& S n ■4 THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1956 THE PILOT—Soulhern Pines. North Carolinm Page SEVEN FOLLOWING PAUL ROBESON INCIDENT AT PEEKSKILL Freedom House Gives 13 Rules For Dealing With Gimmunists... ‘To Debilitate The Attack on Freedom’ (Selections from a pamphlet published by Freedom House fol lowing the Peekskill riots 5 or 6 years ago. It is suggested read.ers keep in mind the thought that these rules would apply to any civil distur bance and that, where the word “Communist'’ is used they add, in their minds, the phrase “or sed itious, disloyal, intolerant, fanati cal”, whichever suits the case. Ed.) A nation’s character, its matur ity and judgment are determined only under stress. The depth and intensity of its democratic prac tice are visible only when deih- ocratic procedures are challenged. If no one were saying foolish, im- popular or inflammatory things, there would be no necessity for protecting freedom of speech. Our basic rights are in essence designed for the essential protec tion of those whom we dislike. The Communist knows these things well and they irritate him. He must demonstrate to himiself and to others that they are un true, that we don’t mean what we say when we boast of our free society and that we are unsure of ourselves when our free society is challenged. Riots Badly Handled Paul Robeson and his fellow members of the Communist Party won a victory in Peekskill, New York. They attracted the atten tion of more people than they had bargained for. They disrupted lives and the customs of more people than they could have hoped for. Had their meeting been completely prevented, their victory would have been com plete. Their objective is martyr dom, their strategy provocation, their technique violence. In their wake in the area surroimding Peekskill they have left the so cial bacteria of insecurity, anti- Semitism, fear and hatred for the colored people. This victory elsewhere must be prevented, less to cry over yester day’s spiUed milk than to cry over tomorrow’s spilled blood. Freedom House offers a set of principles and rules for those American communities in which the Communist will seek to re peat his provocation and disrup tion. Our concern is a double one: to preserve and enrich our demo cratic stature, to debilitate the Communist and his attack on our freedomis. “He whom the gods would des troy, they first make mad.” 1. The cardinal principle for success in your community ob jectives and for the preservation of .your dignity and your demo cratic practice is: do not be pro voked. Don’t let the lies, the dis' tortions, the names and the ugli ness prior to a scheduled Ck)m- munist Party meeting distiirb you. Recognize the psychological warfare for/what it is and remain adult. There is nothing more dis turbing to the neurotic who finds a frustrated security within the ranks of the Communist Party than your community’s dignity. 2. Don’t prevent the use of paid meeting hall contracted for by thfe Communist Party, what ever convenient label it operates under at the moment. A meeting hall is in the nature of a public utility. If community practice is in the habit of making it avail able to community groups of va lying views, there is no valid reason for its non-availability to the Communist Party. Bear in mind, too, that if the hall is clos ed to theml, the broad outdoors are not, and your refusal will have enlarged the crowd. Free Speech Upheld 3. Avoid any interference, or even the appearance of interfer ence, with the right to speak or sing. 4. Public school auditoriums or other public buildings cannot be refused if other political groups are given access to them. Wisdom in your commimity might indi- Southern Pines Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 130 E. Conn. Ave. Phone 2-7281 SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. Annoimces PARTICIPATION IN ' Colonial Sav-A- Stamp Program AddToYonr SAV-A-STAMP BOOK By Selecting Your COMPLETE CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING ForHome,Office and Business AT OUR .STORE Golden ^Ifeddinq PINT 80 45 O FIFTH KENTUCKY WHISKEY A blend- 86 PROOF • 30% STRAIGHT WHISKEY 70X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO. AlADDIN, PA. & FRESNO, CALIF. cate the desirability of not giving such access to any political group. 5. Adequate police protection and supervision should be provi ded outside the meeting. But even more important than the numbers of the police, is the in struction they should receive. The police may provide, if well instructed, a sedative effect, or can themselves be the first to be provoked. They sho\ild be cau tioned to be polite, calm, indif ferent to provocation and firm but not violent Don’t build up the Ck)mmunist meeting. Had there been no in itial resistance to the first of the Robeson meetings in Peekskill, it would have attracted two or three hundred people and passed without impact upon the com munity/ir advantage to the Com- mimists. It was the first mistake which guaranteed a nation-wide attention and attendance of thousands. 