PAGE SIXTEEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Local Men Bow To Raleigh In Tennis Sunday The Southern Pines men’s team in the E;astem Carolina Tennis Association series bowed 7-2 to the championship Raleigh team in a match held on the State College tennins courts at Raleigh Sunday afternoon. The Moore County Champion ships currently under way On the local courts were interrupted to permit a half dozen of Southern Pines’ strongest players to keep th§ date for the second match in the series. Ray Schilling figured in both the Southern Pines wins, in sin gles and then in doubles with Harry Lee Brown, Jr., as partner. The score gives Southern Pines a 1-1 record in league play. The next match will be held here Sim- day, with Rocky Mount as the visiting team. The summary: Singles. Jerry Robinson (R) defeated Harry Lee Brown, 6-2, 6-2. Ray Schilling (SP) defeated Dodge Geohagen, 6-0, 6-3. Cy King (R) defeated Kenneth Tew, 6-1, 6-0. Henry Maddux (R) defeated Wayne Harrison, 6-1, 6-2. Ike Wright (R) defeated Page Choate, 6-2, 6-4. Morris Rozar (R) defeated Deryl Holliday, 6-1, 6-3. Douhles. Brown and Schilling (SP) de feated Council and Robinson, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3. Bredenburg and Geohagen (R) defeated Choate and Tew, 6-3, 6-1. Broome and Mintz (R) defeated Holliday and Harrison, 6-3, 6-2. December 1 Deadline Set On Removal Of Hogs From Pens Within City Line American dairy herds broke an other monthly record in April, 1954, when they produced 11.3 bil lion pounds of milk, 4 per cent more than in April a year earlier. A TREAT FOR TASTE A FOOD FOR HEALTH DRIRV QUEEN TODAY’S TEMPTATION The Queen’s Own Delicious ^ C/^ E' FREE PLASTIC DISH kA On U. S. No. I Between Aberdeen and Southern Pines I l*S4. DAIRY 0U£fH HATt. TRADE ASSH., INC* All WAYS AT YOUR SERVICE ON THE DOUBIE-QUICK Looking for head$-up auto service? Look no further. That's us! Always on our toes to serve you promptly, efficiently, courteously! When car trouble troubles you, have our mechanic give it a thorough check up. McNEILL’S GULF SERVICE Southern Pines, N. C. G&W ISTAR 90 Proof! 4/5 Qt. $2.30 PINT CfeW SEVEN STAR ******* Wm. J. STRATTON SALES — INSTALLATION Phones 2-7570 and 2-7571 blended whiskey. 62'a* neutral spirits distilled from grain GOODERHAM & WORTS LIMITED. PEORIA, ILLINOIS Safe Driving Ability Rated By 10 Queries Here’s a feature on safe driving distributed by the State Depart ment of Motor Vehicles. Try your hand at the questions and see how you rate. The best drivers—and the safest^-ought to get at least nine correct answers, the Motor Vehicles Department says. You have three choices in each ques tion. Mark the one you think is right, then check the end of the column for the correct answers: 1. When the speed of a car is increased from 25 mph to 50 mph, the braking distance is increased approximately: (a) four times, (b) three times, (c) twice. 2. At 50 mph a reasonably safe distance at which to follow the car ahead is (a) 3, (b) 4, (c) 5 car lengths.' 3. You are traveling at 45 mph and wish to pass another car trav eling at 35 mph. This requires about 10 seconds. The number of feet that your car will travel before you have passed and are back on the right side of the road again is: (a) 300 feet, (b) 450 feet, (c) 660 feet. 4. Drivers exceed speed limits chiefly because: (a) they don’t know the regulations, (b) they lack skill, c) they have poor at titudes. 5. When the fight wheels of your car slip off the pavement, you should: (a) turn back onto the pavement quickly, (b) slow down gradually and steer back onto the pavement when convenient, (c) apply the brakes sharply and cut the wheels hard back onto the pavement. 6. While the average driver is moving his foot from the accelera tor to the brake, a car going 50 mph will travel approximately: (a) 35 feet, (b) 55 feet, (c) 75 feet. 7. A common characteristic of the “show-off” driver is that he (a) does not know the regulations, (b) lacks presence of mind in emergencies, (c) drives too fast for conditions. 8. Your car is being overtaken and passed by another car on a two lane road. Just as this car starts to cut in, another approach es around a curve. In most cases it is best to: (a) maintain speed, (b) slow down and give way, (c) speed up. 9. As you approach an intersec tion it becomes apparent that your car will enter the intersection be fore a car approaching from the street on your right. However, that car’s speed is greater than yours. You should: (a) speed up to match his speed, (b) slow down and prepare to stop, (c) maintain your speed and don’t let him bluff you. 10. A flashing red traffic hght means: (a) slow down, (b) stop, (c) congested traffic area. I Answers , 1. (a), 2. (c), 3. (c), 4. (c), 5. (b), 6. (b), 7. (c) 8. (b), 9. (b), 10. (b). Scores of 9-10 are superior, 7-8 good, 6 fair, under 6 poor. I June 18,19 Mark Grand Opening Of I Vass Super-Market McRae’s Grocery