a Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY. JULY 12. 1956 Women’s Activities and Sandhills BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor Social Events TELEPHONE 2-6512 Dr. Cameron Visits Mother; His Daughter Wins Recognition Dr. E. A. Cameron, mathemat ics professor at the University of North Carolina and chairman of its committee on Provision for Superior Students, spent Satur day here with his mother, Mrs. Estelle Cameron. Dr. and Mrs. Cameron and their daughter, Molly, plan to go to Massachu setts next week to see Wellesley College, which Molly plans to enter this fall. Molly, who is the only child of the Camerons, was graduated [from the high school in Chapel Hill this spring. She has been awarded a National Merit Schol arship for her scholastic achieve ment.'In a recent write-up in the Chapel Hm Weekly which ap peared with a photo of the family, the cutlines stated that Molly is following in the footsteps of her father, who made the highest scholastic average in his class and was president of Phi Beta Kappa when a student at the Uni versity. Dr. Cameron has been teaching in the summer school at the Uni versity. During the winter term he is math instructor for the Su perior Students group. The Rasar Family Has Florida Vacation; Will Transfer Soon M|Sgt. and Mrs. George Rasar Jr., and children. Sonny and Rhonda, have returned from a week’s vacation in Florida. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Landingham in Sarasota. Mr. Van Landingham, formerly stationed at the Air-Ground School here, is now attending RingUng Brothers Art School. After touring the Everglades and Miami Beach, the Rsisars vis ited her brother,^ S|Sgt. Carles Morrell, and family in West Palm Beach. Sgt. Rasar will be leaving for Thule, Greenland, the latter part of August, at which time his fam ily wiU go to Tennessee to live. They have been in Southern Pines six years and, according to I^rs. Rasar, have become very, attached to the town and the people of Southern Pines. WILDLIFE CLUB HOLDS PICNIC AT LAKE AND SEES SKIN DIVING DEMONSTRATION The Moore County Wildlife Club held an enjoyable outdoor meeting and picnic at Sweetheart Lake Tuesday night, with H. M. Patterson as host. A total of around 50 attended, this inclu ding Wildlifers, members of their families and guests. A tempting picnic supper was spread, and after a blessing spok en by the Rev. Mr. Houck, Pres byterian minister of West End, the group did full justice to it. Clyde Auman of West End, pres ident, conducted a short business sessiqn during which two new members were enrolled by Mrs. Thomas Vann, secretary. They are Dr. P. P. Green and W. C. Ruffin, both of Southern Pines. Gen. R. B. Hill is program chairman and he had arranged a program which proved of unusual interest to all present, regardless of age. It consisted of a skin div ing demonstration by June John son of Raeford and Capt. Tom Gibson, who explained ail the par aphernalia used. Mr. Hurd From Yokohama Visits The L. T. Averys Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Avery had as their guest from Saturday until Wednesday night their daughter Amette’s husband, Arthur H. Hurd, who was here from Yoko hama, Japan. The wedding took place in Yokohama last Novem ber, and this was the Averys first meeting with their son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Avery of Wilmington came for a weekend visit. . ■ Mr. Hurd made a flying trip to attend to business in New Eng land and took advantage of the opportunity to visit his wife’s family. . Mrs. Hurd is in her third year of employment at the , Japan Cen tral Exchange in Yokohama, where Mr. Hurd is on the audit staff. Captain Don Smith Returns From Korea Capt. Don M. Smith returned Sunday after a 16-month tour of duty in Korea. His wife, the for mer Miss Vivian Wilson, and their three children were at their home in Manly while he was in Korea. Debbie Martin Is Feted At Party On Third Birthday Mrs. 