sat in on class with this week’s newly- arrived officer group. Mayor Page put him aboard his plane at 4:21 for his next stop— Knoxville, Tenn. Urged To Return Goodbyes all around were sad. “Come back some day!” Mr Puang’s new friends urged him. “Bring your wife and the children —all five!” “I hope to,” said the smiling little brown man, giving warm farewell handclasps, “and you must come to see us.” He told them, “I have seen much of your country in the past three months—California, Buffalo Boston, Chicago, Phoenix, Miami. I like the Sandhills best of all. It is so beautiful—^not ,too crowded, all so pleasant, so green. You have everything here — fine schools, fine hospitals, sports. I wUl never forget my visit to you.” As he went he carried—along Oassif led Ads Light face caps and lower catse type, 4c per word; BLACK CAPI TALS, 5c per word. Minimum price, per Ad, 50c. ALL ADS IN CLASSIFIED COLUMN CASH, WANTED: OLD BOOKS, LET TERS, DOCUMENTS, GOLD COINS, OIL PAINTINGS. SIL VERWARE. OLD JEWELRY. JOSEPH GARNIER, WELLES LEY BLDG., PINEHURST. N. C. o24tfc FOR RENT: Two desirable 3- rooms apartments each with private bath. One on first floor and one on second floor. Apply 155 East Vermont Ave. DESIRES WO^K: Experienced baby sitter or daytime compan ion for elderly person. Grace D. Hardwick, phone 2-4084. j9c FOR RENT: 4-room furnished cot tage. All electric kitchen. H. W. Van Boskerck, Pineliluff. j9p FOR RENT: New 3-room furnish ed apartment. Private entrance. Thermostatically controlled heat. 440 East New Hampshire. Call 2-5884. j9c FOR SALE: Narrow coil spring roUaway bed. Hollywood head- board style. Practically new. Good price. Phone 2-6783. j9p FOR SALE: Six weeks old Collie puppies. Pure bred. AKC reg istered. Buster Buffkin, phone Aberdeen 7791. j9tfc FOR RENT: 3-ROOM FURNISH ED APARTMENT. HEATED, PHONE 2-6322. | j9c FOR RENT: 3-room furnished and heated apartment. Couple only Close in. Also, 4-room furnished apartment. Dr. L. M. Daniels phone 2-6382. j9c DESIRES BABY SITTING in own home. Night only. Call 2-8964 Mrs. Jewell Webb. j9c FOR RENT: 2-bedroom apart ment downstairs. Plenty yard for play. R. S. Parker, 555 N Ashe St. j9p FOR RENT: 6-room unfurnished house. Electric water heater Oil heat. Phone 2-5743. j9c — . .. Vlie went lie eeiAiici.i— provinces he should be assigned with many messages for Lewis FOR SALE: 1951, Ford Tudor; black; perfect condition; locally owned, Actual miles 23,700 $1495. Can be financed. Call 2-6531. FOR SALE: Two second-hand bi cycles. Bargains. Dr. L. M. Dan iels, phone 2-6382. j9c a big load of friendship, from the people of Southern Pines. CHEVROLET YOU ARE CORDIALLY UNITED TO BE OUR GUEST AT THE SHOWING OF THE NEW 1953 CHEVROLET ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, THE NINTH AND TENTH OF JANUARY NINETEEN-HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE AT THE PINEHURST GARAGE CO., Inc. PINEHURST NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Do you have a desire for a modem home in the country— three large bedrooms, living room with good view, hot air heat with oil burner, six good size rooms with plenty of good closets; located on Pinehurst- Pinebluff road. Sale - price $14,000 with four acres addi tional land available. Buy this new ranch home—^lo cated in desirable residential section of Southern Pines—two large