in Vass, oper ated by J. A. McRae, will occupy I its new building adjoining its old lone on Highway 1 next week, with Friday and Saturday as the [Grand Opening Days, but with I special prices On certain items I continuing for two weeks. On Sat urday, the second opening day for the new super-market, eight food I baskets are to be given away, as 1 advertised elsewhere in this issue. The new building, of cement block construction, contains 1500 square feet of floor space. The floor is covered with asphalt tile land cabinets in keeping with modem self-service style are be ing built. Special Demonstrations 1 To Be Given In Vass Mrs. Betty S. Morgan, head of the home economics department Vass-Lakeview High School, announces a series of special in terest meetings with free demon strations to be held in the home economics rooms at 7:45 p. m. June 21, 24 and 25. Demonstrations will be on foods, frozen foods and machine attachments, given by Miss Flor ence Buckner, with the Carolina Power and Li ght Company, Mrs. Morgan, and Mrs. McGilvary, Singer Sewing Machine Company representative. All who are interested are in vited to attend these free demon strations. Kinship Links Local Man With New Senator Owners of hogs kept within the city limits of Southern Pines are being warned to remove them be fore December 1 of this year or face prosecution under an existing ordinance that prohibits keeping hogs in town. The ordinance has not heretofore been strictly en forced. In a letter sent this week to members of the town council, City Manager Tom E. Cunningham re ports that the town office is get ting complaints about hogs and reveals that the December 1 dead line for getting rid of the animals has been set. In the meantime, the letter notes, owners of pens about which there have been com plaints will have to clean them up. The text of the city managers letter follows: The hot weather which we have been having has started ; growing number of citizen com plaints about various persons keeping hogs in the corporate lim its of the Town. Of course, the complaints will increase all through the summer months. “We have a Town Ordinance strictly prohibiting th^ keeping of A local man who was especially interested in the appointment of Judge Sam Irwin to the Senate was L. T. Avery. The two grew up together in Morganton, with the new senator following along behind the South ern Pines man, five or six years after him in both school and Uni versity. “The two families were close friends,” said Mr. Avery, “and our fathers were elders in the Pres byterian church.” The Irwin and Avery families are kin, besides being old friends. Mr. Avery was one of several, here, who wired Governor Um- stead urging' that he appoint Judge Irwin to the Senate. “Long acquaintance,” he said, “has impressed me with the con- FRIDAY, JUNE 11. 1954 FIRE DESTROYS BARN Fire, thought to have been startec^ by lightning, destroyed a feed barn on the farm of eBn Gul- ledge out from Vass Wednesday night together with two mules, a hog, and a large qua'fttity of feed. viction that Sam Irwin is the kind of man this state needs in Wash ington.” color and scenic splendor. The story of a temptress who uses her striking looks to get what she wants from men provides Miss Turner with a role that exudes plenty of sex appeal hog or hogs anywhere in the corporate limits of the Town. Therefore, it is my belief that we owe it to the people who must suf fer the inconvenience of having a hog located next to them to strict ly enforce this ordinance or to re move it from the Town Code of Ordinances. It ‘is my belief that the Council would give no con sideration to the latter of these alternatives. “It would work considerable hardship on those who now own hogs to require them to get rid of them immediately since they would be unable to kill thpm in the hot weather. Therefore, we are urgently requesting The Pilot and WEEB to inform all citizens who presently have hogs that they do whatever they can to dispose of them as soon as possible. After carefully considering this matter we have decided to set December 1, 1954, as the absolute deadline date for the removal of all hogs from the corporate limits of the Town. On and after this date any violators of the ordinance will be prosecuted. “In the interim, between now and December 1, 1954, we will re quire persons either to move the pen or to thoroughly clean up the pens I where we receive citizens’ complaints regarding this public nuisance. “I am sure our citizens will co operate with us in abating this public nuisance and we are going to do everything we can to keep from working hardships on those who have hogs in the corporate limits at the present time. How ever, I feel that December 1, 1954, is a fair warning to those who have hogs that they must have them removed before that date.” Starting Thursday night, June 17th, at 8:15 p. m. is the Cinema- Scope production with Stereo