Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1956 Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 NEW ORGAN Installation of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church’s new pipe organ has been completed. The fine in strument was used for the first time at Wednesday night’s choir rehearsal, at which time an informal con cert was played before a - small group by John Shantz of the factory, who voiced the organ. All who heard it were enthusiastic over its quality and range. , Memorial To Mrs. Cox At Civic Club House Has Been Proposed Feeling deeply the loss of a good friend and invaluable work er in the Southern Pines Civic Club—Mrs. William E. Cox, Sr., whose tragic death a few days ago shocked this community—several members of the club have ex pressed a desire to have a memo rial to Mrs. Cox placed in the Civic Club, according to informa tion reaching The Pilot. Some voluntary contributions to a me morial fund have been given the club treasurer, Mrs. L. W. Fitch, qf 640 North West Broad Street. The proposed memorial is in the discussion stage at present, with nothing definite in mind, the final choice depending, necessarily, on the amount of money available. Anyone who would like to contri bute to this fund may send dona tions to the above named treasur er. For years Mrs. Cox was an ac tive worker in the club. She took especial interest in making the club and its facilities available to winter residents and in extending hospitality to visitors. A- MISS ANNE GARRETT PENN is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Penn of Danville, Va., who announce her engagement to David Bailey Crosland, Jr., son of Mrs. George C. Southerland of Concord and the late David Bailey Crosland of Charlotte. Mrs. Pauline H. Crosland of Southern Pines is the step-mother of the bridegroom- to-be. The wedding is planned for August 18 in Danville. Miss Sturdivant, Saturday Bride-Elect, Feted At Dinner Party Miss Blanche Sturdivant of 830 North Ashe Street, whose mar riage to Page W. Choate of South ern Pines will take place at 5 p.m. Saturday at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and i Mrs. Clarence Freeman, in Biscoe, I was honored Friday night at a; dinner party given by Mr. and ! Mrs. Horace Mullinix at the Dutch ; Farm restaurant near Sanford, i i'hey presented the honoree a cor- | sage of white carnations and a. i I gilt of silver. | ^ Guests were Miss Sturdivant, , Mr. Choate and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Roby Futrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan, of Vass. Before moving to Southern Pines Miss Sturdivant resided in Vass for a number of years, where she is secretary for the Futrell Lumber Company. Libby Sue DuPre Celebrates Eighth Birthday With Party Libby Sue DuPre was a birth day honoree last Friday after noon when her mother entertain ed in celebration of Libby Sue’s arrival at the age of eight years. Guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. DuPre, the honoree’s parents, at 115 Youngs Road and presented gifts, watch ing with interest as their young hostess opened them. The chil dren were then taken on a thea tre party, followed by outdoor games on thd DuPre lawn and re freshments of birthday cake and ice cream,, with favors for all. The cake was especially attractive to the little girls as it was in pink and white, topped with a doll and candles. Party guests were Mary Agnes E!awlinson, Jodie and Mary Reid Hall, Elizabeth Brown, Janet Ful- Idnwider, Joan Sandlin, Lorraine Jensen, Anna Dell Smith, Patty Jenkins, Patty Tucker, and Pat ty Perham. HAIR STYLE SHOW—Emphasis was on heads when the NCO Wives Club members held their regular meeting last week. Above is shown a group of ladies who modeled various styles. A list of the models is given in the accompanying stdrv of the meeting. Miss McIntyre’s Visit Occasions Round of Informal Entertaining Miss Bess McIntyre, for several years prior to last year'a member of the Southern Pines School fac ulty, was the house guest of Misses Flora Chapman