bedrooms, living room with fireplace and picture win dow looking out on pine grove; dining room, kitchen with Youngstown equipment, hot water heat with oil burner, lot with 150-foot frontage. Buy this house for less than it would cost you to build it to day. Sale price $13,500. FHA financing available. Desirable building lots on Midland Road, 150 frontage On Midland Road and extends back to Knoll wood Lake; lake privileges. Priced from $700 to $1,500. REAL ESTATE LOANS Consult ils about your FHA and direct loans. If you are planning to buy or build we can arrange your financing for you. FOR RENT 3 bedroom furnished house be tween Southern Pines and Ab erdeen. Rental $95. 3 bedroom unfurnished house between Southern Pines and Aberdeen. Rental $75. INSURANCE Start the New Year with a peace of mind by having ade quate insiirance protection against any loss. Consult us about your insurance needs. J. D. AREY & CO. Realtors and Insurors Tel. 8701 Aberdeen, N. C. PARAKEETS "The Singing - Talking Bird" CANARIES - TROPICAL FISH Tener's Bird House Niagara, N. C. Just Arrived—New Shipment TROPICAL FISH Open weekdays after 5 p. m.; Weekends after 12 noon. USED CARS 52 Willys 2-dr Demonstrator 52 4-dr Sedan Demonstrator 98 52 4-dr Sedan Demonstrator 98 52 Holliday Cpe Demonsta. 98 51 Willys Stadion Wagon 50 Olds 2-dr Sedan 47 Chevrolet Coupe 42 Cadillac 42 Ford 41 Pontiac Pearse Motors, Inc. Your OLDSMOBILE Dealer 795 Southwest Broad St. Ph. 2-4411 Souther^ Pines HOME VINEYARD GRAPE COL LECTION—Red, White and Blue. Consisting of 2 each Red Lutie, White Niagaira and Blue Concord—total Six 2 - year Grape Vines—Offer No. 2-15, $3.15 postpaid. Free Copy 56- page Planting Guide in color offered by Virginia’s Largest Growers. Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynesboro, Virginia. FOR RENT: Garden type, imfur- nished apartments, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and din ette. Knollwood Apts., 377 Del aware Ave., Tel, 2-4375. dl9tf FOR RENT: 4-room apartment with bath. Good condition. Call 2-8133 or contact Mrs. Jack Caudle, Manly. j2,9p ART INSTRUCTION. DRAWING AND PAINTING. CONTACT SALLY GOODSPEED, PHONE 2-8785. j2.9.16p FOR RENT: Four room furnished apartment, $55. Electric kitchen. Two entrances. Adults. No pets. Midland Apartments, 236 N Broad St. Call 2-4935 evenings. j9c LET US HELP YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOME. FHA. DIRECT 1 AND GI LOANS. HOMR AND BUSINESS PROPERTY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EXPE RIENCE. 4% G.I. 4‘A% FHA. ACT NOW. HENRY L. GRAVES. AIKEN BUILDING. PHONE 2-2201. WANTED: Furnace cleaning and removing of ashes. Ed Torrence, care Pilot, Southern Pines, o-tf FOR RENT: Furnished Efficiency apartment. Close in. Call 2-6471 until 5 p. m.. after 5 call 2-6885. i9c FOR RENT: Small apartment. Completely fumishedj Couple only. Phone 2-5622. j9c FOR SALE New Zenith TV 21-inch screen List price $500 Will sell for $300 Call 2-6691 Southern Pines j2,9p FOR RENT: Furnished apartment. Heat and water furnished. Pri vate bath. 470 N. Ashe, phone 2-7012. j9c FOR RENT: '4-room house. Com pletely furnished. Couple only. Phone 2-8154. j9c REAL ^TATE FOR SALE I have several nice Homes and business property at rea sonable prices. 