Page FOURTEEN THE PILOT Home Demonstration Club News R‘t>seland Club Of much interest and enjoyment to the members of the Roseland Club was the auction sale which was held at our meeting. Each of the members; brought something to sell. There were aprons, eggs, butter, canned goods and other things from which to choose. Each one was sold and the pro ceeds ^ere sent to the State build ing at Raleigh. The sale went off so well that another one is plan ned for the fall. Another thing of interest is the plan being made lor a demonstra tion on willow basket weaving by Mrs. H. A. Clayton of our club, to be held in the spring.—By Mrs. Clayton Kirk, publicity chairman of Roseland Club. want for the room in which you will place it, and then make sure to select a frame that will bring out the best light and color of the picture. A poor selection of a frame will ruin even the loveliest picture. After the meeting adjourned va cations were discussed. One mem ber said she had a very nice trip to Manteo to see the Lost Colony. Another visited Blowing Rock and other parts of the mountains. Some spent their vacation at the beach. We will meet at Mrs. Kenny Brewer’s for a picnic in August.— By Mrs. Wade Hare, publicity Eastwood Club All members of the Eastwood Home Demonstration Club are busy canning, freezing and mak ing jelly and jams. We are especiaUy proud of the work two of our young club mem bers did in painting furniture for the nursery in the Culdee Sunday School. Mrs. Tom Yoimg and Mrs. Edward Smith painted the following pieces of furniture: two baby cribs, one play pen, two ta bles and a stool. The paint job is done well and looks like the work of a profes sional. Club women are always ready and willing to help out in anything that is for the better ment of the home, church or com munity.—^By Mrs. Sam Boggs, publicity chairman Eastwood Club. Wesimoore Club The Westmoore Club met with Mrs. W. W. Brewer as hostess for the July meeting. We enjoyed having the visitors who came to the meeting. One visitor, a guest of Mrs. Stutts, was from South Carolina. ' Miss McDonald held a very in^ foresting discussion on picture framing. The most important things to remember when pur chasing a picture is, she said, de ciding what kind of a picture you Bethlehem Bethlehem and Mt. Holly Clubs met in June with Mrs. Tracy Sea- well with almost 100 per cent, present. The lesson, “Take a Look at Yourself,” was given by Miss McDonald in a most inspiring way. In the early spring the Bethle hem women were very much oc cupied with sewing. Weddings accounted for much of the needle flying. Now the needles are put aside and picked fingers are ex changed for blistered palms as the hoe became the tool of the day. Life on the farm is certainly ■not the same old thing from day to day but we agree that “Variety is the spice of life.”—^By Mrs. Earl Dowd, Publicity Chairman Bethlehem Club. Mr. And Mrs. Tom O’Neil Purohase Henry Flory Home Sale of the Henry C. Flory home at 110 Highland Road to Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Neil was announced today by Barnum Realty and In surance Company, who handled negotiations. The home, of native stone and frame, was built in the late 1920’s by Clark Arkell, who was then vice-president of the Beechnut Cancer Drive Is Short $150 On Quota Of $3,120 A “last ditch” appeal to raise $150 to meet the quota for the annual American Cancer Society drive in Moore County has been launched by Dave Ginsberg of Carthage, new chairman succeed ing Dr. William F. Nicol, who has resigifed. In making his final report be fore moving from Carthage, Dr. Nicol reported that $2,948.76 had been raised towards the quota of $3,120. Southern Pines, he reported had gone $342 over its quota of $700; Pinehurst, Aberdeen, Vass, Pinebluff, Glendon, Calvary