and Polly Miller of Orchard Road from Thursday until Wednesday after noon, and her visit was the occa sion of a round of entertaining by local friends. Mrs. Leon Seymour launched the social events with a luncheon at her home Friday, and Friday evening Misses Ruby and Geneva Hall were hostesses at supper and bridge complimenting Miss Mc Intyre. Mrs. R. C. Johnson gave a din ner party at her home on U. S. 1 north of town Saturday night. Misses Miller and Chapman held open house for their guest Mon day night, at which time a num ber of friends called, and the final event of Miss McIntyre’s visit was an outdoor supper party given by Mrs. A. C. Dawson Tuesday evening, when supper was cooked in the back yard. TAKE IT FROM MRS. JOHN H. TILGHMAN, 80th BIRTHDAYS ARE PRETTY SPECIAL Mrs. J. H. Tilghman thinks that 80th birthdays are something pretty special, and she has good reason for this opinion, based on first hand knowledge. Saturday afternoon she had had a nap, and (she was thankful to say) had combed her hair when her across-the-street neigh bor and special friend, Mrs. Wal ter E. Blue, arrived. Thinking of something she wanted in the kitchen, Mrs. Tilghman went there for a moment and was sur prised to find two other friends, Mrs. R. S. DuRant and Mrs. Law- ence Grover, quietly smuggling refreshments into the roomi. It' which the two hostesses served ice cream and birthday cake. The cake was a delicious pineapple one, decorated with yellow can dles. The party was sandwiched be tween two other celebrations. The preceding Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Tilghman and daugh ter, Beth, entertained Mrs. Tilgh- mian and her other son and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tilghman and son Hunter, of Chapel HiR, at dinner at their home in Hamlet. There was a birthday cake, of course Carolyn Jean Trent, Five Years Old, Is Feted At Gay Party Last Sunday— her actual birth -day anniversary—the two sons was then that she realized a cele- and their families came here for bration was about to take place, i an observance. On this day Mrs. Within a few minutes Mrs. Net tie Ayers and her guest, Mrs. Inez Tilghman wore a beautiful or chid, gift of her grandson. Hunt- lit; rvycib ciiw. iicj. —, o .1 1 • Au. Bredbeck, Misses Ethel and Ella; er. And, there was another birth- Jones, Mrs. Harry Menzel, Mrs.; day cake. . _ . _ — -1 nir i<T r Alfred Grover, and Mrs. Car’ Foss, had arrived, and the party was on. Mrs. Tilghman was presented gifts, which she opened and ex citedly acknowledged, after T had THREE birthday cakes!’’ Mrs. Tilghman exclaimed. - Fact is, we think she’s still eat ing birthday cake and will be for several days, with happy mem*- ories clinging to each morsel. In and Out of To'w’n Heads Are Tops In Interest At Meeting Of NCO Wives Club Speaking of'things that “go to the head,” that was exactly what the program presented last Wed nesday night at the NCO Wives Club meeting did, and those pres ent were enthusiastic over the result. The meeting was held in the NCO clubroom at the High land Pines Inn, with the presi dent, Mrs. Sandra Crouch, in charge. Other local organizations have held style shows of clothing at their meetings, but highlight oi this meeting was a hair style show, with Margaret Nance, hair stylist at the Vogue Beauty Shop, as guest artist. Margaret was introduced by Mrs Crouch. She discussed the new trends in hair styles, telling the group that hair will be worn longer this ya^r, with the leading colors being red, pink silver, shades of sherry and auburn. Fol- „ - , , lowing in popularity will be plat- In celebration of her fifth birth- blond, moongold and day, Carolyn Jean Trent was giv- ., giso discussed hair en a party Saturday afternoon by ^ showed a number of her parents, Capt. and Mrs. Clyde ,gg B. Trent, Jr., who live at 852 jgg foj. the show were crea- North Leak Street. u ted by Margaret and her co- I As the guests 19 in number .