THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1958 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page FIVE •a Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-«532 Presbyterian Circles Meet C- Mrs. M. B. Kellis and Mrs. D. A. Morrison were hostesses to Circle 1 of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church at the home of Mrs. KeUis Tuesday afternoon. There were 11 members present and one vis itor, Mrs. Cliff Cameron. Mrs. Roy Kelly and Mrs. Jack Ramsey conduucted the Bible study and Mrs. Dan R. McNeill presented an article from Presbyterian Women entitled “The Christian Home.” Circle 2 met with Mrs. J. F. Williams Tuesday afternoon. Miss Letha Copeland was a guest and nine members responded to roll call. Mrs. W. C. Hilderman led the Bible study and Miss Cope land gave the “Let’s Talk About . . .” article. Mrs. P. Frank Buchan, Sr. was hostess to Circle 8 at her home Monday night. Ten members at tended. Mrs. Thomas Vann was in charge of the Bible study and Mrs. Wayland Blue gave the month’s special article from Pres byterian Women. In and Out of Town Mr. and Mrs. Moore Entertain At Party Honoring the Corcorans Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore gave a cocktail party Saturday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Corcoran of Miami, Fla., and Glen Ridge, N. J. Guests were around 25 friends of the Corcor ans, made on their visits to the Sandhills. Mr .and Mrs. John Cline and son. Bob, returned home Tuesday after a delightful vacation. They spent two weeks at their place in Florida, then went to Indianapolis, Ind., for a week’s visit to relatives. Miss Clara Peterson is arriving tonight from Jacksonville, Fla., en route to Pittsburgh, Pa., for a week’s stay with Misses Helen Butler and Lurline Willis. Lt. and Mrs. William, J. Ryan and children left early this week to visit relatives in Norwalk, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker have gone to Sandy Lake, Pa., to spend some time. Miss Barbara Bower of Wash ington, D. C., is visiting her broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alden G. Bower, and mother, Mrs. U. G. Bower. Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas have as their guests their daugh ter and grandson, Mrs. Walter Freeman and Jeffrey Freeman, of Jamaica, N. Y. Mrs. Robert McGukin and Miss Idai McGukin of Anderson, S. C., visited Mrs. C. O. Butler last week. Mrs. L. D. McDonald left this afternoon on a motor trip to Penn- Bridge Club Lists Winners The Sandhills Duplicate Bridge Club met Tuesday night at the Southern Pines Country Club. Mrs. W. L. Poole and Miss Lou ise Blue of Raeford, were top scorers; Mrs. J. J. Spring and Mrs. Jean Edson, second; and Mrs. I. Foy Horton and Mrs. J. B. Boyle, third. WE BUY AND SELL Good Used See Us Now ! PAGE MOTOR COMPANY Ph. 2-5841 Southern Pines sylvania, taking Mrs. Selma Hun ter, her guest for the past week, home to Derouin. She will visit Mrs. Hunter, also a sister in Kane, for about a week. Bill Benson, who with Mrs. Benson went to Miami last week to attend the Lions International convention, became ill Friday morning and was taken to a hos pital, where his illness was diag nosed as pleurisy. He remained in the hospital until Monday, when he went to the home of his uncle there. He hopes to be able to come home this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Voit Gilmore and Dir. and Mrs. W. F. Hollister spent the past weekend at Vir ginia Beach visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hyde of Pinehurst have returned from two weeks spent in the. North. While there they visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hyde, at Clinton, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Walters and children, Larry and Jean, of Slatersville, R. I., will leave Sat urday after a week’s visit to Mrs. Walters’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Blue, and sister, Mrs. Jean Edson. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Maybin and family of Lawndale joined the family for the Fourth. Mrs. D. E. McDonald will leave by automobile with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Sellers of Ruby, S. C'., to morrow night for Fort Washing ton, N. Y., to attend the wedding on Sunday of her son George Mc Donald and Miss Dora Troiano. George Patterson is employed at the Shoreham Hotel, operated by George Pottle of Southern Pines, at Spring Lake, N. J., far the summer. He spent a weekend in New York, attending several plays, before assuming his duties. Mrs. Dorothy Patterson spent part of the week at Myrtle Beach with friends from; Charlotte. Sell Your Pulpwood TO PIEDMONT WOOD YARDS IN TRUCK LOAD LOTS At These Rail Sidings: PARKWOOD (Hallison) J. R. Poe, Manager ABERDEEN J. E. McKeiihen, Manager GULF Charlie Evans, Manager SILER CITY Randolph Buckner, Manager SANFORD George Curry, Jr., Manager BROADWAY Alice Bradley, Manager OPEN FROM MONDAY NOON TO SATURDAY NOON Full Car Load Shipmdhts Carry a 50c Per Cord Premium And Can be Loaded at Any Siding in this Area FOR DETAILED INFORMATION Drop in at Our Office at 100 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, near the Seaboard R. R. Station, or Call us at SPring 4-1981. MEMBER North Carolina Forestry Association Southern Pulpwood Con servation Association Piedmont Woodyards Sanford, N. C. WE BUY LAND AND TIIi^BER j28a30inc Boy Scout Units Attending Camp Eight troops from Moore Coun ty left early this week for Boy Scout activities at Camp Durant, located near Neuse, north of Ral eigh. Six camp periods of one week each are being held, and during the current one 200 boys from Oc- coneechee Council are in attend ance. Forty-five boys