phonic sound, “King Of The Khy- ber Rifles” starring Tyrone Power, Terry Moore, Michael Rennie, John Justin and a score of others. An outstanding motion picture has been made of the 37-year-old pop ular novel with CinemaScope and Technicolor enhancing the pano ramic value of the story, and a fine cast adding luster to the ac tion and excitement, which has great entertainment values for the entire family. SUNRISE Southern Pines Ph. 2-4013 Continuous Shows Daily Opens 3:00 Saturday 11:00 Sunday 1:00 — ^ FRIDAY. JUNE 11—Last Day An All Star Cast in The Queen of Sheba" Color Cartoon SATURDAY. JUNE 12—Only Double Feature Gene Autry in "Sioux City Sioux" —and— John Wayne in "Wake of The Red Witch" Serial & Cartoon SUNDAY & MONDAY June 13-14 Audie Lisa Murphy Gaye —in— "Drums Across The River" News - Sport - Cartoon IMrAfKtS CAROLINA The magazine Newsweek which is always very conservative in their \yrite-ups of Motion pictures, states first of all that “Three Coins In The Fountain” is a gay, topflight comedy and gives al most an entire page to enthusias tic praise of it. “Even were it ma terially less of a photoplay enter tainment-wise, the offering would be well worth the price of admis sion for the sheer magnificence of its scenic backgroimds—^Rome, Venice and the Italian country side. An ingenious, masterful blending of the modern and an tique glories of today’s Italy, they must be seen to be fully apprecia ted, and it should be unnecessary to report that the above mention ed scenic marvels are further ac cented through the CinemaScope and De Luxe Color. There is still time to see this extraordinary picture at the Caro lina Theatre, this Thursday, Fri day and Saturday June 10-11-12 at 8:15 p. m. with a Saturday mat inee at 3.00. TUESDAY. JUNE 13—Only Humphrey June Bogart Allyson —in— "Battle Circus" Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16-Only Double Feature The Range Busters in "Haunted Ranch" —and— Brien Donlevy in "IMPACT" Serial & Cartoon THURSDAY St FRIDAY JUNE 17-18 Wendell Evelyn Corey Keyes —in— "Heirs Half Acre" Color Cartoon STARVIEW Drive-In Theatre Between So. Pine*-Aberdeen INDIVroUAL SPEAKERS Coming to the Carolina Sunday thru. Wednesday, June 13-14-15-16 at 8:15 p. m. with matinees Sun day and Tuesday at 3.00 is the deluxe drama with songs, “Flame And The Flesh” starring Lama Turner, Pier Angeli and newcoin- ers Carlos Thompson and Bonar Colleano. Authentic Italian back grounds of Naples and the resort towns of Amalfi and Positano, the debut of Carlos Thompson as a romantic star, and the transfor mation of Lana Turner from blonde to brunette, give this ro- 'mantic drama that “something different” quality and takes noth ing away from that aspect of Miss Turner’s characterization. Slated principally for adult, sophisticated audiences, “Flame And The Flesh” is an absorbing story with many plus factors. They are Lana Turner, exception ally fine photography in Techni- ELMOSiE Straight OOUKBON Whiskey FRL. SAT.. JUNE 11-12 "Lawless Breed" (In color) Rock Hudson SUN.. MON.. JUNE 13-14 "Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie" (In color) Jean Peters - Hugh Marlowe \ TUES.. WED.. JUNE 15-16 "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (In color) Marilyn Monroe. Jane Russell THURSDAY. JUNE 17 "The Gr^en Glove" Glenn Ford FRL. SAT.. JUNE 18-19 "The Raiders" (In color) Richard Conte EIGHT YEARS OLD NINETY PROOF Si^kt^years old esT'D.tsss Melrose BOURBON"®* •0 PROOF. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. MELROSE DISTILLERS. INC., NEW YORK. N.X ! Dorothy McGuire, Jean Peters, Maggie McNa mara, Clifton Webb, Louis Jourdan, Rossano Brazzi—in the CinemaScope-Stereophonic Sound Production CAROLINA THEATRE SOUTHERN PINES Three Coins In The Fountain” (In Color DeLuxe) Thur., Fri., Sat., June 10-11-12—8:15 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 3:00 p.m. LAM TURNER even more dangerous now as a brunette! I I C0.STA»ttl6 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY SHOW STARTS AT DARK Children under 12 in can Free noimi'iwsioMPSiiN diMIIIIOUEMI M-G-M’S SENSATION IN FIERY COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR! Sunday thru Wednesday, June 13-16—8:15 p.m. Matinees Sunday and Tuesday at 3:00 Tyrone Power and Terry Moore In the CinemaScope-Stereophonic Sound Production “King Of The Khyber Rifles” (In Technicolor) Starting Thursday Night, June 17ih—8:15 Aberdeen theatrE FRIDAY. JUNE 11 Night 7:15 & 9:15 "EXECUTIVE SUITE" William Holden, Barbara Stanwyck SATURDAY—^Double Feature—Continuous from 3:00 "BULLETS FOR RUSTLERS" Charles Starrett "CAMPUS HONEYMOON" Richard Crane MONDAY & TUESDAY. JUNE 14-15 Night 7:15 & 9:15 "THE COMMAND" Guy Madison, Joaii Weldon WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16 Night 7:15 & 9:00 "SEA DEVILS" Rock Hudson, Yvonne De Carlo THURSDAY & FRIDAY. JUNE 17-18 Night 7:15 & 9:15 "THE BOWERY BOYS MEET THE MONSTERS" The Bowery Boys