1 Home, 6 rooms and bath. Oil heat. Basement. Close in. $6800 FOR RENT Modem 3-room apartment with private bath. Completely fur nished. Heat and hot water in cluded. Rales weekly or montto ly. The Woodworth 180 N. Bennett Street Phone 2-6792 M. A. Lyons & Co. GENERAL CONTRACTING UP TO $300,000 BUILDING . . . REMODELING Midlsmd Road, Southern Pines Phone 2-4035 1 House, 5 rooms and bath. Large lot. On Highway 1. $4200 New brick veneer Home, 3 bed rooms, living, dining, kitchen, bath. Basement. Oil heat. Nice lot. Overlooking lake. $16,500. 65 nice lots in best part of town. Reasonable. J. D. SITTERSON 260 N. Ashe St. Ph. 2-8445 FOR SALE 4 apartment house. Within easy walking distance of shops. Cen tral heat with oil burner. Each aplr. has separate electric me ter. House in good repair. $16,500 2 bedroom stucco and brick home. Excellent location. Base ment with oil burner. Steam heal. Electric water heater. Large living room and sun room, dining room and kitchen. Garage. Buyer may assume ex isting mortgage. $10,500 FOR RENT—2 room office suite. Centrally located. Barnum Realty Co. REI^LTORS ALSO REFINANCING TO REDUCE YOUR PAYMENTS MONEY IN 10 MINUTES NO ENDORSERS AUTO CREDIT CO. SOU. PINES . Phone 2-4571 On Hiway No. 1 Near S. W. Broad St FOR FLOORING, ROOFING, IN SULATION, WALLBOARD AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS CALL McDonald Brothers, Telephone 2687, West End, N. C. aStfc ALCOHOLICS Anonymous—Mon day and Friday nights basement Belvedere Hotel 8 p. m. Phone 2-5321. ml6tfc Apartments For Rent Houses For Sale Pollock & Fiillenwider Call 2-8732 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED INQUIRE 385 NORTH MAY STREET. jSp FOR RfiNT: Furnished 3-room garage apartment. Near Caro lina Hotel, Pinehurst. Mimosa Cottage. Phone Pinehurst 2834. j9,16c WANTED: Young women to train as hand weavers. Year-round work.' Forty-hour, five day week. Excellent wages for per sons able to learn. Apply be fore 9 a. m. Employment office, Anglow Tweeds. j9c SANDHILL CONSTRUCTION CO. Box 1061—Ph. 2-8180 Southern Pines, N. C. Grading Contractors Land Clearing, Discing Ponds & Dams Built Bulldozer Work Contract or by Hour Statew’ide North Carolina License No. 2460 - R. C. JOHNSON Phone 2-6132 C. H. DAUGHERTY Phone 3*5505 WANTED: Laundry to do at home. Sanitary facilities. Viola Blue, 1063 West Illinois. j9p FOR SALE: New Hampshire lay ers, 7 months old. Josephine Sadler. Inquire McNeill’s Feed Store. j9p FOR SALE: Newly-built modern home. Two bedrooms. Wooded lot. 31Q Wisconsin Avenue. L. Brenson, same address. j9p FOR SALE: Pigs and shoats. One mile West of West Southern Pines. Reasonable prices. David McRae. j9p FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT: Two large rooms. Pri vate bath, porch. Hot air heat. Adults. No pets. Tel. 2-7903. j9p WANTED: 2 or 3-bedroom unfur nished house by Air Force Offi cer stationed Highland Pines Inn. Contact Capt. J. H. Gifford, phone 2-2972. J9p FOR SALE: Complete library of some 500 books. Can be bought separately or as complete libra ry. All good reading books. Con tact Mrs. Kennington, Pine- lodge, Pinehurst. Tel. 4155. j9 FOR SALE: One wheel luggage trailer. Good condition.' See at 865 North May St. j9c FOR RENT: CON-A-MORE Cot tage. Unfurnished. Conn. Ave. 3-bedrooms, electric range and water heater. Oil heat. Phone 2-4341 or L. V. O’Call^ghan Plumbing and. Heating, 140 E. Conn. Ave. j9c ORDER YOUR GOOD CLEAN COAL NOW