from Moore, all of whom will return this Saturday afternoon, include campers from Troop 68, Aberdeen, Troop 223, 224 and 873, of Southern Pines, Troop 7 of Pinehurst, Troop 936, Carthage, Troop 74, Robbins and Troop 206, of Pinebluff. This is the fifth week of the camp, all of which have been fill ed to capacity. Activities include riflery, archery, Indian-lore, cook ing, camping, waterfront activi ties, handicrafts, nature, and pio neering merit-badge work. Due to increased demand for. use of the camp, it has been au thorized to run the camp for two months in 1957. CARTHAGE NEWS By MRS. ALONZO BLUE Husbands' Night On June 26 at the Dutch Farm on Sanford Road, the Sorosis en tertained their husbands and guests at the annual Husbands’ Night dinner. Mrs. J. S. Williamson, district vice-president, of Hamlet, install ed the new officers for the com ing year. They are: Mrs. Stowe Cole, pres ident; Mrs. Baxter Paschall, vice- president; Mrs. L. L. Marion, Jr., treasurer; Mrs. Judson Rae, re cording secretary; and Mrs. Wes ley Caviness, corresponding secre tary. Personals Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Deahl and children of Chicago, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cohn G. Spencer for the past week, re turned to their home Monday. Mrs. J. K. Roberts has returned home after a 10-day visit to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roberts in Wil mington. Mrs. Frank Blue of Sanford is spending some time here with Mrs. M. J. McPhail, recuperating from a recent illness. Mr. an(i Mrs. N. A. MacLeod, Mrs. A. McN. Blue, Miss Eula Blue, Mrs. Ruth MacLeod, Charles MacLeod and Mrs. Alonzo Blue attended the funeral of their cous in, Frank Currie Blue, in Aber deen Sunday afternoon. Miss Meade Seawell, Miss'Eula Blue and Mrs. W. G. Brown were in Greensboro for the day, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Caddell are vacationing this week in western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Bryan and children, Barbeura and BiUy, of Huntington, W. Va., spent the weekend with Mrs. Bryan’s moth er, Mrs. W. G. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. James Tyson and daughter, Marcia, spent last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Tyson, in Nashville, Ga. Miss Maude McDonald of Route 2, efficient nurses’ aid in the Moore County Hospital, is spend ing her vacation in Virginia. Mrs. M. J. McPhail was pianist and Wesley Caviness was soloist at the Gupton-Coffer wedding on June 24, in the Center Methodist Church. Mr. Caviness is an uncle of Mrs. Gupton. Mrs. Alice Watson and Miss Gladys Watson spent several days last week with friends in Oxford. Members of the Spencer family who attended the Spencer-Long wedding Saturday evening in the Presbyterian Church in Winston- Salem were: Mr. and Mrs. Colin G. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Colin G. Spencer, Jr., and children, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Deahl and daugh ters of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Verch and children of Al bany, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bryan and children of Huntington, W. Va., were guests of their grandmother, Mrs. W. G. Maxwell, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrett 6f Durham are here for a week’s vis it with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Parks and Mrs. F. H. Upchurch of Robbins visited relatives in Star Sunday. ABERDEEN NEWS By DOROTHY McNEILL Mr. and Mrs. A1 Cruce and fam ily are visiting relatives in Geor gia this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parks and family are vacationing this week in Alabama and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robbins and family left Tuesday to spend sev eral days with Dr. and Mrs. Bob Wilder and family in Bluefield, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leach, Jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Farrell and family are spending this week at Tilghman Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Warner genfield, N. J., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howie. They are en route to Florida. Mrs. J. D. Adcox and Mrs. A1 White and son Richard of Wa- gram came up Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams, Sr., and to attend the pic nic in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John De Rose and daughters. and family of Norman visited rel atives here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wicks and family have returned home after spending several weeks in Bow man, Ga., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Si>ears and family are spending this week in Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Overcash left Saturday for Davidson to spend this week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farrell and family are spending this week at Ocean Drive Beach. Mrs. R. R. Wood of Fayetteville visited Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wicker and family, Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Lawrence Johnson and family have returned home after spending several days at Vir ginia Beach. Among persons 65 and over most of the women and one-third of the men are widowed, divorc ed or single. PINEBLUFF NEWS T extron Announces Acquisition Of Two Calif. Plants Royal Little, chairman of the board of Textron, Inc., and James L. McDonald, president of Hall- Mack Company, announced that Textron has acquired the Hall- Mack Company, Los Angeles, Calif., and Peat Manufacturing Corp., Norwalk, Calif. Hall-Mack, established over thirty five years ago, manufac tures and distributes distinctive bathroom accessories and fixtures and is