^„j.h:ers Pauline Crosland, shop arrived, they were presented shiny Galloway hair- party hats and party “Ip'^rre £ Sno'ed by colors. The mam table was dec- dresser, wno « models orated with a sunburst arrange- Margaret. A group ment of multi-color balloons, with were on hand ^ party plates and napkins adding ent hair styles, and each took her color. A large decorated birthday turn in the chair while the ap cake centered the table. er described the ^yle and drt^ After several games had been cussed its care. Styles enjoyed by all, Carolyn Jean were the New Yorker, opened her many nice gifts. Re- Swirls, Career ’ freshments of birthday cake, ice I Italian Boy, Grecian Chigno , cream, punch, mints and bubble I Empire, Bustle, Chamelion, an gum were served. I others. Models for the show were Mr Mr. And Mrs. Folley I Mr^ Sandk crouch. ^S. Faw Move To Southern Pines Mrs.' dent M ?berdeen; anj Mrs" Fouly Eusey ^rs Dorothy Pattersom have sold their home at 802 North Mrs. Toby White, Mrs. N^cy Poplar Street in Aberdeen, and HowelR Miss have built a new wing to the home j June Dick, Co Davis of their son-in-law and' daughter, Capodarso, and M y ■- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Butler, on Mid- j all of Southern Pme , . land Road, to which they moved j Bost of Eagle Springs, M ■ Dr. Milliken To Be Out Soon Dr. James S. Milliken is making a satisfactory recovery from his illness of pneumonia. He came home from N. C. Memorial Hospi tal last Friday and continues to improve. He expects to be back in his office around the middle of August. Local Band Members Attend Music Camp At ECC, Greenville Three members of the local high school band, Patty Britt, the approaching year’s chief major ette, Ronnie Rowe and Donald Barber, spent two weeks at Greenville attending the third annual Summer Music Camp at East Carolina (College. They en joyed it so much that they would like to go back next year. Patty was given a scholarship to the camp by the Band Booster’s Club. Ronnie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowe, of 852 North Page Street, returned from a two weeks New Jersey vacation trip by way of Greenville to bring their son home, and were present for special music events on Sat urday and Sunday. They shared the young people’s enthusiasm. On Saturday night a vocal group appeared with the orchestra, and a band concert with strutting ma jorettes putting on a fine per formance was the closing event. Sunday. Housewarming Is Surprise Honor For McDonalds Mr. and Mrs. George McDon ald, newlyweds who are now at home in Kenwood, were honored at a surprise housewarming a re cent night, given by Mrs. Ralph Mills and Mrs. Eugene Lee. Mrs. McDonald, before her wedding in Roslyn, N. Y., was Miss Daro Tro- iano. A large number of friends call ed throughout the evening to ex- , tend good wishes. Party sand wiches and cold drinks were served. Mrs. William F. Hollister is spending several days this week at Old Fort with her sister, Mrs. Charles Stirewalt. Mrs. J. G. de Berry returned last Thursday from Charlotte, where she visited her son, Jkmes F. de Berry, and family for two weeks. The de Berrys have a sec ond daughter, Leslie Michele, who was born July 12. Their oth er daughter is Beverly Lynn, two years old. Miss Forest Dorman of Pasa dena, Calif., arrived Friday night to visit her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Dor man, of 550 East Massachusetts Avenue. Miss Dormah returned recently from Europe, where she spent four months. Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ray III and their four children, of Char lotte, were Sunday guests in the hom.e of his parents, Mr. ai)d Mrs. Dan S. Ray. The twins, David and Donald, now 15 months old, are alike as two peas and “going everywhere.” Mrs. S. R. Newton entered St. Joseph’s Hospital Tuesday morn ing for treatment. Mrs. L. T. Avery returned home Thursday night fromi Sor rento, Maine, where she visited Mrs. James Boyd at her summer place on Frenchman Bay. On the way up she visited Miss Elizabeth Lamont, sister of Mrs. Boyd, in Millbrook, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Garrett, Jr., and son, Pendley, of