Call us today for Kentucky Peabody Stove and stoker coal Red Jacket. Clinchfield Red Ash Stove Coal Penn. Bricquetts and Charcoal Good Oak Wood Sawed to Order Good Fat Pine CHANDLER - HOLT ICE & FUEL CO. Under New Management Southern Pines FOR RENT: Two very nicely fur nished apartments. Each b'‘s large living-room with fireplace, and 2 large bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Apply 10 to 12 and 3 to 5 p.m. at Corner Orchard and Weymouth roads. Wallace Bry ant. dl9c. BUY FROM MILL OUTLET AND SAVE: Morgan-Jones national ly advertised Rugs and Carpets made in Laurinburg. Phone Barnes Furniture Co., Laurin burg 371 for night and Wednes day afternoon appointment if desired. dl2tfc FOR SALE HOUSES - LOTS - LAND BROADUS W. SMITH Tel. 2-5542 olOlf FOR SALE: Electrol Gun type Oil Burner for furnace. Good condition. Priced very low. Can be seen at 240 N. Ridge St. Tel 2-4722. 024c USED CARS 52 Dodqe 4 door 52 Ford 2 door 51 Plymouth Belvedere 50 Plymouth CC—X clean 49 Plymouth C. C. 49 Ford C. C. 48 Chevrolet 4 door 46 Ford CC—X clean 46 Ford 2 door 40 Chevrolet 4 door SPECIAL 1939 Ford. You can drive home. All glass in it. Starts with starter. $49.95 cash. PHILLIPS MOTORS Where Prices Are Born, Not Raised Carthage, N. C. FOR SALE: Upright piano in good condition. Priced for quick sale Call 2-4722. 024c FOR WOOD WINDOWS, STEEL WINDOWS, ALUMINUM WIN DOWS AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF BUILDING MA- TERAILS CALL McDonald Brothers, Telephone 268’, West End, N. C. a8tfc WELL BORING: Let us bore you a nice 20” well, tiled complete ly for only $3.75 per foot. R. P. Blackwelder, Tel. 777. 2% mi. south of Sanford on No. 1 high way. Rte. 1. No Sunday orders please. jig FOR SALE 2 overstuffed chairs & sofas $250 the lot also One Antique small Grate $150 Phone 2-6691 Southern Pines i2,9p Plenty of good water from a drill ed well. Write for illustrated booklet and estimate, giving us the direction and how far you live from your postotfice. Heat er Well Compapy, Inc., Raleigh, NC. tfchg FOR RENT: Sunny room for gen tleman. Beautyrest mattress. Two blocks Post Office, 240 S. Ashe St. j9p FOR RENT: One 4-roofn apart-' ment. Electrically equipped. Oil heat. Couple only. One 3-room apartment. 360 East Maine. Tel. 2-7811. j9p PRIVATE TUTORING; All ele mentary subjects and French. Grades three to eight. Mrs. Mil- iicent Hayes, Southern Pines, tel. 2-8812. j2tfc WANTED: Woman to help in sew ing room. Must be experienced in handsewing. Forty-hour, five day week. Positions open for both seasonal and permanent work. For appointment phone 2-5812. j9c FOR RENT: An exception ally nice apartment. Close in. W. C. HILDERMAN Real Estate Broker 225 Weymouth Road LOST: Green Brocaded Needle point work bag. Suitable re ward offered. Finder return to Carolina Hotel desk. j9p FOR SALE: Storkline folding car riage. Practically new. High chair, stroller. 145 W. Mass. Ave. j9p- PALMISTRY By Madame Eve She is here located in your own area for the first time. She will tell your past, present and future, also give advice on all matters. She will answer all ques tions. Consult this lady. She helps others in all walks of life—^why not you? All readings strictly confi dential. Located between Aberdeen and Southern Pines on US 1 near Drive-In Theatre. Hours: 9 ami. to 11 pmi. All PATRONS WELCOME.