area. White Hill and Samarcand Manor also surpassed the quota. Here are the complete figures raised to date: Southern Pines, $1,042.80; Pinehurst, $661; Aberdeen, $371.50; Carthage, $391.85; Vass, $145.67; Pinebluff, $71; Glendon, $20.65; Eastwood, $22.56; High- ifalls, $32.85; Eureka, $12; Eagle Springs, $30.50; Jackson Springs, $10; Hillcrest, $6; Lakeview, $32.50; Roseland, $10.88; Calvary area, $25; White Hill, $25; Manly, $18, and Samarcand Manor, $19. No funds were reported receiv ed from West End, Cameron, Robbins, Seagrove, Bensalem, Howard’s Mill, and Garner’s Store section. Dr. Nicol urged that anyone in the areas with no reports listed to make such reports to Dave Ginsberg in Carthage. At the same time he lurged any further contributions to be forwarded to Ginsberg also. Packing Company. . , n During the 1940’s Mr. Arkell sold the home to Ralph K. Trix, of Lake Placid, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Flory purchased the home about two and one-haK years ago. The O’Neils have been living at 305 E. New York Ave. PHILLIPS MOTOR SALES Sales — OLDSMOBILE — Service EXPERT BODY REPAIR Newland W. Phillips. Owner S. W. Broad St.. Southern Pines. N. C. \ i i ‘1/ GILBEY'S VODKA FIFTHS *3.60 PINTS *2J0 VODKA 80 PROOF. DISTILLED FROM 100% GRAIN. W. & A. GILBEY, LTD., CINCINNATI, OHIO GOME SEE-YOUIL SAVEATA&P ‘•OUR FINEST QUALITY” A&P Crushed LIGHT MEAT FANCY Sultana Tuna Fish ‘SUPER-RIGHT” Luncheon Meat DELICIOUS WHEN BAKED No. 2 20-Oz. Cans No. ^ 6j4-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Can i CRISP > ISiriefmann Cheese Wafers j DELICIOUS I Burry Goucho Cookies TASTY ’ 33e Nabisco Cheese Rilz Crackers .. SWEET 0=^ 37e Pick Of Carolina Pickles DOG FOOD Red Heart 2 29c Cans Pkg. Dole Pineapple Juice _ Dole Sliced Pineapple _ Angelus MarshmallowS) kl: 29c “ja?- 27c 46-Oz. 97* Can fc*® No. 2 9lbk -20-Oz. Can - 19c Marcal White Paper Napkins "pka!' 10c Marcal Kitchen Charm Waxed Paper ^rou*' 22c Marcal White Dinner Napkins ........ 2 ^kgs^ 29c Marcal Pastel Paper Napkins pke!’ 10c I j Marcal Toilet Tissues 3 kous 29c i Marcal Waxed Sandwich Bags ^kg^ 10c Cracker Jacks 3 Pkgs. 19c SPECIAL! JANE PARKER Cherry Pie Each Toilet Soap Cashmere Bouquet 7 Reg. "17 ^ Bars * • C Toilet Octagon Soap Regular •T — Bar /C Laundry Octagon Soap “S' 10c • Count on A&P for Money-SavingrBuys’in ♦ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Calif. PLUMS, lb. 25c Joy Detergent 30c Spic & Span 1-Lb. 2^r Pkg. Shortening Crisco 35c 3 Lb. oc ean Bab-0 Gt. 2 Reg. 73- Cans Can SEEDLESS JUICY Grapes - FRESH 'CALIFORNIA Lemons - - 17c Watermelons -' 3c CUBAN AVOCADOS each Lux Soap 7 Reg. 17 ^ Bars * • t Lux Soap Bars 25c 2 Bath Lifebuoy Soap Large IJ,- Bar/ F«MoiM>F0r>V«lMe ^^Super-Right” Meats “Super-Right” All Meat Franks 1-Lb. Pkg. Toilet Soap Palmolive 2 Bars Bath 25c Toilet Soap Palmolive 7 1^®® 17r ^ Bars • • L. Toilet Soap Cashmere . Bouquet 25c 2 Bath Bars “SUPER-RIGHT” HEAVY BEEF—BONE IN Plate _ Per stew “ 'SUPER-RIGHT” HEAVY WESTERN BEEF—FOR BRAISING SHORT RIBS OF BEEF - £ 33c “Super-Right”. Heavy Beef—Chuck Morrell’s Pride 4-6-Lb. Avg. Smoked Roasts 57c Picnics » 37c SPECIAL PRICE SPECIAL LOW PRICE! ROYAL CROWN COLA—UPPER-10 DRINK OR NEHI ORANCE REGULAR PRICE 12-Oz Cans 3 G^f-^29c 12-Oz. Cans Facial Soap Woodbury 2 Reg. 17- Bars ' • L. For Babies Swift’s Meats 23r Jar Lifebuoy Soap 3 S 28c PACKED IN FLAVOR-LOCKED LEVEL-TOP MiraCans • SULTANA VALUES • SALAD Dressing - - 35c BLACK EYE ^ ^ plain OR QQr I GJglJl WITH PORK* ^ Cans PORK AND Beans WITH PORK !-Lb. Cans Store Address --1 J-TGA«n»icA-i fommost woo mtaiiw...sinci iw» 125 W. Penn. Ave. jjujper l^arkets THi CtlAT AUANTIC « PACIFIC TIA COMPANY Prices Effective Thru Sat., July 21st Dial Soap " 2 Ifs 35c Dial Soap 2 Bars 25c Super-Suds Lg. D7- Gt. 70- Pkg. Pkg. I