Charlotte were weekend guests in the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rhodes, on South Ridge Street extension. They came esoecially to pay Mrs. T. J. Garrett, Sr., a birthday visit. Saturday was Mrs. Garrett’s an niversary. OTHER MODELS—At right in this photo are models virho do not appear m the above photo, all tressed up in striking hair-dos. In the chair is Mrs. Crouch, club president. Looking Ahead CIRCLE MEETINGS Four Circles of Brownson Me morial Presbyterian Women of the Church have meetings scheduled for next week, as follows: Circle 1 will meet at 3 p.m. Tuesday with Mrs. Louis Scheip- ers, Jr. Mrs. Lawrence Grover and Mrs. J. H. Tilghman will be co-hostesses. Circle 2 will meet at 3 p.m. Tuesday with Mrs. Joe C. Thomas. Circle 4 will meet with Mrs. C. F. Sexton at 6:30 p.m. Monday for a covered dish supper. Circle 8 will meet Monday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. James Stevens. Jordan Frassineti, who is a law student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will come home fromi summer school for a weekend visit to his mother, IVtrs. Edward Gordon-Mann, and family. Mrs. George Nanopoulos and son, Teddy, and Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Barber have just returned from a 10-day trip to Florida. They visited the E. R. Lawsons at St. Cloud, Mrs. Edith Hale and family at Melbourne, and Mrs. Barber visited her father, James A. Mabe, at Orlando. They did a lot of sightseeing, making the trip in easy stages. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Ledden spent last week vacationing at Ocean Drive, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Blue visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blue. Jr., and little David Blue in Wil mington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Darden and children, Patricia, Linda a-- Bill, vacationed at Topsail Beach last weekend Mrs. J. L. Matthews, Mrs. Her man Matthews, and Misses Doris and Barbara Matthews from out Clayroad Farms way spent last weekend at Greenville, where East Carolina College is located. 'They are paying visits to'several college towns, looking to the time when the girls will be ready to begin their higher education on Tuesday of this weqk. New Heir-rivals Thomas of Jackson Springs, Mrs Prances McAllister of McCMin, Miss Obie Ann Smith of Aber deen, and Miss Beebe Nance ot Troy. Three new members were wel- . corned into the club membership: BABY GIRL AUSTIN I Mrs. Rita Brite of 445 South Ashe Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Austin of I street, Mrs. Georgia Browning of South Ridge Street extension 1255 East Pennsylvania Avenue, now have a family that will at-land Mrs. .Vaunz Brakebill of 265 tract admiring glances wherever!East Illinois Avenue, they go: five little daughters—| Hostesses for the meeting Roberta, 9, Alice, 6, Susan, 4,1 Mrs. Rose Mericohko and Mrs Nancy 2V2, and a baby girl born j Eaye Ratlidge. Tuesday, July 31, at Moore Coun-' ty Hospital, whose name is not! iL TV/Tcoto yet available. IMrS. Culbrctu JVL^G tt aVdliOUXC. ■i.VX.Xk./* — The new baby weighed a little Pharmacy GrOUp more than eight pounds. | annual planning meeting and workshop of the Woman’s _ I and worKsiiup ■■—- MATTHEW CHARLES LOWISHI ^^j^Q^gry to the North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lowish 1 pj^gj-maceutical Association was of Greensboro are the parents of j yesterday in Chapel Hill at a second son, Matthew Charles, institute of Pharmacy, born there in Cone Memorial pj^g auxiliary, composed of 'Hospital on Friday, July 27,Lgj^g 550 members from all sec weighing seven pounds, seven j ^jgns of the state, supports phar- ounces. Their other child is Lnaceutical projects such as stu- Michael David, six years old. ^g^^ scholarships at the Sdhool of Mrs. Lowish is the former Caro-1 pj^gj.jj^acy at the University of lyn Stevick of Southern Pines. 