PAGE TWENTY-TWO THE PILOT—Soutliern Pmes. North Carolina THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1955 I Construction Bids Open Dec. 15 For M.C. Hospital Work construction at Moore Coi Hospital has been set for Decem ber 15. The place will be the Purpose Room of the Pineh Elementary School with the 1 2 p. m. Announcement of this first towards realization of the p for remodelling the emerge I administration and pedi I units of the hospital was nounced at a joint meeting ol executive committee and bi ing committee held Moi ON 21st BIRTHDAY—When C. C. Kennedy of Carthage, clerk of Moore County Superior Court —shown with his staff above—decided to ap-' point Blanche Collins a deputy clerk, he had to wait a while—^she wasn’t yet 21. When she was sworn in the other day on her 21st birthday, the oath was administered by Mrs. Rachel Comer, who was herself sworn in as deputy on her 21st birthday, in March, 1950. Mrs. Comer was later made assistant clerk. Kennedy claims no other court clerk in the State has smarter girls work ing for him. They are, left to right, Gloria Cooke, office clerk; Mrs. Bessie Beck, deputy clerk; Blanche Collins, taking the oath, and Mrs. Comer, reading the oath. (Photo V. Nicholson) Eimom Straight BoUMIlON Whiskey EIGHT JEARS OLD NINETY' PROOF Si^kt^years old EST’O.1885 Melrose BOURBONI NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in and in exe cution of the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment of the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, entered in an ac tion therein pending entitled MOORE COUNTY vs. Melvin Williams, Mildred Williams, Mil dred Williams & husband, Inez Williams-Lytch & Willie Lytch, Evelyn Blue, et als. I will on Monday, the 12th day of Decem ber, 1955, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Door of the Moore County Courthouse, in Carthage, North Carolina, offer for salp to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described lands and prem ises, to-wit: The house and lot No. 1 in Block K&13 in. the Town of So. Pines located at the cor ner of Penn: Ave. and Gaines Street. The above property will be sold subject to all taxes that have accrued since the y§,ar 1953, and I will require the successful bid der to deposit twenty per cent of his bid with the Clerk of Superior Court as evidence of good faith. This 11th. day of November, 1955 W. CLEMENT BARRETT Commissioner. nl7,24,dl,8 chair, the proved a r groyp heard and FOR RESULTS USE THE PI LOT’S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 90 PROOF. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. MELROSE DISTILLERS. INC., NEW YORK, N.Y. FOR Land Surveying CONTACT Clarence H. Blue Matthews Bldg. So. Pines The Quality Shop HAS SWEATERS FOR LADIES and MEN Slipovers Long and Short Sleeves Turtle-Neck — V-Necks Buttons - Cardigans School Coats - Vest Types All sizes and colors USE OUR BUDGET TERMS The Quality Shop 'Where Your Credit Is Good" Poplar Street ABERDEEN. N. C. trator Thomas G. Howerton, ing on to set the date for the h ding. A period of thirty days is lowed for filing and conside tion of bids. Specifications, the contract. It is estimated this will place the comph date somewhere in January, 1957, Plans call for complete reb ing of the wing that stret west at the back ‘of the host now containing the boiler i and above a pediatric ward recovery rooms. The boiler i will be removed to a new pc scheduled as the first unit construction. The lower floor of tlie i wing will house the emerge covery rooms stiU on the floor, adjacent to the operating rooms. Administrative offices and can teen will be removed from their present location and housed in a new unit to be built across the central portion of the main front of the hospital, space now occu pied by these services to be used for wards. Allocation of funds, Mr. How- School Cafeterias Menus For Week November 21-22 (Both Southern Pines school cafeterias 'wiU operate only Monday and Tuesday next week because of the Thanks giving holidays for which stu dents in both schools will be released at noon Wednesday, to return to school Monday, November 28.) EAST SOUTHERN PINES Monday—Steamed wiener, mus tard, catsup, buttered potatoes, turnip greens, Dutch apple pie, ;nilk. Tuesday—Spiced ham sand wich, beef vegetable soup, apple, coconut cake, saltines, butter, milk. WEST SOUTHERN PINES Monday—Luncheon meat, Bos ton baked beans, cole slaw, bread, butter, milk. • Tuesday—Turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes, peas, hot rolls, butter, milk, cranberry sauce, pea nut butter cookies, jello. BANANA NECTAR LIQUEUR 700 PROOF CHUIB MCm et Qe., Inc. Philo., Po. * Est. 1884 OUtat 0aa