recognized as one of the leaders in this field. Peat Manufacturing Corp. makes die casting and plastic parts and is one of the principal suppliers to Hall-Mack Company. Peat is developing and expanding its current facilities in order to serve the die casting requirements of other manufacturers in the Southern California area. With the acquisition of Hall- Mack, Textron enters an entirely new field that is'completely un related to the twelve other com panies that constitute the Textron family of business enterprises. FOR Land Surveying CONTACT Clarence H. Blue Matthews Bldg. So. Pines By MRS EHRMAN PICKLER Mr. and Mrs. Guy Green and son, Cecil, of Candor and Her man Green of Troy visited Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McCaskill Satur day. Miss Jane Tyner spent several days last week with her tmcle, W. L. Humphrey, in Wagram. Mrs. James W. Hamilton and son. Bill, visited her aunts. Misses Foy and Dovie Jordan, of Siler City last week while the Rev. Mr. Hamilton attended the North Carolina Methodist Confrence in Greenville. Mrs. Minnie Stoval of Albe marle, Mrs. Josie McRorie of Monroe, and Mrs. Dill Crawford of Zanesville, Ohio, were guests several days last week of Mrs. J. R. Lampley. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Aliverie and son of Laurelton, N. Y., were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carpenter. Capt. and Mrs. John E. Ussery and children of Raeford have been visiting Mrs. Ussery’s moth er, Mrs. J. R. Lampley, and sister, Mrs. Graulahd McCaskill, and Mr. McCaskill for the past sev eral days. They left Monday and will visit Mr. Ussery’s parents in Rockingham before going on to San Antonio, Tex., where Capt. Ussery has been transferred. Cletus Pridgen of Atkinson was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 'Tyner and daughter, Kay, of Greenville were in Pinebluff for the weekend. They came to visit Mr. Tyner’s mother, Mrs. Mary Ritchie, who was -carried to the Cancer Center at Lumberton on Sunday. Mrs. M. F. Butner, with her sister, Mrs. W. G. Miller, and nieces. Miss Lillian Miller of Winston-Salem and Miss Ruth Atkinson of Elkin, have just re turned from a trip to California. Their first stop was to visit the Hermitage in Tennessee. They vis ited the Grand Canyon and Yos- emite Falls, going on to Conivia, Calif., where they visited Mrs. Miller’s son, Joe Miller, for sev- ral days. They also visited Holly wood, Beverly Hills, San Diego and Disneyland. A trip into Mex ico was enjoyed also. They were gone three weeks, all packed full of fun and expitement. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McMur- ray were called to Raleigh Sun day night because of the illness of Mrs. McMurray’s sister, who is in Rex Hospital. Mrs. Virginia Parker and daughter Sandra of Amesbury, Mass., are spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Adelina Littlel Mrs. Luther Tyner and son, Bobby, Mrs. Styres, and Lee Ty ner, Jr., spent several days last week at Tilghman’s Beach. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Woodcock, Jr., and children are spending the week in Atkinson with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Combs, their daughter Judy and grand daughter Susan left Tuesday for Jacksonville, N. C., where they will make their home. We are sorry to have them go but hope they will be happy in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. John Sturm of Randleman are spending several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Nancy McCaskilL Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McCas kill of Robbins visited Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McCaskill Sunday. Miss Linda McCaskill returned home with them after spending the week with her cousin. Miss Nancy McvCaskiU. Miss Judy Cleary has returned to Virginia Interment CoUege at Bristol, Va., after spending a month with her parents, Maj. and Mrs. Timothy Cleary. For the next eight weeks Judy will be at Bristol Memorial Hospital, where she is training along with her college work. Mr. and Mrs. John De Rose and daughters, Tony and Suzanne, of Butler, Pa., spent last week with Mrs. De Rose’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Adams, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Harp^ Howie and family accom panied them to Windy Point for several days. On Thursday night a picnic was given in their honor at the Pinebluff lake with mem bers of the Adams families and several guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Powers and sons, Bobby and Danny, of Ber- WILLIAMS-BELK of Sanford Summer Festival of Values ! 3 Big Days Thursday - Friday - Saturday Girls' Summer Dresses $2.39 $2.81 $3.79 Summer Materials Large table Pique. Dotted Swiss, Wash 'n Dry Print ed Cottons, Pongee in prints & solid colors. Values to $1.29 62c yd. Blanket Lay-Away $1.00 Deposit Holds Your Choice till Fall Entire Stock! Ladies' Summer Hats V2 Price WILLIAMS-BELK SANFORD. N.C. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ! McLean’s Style Shop (In Both Adults and Children's Depts.) , "f ” — OFFERS — Top Quality Spring and Summer Clothing BARGAIN PRICES ! LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS BELOW WOMEN'S Coats - Toppers - Suits - Skirts Price RACKS of DRESSES $5.00 - $8.75 - $10,00 HAT CLEARANCE $1.00 - $2.00 - $3.00 Swim Suits - Shorts - Bermudas - Blouses - Lingerie - Bags Hose - Shoes - Gloves — Greatly Reduced CfflLDREN’S DEPARTMENT Boys' Suits - Sport Blouses - Shorts Girls' Dresses - Blouses - Play Suits — and many other items SALE REGINS FRIDAY, JULY 6tli DON’T MISS THIS ONE ! McLean’s Style Shop South Street ABERDEEN, N. C.

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