1 Carolina, and gifts to the Mr. and Ivirs. D. Wade Stevick. j^stitute for Pharmacy at Chapel the proud grandparents, went toUj^j Greensboro Saturday to see the| ^.ttending from Southern Pines NCO WIVES CLUBi The NCO Wives Club will hold a picnic for members and their families at Aberdeen Lake next Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. BAPTIST CIRCLES Circles of the First Baptist Church will meet next Tuesday, August 7, as follows: No. 1, with Mrs. Howard All- red, 1080 North Leak Street, at 8 p. m). No. 2, with Mrs. R. L. Chand ler, Sr., Indiana Avenue Exten sion, at 3 p. m. No. 3, with Mrs. W. C. Darden, 430 Dogwood Lane, at 8 p. m. No. 4, with Mrs. C. R. Mills, Pinedene, at 8 p. m. LEARN MORE CLASS The Learn More Bible Class will hold its weekly meeting at 8 p. m. Monday at tl;ie home of Mrs. M. G. McRae. The Harold Greens ' And Guests Take Trip To Florida Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green of 435 Orchard Road and their guests, the latter’s sister Mrs. W. C. Holland and sons Bill and Richard, of Marion, returned Tuesday night from a trip to Florida. In Bartow they visited Mrs. Green’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Brown, and baby son, Jeffrey, five months old. This was the first time the Greens had seen their grandson, so getting acquainted with him was a highlight of the trip. Mrs. Holland and the boys are remaining here until Sunday. ; Dr. And Mrs. Neal !_ieave This Week On iSforthern Vacation Dr. and Mrs. J. I. Neal are leav ing today or tomorrow on what promises to be a redrletter vaca tion extenjding through the month of August. They will go to Yonkers and Saratoga, N. Y., to Boston, Mass., then to New Hampshire where they will meet Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jellison. The four will drive to Bar Har bor, Me., and journey aboard the Bluenose to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. They plan to spend about 10 days sightseeing in Nova Scotia. The new Bluenose was put into service around the first of this year and carries 600 pas sengers and 160 automobiles. new baby and his family. Jimmy and Tommy Tew snent from Saturday until Thursday in Hamlet visiting their grandpa rents. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leather- bury. Mr. and Mrs. James C. McPhail and daughter. Miss Ann Collier McPhail, who resided in the Mrs. James Boyd apartment, have mov ed to Richmond, Va., their home before coming to Southern Pines. SHERI SUE SIMPSON Capt. and Mrs. Henry E. Simp son, Jr., of 355 South May Street are the parents of a daughter, Sheri Sue, born July 20 at Moore County Hospital. Sheri Sue’s maternal grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam H. Shimer, Sr., of Indianapolis, Ind., arrived last week to see their new granddaughter. Mr. Shimer will leave tomorrow for Indianapolis, OPEN FRIDAY The Civic Club building will be open this Friday afternoon as usual and each Friday thereafter. Mrs. S. D. Fobes, her daughter Arden and son, Don Walter, re turned Friday night from a two weeks’ vacation trip. They went to Montclair, N. J., and New York City, and Arden spent a part of the time with Dawn Cheng in Burlington, Vt. , « tv,,, Emerson Humphrey left the middle of the week for his usual month-long stay in Blowing Rock, where he maintains a studio throughout the month of August and does sports news photography for the Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce. was Mrs. Graham Culbreth. Duplicate Club Lists Winners High Score winners at Tues day night’s meeting of the Sand hills Duplicate Bridge Club, held at the Southern Pines Country Club, were: first, Mrs. Roy Grinnell-and Mrs. Jean Ed- son; second, ,Mrs. C. D. May and Temple Grinnell; third, Mrs. leave tomorrow lor , r„rtis but Mrs. Shimer is remaining for Frank Roberts and Mrs. Curtis a longer stay with the Simpsons. Townshend. PHARMACISTS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT OUR STORE Let us fill your next Prescription OPEN SUNDAY BROAD STREET PHARMACY Prescription Headquarters Phone 2-5411 Southern Pines. N. C. PHARMACISTS ON DUTY Jerry Rhoades J®® Monlesanti, Jr., Prop.

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