y/ll Page TWELVE THE PILOT First Grade Room At West Southern Pines Wins Award The first grade room of Mrs. Edna West Morse at West South ern Pines elementary school re cently won the school’s health award with a perfect score on an “evaluative check list” used in judging rooms at the school. Mrs. Morse, who has been a first grade teacher at the school for the past eight years, is shown here at her desk. Some of the 38 pupils in the room can be seen in this photo. Mrs. Morse is also school treasurer. She is the wife of T. T. Morse who is a member of the Southern Pines town coun cil. A graduate of State Teachers College at Fayetteville, she is a native of Sampson County. The first grade room pictured is one of the rooms in the modem elementary school that was open ed in West Southern Pines last year. The children sit at several [tables, according to the custom in 'modern primary grade rooms. I The award was based on the school health committee’s check [for “cleanliness and good healthy ■”'ork surroundings.” Points Delicious Home Cooked Meals Friendly atmosphere. Open til 8 p.m. Ample parking space. Groups invited. Call 2032. DIXIE INN, Vass. checked were: adequate ventila tion, clean floors, desks (In or der? Unscarred? Neat? No ink spots?) clean windows, clean chalkboard troughs, clean radia tors, clean woodwork, lack of cobwebs, neat bookcases and neat teacher’s desk. “Bonus points” in the examina tion were based on: attractive (Student group, attractive dis plays, growing plants, special tables and interesting projects. Some of the exhibits can be seen in this photo. The children pictured here will join with others from first and second grade rooms at the school in presenting their annual school closing operetta, which is called “Spring Glow” this year, Tuesday of next week. May 22, at 8:30 p m. The public is invited. Fountain R idgs ■ Straight BOURBON Retail Price $2.25 Pints WIlllAM >ENT1 I I s3j;5 4/5 Qt. 86.8 Proof BLENDED WHISKEY. 35% STRAIOHT WHIS KIES 6 YEARS OR MORE OLD. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. GOODERHAM & WORTS LIMITED, PEORIA. ILLINOIS *^idob bourbon Retail Price $2.25 Pints $3.55 4/5 Qt. 5 YEARS OLD 86 Proof GOODERHAM & WORTS. LTD. PEORIA, ILL Meeting Set Next Week To Consider Town Affiliation A meeting to discuss the pos sibility of Southern Pines “adopt ing” a sister town in some for eign nation will be held at Town Hall Monday at 5 p. m. The establishment of the so- called ‘Town Affiliation” pro gram has been successful in many towns in the United States and is encouraged by the State De partment as an excellent means iof furtherance of international good will. The relationship of Dunkirk, N. Y. and Dunquerque, France, is cited as a good example of the program. It has already resulted in student exchanges, exchange visits of citizens, and other cor respondence. I If the project appears desirable for Southern Pines a committee is expected to be formed to select a suitable foreign neighbor and pi^oceed with the affiliation. Mayor Voit Gilmore, who is helping to set up the meeting, has urged all interested citizens to attend. The Quality Shop's New Lines of Ladies’ and Men’s Beachwear and Sportswear on Easy Credit Terms at The Quality Shop Poplar Street 'Where Your Credit Is Good" ABERDEEN Swift’s Concentrate Frozen ORANGE JUICE Swift’s Jewel si Shortening 24c 3-Lb. Tin 80c Libby's Kraut Juice - 2 Libby's Peaches Hawaiian Punch Drink IS-Oz Cans 23c No. 2J4 Can 33c 46-Oz. Can 35c :.pkg... .... 20c .... 47c .... 39c Scotch Maid French F. Potatoes, 2 9-oz. pkg. 27c Apple Juice A$P Peanuts Skim Milk AsP Beets 2k25c Dromedary Pound Cake 37c Apple 46-Oz. Keg Can Dog Food Dash 29c Liquid, Joy 30c Spic &Span 16-Oz. JC- Pkg. Peanut Butter Peter Pan 9-Oz. 33^ Glass Salted Va.cuum7^-Oz. 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A&P’s OWN Instant Coffee^"' 49c$1.29 8 O’GIcck Coffee 79c $2.61 Mellow Bag Red Circle Gcffee fS'S1)"Lb“89c 3b“ Bokar Coffee J?SA^93c 3 $2.73 Golden Sweet Fresh Corn 4"*" 19 c Shortening Crisco 36c 3 99c Can Regular Starch Quick Elastic 12 oz. i2r Pkg. ■ Bleach Clorox 17c • FINE ANN PAGE FOODS Ann Page Pure Fruit Plum Preserves or Fine Jane Parker Baked Foods Jane Parker — Fluffy Light Angel Cake Ring Each .^Ci. ^ I) Ann Page Mayonnaise 49c Ann Page Pork & BeansTomSauce2c;?s 25c Jane Parker — Filled with Juicy Cherries Cheney PlO Ann page sparse Gelatms Pkgs. 27g Caramel Raisin Buns Jane Parker Pkg. 29c Ann Page Spaghetti Sauce _ 2 Tans 25c Chocolate Chip Cookies Jane Parker Pkg. 29c Ann Page Strawberry Jelly Jane Parker Economical ^amkica'j jmimom rooo »iaiiii simci im» ENRICHED WHITE BREAD Cans 29c Glass Full Pound Loaf One & One Half Pound Loaf 2uper J^arkets Store Addre^ 20c Open Friday Evening Until 8:30 For Your Shopping Convenience TMI CUCAt AUANTIC A fACIfK TIA C09R»ANY Tliese Prices Effective Thru May 19th 125 W. 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