6. Discourage curiosity seekers from gathering around the meet ing place. A number count does not distinguish between the curi ous and the faithfuL 7. Instruct the parents to keep the children at home. This ap plies particularly to teen-agers. 8. Encourage local newspapers not to sensationalize the meeting or stimulate additional interest by flamboyant editorials or head lines. Of coiuse, coverage appro priate to the actual size of • the meeting must be given, but it must not be exaggerated. Commies Eager For Violence 9. Above all, recognize the es sential Commxinist strategy. They want you to build their attend ance with screaming headlines, irate veterans, insulted minorites and aroused tempers. They are eager for scenes of violence and disorder. 'They will, and know how to, magnify the most minor disturbances. They want you provoked and civil rights disturb ed. 10. Once you decide on your strategy, let the community know what it is. a. Firmly identify the char acter of the meeting and outline what it is they seek. b. Emphasize the importance to your comimunity of the protec tion of civil and legal rights. c. Make it a point of commu nity pride to remain calm. d. Cooperate with the various interracial groups and religious organizations to maintain unity of the community. 11. It is generally not wise to set up a community organization to combat the meeting. It magni fies its importance enormously and tends to arouse fear and an tagonisms. However, every' com munity should have its perma nent organization of community leaders to handle problems of this kind and to help resolve what ever racial, political and social frictions may develop from time to time. Such a- cotmcil should consist of the town’s leading clergymen, editors, businessmen, labor leaders, youth group lead- oils, parent-teachers’ association officers, town officials. 12. It is almost always bad to form a counter demonstration. It invariably increases the size and importance of the original dis turbance. It raises tempers and can build toward the explosion you seek to avoid. a. Certainly don’t do it un less your community meeting is guaranteed to be far larger in in terest and attendance. b. It must be separated geo graphically without am-y opportu nity for the groups to meet be fore, during, or after the meeting or demonstration. c. It must have an affirma tive theme and is best if it doesn’t even mention the opposition meeting. And if there is such an opposition meeting, it is import ant to exclude every neo-Fascist and Racist group or element. 13. Above all, whatever hap pens, whether there is or is not an opposition meeting, should there be any violation of the law, any violence, any actual disturb ance of the peace, there must be prompt, unemotional and equal punishment of law breakers. This vigorous enforcement of the law must include any violation par ticipated in by toe police. Dairy scientists at toe North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station have found that an ex tract from toe pancreas of hogs will speed the fermentation of milk. It has been estimated that there are more than 10,000 spe cies of destructive insects in the United States. And toe average farmer probably feels he has some of aU of them. SOUTHERN PINES WAREHOUSES, Inc. SAVE TIME! SAVE MONEX! Building Ntaten®** from ¥OW» local iblishnd dealer FOR HOME FOR FARM Why go to the expense and trouble of shopping around when you’re looking for building mate rials? We have complete stocks of well-known brands and our prices are right! Whether you need a few feet of lumber or a complete bill of materials for a large job, well give you the best service we know how. This includes free advice and counsel on any building or remodeling project gained from our many years in the building material business. We hope you will drop in soon. We’ll be glad to work with you. Come in the next time you're in town! HEADQUARTERS FOR J 0 H N S - M A N V I L L E B U I L D I N G M AT E R I A L S EAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED Southern Pines Warehouses, Inc. "Everything For The Builder" Phone 2-7131 OUR 32nd YEAR Southern Pines, N. C. ■I- * i J happy vacations begin in a Chevy You'll love to travel in it, because it loves to travel! When ym, get this Chevrolet out on the road, you'll want to ke&p going— and so will the whole family. Of course, even in a Chevrolet the happiest vacations may involve one or two minor problems. Like fidgety small fry who want gal lons of water and keep asking if you’re almost there. The big things, though, are beautifully taken care of by this roomy Chev rolet’s smooth and easy way of going. That’s for sure. The fact is, few cars at any price hold the road with Chevy’s grace, with its solid feeling of stability. And with horsepower up to 225, Chevrolet moves out like a whiplash, for safer passing. It’s no wonder that so many peo ple who used to buy higher priced cars are changing to Chevrolet! Stop by soon for a ride. America’s largest selling car~ 2 million more owners than any other make. ^ * CONDITIONING—TEMPERATURES MADE TO ORDER—AT NEW LOW COST. LET US DEMONSTRATE! Only franchised Chevrolet dealers /ijiiinsi** displayJhis famous trademark AUBREY JOHNSON CHEVROLET, Inc. 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