'Troy Martin honored her daughter, Debbie, on her third birthday July 6 at a party at the Martin home in Niagara. Balloons were used in the living room and dining room to achieve a colorful setting, which was most appeal ing to the tots who joined in the celebration. Birthday cake, cup cakes, ice cream, candy ai^d Coke were served and balloons were given as favors. Debbie received many interesting gifts. Guests were: Diane McCormac, Henry Reynolds, Harold, Ronnie and Doug McNeill, Karen and Judy Lane, Mike and Doug Mc Cormac, David Talbert, David Huntley, Linda and Brenda Bo»r- den, Juanita Fortner, Pam An drews, Connard, Jr., and Dwane Martin, and Debbie’s brother Tony. Local VFW Group To Receive Awards At District Meeting It was announced at the regular VFW Auxiliary meeting held Wednesday, July 11, that there will be a district meeting of the Ninth District at Sanford, Sunday, July 15, at 2 p.m. The guest speaker is to be Past Department President Mrs. Virginia Lowery, of Pembroke. ' Several awards will be present ed to the various Auxiliaries in the Ninth District for accompUsh- ments in the past year. Among these. Southern Pines is to receive a Certificate of Merit for having accomplished 110 per cent of Ac tivities Program for years 1955-56 and a Certificate of Merit for out- standing work in membership for 1955-56. A trophy, which is given by Past Department President Ruby Reinhart for the most stated members will also be awarded to the Southern Pines Auxiliary. This trophy will be held by the Auxiliary for a year. Capt. Fonnesbeck And Family Are Newcomers Capt. and Mrs. Wayne Fonnes beck and daughter Denise, na tives of Utah, are newcomers to the commiunity. Captain Fonnes beck being transferred from Sew- art AFB in Tennessee to the US AFAGO School here. They have* moved into the Elwood Parker house at Niagara. In and Out of Town Duplicate Bridge Club Announces Results of Master Point Game The Sandhills Duplicate Bridge Club had five and a half tables at play Tuesday night when it met for the monthly master point game at the Southern Pines Coimtry Club. Winners were: 1st, Mrs. B. W. Dickinson and Mrs. Elizabth Ho gan, of Hamlet; 2nd, Mrs. Robert Strouse and Mrs. G. W. Coleman, Southern Pines; 3rd, Mrs. Roy Grinnell and Mrs. C. H. Bowman, Southern Pines; 4th, Mrs. Agnes Johnson and Miss Maude Poole, Raeford. Mr. And Mrs. Graves Have Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Graves entertained Mrs. George Graves, Jr., and her houseguest, Mrs. Walter Johnson of New York City and Brodenton, Fla., at din ner an evening last week. Mrs. Johnson has been with Mrs. Graves since the death of the lat ter’s husband last month. ■ MRS. JOHN EMMETT FRENCH of Myrtle Beach, S. C., is the former Miss Suzann Burns of Southern Pines. . Her marriage to Mr. French on May 27 was announced last week by her mother, Mrs. George C. Burns. Her father was the late Colonel Burns. Her wedding to Mr. French, son of Mrs. Emmett French of Myrtle peach and the la,te Mr. French, took place in the Kingston Presbyterian Church in Conway, S. C., with the Rev. N. C. Kirkland officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McLeod of Myrtle Beach attended the couple. Mr. and Mrs. French are now living at Anchors Aweigh, Porcher Avenue, in Myrtle Beach, where he is engaged in the sporting goods business. MISS BARBARA PAGE, BRIDE-ELECT OF JULY 21, IS COMPLIMENTED AT PARTIES The Prims Entertain At Picnic Honoring Visiting Relatives Mr. and Mrs. James Prim of New York Avenue extension en tertained at an outdoor family picnic Thursday evening honor ing Mr. and Mrs. George Chat- field and son David, of Ch^l^, Mass., who were visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W*. F. Chat- field. . Together for the dinner nnd evening of fellowship were: Mr. and Mrs. George Chatfield and David, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chat- field BiUy and Bobby Chatfielti, Mr. and Mrs. John Talbert and daughters, Patsy, Johnsie, and Becky, Mrs. W. H. Chatfield, ^ss Eunice Chatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Prim and Carole Anne Prim. Mrs. J. S. Milliken Will Entertain Friday Honoring Mrs. Fletcher Mrs. James S. Milliken will be hostess to around 30 friends at a Coca-Cola party tomorrow (Fri day), honoring Mrs. Fletcher Cochran of Glen Ridge, N. J., and Miami, Fla., who with her hus band is in the Sandhills for the peach season. the home of Mrs. Matthews. The refreshment table held floral arrangement of green and ana bread, nuts, mints and Coke were served. Each of the hostesses presented Miss Barbara Page, whose wed ding to Lt. Carlton C. Kennedy is set for Saturday, July 21, was honored at two lovely parties this week. Mrs. James E. Harrington of Pinehurst and Mrs. Robert E. Harrington of Southern Pines ItMS’SS a to rasa- Hotel Monday night. Roses and garden flowers were used as decorations and the shower gifts were in a large brella above which, suspended from the ceiling, were two deco rated umbrellas. Many attractive and useful gifts were included in the shower, and the hostesses pre sented Miss Page a white carna tion corsage, upon arrival. Rainbow ice cake, nuts, mints and fruit punch were served The shower was attended • by around 35 guests. Miss Page was again honored on Wednesday morning Mrs. R. A. Hamel and son BiU have returned from a 10-day vaca tion. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibson in Atlanta, then went to Ellijay, Ga., to see vari ous relatives and friends. This was Mrs. Hamel’s first visit to her old home town in 27 years. Re turning, they visited her sister, Mrs. M. C. Quarles, and family in Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ray and son John visited Mr. Ray’s sisters and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Taylor and Miss Elizabeth Ray, in Winston-Salem Sunday, then went to Greensboro to see Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ray and their new baby daughter, Sandra Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Council and Miss Mary Scott Newton took a trip to Mount Mitchell Sunday and picnicked on the mountain. Mrs. Montie Thomas and Mrs. Currie Thomas and son, Robert, of Broadway spent Monday with Misses Effie and Lessie Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thomas, Jr., of High Point visited Mrs. Thomas Vann and family last weekend. They were returning home from a Florida vacation. Maj. and Mrs. Allan W. Shaw, Jr., had as house guests for week Mrs. N. G. Howell and daughters, Jerry and Debby, of Charlotte. Prof, and Mrs. A. W. Shaw, Sr., of Gauley Bridge, W. Va., are visiting the Shaws now, but will leave Tuesday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert M. Shaw in Glen Bernie, Md. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and children, Linda and Johnny, of Asheboto spent Sunday in the Cameron-Richardson home at Manly. Mrs. J. Bruce Cameron who had been visiting her son and family for several days, returned to Manly with them. Mrs. Richard Swan and son, Dannie, left last Thursday for their home in Bakersfield, Calif, after spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson at Manly. Mrs. Swan is the for mer Algene Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gale and their little granddaughter, Ellen ® Romero, also Mr. and Mrs. James Perry of Charlotte, spent several white, and mixed flowers were ^ g" j^g^ week at Myrtle Beach, used in the living room. Hot bis cuits with ham and chicken, b£i when New Heir-rivals Presbyterian Circles Meet Circle 10 of Brownson Memori al Presbyterian Church met Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. P. P. McCain, with 11 mem bers responding to roll call. Mrs. McCain led the Bible study and Miss Lessie Bailey presented the program article from Presbyte rian Women. Mrs. Herbert Caples was host ess to Circle 7 Thursday with 16 members in attendance. The nn weuiicavAa, Bible study was taught by Mrs Mrs George Thompson and Mrs. j Thomas White, and the Presbyte- Joseph A Matthews entertained rian Women article was present- 20 guests at a Coca-Cola party at'ed by Mrs. Francis M. Dwight. 1904 1956 FIFTY-TWO YEARS —OF— CATHERINE LUCILLE CAUDLE Two-year-old Don Caudle re ceived a priceless birthday gift July 10 in the form of a baby sis ter, bom at Moore County Hospi tal, weighing seven pounds, 12 ounces. The happy parents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Caudle, who have named their daughter Cath erine Lucille. Mrs. Caudle is the former Gladys Rowe, daughter of Judge and Mrs. J. Vance Rowe of Aber deen. The Caudles, who reside at 1039 North Leak Street, plan to move into a new home at 905 N. Saylor Street in the near future. SANDRA ANNE RAY Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ray of Greensboro are the parents of a daughter, born Friday, July 6, at Wesley Long Hospital, weigh ing six poimds, six ounces. They, have named her Sandra Anne. Mrs. Ray, before marriage, was Miss Mildred Anne Billheimer of Montgomery, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ray of Southern Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thayer McMillan and their son and daughter, of Berkeley, Calif., are arriving Friday to visit their aunt, Mrs. Arthur W. McNeill, and rel atives in Raeford. Mrs. McNeiU is eagerly looking fdrward to their visit. She has never seen Mrs. McMillan and the children, and her nephew, son of her brother, the late Kelly McMillan, was a tot of about two years when she saw him last. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. DuPre and Libby Sue had as their ghest last week Mr. DuPre’s mother, Mrs. S. J. DuPre, of Bennettsville, S. C. Mrs. Corbett Bundy of Cheraw, S. C., sister of Mrs. DuPre, arrived Tuesday to spend several days with the family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole and son. Chuck, spent last weekend at Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mrs. Voit Gilmore and daugh ters Katy and Gerry left today for San Francisco, Cahf., for a month’s visit to Mrs. Gilmore’s family. They are flying to Salt Lake City, then going by Western Pacific Railway on the trip across the mountains. Specialist 3lc Richard Grady of Manchester, N. H., a cousin of R. A. Hamel, spent Thursday night with the Hamels, en route to Greenville, S. C. Mrs. James Boyd left Thursday night for Millbrook, N. Y., home of her sister. Miss Elizabeth La ment, who was to accompany her to the Boyds’ summer place at Sorrento, Maine. Mrs. Harold Collins Attends Re4:eption And Entertains For Husband Mrs. Harold A. Collins returned last Thursday from a stay of sev eral days in Greenville and More- head City. In GreenviUe she at tended the Silver Wedding A^i- grandson, Ricky Kobleur, en- versary reception of Mr. and Mrs. ^ pourth vacation at ms AND OUTS Mr. and Mrs. George Sessoms and Miss Georgia Wilson, of Dur ham, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Haines. They visited other relatives in Southern Pines and Manly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Patch and son Cephas, also their young Ricky Kobleur, PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Walter Reid, in whose wedding she sang, and visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ormand, for whom she was also the wed ding soloist. Honoring her husband on his 50th birthday July 10, Mrs. Collins gave a family dinner attended by the immediate family and Mr. Collins’ brothers and sisters. -TO— THE SANDHILLS Pharmacist to the Medical Profession OPEN SUNDAY, JULY 15 Broad Street Pharmacy registered pharmacists ON DOTY Jeixy Rhodes Joe Moalesanli. Jr.. Proprietor INS and OUTS Emmaday Collins had as her guests last weekend her cousins Celeste Allen and Florrie McLeod, of Florence, S. C., for whom she entertained at a small party. Oth er overnight guests at Pickridge, the Collins home, were Mrs. James C. McLeod and son Jimmy Pines are the paternal grandpar- Lf Florence, S. C., and Gilbert ents. Looking Ahead GENERAL MEETING The general monthly meetingjanii of Brownson Memorial Presbyte rian Women of the Church wiU be held in the sanctuary at 8 p. m. next Monday. Mrs. Joe C. 'Thomas, chairman of Spiritual Growth, will be in charge of the program, based on “Modern Par ables.” BIBLE CLASS The Lecim More Bible Class will meet at 8 p. m. Monday with Mrs. Nellie Mann. RUMMAGE SALE The Rainbow Girls will sponsor a rummage sale at Kehoe’s tailor shop on East Broad Street Satur day, beginning at 9 a.m. Johnson of Laurinburg. Mrs. Lucy Walters and Mrs. 1 Ethel Sturgess of New York are house guests of Mrs. W. E. Cox, at Resthaven. They are on their way to Florida to join their sister, Miss Edena Curry, who is at Mi- ' IM »■ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Younts and children, Millard and Sandra spent several days over the week end at Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Howard returned Friday from a trip through the Blue Ridge mountain country. They visited her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Carson, in Johnson City, Tenn., also their son Manly How ard in Morristown, Tenn. They were away six days. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hofer of Levittown, N. Y., spent Thursday with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fer guson. Kure Beach. Cephas, who was at home for a week, left Sunday afternoon for Frederick, Md., to resume his work. Miss Gertrude O’Bryan, a for mer local resident, arrived Sun day night from Los Angeles, Calif., to spend some time. She is staying in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Harriss. Mrs. J. L. Thompson and daughter Lolly, also her son Bill and his wife, of Heflin, Ala., left Tuesday after * visiting Mrs. Thompson’s mother, Mrs. B. W. Thomas, and sisters, Mr. G. W. Mattocks and Mrs. Donald P. Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Council had as guests at an outdoor picnic supper Saturday evening her mother, Mrs. C. R. Hester, of St. Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall French of La Feria, Tex., sister and brother-in-law of Mrs. Coun cil. Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. ’Thomas spent the Fourth of July holiday in Raleigh with their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thomas. Mrs. Joe Montesanti, Sr., left Sunday to spend a month in the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Col. and Mrs. A. B. Adams, in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Mat thews and family of Fayetteville visited his mother, Mrs. W. D. Matthews, Sunday afternoon and the girls, Lana and Kay, are re maining for a visit of several days. News came Wednesday that their maternal grandfather, Rog er Utley of Fayetteville, who has been an invalid for some time, had suffered another stroke. s. c. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Levy and sons, Jeffrey and Bobby, of North Leak Street returned late last week from a vacation trip to Long Beach, Long Island, N. Y., where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson of Manly have received news of the safe arrival in Germany of their daughter, Mrs. H. W. Roberts of Southern Pines, and children, Nicky and Harriet. They made the trip by plane in twelve and _ half hours and were met by CWO Roberts, who is on a tour of duty there. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wright re turned Saturday from a two weeks’ vacation trip. 'They visit ed relatives in Kalamazoo and Charlotte, Mich., and returned by Fort Thomas, Ky., where they stopped for four days with 1st Lt. and Mrs. Martin Tinker and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Prim and Carole Ann spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach, S. C., and brought David Prim home after a visit to his brother James, who is serving as a lifeguard at the beach. Mr and Mrs. George Chatfield and son, David, left Sunday for their home in Chartley, Mass., after spending a week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chatfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart were at Carolina Beach for the weekend. Mrs. T. C. McFarland, who on June 25 entered Moore County Hospital where she has been re ceiving treatment for virus pneu monia, is reported to be improv ing- . . J . Mrs. R. P. Brown was joined by her husband for a two weeks’ va cation in the western part of Vir ginia and they have now gone to Norfolk, Va., for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Atlas Eastwood returned to Anderson, S. C., Sat urday after a July 4 weekend visit West End 4-H Member Awarded WC Scholarship Miss Vivian Thomas Tucker, senior 4-H Club member from West End, has been awarded a Sears, Roebuck Foundation Scho larship. The scholarship is given on the basis of record in high school, community activities, and partici pation in 4-H Club projects, basis of record in high schol, com- She will enter the school of home economics this fall at W. C. U. N. C. A very active 4-H club member of the West End Senior 4-H Club, she has been 4-H county and Southeastern District winner in various projects numer ous times. Her “pet” of the many projects she has taken in club work is frozen foods; she was de clared district winner recently in the vegetable and fruit use de monstration. The title of her demonstration was ‘Let’s Live The Peachy Wayl,” various ways in which frozen peaches may be used in dishes the year round. The finals for the contest will be held July 26 at State College during 4-H Club Week. Rector Named To Recreation Group The Rev. Martin CaidweU, rec tor of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, this week accepted ap pointment by the town council to the Southern Pines recreation ad visory committee. He will fill the unexpired term of the Rev. Dr. Cheves K. Ligon, pastor of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church, who is now on leave of absence from the church. The resignation of the Rev. Dr. Ligon was accepted with regret by the council during its regular meeting Tuesday night. Council directed City Manager Tom E. Cunningham to accept the resignation by letter, with expres sion of thanks for his service to the town. The term to be served by the Rev. Mr. Caldwell runs until June, 1958. The Rev. Dr. Ligon was chairman of the committee. A new chairman will be chosen by members of the group. Others members of the commit- Mary Grover, Mrs. tee are: Mrs. . „ ^ -o Nancy Marley, Warren Bell, T. R. rMfSerMrirB-TastVo;^: ?e^y’H?a§,?°hii™ore ^T/oe and the Graham Culbreths. Garzik^^ - WE BUY AND SELL (sssrSf.,. See Us Now ! PAGE MOTOR COMPANY Ph. 2-5841 Southern Pines