Page TEN^ THE PILOT—Southern Pines, Norlh_Caroli^ Trees Form Source Of Wealth, Speaker Tells Kiwanis Club “If you do not have an oil well or a gold mine, look to your trees. This area ranks second in the na tion in wood-using industries; pro duces 30 per cent of all the soft wood lumber in America, and a sizeable percentage of hardwood. The pulp and paper industry is growing in leaps and bounds. This was the story told to the Sandhills Kiwanis Club at its meeting last week in the Soutn- ern Pines Coimtry Club. The speaker was Milton M. Brayan, chief of Woodland Management of the U. S. Forest Service. Mr. Brayan told the Members that the value of products from forests in North Carolina was second to that of textiles; that in the last 25 years the pulp and paper indu^ry had expanded in this area from 27 mills to 70 mills using 60 million cords of wood annually. North Carolina has 19 miUion acres of forest land and wood is used as much today as it was years ago, he said. There is high percentage of return from trees. And here he put in a plea for heavier penalties by the courts for persons responsible for setting fire to woods, citing in stances of heavy losses, both of life and timber, from arson and carelessness. Mr. Brayan answered ques tion of why industry has been moving south in these Home Demonstration Club News Mount Holly Club Mrs. E. P. Brenner and Mrs. John Gaines were hostesses to the Moimt Holly Home Demon stration aub for its May meet ing There were 11 members present, with two new members joining the club, Mrs. Ray Tet ter and Mrs. Edgar Yow. Tke president, Mrs. Jasper Marsh, opened the meeting. Mrs. R. B. Moore, secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs C. H. Muse, treasurer, gave her report. The nominating com- “The abundance of living and re newable wealth in field, forest and stream.” He was presented to the club by J. Talbot Johnson, of words; Aberdeen. Weeks’ Special MAY Ist-lSth ALL CHANNEL ANTENNA FREE AND INSTALLED with all Table Model T-V Sets mittee for nominating new offi cers was named—Mrs. E. P. Brenner, Mrs. John Gaines and Mrs. T. J. SeaweU. They will re port at the June meeting Mrs. O. T. McBryde sent the club a quilt top. ,^s. W. A. Gaines is giving additional ma terial and the club wilt give the cotton. We will set a date for quilting at our next meeting. Our club observed “National Home Demonstration Week” by having an auction sale, the pro ceeds going to the Home Demon stration building fund. The fob lowing project leaders gave re ports: Foods and Nutrition, Mrs. W A. Gaines; and Food Conser vation, Mrs. D. L. Patterson. The meeting was then turned over to food and nutrition leader, Mrs. Gaines. The demonstration was “Salads and Salad Dress ings.” Mrs. Gaines gave a very interesting demonstration. Eight different salads were made. During the social hour the drawing for the gift of the month went to Mrs. W. A. Gaines and Mrs. Henry Davis. The June meeting will be with Mrs T. J. SeaweU on June 12.— By Elizabeth C. Marsh, publicity chairman, Mt. Holly Club. age; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from Pleas ant Hill Methodist Church. The Rev. J. H. Parrish officiated, as sisted by the Rev. C. J. Andrews and the Rev. J. A. Price. Burial I If you was in the church cemetery. election, you have to register -— again to vote in this year s pri- Weekend crashes accounted tor -MW T 16,730 knw and 766,090 hurt y|ur 12. during 1955. THE NEW ANTENNA AND MOTOR FREE AND INSTALLED with all Consoles '4 Zenith - Philco - Sylvania FREE SERVICE FOR 90 DAYS CURTIS RADIO SERVICE Telephone 2466 VASS. N. C. CAS 3S 4/5 Qt [Mrs. Maness, 57, Dies At Robbins; Rites Wednesday 1 Mrs. Annie K. Maness, 57, of Robbins, died at her home Mon day afternoon. She is survived by her husband, Alex Maness; three 1 daughters, Mrs. Charles E. Brady, and Mrs. Troy Phillips, both of Robbins and Mrs. W. H. Brady, Aberdeen; three sisters , Mrs. Luther Tilley, Hurdle Mills, Mrs. Curtis McKenzie, Pinehurst and Mrs. H. T. Williams, Robbins; one brother, Claude Kennedy, Carth- AIRTEMP By CHRYSLER A NEW DO-IT-YOURSELF KIT Package Unit complete with all ducts and grills^ for every room in the house As Low As $695.00 If you prefer we can make installation for you TERMS—Up to 3 years to pay. Call or write for free estimates. WE ARE ASSUMING ALL SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY ON CHRYSLER EQUIPMENT ALREADY IN SERVICE Miller Healing & Sheet Metal Co. Southern Pines. N. C. (Soon) Bulck Special 6"Pcjss6nger 2"Door RIvioro# Model 46R 6E0. A WCKEL DIST. CO.. LOUISVILLE. KV. • 86 PROOF m than Both of'em -but Us pnce makes it one of America 3 best seHeis ! I _^t’s as simple as this; Only two cars in all cre^ion outsell Buick. And they are two of the well-known STfiollet cars. So maybe it will pay you to ask how come Buick has zoomed to the No. 3 spot with such fast-selling company. * WeU, one answer is the beautiful and brawny Buick Special you see pictured here — and the low price it carries. It’s the biggest bundle of high-powered performance and high-fashion luxury ever offered in Buick’s lowest- priced Series. And that means more people want it and can afford it,, because it’s priced only a few dollars more than its two smaller-car rivals-even less than some models of those very same cars. But the big answer comes from a sure fact more folks have discovered: you get more pure automobile for your money in Buick than you get elsewhere. Here, you get the extra wallop of big new Buick power raised to a new high — and pouring in smooth whisper from a brand-new 322-cubic-inch V8 engine of true high compression. Here, you get the matchless buoyancy of Buick’s great new ride-the extra-safe feeling of Buick’s new handling ease—the extra stretch-out comfort of Buick roominess —the extra solidity and strength of Buick structure—the extra pride and prestige of Buick’s new styling and dash. Here, too — and nowhere else — you can get the silk- smooth performance and flash-fast response of Buick’s advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*-*e world’s only transmission with the gas-saving mileage and switch-pitch action of the modern airplane propeller. This week-this very day, if you wish-you can sample all these Buick blessings to your heart’s content and your pocket’s joy. Why not drop in on us and do just that? *New Advanced Variable Fitch Dynailow is the only Dynaftow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century—optional at modest extra cost on the Special, SEE JACKIE GLEASON \ = ON TV ^ Ev«cy Soiurdov Evtnine AIRCONOITIONINO at a COOL NEW LOW PRICE It cools, filters, dehumldifies. Get 4-Season Comfort in your new Buick with genuine PRIOIDAIRE CONDITIONINO ^stBuicklM .CHECK YOUR CAR-CHECK ACCIDENTS- _WHEN BEHER AUTOMOBIIES ARE BUiLT BUICK Will BUIIO THEM- SOUTH STREET MARTIN MOTOR COMPANY N. C. Dealers License No. 2486 ABERDEEN. N. C.